Yeah, Amaris and Tsai, you guys can do your own combat rolls. I use However, it does not add your stat modifiers into the roll. You guys can go ahead and roll for your fight, if you want to do it yourselves. As Tsai has already made a move, I am going to roll for her, and post up the results. After this round you guys can go ahead and do the fight yourselves. Accounting your strength and constitution into affect, you both will take two damage per hit. You have ten health total. And don't worry, I have something funny planned for the loser.

And yes guys,i made the stats take a long time to really modify combat on purpose. I wouldn't want you guys to get overpowered. As for meta-gaming, if I catch anyone meta-gaming, then their character will mysteriously get a curse of extreme bad luck, where they fail everything, for a bit. Until I feel that you have been punished enough. I did this whole thing for fun, and won't tolerate the "I must win, at any cost! I must, I must!" attitude of some people that will cheat just to win in an RP. And yes, I have RPed with people who would Meta-game, and they pissed me off to no end.
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