As pready pulls you all into the room, you see two rows of class tubes, big enough to hold an ogre each, along either side of the room. The room is filled with various different lab equipment. Tubing, and a lot of other things line the floor rendering you all to half movement speed for this whole room, or risk tripping and falling. Each tube is filled with a bright pinkish fluid and has a silhouette of human shape within them. You assume they have people or more monstrosities within. The 'necromancer' sits upon a chair on an elevated platform a good 10ft up off the ground. She is young looking, and rather fair. Her super pale skin and white hair suggest albinism. With a hiss, she bends over the platforms guard rails and hisses at you all. "How dare you! I will destroy you all for getting in my way! You three!" She shouts, pointing a hand at the three humanoid creatures before you all. "Get them!" She cries, a bolt of lightning firing out of her hand and into the middle one. The lightning arcs off the middle one and strikes the other two, and a bolt even flies out at Pready! The bolt hits, and shocks everyone inside her, including her! For 15 damage, each. The three undeads groan to life, their armor plated, sewn bodies becoming electrically charged. These do not look like ordinary undead, in fact, the look rather tough. More so then your normal zombie. Their eyes peer red out from the slits in their helmets.
Map: ... a.png.htmlEnemy positions:
Undead#1 3E
Undead#2 5E
Undead#3 7E
Necro: 5A 10ft off the ground on platform.
Character positions/initiatives:
1st dndman In pready 15 Damage +1hp
2nd Gory In pready 15 Damage +4hp
3rd Moko In pready 15 Damage +4hp
4th Kon In pready 15 Damage +3hp
5th TCEL In pready 15 Damage +1hp
6th Kitty In pready 15 Damage +4hp
7th Misc In pready 15 Damage +3hp
8th Sanaki In pready 15 Damage +2hp
9th Lynxy In pready 15 Damage +1hp
10th Taria 4,5,6 HIJ 15 Damage +3hp on your turn.
Will take full move action to exit Pready.