Name:Daniel Stevenson
sexuality: Heterosexual
Height:6 foot 3 inches
Weight: 190lbs unclothed/Flat toned form
Appearance: (Daniel on the left. Alex on the right.)
Bio:Unlike most in the apocalypse that would engulf the world, Daniel thought of it as a good thing, a chance to start with a clean slate. Having spent seven years in prison he did not know of the zombie apocalypse at first, completely ignorant like the rest of his inmates till a few months ago. Having been sealed in the prison till food started running dangerously low, eventually the warden simply tossed the inmates out to be fed to the monsters that they would encounter. Proving to be good fodder to them but not all the inmates perished, most managed to escape such as Daniel, becoming raiders and scavengers, seeking out and stealing, or buying anything they valued. Though this could only last so long, as eventually the group started turning on each-other out of jealousy or greed, the group tearing itself apart from the inside out which forced daniel to pack his things and leave, only having the gear they managed to snag over the months to protect himself he set out and ended up living solo for the most recent weeks. Though eventually he realized his food stores were running low, this forcing him to take a large risk that normally would not be taken, he packed up what he could, stored enough food to last the trip in his backpack... and then set off for the city closest by, unknowing if he is heading to his end or hope to last longer in this world... possibly other survivors for supplies or aid...
Skills:Body/physique:2 Due to his years in prison Danial is quite physically fit, able to perform better then a average survivor that had not worked out much in close combat and when carrying heavier items.
close combat:2 Life in prison can be rough on people but it teaches you to use whatever you can as effectively as you can when fighting someone coming at you with a metal pipe. Giving him a increased effectiveness due to experience with blade and blunted tools.
mechanical/invention:2 Due to his time as a prisoner he learned to be more technically savvy, able to repair or create weapons, tools, and items if need be from more baser things. as they say, Duck tape fixes anything.
rifle and pistols:2 While in prison you can learn quite a few things if you ask the right people. talk to a few murderers and you may learn where to stab a knife effectively... but talk to some ex-military and you may just yet learn some tips on how to shoot a gun straight and hold it steady.
Mental fortitude: 3 Daniel can last longer under high stress situations or being raped/attacked then the normal individual, able to hold his mind in check and not give into baser feelings such as panic or lust.
Technically savvy: 2 Partially due to his time fiddling with multiple electronics to take the parts out of them he learned to a degree how certain powered items work. now is it the blue wire or the red wire that needs to be spliced....
Inventory:WearingA dark blue short-sleeve shirt with a skull an crossbones design on the back.
A black kevlar vest that is slipped on over his shirt. covering most of his chest.
A pair of black jeans, though slightly constricting to make it harder for him to bleed out if he takes a injury.
A pair of Combat kevlar steel toe military boots that should be able to withstand the wear of everyday. as well as have enough weight behind them to make them effective stomping and kicking tools.
A pair of black finger-less gloves to allow grip.
A pair of clear googles to protect his eyes from attacks as well as splats.
And lastly a Black leather trench coat over the whole outfit to keep it covered and offer a minor degree of protection from bites.
PocketsA 'tic tac' dispenser that has 4 anti-biotics in it. (instead of twisting off the top he just has to plop one in his mouth) -can carry a maximum of ten pills in it. be it anti-biotic or something else.
A flint and a small slab of steel for making sparks for fires.
A paper-clip to use as a lock-pick for simple locks
And lastly a Smart-phone with a fully charged battery
Weapons (and where they are located)(strapped to wrists, concealed by trench coat) a pair of 6 inch wrist blades that work in as a last-break self defense weapon in grapple situations [since due to length he has to be very close] for human targets and undead. allowing him to get a edge by introducing a sudden piercing or slashing blade into the situation. He modified the blades with a pair of taser batteries, allowing him to run a current up the length of the blades in case he needs it, who knows when you may need a quick taser.
(disassembled and in first section of backpack) A semi-auto M14 with scope,bi-pod,and suppressor
(holstered on right hip) A m9 Beretta handgun with suppressor and mounted flash-light with laser sight.
(sheathed and on right peck.) He has a Tactical Combat knife he commonly pairs with the pistol. useful for when he needs quick access but does not want to reveal his wrist blades
Emergency small satchelA First-aid kit for treating minor to moderate injuries. comes with a pair of scissors and a small knife in case he needs to perform any extractions. (bullets,broken off fangs,shrapnel,etc) -though could be used on other's if need be-
A empty syringe, nothing special.
Large three-section backpack with two side-packs [waterproof](1) (check weapons for rest) A small stash of rifle ammo. 15 armor piercing magazine's in all.
(2) this section of the bag is stuffed with MREs though it is effective it makes him not have variety in his meals. 10 MRE bags in total.
(3) This section contains a small erotica book (not a magazine, actual reading material), A small case containing a lock-pick kit, and a portable solar charger (to charge up small electronics he comes across)
(side pack 1) 4 magazines for his pistol and a small locket that is glued closed, clearly not wanting it to be open
(side pack 2) A medium sized bottle of water with a filter built in to make sure his water is clean when he drinks it. (making it re-usable and also making him able to fill it from most sources)[/quote]