Following the adventures of Kathryn in the Pyramid of Doom and Sadness (I don't got a name for this thing, damn it), firstly the human was tested with the Trial of Strength. Two statues, standing at least twice her size and weighing far more than her stood in her path, holding two long, heavy chains. As it was a Trial of Strength, she figured that to pass through, she would have to pull on those chains. Firstly, she tugged them towards her chest- nothing happened. However, with another attempt, she pulled them straight downwards and the statues spoke unto her! The next chamber opened as they did, the wall opposite to her sliding up and disappearing.
"Your time spent plowing fields has helped you here, farm girl."
"Perhaps the next Trial will help you learn."
And indeed, the next Trial did. The Trial of the Mind. A simple chamber, with a puzzle on a table. During her first attempt, Kathryn failed, losing her way in the midst of the puzzle. That was when she heard a loud clicking sound, and small rocks and dust fell from the ceiling. Surprise, surprise, it was a trapped room! A spiked ceiling, slowly descending, would make itself apparent as stone grinded upon stone. Managing to finish the puzzle after a few more attempts and causing the wall to once more slide up, Kathryn barely escaped by the skin of her teeth, her helmet being grazed by a spike but not much more.
The next room contained the Trial of the Soul. An expansive void of white filled the next chamber, with a floor of water and a dead tree ahead. Two flowers were upon one of its branches- one blue, one pink. As Kathryn made her way forward, she would find herself growing... Sluggish. Tired. She wanted to curl up and sleep, eyes growing heavy... However, her armour intervened, promptly bringing her an orgasm to jolt her into alertness. This Trial was her most difficult yet. It made no sense to her- what was she to do? Then, some sudden compulsion caused her to
eat the flowers! Her body changed, causing her bust to expand significantly and a few other changes to occur. Then, the whiteness faded and the chamber opened.
Finally, the Trial of Heart. Upon a table in this chamber were three cups. One of copper, the largest of them, one of silver, and one of gold, the smallest. Behind them rested a bowl of platinum, with water within it. Taking up the silver cup, Kathryn would fill and drink from it. Everything became blurred, her heart racing, breathing erratic... Was there some kind of poison in the water? In the cups? What was causing this burning sensation within her? Luckily for her, it soon faded... And the chamber opened. What awaited her was her final prize...
The blade that she now wielded. (Alena cameo to show the sword! ... id=2040315 )