by Goryokaku » Wed Mar 19, 2014 5:16 pm
Kal grabs the two jars of pickled Vegetables, and stuffs them in her back pack, as well as taking two bottles of wine and putting them in her pack. "There's a safe room here to rest too," Kal shouted so the rest of the party could hear and then maybe the mages would rest and restore their power. It wasn't much and the stink from the bodies was bad, she was now deciding whether or not to check the other two rooms. Kal left the pantry room, and made her way to the door at K6, where she began to first look for traps she figuring people would blunder into these things if she didn't get here before everyone else. Once she looked for traps she would if she finds any take her time to disarm the trap before listening at the door, if there was no trap Kal would simply listen at the door.
The sex offenders register... I don't even think they should be at school...