1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

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1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Kuragari » Sat Mar 08, 2014 12:48 am

I figured we should have a thread dedicated to this, so here goes. This thread is for the explicit purpose of inquiring to others that you would like someone to participate in a 1on1 roleplay. Whether it be with one person as a gm and the other as a player, or with both taking the handling of the story equally or any other style, this is the place to find people who you want to solo RP with.

To start things off, I'm interested in doing some 1on1 with anyone whose willing to play the part of GM, and just about any setting is fine.
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Philosopher » Sat Mar 08, 2014 2:32 am

I am interested in a one on one roleplay, at least to dull the boredom of the day at least. I prefer a fantasy or sci-fi setting, and I have considerable career influencing roleplays but never interacting as a Game Master. This would mainly entail my complete lack of experience using a dice roller to decide battle outcomes, however I am willing to learn!
I am also fine with any kind of genre excluding "romances, "school-life" " and "dramas", however I will insist in there being a bit of a smut element included if agreeable. This is the only adult roleplay site I frecuent.
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Kuragari » Sat Mar 08, 2014 1:56 pm

Resolving combat is easy. First of all, you can use the Wizards of the coast dice roller, http://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm, and all it requires as a base is a single die. Roll for the PC, role for the enemy, higher roll whens.

I've been wanting to do a Cyperpunk or Sci-fiish RP for a while now, kinda fed up with Fantasy atm, mostly because I've been running Journey Into Mareth for a while, and I think its got enough fantasy for everyone.
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Philosopher » Sat Mar 08, 2014 11:01 pm

Ah, that's it! Excellent then, I shouldn't have any trouble acting as a GM then. Only doubt I have is my relative newness to this site, where noone really knows me or my writing style yet... still, anyone interested in starting something contact me and we'll work things out then!
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby BlueLight » Sun Mar 09, 2014 6:39 am

I might be willing for 1 on 1
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Soru » Sun Mar 09, 2014 6:43 am

Good idea for this thread, Kuragari.

I'm interested in a one on one RP, though I rather not be a GM.
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby CaptainMagikarp » Sun Mar 09, 2014 11:30 am

23yo guy looking for girl to rp with. i'll gm, scenario based on breeding season game (see flash projects)
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Kuragari » Sun Mar 09, 2014 2:11 pm

In regards to 1on1's, at least as a GM or player, I'm free, so if someone wishes to do one with me I'm all ears, you can mention it here or via PM.
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Kittykitty501 » Sun Mar 09, 2014 6:14 pm

Too help with Silent hill project I may have a Silent Hill 1 on 1 with someone, I'll GM. Sexual or non Sexual I don't mind to be fully honest ^^ it wont be rapid response, once a day at most due to over things Im in and for the interest of working a full time job.
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby eaenidu » Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:38 am

Kitty I'm willing for a sexual Silent Hill rp with you give me some details k?
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby [Brand_Name] » Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:32 pm

Great idea Kura. Oh, and this is something I've wanted to tell people for a while (Kura would you do me a favor and put something like this into your first post so more people see it? thanks bud): for any sexual rp's, I (along with others, I assume) would appreciate it if you gave a brief description of what you assume the sexual stuff will be like in the first post of your rp. By this, I mean that if you assume there will be only rape-y stuff, say that. If there will be lots of anthros and femdom, write dat ish down. This way, potential readers will know what to expect and will know if following the story is worth their while.

On another note, 1 on 1 anybody? I've already got one with Lynxy but I could easily handle another. Especially since she has been lacking on posting lately (yeah that's right biatch I said it). I have an idea to work with, but it'll be somewhat similar to the plotline of "Banished."

i.e. demon rape.
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Soru » Sat Mar 15, 2014 3:51 am

I wouldn't mind trying that RP out with ya, Brand. Though I would like a bit more information if that'll be alright.

As for my interests in sexual 1 on 1 RPs, these are some things I like: anthro, forced, bondage, toys, having to do sexual favors (reluctant or forced), gangbang, straight, and lesbian. I would also like to maybe try an Anthro Pokémon RP if anybody is interested. I really rather not GM though.
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Chloe » Sun Mar 16, 2014 4:02 am

I wouldn't mind doing a one on one RP with someone if they don't mind me being somewhat rusting at it its been awhile since l RP and l been looking into getting back into it. l did have a idea for if anyone wanted to try it l am a big fan of Mass Effect and l was thinking it could take place maybe around when earth was being attacked by the reapers so many people were fighting the war on earth why shepard was recruiting all the other races to help in the fight... so maybe like side story's for these two characters as they fight the reapers cause it was a few months before shepard was able to come back so have it start from when they attack earth and end it around when the final battle happens on earth since most fan's know the out come. And l wouldn't if someone helped me GM or start this cause this will be my first time RP on here so I'm still learning how everything works.

So if anyone likes this idea please let me know and feel free to ask me anything been thinking about this topic for a few days now so pointers and questions are more then welcome
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby [Brand_Name] » Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:41 pm

Soru Wrote:I wouldn't mind trying that RP out with ya, Brand. Though I would like a bit more information if that'll be alright.

As for my interests in sexual 1 on 1 RPs, these are some things I like: anthro, forced, bondage, toys, having to do sexual favors (reluctant or forced), gangbang, straight, and lesbian. I would also like to maybe try an Anthro Pokémon RP if anybody is interested. I really rather not GM though.

Well my idea revolved around an angel-girl who fell from grace and was sent to hell, where anxious demons awaited her arrival... I'm sure you can see where this is going. Buuuuuuuuuuuut, I don't know, I want to do something a little more sci-fi esque. Any ideas? I'm open to anything, especially since we share most of our likes/dislikes.
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Soru » Sun Mar 16, 2014 8:18 pm

Yeah, I can see where that is going and I like it.

As for Si-fi, I guess I can come up with a couple. I don't know much about Star Wars but we can try something with that. If you're familiar with StarCraft we can try something with that too.
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Philosopher » Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:18 pm

[Brand_Name] Wrote:
Soru Wrote:I wouldn't mind trying that RP out with ya, Brand. Though I would like a bit more information if that'll be alright.

As for my interests in sexual 1 on 1 RPs, these are some things I like: anthro, forced, bondage, toys, having to do sexual favors (reluctant or forced), gangbang, straight, and lesbian. I would also like to maybe try an Anthro Pokémon RP if anybody is interested. I really rather not GM though.

Well my idea revolved around an angel-girl who fell from grace and was sent to hell, where anxious demons awaited her arrival... I'm sure you can see where this is going. Buuuuuuuuuuuut, I don't know, I want to do something a little more sci-fi esque. Any ideas? I'm open to anything, especially since we share most of our likes/dislikes.

The best you'll get when including religion in a story will always be supernatural. And, yeah, that writing above? Brand, you're completely ripping the story off of the run-or-rape hentai sidescroller Angel Girl. Shame on you Brand, masking your lack of creativity as such...!
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Kuragari » Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:39 pm

Philosopher Wrote:
The best you'll get when including religion in a story will always be supernatural. And, yeah, that writing above? Brand, you're completely ripping the story off of the run-or-rape hentai sidescroller Angel Girl. Shame on you Brand, masking your lack of creativity as such...!

I wouldn't quite call it ripping it off...just unoriginal. For a sex-based rp, mixing angels and hell up usually eventually involves the angels being raped by various monsters of some sort :p
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Philosopher » Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:53 pm

I dunno, setting aside the sacrilegious and heresy and whatnot a priest would rain down on us, shouldn't it be a more equal fight? After all they're both each other's natural enemies, I suppose just as much rape would be heaped on the angels there would be equal amounts on the demons, albeit more of the sadistic mauling variety.
Angels can be rather vicious, despite their vaunted nature of light. Remember that light likes to erase any shadows it finds.
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby [Brand_Name] » Mon Mar 17, 2014 12:22 am

I don't recall having ever said that I was being original... But yes, you all have a point.
'Fraid I'm not really familiar with Starcraft, but I'd like to be- so let's go with that.
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Soru » Mon Mar 17, 2014 12:34 am

Well if you're not really familiar with SC then doing this RP might be hard if you're the GM. Do you have any si-fi ideas?
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