Lynxy Wrote:I thought of two more questions.
1) Dice rolls. I assume we just tell you what our final roll is with modifiers so you can make the judgements about our success as we do things? I'm happy to use something that lets you check our honesty with rolls (I'll happily tell you when I crit fail. those can be funny) , but It's going to slow down posting if I need to screen cap.
2) do we need to wait for posts to come in in the order of our initiative during fights?
Lynxy Wrote:Oh, I suppose all our modifiers will be on the sheets if meeps wants to go to the work...
Kittykitty501 Wrote:Oh i was just wondering, is that list that meeps made our post queue? When we reply etc? :3
Meep Meepersons Wrote:Everyone Part2: Soon a couple more screams come from within the town. It appears they are taking a few more townsfolk into the forest.
Motoko +9 1st
dndman +8 2nd
Kitty +4 3rd
Goryokaku +4 4th
Lynxy +4 5th
Blue +3 6th
TCEL +3 7th
ToG +2 8th
Sanaki +2 9th
Zombies -1 10th
Taria -2 11th
TCELESBHSUP Wrote:*Awkwardly sits at seventh in initiative* I... I can probably post in the morning... Maybe. I dunno. It depends on how quickly everyone else posts.
BlueLight Wrote: Taria is going be the last to postSlow poke!..... By the way DnD..... Kitty is going to be butt hurt if you don't post soon.... >: |
That's against the rules, you should know.
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