Kelenmabre Chronicles

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Re: Kelenmabre Chronicles

Postby Sortaix » Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:28 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Cairy looks over Candy for a moment.
"You should try the stall by the potion shop. The one with the weasel. He is a slimy male, who will flirt with you far more than he should, but he is the only person out there who might have magical weapons or armor, outside of the guild. As for the quest, I need you to head out to the eastern forest, where some first year students are out training with one of our teachers. They haven't sent word for a few days. Long enough to warrant a search. However, knowing them, they might just be drunk somewhere."
Cairy said with a concerned look on her face, before it turned into a sly smirk.

Arashi and Lulu:
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The older man looked over to Arashi and Lulu, and looked them over. He had some black armor, with the pelt of a black wolf draped over his shoulders for warmth. He then extended a hand to the two newcomers.
"Welcome, my name is Roric. These other welps here are all fighters Guild hopefuls as well. I'll introduce them. You have Melwin, Torga and Sheera."
Roric said as he pointed to the elven man, who rasied his hand, the human, who gave a nod, and a wolf woman, who raised her hand, all in greeting.
"So you know, our quest tomorrow, will involve delving into an ancient ruin and fighting a demon. The demon we will find, will most likely be an incubus. They are big, muscled, and powerful. However, they are also slow moving. their claws and teeth are sharp, but otherwise they don't have any natural weapons, as they aren't good at magic. The incubus rely on strength. The Succubus however, rely on magic. So, on the very rare chance you see one, just frigging run. I can't keep my eyes on all of you at the same time."
Roric said as he pulled his shield up and sat it behind him to lean against.
"Our fighters guild started as demon hunters. We worked with the mages guild for a while hunting the things down and exterminating them. However, once the demons were all but wiped out, we began to bicker amongst ourselves and soon our two guilds were at each others throats. As things are, we only have a few magic artifacts left to keep us safe from those things. I have one, but you kids gotta stay close to me for it to work. Everyone understand? Good."
Roric said as he leaned back and looked into the fire.

Rosa and Wulf:
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Rosas plan worked, and the wolf ended up bashing his head on a rock. However, once he regained his composure, he delivered a swift kick with his hind legs to Wulf. She caught the blow straight to her chest, which knocked the wind out of her for a moment. She also saw her health bar go down a bit, as well. 6/10 The wolf then shook his head as he turned around, and bared his teeth, growling, ready to charge again, however, he was facing the wrong direction.
Rosa rolls a: 11
Wulf rolls a: 1
Wolf demon rolls a : 7
Wolf Demon hp 20/30 (Dazed, lower chance to hit, by 3)

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Once Karina made her intentions known, the man stood silent.
"Well, you can't say I didn't warn you, Woman."
He said, as he smiles at her before walking away, into the crowd. After that however, Karina has no more trouble for a time. She makes her way out of the gates and down into the forest. She could hear the birds chirping around her, and she walked into a small spider web more than once. Though, she was able to avoid a large bee hive, that she nearly walked into. However, as she made her way near the edge of the forest, to a small clearing, where she could see what must have been the hunters hut, an arrow hit straight into the tree in front of her.
"I tried to warn you, Woman."
She heard a familiar voice say, as she looked over to see the man from New Haven aiming a bow at her.
"I tried to warn you, but you wouldn't listen. Now, I'm going to have to send a message to your boss. Drop those arrows and strip down, or I put an arrow in your lung."
The fiend was to her left, aiming his bow at her. However, that also put him on her shield side, if she wanted to try to resist him. He is about ten feet away from her, and standing behind a waist high bush, with a tree on his right side, that he is brushing against. He has his bow up, but not drawn back, fully as he appears to expect her to do as he says.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Ava made a good choice at not trusting the two men. As she unleashed her torrent of arrows, she discovered something. She discovered that she had a set of skills.
Enchanted arrow: Adds 50% damage to attack if successful, no element. 3 post cool down.
Target lock: Magical bolts add +1 to hit chance. (Permanent buff)
As she fired her arrows, at the men. She hit one in the side with her attack. However, the second one was able to dodge her bolts, and was able to get close enough to slash at her. The blade his her leather armor, and she didn't feel any pain. However, she did see her health bar go down. 8/10
You roll a: 7
Bbnadit rolls a: 3 HP 4/8
Bandit rolls a: 9 HP 8/8

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

You breath deep in the skin of your new character, and smell the sweet virtual air. As you look up at the digital sky, you hear a voice in front of you. You now stare face to face with a wolf anthro in a rather fine suit. He gives you a polite greeting.
"Welcome player, to what I promise will be the most realistic virtual reality experience you have ever had. You will feel, smell, taste, and hear everything that your character does, and for all purposes, you are your character now. Breath deep in your new body, and take your first steps into your new virtual life. I happily welcome you to the country of....hold on a minute."
The wolf says, as he plops down onto his behind, and pulls up his sleeve to gnaw at his arm for a moment.
"Damn virtual fleas. As you can see, the techs did go a little overboard with some details, but that is why we asked you here to help us test this game, and let us know what should be and what should not be in the game."
He says, as he stands back up, and begins to scratch his ear, at which point you can see several fleas jump off of him, and deploy small parachutes, to safely reach the ground. The wolf looks over the entire spectacle for a moment before placing a paw over his face in embarrassment.
"My employees do love to embarrass me."
He says, before extending his hand in greeting.
"I am Sortaix Silent, owner of Silentium corporation. I wanted to greet you in person before allowing you to test my companies newest game. I do hope you enjoy yourself."
The wolf said as he shakes your hand, then he walks back and slowly disappears, before uttering one last statement.
"And remember that while we do watch your moves, we do respect your privacy, and we won't watch everything that you do."

Then as you looked around, thge green walls of virtual limbo disappear, and you find yourself standing on a dirt road. You can see the forest all around you, and straight ahead, the large wooden gates of a city. The sign narby reads,
"New Haven
As far as you can get
from civilization, and
still be required to wear clothing"

You look up and see the large wooden gates of the city, in their walls. The walls however, appeared to be half stone and half wooden. The city was in the middle of transitioning its wooden walls to proper and sturdy stone walls. You gaze in wonder as you make your way inside the mystical gates, and now find yourself standing in the town square. You can see a tavern nearby, as well as a market place, their was what appeared to be several guild halls as well, one for fighters, one for mages, and another for what appeared to be the roguish types. There was also the streets to the industrial section, of town, as well as the residential district, and even the poor district. You only then notice a message in your inbox, and find a message from Silentium corporation.
"Greetings, salutations, hello, howdy, shalom, and whatever else kind of greeting that we forgot to mention. We thank you for testing our new game...blah, blah, you heard it a hundred times already. Anywho, this message is just to let you know, that the tavern is where the quest board is at, and holds the best place for you to begin your adventures, or misadventures, whatever the case may be. Once you level up a bit, you should try the guilds. Until then we are constantly developing new quests, scenarios, random events, and pranks to play on you...I mean for you, yeah. Anyway, have fun, we won't ALL be staring at your character when she or he sleeps. However, I can promise we will keep our hands above the keyboards at all times....well most of the time."
By the time you realize this doesn't say anything. It's too late to stop reading.
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Re: Kelenmabre Chronicles

Postby Kuragari » Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:43 pm

Cairy looks over Candy for a moment.
"You should try the stall by the potion shop. The one with the weasel. He is a slimy male, who will flirt with you far more than he should, but he is the only person out there who might have magical weapons or armor, outside of the guild. As for the quest, I need you to head out to the eastern forest, where some first year students are out training with one of our teachers. They haven't sent word for a few days. Long enough to warrant a search. However, knowing them, they might just be drunk somewhere."
Cairy said with a concerned look on her face, before it turned into a sly smirk.

Candy bowed her head in thanks at the directions for a possible magic shop. "Thank you very much. And once I see if I can purchase anything, I'll go ahead and head out and see if I can find those students. Shouldn't be too difficult."

With that, she reached out and gave the mare a firm handshake, thanked her again, and headed outside, quickly making her way towards the potion shop, and specifically, the weasel's stall. She took a moment to count up her gold...Unless she'd somehow managed to lose some, she had a total of 59 gold*. Should at least be enough to buy a decent non-magical staff.

She soon saw the stall, and quickly made her way towards it. "Excuse me, I'm here to see what you have?"

*GM, if I have more, please note such in your next post.
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Re: Kelenmabre Chronicles

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Wed Apr 02, 2014 12:47 am

This whole virtual reality thing is rather new to Jim. The first sense of his to come back after getting "plugged" into the VR pod is that of touch: he can feel the physique of his character in an eerily natural fashion, as if this was the same body he has in the real world. Up next, oddly enough, is smell; digital systems within the game's code simulate the sweet, fresh air of the in-game world. The others come back almost simultaneously, with his sense of sight being stimulated by the formation of a green-hued VR limbo all around, piecing itself together in a seamless, yet unmistakably digital manner. It's almost like he just entered the Matrix, or something...which, given how this game operates, is a rather fitting comparison.

The first interactive experience Jim has is a greeting from an NPC, representing a Silentium Corporation CEO, Sortaix Silent. Pretty easy to see where the company got its name, though his "wolf in a suit" appearance may or may not have been his own; Jim's personal theory shifts further toward "may not," given the onslaught of comically deployed fleas to pester him. Well, I guess the desk-workers at "Silent Corp," as he's come to nickname it, need to get their kicks in somehow, eh? The welcoming party with Sortaix doesn't last very long, though his last set of words seem oddly ambiguous; he stated that not everything the players do is monitored, but he never quite specified what they do and do not watch. Ah well. If it crosses any legal boundaries, then he can press charges; until then, he might as well get on with the game.

And now, to move on into the actual game.

With the green data-limbo fading away, Jim finds himself in the start-out town of New Haven, which has a humorous little slogan of sorts to boot. Letting out a small chuckle at the sign's joke, he proceeds inside, the town apparently going through a transition from an old wooden structure to a sturdier and more updated stone build. The town seems to have everything a basic MMORPG town should have: a tavern to grab quests and info at, a market for buying goods, and a number of guild halls. Seems they only have three right now: fighters, magic, and what seems to be either a thieves' guild, assassin hideout, or perhaps a combination of both.

Thankfully, the developers have taken measures to ensure newbies don't get lost early on, as a personal message from Silent Corp is sitting in Jim's inbox, pointing out the tavern as the location of the quest board. A classic source of EXP and coin for new players, which will help them level up faster and be ready to check out a guild, join a dungeon-delving party, or whatever other stuff they feel inclined to do. The devs also have a bit of humor in the PM, which is comforting to know; having a bunch of admins with asses too tight for their own good can hinder a game experience more than some people think. The prospect of helping these guys fine-tune their game formula can't help but bring a little smile to Jim's face.

Taking the message's advice, Jim heads off for the tavern to check out the quest board. Who knows? Maybe he'll make a friend while he's there, too...
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Re: Kelenmabre Chronicles

Postby Soru » Wed Apr 02, 2014 1:53 am

Rosa noticed that the Wolf Demon was dazed which was great for her and Wulf. But Wulf's health was beginning to get low so they better end this soon or have Wulf back off a bit. Rosa quickly ran up to the beast's flank and struck with her daggers. She tried to hit certain points on the body, hoping that the game have been programed so that certain points take more damage than others.
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Re: Kelenmabre Chronicles

Postby eaenidu » Wed Apr 02, 2014 2:14 am

Wulf growled cut wildly at the Demon and she used her skill [Double slash] To try and inflict more damage on the beast She also yelled over to Rosa "Don't Forget Your Skill Double Slash!" She said realizing that neither of them had seem to use it yet this battle, she felt like a dumb-ass.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Kelenmabre Chronicles

Postby Tsai » Wed Apr 02, 2014 1:58 pm

Like hell i will! Not wanting to take any chance Karina activates her shield wall abilities and slings her shield onto her back to protect it while she made a mad dash to the hunters lodge and hopefully get some help. Helpppp!! Some mad man is shooting me with arrows! Help!!'
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Re: Kelenmabre Chronicles

Postby Laughing Hyena » Wed Apr 02, 2014 6:40 pm

"Arashi and my partner here is called Lulu. Pleased to meet the lot of you." Naturally he returned the greetings of course but there was a question upon his mind. "So then why do you need us if we are just needing to be protected in the event we do find something in there that is over our heads?" He asked since Arashi had the natural desire to ask questions since if he didn't he might regret it later. His hands rest upon his knees as he sat upon the log considering some things. "And on the off chance… if we need to activate this artifact ourselves how do we do so if we need to?" He figured to ask that as well since it was possible Roric might fall during the quest and knowing how to activate the artifact might save the younger fighters and players of the game from a nasty fate.
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Re: Kelenmabre Chronicles

Postby [Brand_Name] » Wed Apr 02, 2014 9:43 pm

Entranced with her abilities, she struggled to hold back a smirk, even as the men attacked her. She felt... Powerful. Locking on to the weaker of the two, Ava decided it would be best to attack the damaged man with an enchanted arrow, in hopes of defeating him so that she could focus on the other. She readied her arrow and fired straight at his stomach.
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Re: Kelenmabre Chronicles

Postby Sortaix » Thu Apr 03, 2014 5:10 am

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Once Candy made her way over to the stall and greeted the weasel behind the counter, he gave her body a once over with his eyes, and smiled.
"Well hello there, Beautiful. What can I do for such a wonderfully radiant embodiment of beauty today?"
He asked as he continued to let his eyes roam over her body. However, he did finally pull up a few items and set them on the stall.
Mage staff: Adds bonus to spells and has magic attack: 100 gold coins
Mage robes: Adds bonus to spell power, and removes one post time from spell recharge: 75 coins
Mage shoes: Leather shoes with the word "Mage" embroidered into them: 30 coins
Mage gloves: Cloth gloves with the word "Mage" embroidered into them: 30 coins
Magic necklace: A necklace he claims will help with your spell power: 30 coins.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Jim made his way through the bustling town without any trouble. He could see all manner of people as he walked around, humans, anthros, even a few elves. However, he soon arrived at the tavern after passing by what must be the guild halls. The tavern was a large two story building, made of wood. It looked to be a fairly good establishment. It had a sign outside naming it "The Golden Chalice".
Once he stepped inside. He saw that the tavern was primarily empty. There were a few guards sitting in one booth, chowing down. There also was a table with three men sitting at it, paying cards. Behind the counter, was a very large breasted woman in a german barmaid outfit preparing drinks. She hasn't noticed Jim just yet. However, Jim did notice a giant board in the back of the tavern, that could only be the fabled, the legendary, quest board.

Rosa and Wulf:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Rosa and Wulf charged at their damaged opponent to attack him. While the wolf monster was dazed, he still was able to fight back. He kicked Wulf with his front paws, knocking her back, and ducked to the side of Rosas blades. He then reached up and bit down on her midsection with his teeth, before chucking her to the side. The wolf then stumbled around a bit, before shaking his head back to normal.
Rosa rolls a: 10 hp 8/10
Wulf rolls a: 16 hp 4/10
Wolf Demo rolls a: 19

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Karina makes her mad dash toward the hunters lodge. She felt one arrow his her shield and bounce off. However, once she makes her way to the door, she finds that it is locked. The hunters are not here at the moment. They are probably out hunting the things that need to be hunted. She then sees another arrow hit the door post beside her head, and she can see her attacker approaching her, as he readies another arrow. He is quite far off now, and charging him may not work out so well. If she has to fight him, she'll need to get him closer.
You roll a: 19
Ashen rolls a: 13

Lulu and Arashi
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Roric looked over to Arashi and smiled.
"Simple. This is also a test of your courage. The artifact is this necklace."
Roric said as he pulled out a necklace from under his shirt. The first thing that Lulu and Arashi noticed was that it looked to be solid gold. Also, it was shaped like a comically drawn penis.(<==3) Roric held it up for them to see.
"Just put this on your neck, and you and those close will be protected. I don't expect us to run into any real trouble regarding the demons. But I need to see if you are brave enough to charge into an uncertain battle."
He said, before putting the necklace back under his shirt.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Ava readied her bow, pulling back on the non existent string. Once she locked onto the wounded attacker, she let loose her arrow. She saw the bolt turn in mid air, and head straight for him, hitting him in the stomach. There was a small explosion on magic and he hit the ground with a thud, dead. the second attacker then charged at her with his dagger, and slashed at her. Fortunately, Ava was able to dodge his attacks.
you roll a : 19
Bandit rolls a: 1
Bandit rolls a: 15
By the time you realize this doesn't say anything. It's too late to stop reading.
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Re: Kelenmabre Chronicles

Postby Kuragari » Thu Apr 03, 2014 5:30 am

Once Candy made her way over to the stall and greeted the weasel behind the counter, he gave her body a once over with his eyes, and smiled.
"Well hello there, Beautiful. What can I do for such a wonderfully radiant embodiment of beauty today?"
He asked as he continued to let his eyes roam over her body. However, he did finally pull up a few items and set them on the stall.
Mage staff: Adds bonus to spells and has magic attack: 100 gold coins
Mage robes: Adds bonus to spell power, and removes one post time from spell recharge: 75 coins
Mage shoes: Leather shoes with the word "Mage" embroidered into them: 30 coins
Mage gloves: Cloth gloves with the word "Mage" embroidered into them: 30 coins
Magic necklace: A necklace he claims will help with your spell power: 30 coins.

Candy flashed a smile at the weasel at his compliment. True, he was ogling her but she didn't particularly mind at the moment as she looked over the items he pulled forth. She was interested in the robes and staff, though she didn't like their prices for it, even if it was to be expected. She wasn't sure about the other three items, particularly the shoes and gloves. "Does them having mage on them have any special signifigance, or are they just regular clothes?"

She didn't say it an accusatory tone, merely curious. She could understand why one might try something like that, it probably go over the heads of less intelligent players.

She glanced at the weasel, who was still looking her over, and had a thought. She was rather curious to see if this would work, and plus, she wanted to completely confirm that sexual activity was a part of the game.

Giving the vendor a sultry smile, she leaned over the counter, making sure to he had a good view of her chest as she playfully trailed a finger over his cheek. "You know, I'd really like to buy one of your goods, I could certainly use them, but I'm afraid I don't have enough money. I'm sure we can come to some sort of agreement...after all, you wouldn't want to see a beauty like me getting into trouble with some of the baddies out there, would you?"

While she waited for his answer, she slowly let her hand begin walking down his body, heading for his groin.
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Re: Kelenmabre Chronicles

Postby Soru » Thu Apr 03, 2014 5:36 am

"Gah!" She grunts as she hits the ground. She cursed at the luck the Wolf Demon had. It still had 2/3 of it's health left and her friend Wulf was down to less than half. They needed to be more careful and end this soon. She quickly gets up while picking up a rock. She throws it at the Wolf Demon to get it's attention and hopefully do a bit of damage as well. She takes a stance and wait for the wolf to charge at her. She'll use the same strategy as before and wait till the wolf was close enough for her to side step and slash at it.
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Re: Kelenmabre Chronicles

Postby eaenidu » Thu Apr 03, 2014 5:42 am

Wulf backed off and tried to see if she could recover some health or something two more hits and she's dead
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Kelenmabre Chronicles

Postby Urhr93 » Thu Apr 03, 2014 2:24 pm

Ruby continues to walk toward the city, leaving the party with Kal in the meantime since she seems to have wandered off and doesn't have any idea when she'll return. Once she'll arrive in the city, she'll most likely try to find Niles is an alchemist, of the syndicate quest. As for the reason, it's not to kill him, or at least not to kill him yet. For now, she wants to learn how to brew poison and potions, since they'll most likely come in handy for an assassin like herself while playing solo. She could try to find a normal alchemist, but she won't for two reasons: the first is that she doesn't know where to find one, and the second... is that he'll most likely not be as good as Niles. If he's been chosen by the syndicate to produce their drugs, then his stuff is surely better than that of the others, or their business will not last.

If she has to learn, she'll try to learn from someone with high skills, and since Niles is a target for a quest, there will be most likely a system to locate him, so she won't have as much trouble in her search for him.
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Re: Kelenmabre Chronicles

Postby Laughing Hyena » Fri Apr 04, 2014 4:57 am

"Alright then. I'm ready to go whenever you are Roric." He said though it was a touch humorous that the amulet had a dick upon it when it was meant to deter lust demons. Still they had a job to do and he was going to do just that. He was ready for whatever was coming. Now that he knew how to use that amulet in case Roric somehow died during this endeavor then at the very least there was some chance to salvage this quest. Whether it was scripted or not he couldn't say but either way they had to be careful about this.
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Re: Kelenmabre Chronicles

Postby MiscChaos » Fri Apr 04, 2014 10:25 am

Lulu was now extremely hesitant to go on this mission. Protection artifacts are fine and all, but why the hell does it have to look like a penis!? Just what sick game are they pulling here? Besides, when you stop to think about it, a penis wouldn't be all that great for protection. All the nerves it's got, it's gotta feel pretty nasty to get hit there if you piss someone off. Why would you make something like THAT a protection charm? Especially for lust demons? What, is it supposed to be thrown and the demons chase down the dick instead of you? Oh, this is getting dumber the more she thinks about it.

"Whatever. Let's get this over with." Lulu sighs, just ready to do this and get out of here.
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Re: Kelenmabre Chronicles

Postby Sortaix » Fri Apr 04, 2014 1:55 pm

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Once Candy began her little tease, the weasel gave her a sly smile.
"Well, I'm sure we could work something out, if you don't have enough money. You do me a small favor and I'll give you a steep discount on some of my goods. And those things with the word mage on I mean, of course they help. I never sell phony merchandise."
He said a little nervously, as she made her way to his crotch, she would then be able to notice the growing bulge in his dark green trousers.

Rosa and Wulf:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Rosas plan worked for her, as she threw the rock and got the creatures attention. The large beast then snarled at her, before charging her. However, this time, her timing was right, as she ducked to the side and slashed the creature down its side. The wolf let out cry of pain, as he fell down during his charge, before getting back up and snarling once more. Wulf was able to recover her breath for a minute, but her health bar didn't go up, not yet at least.
Rosa rolls a: 15
Wulf rolls a: 9
Wolf Demon rolls a: 12
Boss Hp 18/30

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Rub made her way down the street, following the quest guidelines. She soon crossed over into the poor side of the city, and saw an instant change in the way the buildings were drawn. The buildings here were broken and run down, many of which appeared to be abandoned. However, as she made her way to the warehouse where the alchemist was, she stopped in her tracks, as she spied two thug looking men standing around. There was a good bet that hey were mobs. What shall she do?

Arashi an Lulu:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The begins to drag on, and soon Roric orders everyone to bed to rest up for their day. Arashi and Lulu were both given spare bed rolls, but neither of them had a tent. Fortunately there were no environmental hazards, this time they slept outside. They both were able to easily fall asleep, listening to the crackling sounds of the camp fire.
The next morning came all too early for the two, however. The sprites got up without trouble, though Arashi and Lulu took a bit longer to get them up. They all had a breakfast of bacon, bread, bacon, eggs, bacon, and coffee. They were even offered bacon flavored coffee. Once breakfast was finished however, the group packed up and made their way out of the forest. The journey took an hour, but Roric helped pass the time, by telling old stories of heroes an valor. Which sounded suspiciously like rip offs of old Greek legends to the learned ear.
The group had little time to contemplate though, as they soon arrived at what looked like an old Aztec pyramid. Roric then bellowed out is orders.
"Alright, Lulu, Arashi, you two check around the perimeter of the temple. Melwin, Sheera you two head up to the top and let me know if you see anything. Torga, you stay here with me as we secure the entrance to he temple."
By the time you realize this doesn't say anything. It's too late to stop reading.
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Re: Kelenmabre Chronicles

Postby Tsai » Fri Apr 04, 2014 3:39 pm

Karina is breathing heavy by the time she reaches and when she tries the door... It's locked?!?! Karina curses loudly when another arrow hits the door. She makes up her mind to stand and fight but she'll have to get him closer. She quickly makes the decision to get behind the house which would force him to close for a hit.
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Re: Kelenmabre Chronicles

Postby [Brand_Name] » Fri Apr 04, 2014 7:53 pm

Very pleased with her handiwork of making short work of the first man, she moved on to the second. Hopefully, she could finish him off before he got her with his knife again. She locked on to him and let another arrow fly. Evil bastard.
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Re: Kelenmabre Chronicles

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Fri Apr 04, 2014 8:38 pm

As he trots into the Golden Chalice, Jim finds things oddly...not bustling with activity. Sure, there are a few guards having a good meal...and a trio of card-players over there...and a quite..."eye-catching" barmaid behind the counter...but somehow, he expected it to have more players around, checking out the same thing he's here for: the Quest Board. Maybe Silent Corp's pool of beta testers is smaller than he imagined?

In any case, Jim knows what he's here for, so he heads on over to the quite sizable Quest Board, and has a gander at what's on it. Yes, the lady behind the counter's hot for days, but he'll probably want to gain a level or two before trying his luck with a beauty like her. In his mind, he can imagine a level 1 rookie trying to seduce her, only to be shot down by what effectively amounts to a "LOL noob" statement. He'd be the luckiest newbie ever if he could pull it off, though...

...gah, dammit Jim. Focus, man. Focus! Quest Board. Read it. Pick quest. Chop-chop, man.
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Re: Kelenmabre Chronicles

Postby Kuragari » Fri Apr 04, 2014 10:31 pm

Once Candy began her little tease, the weasel gave her a sly smile.
"Well, I'm sure we could work something out, if you don't have enough money. You do me a small favor and I'll give you a steep discount on some of my goods. And those things with the word mage on I mean, of course they help. I never sell phony merchandise."
He said a little nervously, as she made her way to his crotch, she would then be able to notice the growing bulge in his dark green trousers.

Candy's smile widens a bit, glad to see that she's having an effect on the weasel. Heh, this is kinda fun. Her fingers continued down until they reached the bulge in his pants, where she slowly started to rub and fondle. Her heart began to beat a little faster as her hand made contact there, but she kept her cool as she spoke.

"Mmm...well my friend, what's the favor? Don't leave a girl hanging, I can't help if you don't give me a hint."

As for his comment, "Oh, you don't need to worry with me hun, I don't really care if you sell some adventurers phony equipment. Just so long as you don't sell any of it to me." She made a note to rub the bulge a bit more firmly there, to sort of imply what might happen if she was sold phony equipment.
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