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Candy decided to make her way over to the mage guild, which was easy to find. She soon found the tall building, built in the typical mage tower fashion, standing above the rest of the towns buildings. Once located, she made her way inside. Once inside, she was greeted by a chestnut colored horse woman.
"Hello there, my name is Cairy. How can I help you, Mage? Are you hear to seek admittance to the guild, or perhaps a quest or challenge?
Rosa and Wulf:
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The Wolf demon growled out at Wulf, before it charged at her, teeth bared. However, Rosa proved quick on her feet, and she ended up slashing the creature down its side. This also gave Wulf the perfect opportunity to slash the creature as well, with her daggers. The wolf Demon growled out and exhaled flames on the ground, causing both assailants to fall back for a minute. He then growled out a bit as Rosa, and Wulf, before taking a few steps back to prepare a charge.
Rosa rolls a: 16
Wulf rolls a: 10
Wolf Demon rolls a: 9
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Ava made her way down the road, to where the forest path she was supposed to find was. However, on her way down the road, she cam across and unusual sight. There were two men standing in the road, looking over the wreckage of a cart. One was looking low under the cart, while the other was looking high into the cart. they both appeared to be searching for something.
Ruby and Kal:
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My bad, exp bar is 10/20.
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The fight continued on for several more minutes. However, the human stumbled upon a root, and nearly fell, dropping his shield. The elf capitalized upon this and charged forth, putting the human on his back, with blade at his throat.
"You need to be more aware of your surroundings, Human."
The elf said with a sneer. However, the human simply chuckled back,
"So do you."
The human then kicked his foot up, which sent his shields edge straight up, into the elfs crotch. The elf dropped his sword, before falling to his knees. At this point an older looking man in darkened armor walked over to the fighters.
"Not exactly a regulation win, but a good one none-the less."
"But he...cheated."
The elf said, as he staggered back to his feet.
"All is fair in love and WAR."
The older man said, before walking over to the fire, and sitting down with the rest of the group.
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Karina purchased the equipment without trouble. However, once she offered her services to the blacksmith, he took a moment to think.
"Alright, there is something you can do for me. I don't really need a lot of help around the shop. However, I could use someone like you to transport my goods. Here, I have a large bundle of arrows that need to be delivered to a small group of hunters just outside the city. I'll give you 10 gold coins for running this little errand for me."
He says a with a smile on his face.
By the time you realize this doesn't say anything. It's too late to stop reading.