CH Part 3

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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Meep Meepersons » Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:20 am

Sanaki&Misc: YOu guys are walking and talking.

Gory: You find nothing in the line of traps.

Kitty: You find plenty of tracks, but nothing fresher then your groups when you last visited this place.

TCEL: You easily hold the girl like a sack of potatos.

Everyone Else: You move along the 3rd passageway, it's long like the one you came from, and ends with a fancy wooden gate blocking your path.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby MiscChaos » Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:37 am

Alena lends back in shock that the faith has spread wide enough to encompass an entire city. The church she grew up in was out in the middle of nowhere, a good place for her since she was still reeling from how poorly people treated her, but not a position to make it important. An entire city devoted to the goddess... does that mean that monstrous-looking people such as herself were more accepted? She knows Meep cares not for race, creed, or species, so a city praising her would have to follow the same ideals. The thought of such a place, or maybe even an entire world like that, gives her fresh hope. Still, it'd be best to just disguise herself in town until she's sure about their monster woman policy. "I would love to be able to visit your homeland. The time I hail from are more hostile towards... people of my making. It would be lovely to be able to wander a place and not be concerned of someone discovering my disguise and being run from the town." She says, a soft smile on her face as she already thinks of such a visit. That's two places she has to visit for sure now: Marisa's homeland and the place where her church stands. She needs to see with her own eyes its condition and what the clergy of today within it are like.

Moving away from such thoughts, she blushes as she allows herself to think of Marisa's first question. "I... I have not. Being underwater, I had no idea when morning was or when night approached and besides that, I have been asleep for most of my time there. When I was not slumbering in preparation for another guest, I was usually fighting said guest and when they were defeated I was put back into rest." With the question answered, she turns her gaze to the gate blocking their path. It is wood, so Alena doesn't think it'd be particularly hard to break down, so the question mostly is does she want to break it down. "Would anyone object to me removing this obstacle from our path?" She asks, putting her hand on the hilt of her greatsword in preparation.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Taria » Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:39 am

WerePraedy slinks toward the gate, her body filling up quite a bit of space in these narrow corridors. She immediately moves towards the wooden gate that blocks her path. "WerePraedy smash!" She announces, displaying her intentions clearly as she approaches at her slow, oozey pace.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby TCELESBHSUP » Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:27 am

Listening in to the conversation that Alena and Marisa were having was... Quite comforting, really. It'd been so long since she'd even thought religiously. Though, she didn't know anything in particular about their faith. She'd have to inquire into it... Perhaps after they were finished speaking, she'd ask Alena. She was definitely lightening up as she spoke to a fellow cleric, which was nice to say the least. Hell, she had a pretty smile, even if her teeth were somewhat intimidating. Once they encountered the gate, Kathryn stepped forth...

And then Praedy cried out from behind them.

Never had she began praying so hard. "Praedy, no!" She shouted, hoping to avert the goo-girl from rushing them all straight into the gate and likely causing very severe injury. Either way, she braced herself, moving to try and block the gate off as much as possible so that... Well, so that she would take the brunt of the impact. She even asked the armour not to cover her. She'd be fine! Right?
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Taria » Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:56 am

Praedy fills up as much space as she can as she charges forward, single-mindedly determined to break down the door. Suddenly, the pleas of Kathryn reach her dense brain as she comes to a stop five feet in front of the gate. Praedy looks swivels around and searches the room around her for the source of the voice. "Huh? Why WerePraedy no smash?" Praedy is positively befuddled as to where everyone could have gone.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby MiscChaos » Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:11 am

Alena's eyes nearly bulge out of her skull as she sees the idiotic one come charging down the corridor ready to destroy. There's just one tiny detail that didn't penetrate the (questionably existent) brain of the giant: Everyone's between her mass and the gate! And her mass takes up the entire damn corridor! "FUCK!" She shouts, the rarely used curse word flowing from her before she can think about it. Fearing what could happen to her if the same blob that corroded her sword gets her hands on her, Alena casts Sanctuary around her to ward off any attack. It doesn't prevent her from being engulfed, but it allays her fears of being dissolved for the time being.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby TCELESBHSUP » Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:13 am

Well. Kathryn counted herself lucky. Her and Kon were probably the only two to not get immediately engulfed in goo. Staring up at the goo-girl, she would begin to speak once more. "You could've hurt us all, that's why. We're in a really tight space, didn't you notice?" She was trying not to sound angry. It slipped through a tiny bit. "And we don't want to be injured in case there's bad people behind this gate. Could you please move back and let everyone out of you?" Oh, diplomacy was not her strong suit. But she was trying her best to convince the goo girl not to keep everyone inside of her and not to smash right through the gate.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Taria » Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:40 am

WerePready smiles at Kathryn like she is a child and says, "Praedy doesn't hurt people, silly. Prady protects!" WerePready scoots forward the final five spaces in or to engulf the last two protestors, and then scoots back to where she was. "And WerePraedy smashes! Prepare yourselves." WerePraedy rears back her arms and slams them into the door in front of her.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Meep Meepersons » Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:47 am

Taria: You easily engulf everyone! And your fist hits the door, SPLAT! Goo flies everywhere. The door takes, 16 damage, and basically falls ever inwardly.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Motoko » Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:56 am

Sasha shakes her head, frowning at the now giant pready as she smashes the door, not only making plenty of rukus and noise, but alsoengulfing the whole party in goo. She would try and get out of the goo girl, as much as she wanted to stay in the goo girl she wanted to finally be done with this quest. She drew her daggers, brushing herself off, if she was of course successfull at getting out of pready
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Taria » Sun Mar 30, 2014 10:50 am

Praedy leans forward as she slowly dozers into the room, Her form I no longer humanoid and more like a large protective semi sphere as she head towards the center of the room and gives everyone a circular view of the entire area. Her optical organs can be seen speeding through her goo across the edges of her bubble like some kind of scanning device as Praedy searches all around the area.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Meep Meepersons » Sun Mar 30, 2014 11:51 am

As pready pulls you all into the room, you see two rows of class tubes, big enough to hold an ogre each, along either side of the room. The room is filled with various different lab equipment. Tubing, and a lot of other things line the floor rendering you all to half movement speed for this whole room, or risk tripping and falling. Each tube is filled with a bright pinkish fluid and has a silhouette of human shape within them. You assume they have people or more monstrosities within. The 'necromancer' sits upon a chair on an elevated platform a good 10ft up off the ground. She is young looking, and rather fair. Her super pale skin and white hair suggest albinism. With a hiss, she bends over the platforms guard rails and hisses at you all. "How dare you! I will destroy you all for getting in my way! You three!" She shouts, pointing a hand at the three humanoid creatures before you all. "Get them!" She cries, a bolt of lightning firing out of her hand and into the middle one. The lightning arcs off the middle one and strikes the other two, and a bolt even flies out at Pready! The bolt hits, and shocks everyone inside her, including her! For 15 damage, each. The three undeads groan to life, their armor plated, sewn bodies becoming electrically charged. These do not look like ordinary undead, in fact, the look rather tough. More so then your normal zombie. Their eyes peer red out from the slits in their helmets.

Map: ... a.png.html

Enemy positions:
Undead#1 3E
Undead#2 5E
Undead#3 7E
Necro: 5A 10ft off the ground on platform.

Character positions/initiatives:

1st dndman In pready 15 Damage +1hp
2nd Gory In pready 15 Damage +4hp
3rd Moko In pready 15 Damage +4hp
4th Kon In pready 15 Damage +3hp
5th TCEL In pready 15 Damage +1hp
6th Kitty In pready 15 Damage +4hp
7th Misc In pready 15 Damage +3hp
8th Sanaki In pready 15 Damage +2hp
9th Lynxy In pready 15 Damage +1hp
10th Taria 4,5,6 HIJ 15 Damage +3hp on your turn.

Will take full move action to exit Pready.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Taria » Sun Mar 30, 2014 1:39 pm

all of Praedy's potions she had been carrying in her tiny sack are now floating throughout her form liberally for anyone currently inside of her to grab, they are labeled with cute little pictures, one enlarge person potion, one potion of hide from undead, and two potions of cure light wounds. Open receiving electric shocks, Praed'y core is lit up like a plasma globe, and then Pready violently expels all of her inhabitants directly in front of her.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Goryokaku » Sun Mar 30, 2014 1:52 pm

Kal was moving before Praedy had pushed everyone out of her, moving whilst she could she exited the back of Praedy , into moved into the dark, trying to conceal her presence for now.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby dndman997 » Sun Mar 30, 2014 2:34 pm

Drak was expelled from the goo. Not that he wanted to be engulfed anyways. and moved into a space that was off to the distance. [I3]
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Motoko » Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:44 pm

Sasha gasps at the shock shaking her head as she's expelled from pready, daggers, which she had drawn earlier still in hand. She would move attempt to sneak around the zombies (sneak to d6) in an attempt to creep closer to the necromancer.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Meep Meepersons » Mon Mar 31, 2014 7:25 am

Gory: Unfortunately, you cannot find any shadows to hide behind.

Moko: You manage to move silently, but you can't get past the undead minions. Also, you do not escape the site of the necromancer, or her minions. There just is nothing to hide behind, no tables, counters, nothing. Everything is on the floor! This bitch is messy.... *stopped you to prevent AoO >>* Moko is in space 6G
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby TCELESBHSUP » Mon Mar 31, 2014 1:46 pm

Holy fucking ow, electricity! Kathryn would've shouted in pain had she not been in Praedy at the time- however, being expelled from the goo's body, she would move up to F5 to try and draw the attention of the creatures to her. She didn't know how to act here. Swinging her sword at them would likely result in her being electrocuted again, seeing as they were surrounded by sparks... But she'd chance it. If she didn't they'd die anyway! So, Crystal Hearth still in hand, she would swing it at Undead #2 in hopes of either damaging or felling it. This was gonna hurt her more than it, probably.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Meep Meepersons » Mon Mar 31, 2014 2:18 pm

TCEL: As you swing the sword, your blade strikes true, causing some of the plating and flesh to fly off as your blade crosses it's chest. Turns out crystals are non-conductive! 13 Damage to #2.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby MiscChaos » Mon Mar 31, 2014 2:49 pm

If Alena had a word for nauseating strong enough to describe the ride she just went through, she'd be shouting it right about now. Well, she would have before the lightning hit and she was flung from the goo monstrosity. Then she would have had to come up with a new word again. Reorienting herself, she begins to plan her assault. Well, first problem she sees is that the Undead enemy is surrounded by Electricity, making it a risky proposition to attack them. Luckily she's got something for that. Moving to G7 to put herself in range afterwards and keep near Kathryn, she casts Protection from Energy on herself, setting herself up to absorb the electricity damage caused by the Undead for a bit.
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