Candy and Karina:
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As the two entered the small cave, they found little of interest as they followed the voices. Yep, they were definitely voices. Though, they sounded off, somewhat, as if they were not human voices. The two did not encounter anything as they made their way through the dark cave. However, as they turned a particularly sharp corner, they came upon a chamber inside. What they saw inside took a moment for their minds to register.
There was a horse woman, chained to the ceiling. She was hanging loosely from her wrists, as she had slumped down as if unconscious. She was a dark brown furred mare, with lighter brown on her stomach and chest, which was exposed. There were three hyena anthros sitting around the chamber, laughing as they drank and relaxed, not noticing the two, yet.
Arashi and Lulu:
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The journey back to New Haven was uneventful, other than the burned wagon being gone, along with all traces of its existence. They arrived at the bustling town, without trouble, and found their quest journals leading them to a small building set, next to the market place. There was a young looking fox male standing behind the counter, looking over a large book. Their quests journals pointed to him for their rewards. Once the two made their way up to him, he gave them both a happy smile.
"Ah, completed a quest? Very good for you two, here is your reward!"
He said, as he handed them each a small coin purse containing 40 gold coins each. They both then saw their experience bar jump up to 14/10. They then got their level up message on their HUD, as well as a message about their new ability.
Arashi: Shield bash: Shield bash: has a chance to stun opponent for one post. Three post cool down. (Shield enchantments add damage to this attack)
Lulu: Pommel Strike: Hit opponent with pommel of blade, doing damage as well as stunning opponent. Three post cool down.
Ruby and Kal:
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The fox man made his way into the barn and happily hugged Ruby, picking her up in a surprisingly strong hug.
"Oh, Thank you for protecting my cattle!"
He said, as he showered thanks upon them both, before he walked back outside, and giving them each a very large pack, the could fit on their backpacks, allowing them both to each carry a tent and a sleep roll, for camping. He then stopped to think for a moment.
"I don't have anything else to offer you, other than coin, if you want to track that beast down. I'll give you each 50 coins to ensure that he stays dead."
Wulf and Rosa:
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The wolf charged at Wulf, teeth bared as it readied to bite into her. However, despite her arousal, she was still able to concentrate on killing her attacker. She ducked to the side, and stabbed the creature in its heart. The wolf let out a small yelp, before it hit the ground, for the final time, not getting back up. It's life's blood began to ebb away into the ground, as it breathed its last breath. The chamber they were in was now empty, though it looked like nothing of interest was in it. Fortunately, nothing else came to investigate the noises of battle.
Wulf rolls a: 15
Rosa rolls a: 7
Wolf rolls a: 14
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
The goblin clambered after Davea, with its weapon raised. However, her spell proved too fast for him, and it hit him square in the chest. The goblin turned into an ice statue momentarily, before it crumpled away, emitting all sorts of cracking and cackling noises, before finally breaking apart. The other two goblins looked at each other for a moment. They hesitated, as they were deciding whether to attack her or run away. If Davea wanted to escape, now was her chance.
You roll a: 11
Goblin rolls a: 7
By the time you realize this doesn't say anything. It's too late to stop reading.