Crystal Hearts - OOC

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Re: Crystal Hearts - OOC

Postby Philosopher » Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:52 pm

Y-y-you have to ask, you h-h-h-orny cat? Of course he'll do nought! The lady is dren- I mean FILLED, yes filled, with undead Hound c-c-cu-c-cu-SPUNK, and she's already given you reason back by a mild handjob. Tch, must I teach you everything about being a gentleman Kitty? Very well then, heed mine words and thou shalt never stray from thine path a be, a TRUE gentleman!
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Re: Crystal Hearts - OOC

Postby Kittykitty501 » Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:55 pm

kitty has no need of gentlmanship.. cause kitty is a cat who just wanders around aimlessly. how dare you judge me (:P im not being serious here).. kitty has no bounderies.. *incubus demon form activate* <^,.,^>
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Re: Crystal Hearts - OOC

Postby Sanaki » Wed Mar 05, 2014 8:29 pm

Philosopher Wrote: I believe both I and Sanaki are a bit dissapointed by the lack of smutty in the first page of the roleplay. Why doth thou deny the orgy gods!?

I couldn't agree more, the lack of smut is most disheartening, perhaps we have not prayed enough? or do the gods wish for more? a sacrifice perhaps? quick we must find a suitable soul to offer to the gods

though in all honesty the longer the wait the sweeter the gift right? i don't mind building suspense
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Re: Crystal Hearts - OOC

Postby Philosopher » Wed Mar 05, 2014 8:35 pm

-Kirin stares at Kitty's incubus form. Eyes flicker from kitty's purple adonis-body, his spade tail, his largeish wings... and then settles on his still present kitty ears in lieu of devil horns-
. . . . . How does one do that, this gentleman asks?
-I. am. Boggled!-
And should one be proud of being a stray? You hooligan, no wonder thou hath no manners or class! Doth thou not know class is necessary for a succesful seduction, or doth thou just force yourself on the unwilling like the brute you are! Pfft, perhaps ts why you had to recurr to selling thine soul for carnal flesh; otherwise only whores interested in silver would ever take thee to thine bed? Thine parents must be properly horrified!
((its all in good fun, tis not the OOC thread for that?))

Suspense? Are we in some sort of mediocre television drama? Sex is sex, and we demand sex now! Even if we have to force ourselves on the unwilling(?) undead fauna!
Actually- (turns to stare lewdly at the approaching zed horde. The females, in particular, shudder in revulsion and seem reluctant to continue. The male zeds are now looking contemplatively at their female comrades.)
...Wow. Never had that happen before. Perhaps the gods of orgy have deigned to gift these beasts with minimal sentience so they can glory in a continous loop of lust and seed?
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Re: Crystal Hearts - OOC

Postby Kittykitty501 » Wed Mar 05, 2014 8:45 pm

simples.. I vas made von.. this kitty coil of mine is just to keep people from running avay.. now you who is holyier that "thou" dare ask me of ze maker of this kitty? ooh not ze cleverist of noble gentleman are you.. does von not know not to pick figths with angels of death? I simply win those over with ze power of cuteness.. not many can resist letting in ze simple cat :3
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Re: Crystal Hearts - OOC

Postby Meep Meepersons » Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:40 am

*Walks in with a cup of coffee and a rolls newspaper* -.,- *yawns and sips coffee then walks over to Kitty* You missed replacing a w with a v at the end there. *sips coffee* Yup... *sips coffee again then whaps with newspaper* She allowed you a handjob, silly kitty. *sips coffee then walks over to Philly* Yup, Just cause. *whaps with newspaper then sips coffee and whaps again* I hate gentlemen, to prudey. Bleh. Weirdo's like kitty are fun to hang about with. *sips coffee* As for the sex thing! *now addressing everyone* This is Dungeons and Dragons! Not Corruption of Champions! Giant swords cause missing body parts and death, not horny heaps of demon cooters to rape. Come on guys....Sides, there will be plenty of sex if you bums hurry up and post quicker xD To be honest, I was surprised when my random encounter die rolled a 6% with a 10% encounter chance xD
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Re: Crystal Hearts - OOC

Postby That_One_Guy » Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:42 am

Huzzah, I posted.
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Re: Crystal Hearts - OOC

Postby Meep Meepersons » Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:46 am

From now on, please specify which number zombie you are attacking. This will help me keep track of monster damage.
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Re: Crystal Hearts - OOC

Postby Kittykitty501 » Thu Mar 06, 2014 2:02 am

*grabs my very British cup of tea with the queens mug on it and grumbles sipping at it. hissing as Im whacked with the said newspaper* evil paper.. dam paper hmpth.. tired kitty is.. well tired andddd philly started it! in my defence anyway hehe *whacks you back with my note pad filled with many attempts of drawing my own stuff for flashes* dam brain doesn't work.. urr *zombified sleep kitty* x,.,x
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Re: Crystal Hearts - OOC

Postby Meep Meepersons » Thu Mar 06, 2014 2:19 am

Kittykitty501 Wrote:*grabs my very British cup of tea with the queens mug on it and grumbles sipping at it. hissing as Im whacked with the said newspaper* evil paper.. dam paper hmpth.. tired kitty is.. well tired andddd philly started it! in my defence anyway hehe *whacks you back with my note pad filled with many attempts of drawing my own stuff for flashes* dam brain doesn't work.. urr *zombified sleep kitty* x,.,x

*dumps rest of piping hot coffee on yo head* Awake now? ^^
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Re: Crystal Hearts - OOC

Postby Kittykitty501 » Thu Mar 06, 2014 2:55 am

yes.. I wonder.. has meep ever been done in by a nekos tail? XD haha but I actually am going to sleep now! love all you sexxy people XD hope I dont miss anything!
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Re: Crystal Hearts - OOC

Postby Meep Meepersons » Thu Mar 06, 2014 3:37 am

ATTENTION!! I need everyone to make a 100x100 image to use as your icon. I'm making a map with a grid for you all to use.
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Re: Crystal Hearts - OOC

Postby Lynxy » Thu Mar 06, 2014 5:34 am

Ok, I got that Icon for you.
Camilla Tag.jpg
Here's an Icon
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Re: Crystal Hearts - OOC

Postby Goryokaku » Thu Mar 06, 2014 4:59 pm

a 100x100 image okay give me a second to make one.

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Re: Crystal Hearts - OOC

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Thu Mar 06, 2014 5:14 pm

XD Working on a character now
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Re: Crystal Hearts - OOC

Postby Kittykitty501 » Thu Mar 06, 2014 6:27 pm

ahh balls XD I have to make a picture now? to paint I go! it wont be the best
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Re: Crystal Hearts - OOC

Postby Kittykitty501 » Thu Mar 06, 2014 7:03 pm

there we go XD god dam it im waiting for a tablet, painting with laptop touch pad is hard XD

Ol'gerr wulf
ow.jpg (4.15 KiB) Viewed 925 times
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Re: Crystal Hearts - OOC

Postby dndman997 » Thu Mar 06, 2014 7:12 pm

-lends kitty his shiny red mouse- have at it
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Re: Crystal Hearts - OOC

Postby Kittykitty501 » Thu Mar 06, 2014 7:27 pm

*blinks and takes it* o.o shinnnyyyyyy *paws at it* ^_^ *tackles Dndman* thanks!
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Re: Crystal Hearts - OOC

Postby BlueLight » Thu Mar 06, 2014 7:44 pm

Why aren't i getting any checks to go through? for instance how much is that Gem worth and is there any adventure level zombie in the squad?
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