by Meep Meepersons » Fri Apr 04, 2014 1:10 am
Taria: It takes a while, but you finally manage to revive the fallen elf! And damn, she orgasm from it! Go figure.
Kitty: You come back to life, only to experience a mind bending orgasm!
TCEL: The bitch moans into your mouth, running her hands through your hair as you jackhammer her flooded cunt. Eventually, her stomach just can't hold anymore, and it starts to ooze out in massive globs, glazing your thighs and nethers. Your balls are coated in a warm sheen and the sensation send you over the edge, injecting a fresh batch into the well bred bitch. Finally sated, you both pass out in a variable lake of your cum.
Sanaki: Your tentacles slip in easily, DPing BOTH of Kon's holes, and this sends her instantly to the edge. The bases of her cocks swell! Oh god, she has knots!? Wasn't she a cat of somekind!? Then you remember about the thong, and how it transforms those who where it to be more like your goddess, who is a wolf! By the goddess! Your so full! Kon's cocks pump gouts of cum into your womb and ass. Your belly bloats quickly, growing to appear as though you were 9 months preggers with twins! You orgasm, hard! Your cunt spasms and sprays girly juices onto yours and Kon's crotches. Your tentacles do not slack off either, and they spray their sticky green hued white spunk into Kon's holes, pudging up her belly to.
Everyone: The energies from all the sex is so powerful, each and everyone of you ends up orgasm without even touching youselfves, your cocks and your cunts spraying your sexy fluids with reckless abandon, racking your brains with pleasure asplender. The platform is covered in cum inches hi, and runs off the edges in a thick ropes.