CH Part 3

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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Lynxy » Fri Apr 04, 2014 3:04 am

Camilla spends the time the rest of the party uses to fuck salvaging things from the zombie guards, but it pays off as she approaches the barely conscious necromancer with an improvised collar made from a belt and a padlock. "Wait!" She says, as she intercepts Sasha and pushes the knife aside. "I have something for her." She wraps the length of leather around the womans neck and adjusts it until there is exactly room for two fingers under the collar, then works the rusty padlock through the holes in the strap and locks it. The woman was a bit too far gone to be getting warnings and instructions right now, so Camilla let her slump back into Sasha's arms when she was finished. "Eu pedít eschanciglhar tú. But for now, this will help you learn your place." She then gives Sasha a questioning look, unsure where the sudden anger was coming from, and stepped aside for her to continue dragging the necromancer past if she wanted.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Motoko » Fri Apr 04, 2014 3:11 am

Sasha nods softly and nods, continuing to move the necromancer on...." sex!" she mumbles as she moves past Cam with a shake of her head "Theres money to be made...." she continues onwards tossing the necro off of the platform, jumping down and moving on
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Kittykitty501 » Fri Apr 04, 2014 3:29 am

"uhhh Sasha must we go on now? I feel like.. im on fire.. my armor is.. gooey and missing a peice"

She grunted and slowly sat up, placing her hands to her bloated stomach, first thought was "am I pregnant again?" since last time she fed it happened. looking around at all the goo she wondered where on earth her misstress was but slowly got to her feet. She felt full and her addiction was quite sated for now but like the need for tobacco for a smoker, she would need to taste it again soon.

"well.. I guess.. the jobs done huh? time to go back.. Im having the biggest meal I can afford.. goo hits the spot just right but.. I need to eat something"
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Meep Meepersons » Fri Apr 04, 2014 3:32 am

Lynxy: As you rifle through the minions corpse piles, you find three ruby cores. Each time you grab one, they glow and resonate with your piercings! Mmm, it feels good~ And you can feel your power growing! And your tits! Wait what? Oh god! Your tits have grown massive! They are now G cups! Your armor and shirt burst, OBVIOUSLY. -2 AC from your armor. The rubies hold no more magic and are just simple rubies now. You get 3, five pound ruby balls. You also find several plates of adamantine used to armor plate the minions. 10x 5lbs plates of adamantine.

Moko: You fumble as you hit the ground below, and sprain your ankle. Gods! That fucking hurts! You aren't going anywhere, unless you feel like crawling through all this junk on the floor.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Meep Meepersons » Fri Apr 04, 2014 3:33 am

Meep Meepersons Wrote:Lynxy: As you rifle through the minions corpse piles, you find three ruby cores. Each time you grab one, they glow and resonate with your piercings! Mmm, it feels good~ And you can feel your power growing! And your tits! Wait what? Oh god! Your tits have grown massive! They are now G cups! Your armor and shirt burst, OBVIOUSLY. -2 AC from your armor. The rubies hold no more magic and are just simple rubies now. You get 3, five pound ruby balls. You also find several plates of adamantine used to armor plate the minions. 10x 5lbs plates of adamantine.

Moko: You fumble as you hit the ground below, and sprain your ankle. Gods! That fucking hurts! You aren't going anywhere, unless you feel like crawling through all this junk on the floor.

Necro: Being unconscious, she simply flops onto the ground, taking 3 damage from the fall.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby TCELESBHSUP » Fri Apr 04, 2014 3:48 am

Kathryn awoke after a time, loins aching. Oh God, what'd she do...? Last she remembered... Oh. She fucked the necromancer. A lot. Blushing hotly, she'd gather herself up, grunting and shaking her head. "Mind covering me up...?" She asked the armour, stretching. Whether or not it cooperated, she'd likely just hop down from the platform and hope to land completely safe, before grabbing her pole and setting it back on her donkey.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby MiscChaos » Fri Apr 04, 2014 4:45 am

Recovering from the first orgasm she's had in 300 years takes a bit of time for Alena. While she's sitting there, shivering and rocking herself to get the feelings to subside and resist the urge to jump Kathryn, everyone's off doing their own things. Once she's finally recovered, she eases herself down from the platform, grabbing the ledge and letting her tail hit the floor before she allows the rest of herself down. Picking her way across the floor, she gets curious about the glowing purple tubes that were in the corner and decides to check those out.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby TCELESBHSUP » Fri Apr 04, 2014 4:49 am

Rather curious, she would join Alena in her investigation. "Go on ahead without us." Kathryn would call to the group. "We'll catch up..." She sounded so tired after her fuck-a-thon. Adjusting the Crystal Hearth on her back, her arms would cross, a yawn escaping her. They'd be perfectly safe together. "What're you looking at, Alena?" She was genuinely curious about what she was so interested in. Perhaps the tanks held some kind of answer to the necromancer's experiments?
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Meep Meepersons » Fri Apr 04, 2014 4:59 am

Misc: As you investigate the tubes, you find there are people in them! Whether they are alive or dead, you are not sure. But you recognize the glow of the liquid inside to be the same as the crystals from the cavern you emerged from.

TCEL: If you look as well, you see the same as above.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Motoko » Fri Apr 04, 2014 5:12 am

Sasha sighs as she continues to pull the still rather knocked out necromancer along with her out of the building, she wasn't curious about anything in the room really, she was more or less exclusively interested in getting paid. Getting a rest. Getting a bath....Getting rid of her boner....Maybe not even in that order! She would of course be walking at a normal pace,and looking at the ground when she wasn't sure of her footing . she also remembers too breathe as she walks. Oh and move her tongue so she doesn't suffocate.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby MiscChaos » Fri Apr 04, 2014 5:13 am

Alena has to resist the urge to jump back as she sees what's in the tube. Just what does it mean that the fluids inside share the same beauty as the crystal cave she first saw? Nothing good, she bets. "Floating people. Floating people in liquid crystal. I'm going to try to break them out." She says to Kathryn, pulling her sword out and swinging, trying to cut the tube open without cutting the person within it.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Meep Meepersons » Fri Apr 04, 2014 5:24 am

Misc: Your blade cuts right through it! The glass shatters and the fluid poors out, well sorta. It actually sprays out at you! But you manage to move back and out of the way. It however still touches your snake half on the floor, and washes over Kathryn's feet. Nothing seems to happen. And a naked body is laying limp at the base of the tube. The bottom of the tube is still partially intact, still holding some of the liquid. The person is a young woman, and she does not look like she is breathing. You are not sure if she is even alive or not.

TCEL: Your armor is back on btw.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby TCELESBHSUP » Fri Apr 04, 2014 5:29 am

Kathryn attempted to reach in and pull the person out, frowning a bit. "Good strike." She would praise Alena. She'd planned to strike as well, but... Apparently, it wasn't necessary in the slightest. The woman was just a regular woman, really... It wouldn't be too hard to lift her, now would it? And even she knew how to check a pulse and a person's breathing. Needed to ascertain whether she was alive or dead.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Meep Meepersons » Fri Apr 04, 2014 5:32 am

TCEL: The woman is dead, but she's still warm. Strange.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby MiscChaos » Fri Apr 04, 2014 5:34 am

So the woman is dead. Now the question becomes did she die because Alena cut her out of the tube. Because if she did, that seriously makes her question the wisdom of cutting anyone else out. Alena looks to see if she can find a cause of death. If it was her then... well, her plans for the other 5 capsules just died as well.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Meep Meepersons » Fri Apr 04, 2014 5:42 am

Misc: You are not sure how you know this, but you just know it. The woman's soul has been removed, and you know it has something to do with the tube she was in and the liquid she floated in.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby MiscChaos » Fri Apr 04, 2014 5:48 am

That... that has to be the most disturbing thing Alena has ever seen in her 320 years of life. The woman has somehow lost her very soul! She has a very strong urge to go back up to the platform and crush the life out of the Necromancer. She just resists the urge for now for something a little more productive. Namely, seeing if she can get any of the other people out before they too lose their souls. "Kathryn, this woman has had her soul stolen from her! Quickly, we must save the others before they befall a similar fate!" She calls out before moving to another tube and repeating the process of cutting the captive out
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby TCELESBHSUP » Fri Apr 04, 2014 5:57 am

Eyes widening, naturally Kathryn would set to work, drawing her sword rapidly and beginning to smash the tubes on the opposite side of the room as best she could. If these people were having their souls sucked out... What did that even mean? Normally, she'd be able to think it through, but... She felt so... Dim. So very, very dim compared to normal. Either way, she was acting as quick as she could, using her sheer might to smash each tube and check each person for breathing or a pulse.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Lynxy » Fri Apr 04, 2014 6:04 am

Camilla shuffles uncomfortably in her suddenly quite tight clothes as she struggles to at least fake the straps on her armor to cover herself. Once she's finally satisfied that she's done all she can, though she's still showing generous cleavage from all angles, she walks to the edge of the pillar and takes a seat dangling her legs off and kicking them for a moment while trying to decide if she wants to try and climb down. She could just slide off from her seat, but that would still be an uncomfortable 7 foot drop; she could roll over and try to climb down, but her suddenly huge chest and the bulge in her pants was sure to cause problems there for the moment; she could also get some help. "Would either of you mind helping me down?" She called out to the two women inspecting the tubes. "Getting up was a whole lot easier." She kicked her feet for a moment while considering Alena's revelation about the tubes. "Someone should catch our grumpy rogue and drag the necromancer back in here to explain this before we leave."
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Meep Meepersons » Fri Apr 04, 2014 6:17 am

TCEL&Misc: You smash the remaining tubes, but only 1 person is still alive. A little girl. She unconscious, and has long pointy ears. You assume she is an elf.
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