Karina made her move, as another hyena was closing in on Candy, ready to attack her. However, the hyena caught Karinas movements out of the corner of his eye, and was able to dodge her slash at him. This caused Candys spell, to pass right over Karinas arm, close to her face. The hyena himself, dodged Karinas attack, and was ready to counter-attack, but he jumped back to dodge the ice spell, that Candy had cast. The hyena that Karina originally slashed, now jumped forward to get to her. This ended with Karina and the hyena after Candy facing each other, while the second hyena closed in on Karinas shield side. Candy was a few feet away from the stand off, and facing the hyena that was after her, but now turned his attention to Karina.
Karina rolls a: 6
Candy rolls a: 11
Hyena rolls a: 14
Candy launched another salvo of lightning at her opponent. This time he was unable to get out of the way of her spell. The hyena let out a loud yell as the lightning blasted him. He fell back from the blast, before he was able to slash Candy with his blade. The smell of ozone filled the room, as well as burning hyena hair, as the hyena fell back from the attack.
you roll a: 4
Hyena rolls a: 3
Karina on the other hand gets assaulted by the hyena she wounded earlier. She was able to block his attack with her shield, but his weight pushed her back, as he separated her from the hyena that had been after Candy. She could see his face over her shield as he grinned at her, baring his teeth for her to see.
you roll a: 6
Hyena rolls a: 6
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