by VintageBass » Sun Mar 09, 2014 3:01 pm
So, this here is the 10,001th posts. Wow, this has gotten this far, right? Who knew that it would? Well, you probably did, but that's beside the point.
Anyway, I just wanna say that I'm done here. Yeah, I'm done.
Look, I get that you got yourself something here, but as far as I understand, it's just not turning out good as some of us is expecting. Sure you got the people praising it, but to us it's just... boring. I could even say that it's just like the other Mario games that you're trying not to emulate. Well, the more modern side-scrolling ones, not the 3D platformers. Part of this could be that your bias to them and your fantasy that this world should be set in a certain time period because you like that particular part is really holding back on the potential that this game can really have (plus it's truly hypocritical that there are these technological advantages that didn't exist in the medieval period without any explanation). Also the artwork is really, REALLY inconsistent, as there's no real set design to how everything looks, but I guess that comes from having different artists with varying styles working on the same project and not just one.
And you want to know where some of us have gone? I would like to say life, but that's kinda really obvious. For some of us, and I would take a wild shot for the others, part of this stems from the fact they aren't really contributing anything to this. They feel like they are more of an asset than someone than is volunteering their time to help with an indie porn game. Plus there's also a hurdle that they can't seem to jump over, probably something a little stubborn and hard of reaching because every time they try to offer something it gets pushed aside, saying that it's not a top priority. Yeah, you're an obstacle, Ivan. I have to say that you're really quite stubborn sometimes, and I do get that you're passionate about this, but some times that becomes more of an obsession than passion. With that it makes it hard to work with you, considering that some of the stuff we are suggesting would help out, but you'll shoot it down because either you don't think it'll work for the game, it's not important enough to work on now, or you just don't like it overall. And when I was offering stuff that I didn't want into the game, you wanted them in because you think they're cute but I keep saying no.
You do have a community of backers for this and I know that these people are doing everything to help, but it's just hard to work with you if you're also putting up stuff that'll prevent us from helping you. Sure, part of the reasons you are putting this stuff in is because you have no feedback or people to say to you "this is a bad idea, please stop." But still, some people here on the forum should be able to say "no, please, stop, remove that," but they aren't. I said previously "help me help you," and I guess that's just part of the problem with this game. You're really not allowing us to know what you want and we're just randomly taking shots in the dark to get this game forward, and that's not good. Not to mention that you're hopping from one thing to another, probably because you feel like it, and that's really not how one works on a game and that's by hopping from one thing to another, especially stuff that's purely aesthetic, because he feels like making it.
You keep on saying that you're swimming, and I'll ask you this again: "Where?" Where are you "swimming?" As far as I can tell, you're getting yourself lost in an ocean, surrounded by the vast wavy blue in every direction with no land in sight. This game has no clear direction and it's kinda obvious to those who are working on the game. You don't have a set path for this and part of the reason why we're going all over the place with what's being added into the game, and that's another problem with this. There's no consistent path of what we should focus on, instead going for stuff that, as I said, are just aesthetic and possibly add little to nothing in the gameplay.
So far this game is more substance over style and really sometimes that's not a good thing. Sure you can boast that this game has over 200 sex scenes, but how should I go about playing this game? How do I get these scenes if I can't play the game? Some of us are saying that the game is broken and it's really showing with all the bugs in it, and you choose to not fix the backbone of this because that's not really important, instead of adding on to cover things up. It's good that you are fixing things, but still the thing is that this is a game, there needs to be some gameplay to this in order to work, and when we got bugs running about that's making this difficult to play, it gets frustrating that we have to repeat the same actions to fix it. Why not fix the problems?
Oh, you added another Toad scene? And what's this? Bellies and bigger nipples? And a chain and ball for the dungeon? OK, that's nice. But what about fixing up the hit algorithm or do something to fix the panic button? No, you want to do a new dress? All right...
Ivan, I get that this is your game. But you really need to listen to us. We are trying to help, but sometimes you aren't listening and people are getting mad because of your stubbornness. If there's anything I have to say is that you really, really need to take a step back and just stand there. Really look at your game and question if this is the right way you're going. Some of us don't think so. We're just watching something slowly sink from all of the stuff you're adding. I'm not saying that I want this to fail, I do want this game to success. But you really have to listen to us and realize that what you're adding is not good for this game and start working on stuff that is important for this game to work. But if you don't I can't stop you.
As for me leaving... I just found a better opportunity. Quiz, Luft and I found a much better idea to work on and we're actually making some progress on the game without having to throw everything into the people's faces and just cobble something from that. We are actually planning and talking about ideas that will eventually have a completed game the moment it comes up on the site! We still need to iron out a few kinks, but hey, at least we're all agreeing on something.
So for now, so long and thanks for all the fish
So sad that it should come to this
We tried to warn you Ivan, but oh dear...
So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
So long, so long and thanks!
For all the fish!
"Just because you can put your dick in it, it doesn't mean you can fuck it"
- Nash Bozard