Journey into Mareth OOC

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Journey into mareth OOC

Postby Steven kono » Sat Jan 11, 2014 10:50 am

A Very Random Guest Wrote:
Gorbaz Wrote:I have indeed played many games of CoC. I believe Rooie has done one or two RP's based on it in the past. Will be watching

Same here, what's your best character?

Tie between urta, kiha, and tainted (since only one so far) female ember

As you can tell I have a preference for tsundare like characters with the exception being urta which I just love the relationship
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Kuragari » Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:53 pm

This game is permanently open, short of me ending up with like 30 active players :P
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Steven kono » Mon Jan 13, 2014 9:42 am

Kuragari Wrote:This game is permanently open, short of me ending up with like 30 active players :P

Sent a bio to see if it works with this.
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Kuragari » Tue Jan 14, 2014 4:03 am

GM Post sometime tomorrow folks.
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Steven kono » Tue Jan 14, 2014 10:37 am

(Hope this works as a character bio, can make a few adjustments if to strong)

Character name: Alexander R. Stevenson

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Height: 6 feet 3 inches

Weight: 210 (no gear) to 326 (armor,weapon,potion satchel when full, and a full item pack)

cock(s) size: both 12 inches long, 2.5 inches thick

Appearance: unclothed:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Standing tall the male has a well toned body, clearly a result of all his training. Him having tanned skin and long, raven black hair that is smoothed back with a bang strayed to the right hanging over his forehead with a white streak running down his right bang due to stress with a pair of black fox ears parting from the top and he has a pair of baby blue eyes. He has a burn scar running up his back from his left hip to his right shoulder blade. Him having a pair of equine cocks and a tight ass. With 5 black kitsune tails visible

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

He tends to wear A white traveling cloak complete with a hood to protect him from the elements, underneath that is a brown leather tunic covering a blue shirt. Below is a pair of leather pants and boots, with a plate of metal built into the toe. He wears a layer of chain mail under his clothes for protection.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

He has very little gear, only a silver long-sword that has a rune etched into the front side of the blade and a inscription translating to 'when the darkness closes in, shine'. This being the only thing from his world he carried over, clearly enchanted with a hand and a half grip (able to be used with one and two hands), and a ruby hilt. He also has a pair of leather wraps on his hands that act as hand protection but double as a way to make his punches more effective. Lastly he has pair of satchels a potion bag that is meant to carry liquid based findings, and a item bag meant to carry solid equipment/findings

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

born the son of a champion in a different reality though he was the result of the champion at the time, robert, and a kitsune, angela's union, born with mixed traits, 4 black kitsune like tails with matching fox ears and a human like body (most of it). He grew up in ignorant bliss in the safety of tel-adre. But he was also trained by his father to protect himself and preparing him for the outside world, but trained in mind as well as body he was well-versed in the plants and wildlife of merith. This peace lasting for so long though, 17 years later the barrier and defenses protecting the city finally broke, the demons and creatures from the outside pouring in and flooding the city, the defenses crumbled. Him witnessing friends left and right being slaughtered, and in the center of it all, lethice... broken in spirit and only having anger remaining he went into a blood-lust rage. Carving a path through the hoard of lower demons and pathetic creatures. Managing to reach lethice only to be savagely beaten then raped. Humiliated and left to die from his injuries his father, having been studying various different forms of darker magic used old blood magic to rip open a gateway, sending his son anywhere better then the hell his home had became. Him turning up on the edge of a lake, thankfully found by a kind traveling merchant and brought to tel-adre, showing to be pure enough to enter. Now, him having been in the city for over 6 years. Him being 23 now, scared by his home's destruction though. This forcing a promise out of him, to not let the same fate befall this one....

Sexual Scale: 5-7

Sex frequency: 5-6

Sexual Orientation: Preferring Females and Herms

Preferred number of assailants: one strong foe or weak foe or a few weak foes

Permanent/Temporary partners: Alexander is fine with most help he can get like his father (pets,friends,lovers) as long as no fights occur in the group. Pure or non, even demon if it is not a ally with lethice. As long as it does not cause problems for him or other members of the team.

Likes:seeing new sights, exploreing, causing problems for lethice, equine anthros, being a part of the action (sexual and fighting), saving those twisted by corruption

Dislikes:worms,being hit on by males, being trapped, Imps, being left out, seeing people fall to the taint of corruption, People who are full of themselves (think people like kelt), losing his sword


Sword-spark:able to use a stone in conjunction with his sword to cause a bright spark to come off his sword in a attempt to temporarily blind them. Note:only works in areas that have hand-held stones such as mountains, caves, and the such.
Warning:can be negated if the opponent blinks, causing the spark to fail.
Alternate use:able to start fires to lightable materials due to spark

Scan (passive):due to his knowledge on merith's wild-life and plants he is able to know what kind of creature or plant he is dealing with that a book would provide including a note on common known strategies they use. And effects
Alternate Use:gives a warning if about to enter a situation that could be dangerous but is avoidable (like encountering a bee girl)
Note: minus knowledge on the situation it does not provide any advantages physically


Breeder gene(passive):carrying the breeder gene he has makes him more likely to cause pregnancy which causes a small bonus to the pregnancy calculation due to virility
Strength:makes him less likely to be effected by males attempts to seduce him and musk. As well as makes his teases more effective on females.
Weakness:makes him more effected by females heat scents, as well as make him more effected by females teases.
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Steven kono
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Steven kono » Wed Jan 15, 2014 10:29 pm

Urhr93 Wrote:mmm... i was thinking, is there a pregnancy system? In the original CoC there is, and i think it could be there too XD

A simple system would be to GM-roll every time cum goes inside the womb of an impregnable PC (one can specify if he wants his pc to be impregnable) and see if she got knocked up. Obviously the chances of pregnancy depends on the amount, for example if only a little bit goes inside (or just pre) there is a "malus" in the pregnancy chance, while if the PC gets packed full there is a "bonus" that "helps" to conceive.
Then, after the end of the sex scene, counting from the first "normal" post, the pregnancy takes place in the next 9 posts, and of those in the first 3 the character doesn't know about it, in the next 3 the belly starts to show, and in the last 3 it's full pregnancy.

I thought about it since it would be "fun" to add that tension, since (at least for PCs like mine) it would add more things with which she has to cope.

Oh what irony, one to mention this and you are the first character to get pregnant as a result of it being implemented
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Steven kono
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Urhr93 » Thu Jan 16, 2014 2:09 pm

Well, i mentioned it, but Kuragari told me that there was already a system for that already implemented XD

And anyway, if i mentioned it, it was because i was interested in it happening, so it's not like i dislike ti XD ^^
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Kuragari » Mon Jan 20, 2014 5:59 am

My posting rate for GM posts is going to be dropping somewhat, as I'm trying to catch up on my reading list, as well as work on my fanfic. Most likely days for GM posts are going to be when I have consecutive nights off.
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby dndman997 » Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:21 am

Name: Duo
Age: 25
Appearance: Red hair, Green eyes, 5' 8''
Bio: Duo is an artist, he wasnt necassarily forced to go through the portal he simply wanted to explore the world he heard so much about and wanted to capture it within his art. So he went through bringing his art supplies to see what he could find.

[fetishes and what not, i prefer straight, i dont want gender changing.]
Last edited by dndman997 on Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Kuragari » Wed Feb 05, 2014 7:03 am

Need at least a list of things you want to see and don't want to see inflicted upon your character.
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Kuragari » Sun Feb 09, 2014 4:04 pm

*Cackles Manically to himself*

I has plans, evil evil plans. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA

*hides back inside box*
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Steven kono » Sun Feb 09, 2014 4:14 pm

Kuragari Wrote:*Cackles Manically to himself*

I has plans, evil evil plans. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA

*hides back inside box*

lets see.... A cult, demons everywhere. and players humping like bunnies... what could go wrong?

oh right... the cult.
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Kuragari » Sun Feb 09, 2014 4:18 pm

The cult is only the tip of the iceberg, ehehehehehe.
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Steven kono » Sun Feb 09, 2014 4:37 pm

Kuragari Wrote:The cult is only the tip of the iceberg, ehehehehehe.

Already knew, hence why Alex went into detective mode on this shit!

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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Kittykitty501 » Sun Feb 16, 2014 7:23 pm

Name: Kitty (only name given by master)
age: 22
Appearance: Kitty stands at the height of 4'8 and has half cat half humanoid body. Long shaggy blond hair flowed to his shoulders and partially covered his PInk eyes that glowed. a slim body with some mucle but certainly not the strongest of people. His face almost had femine look to it that would sometime confuse those who saw from a distance. he had a pair of sharp teeth which came from his feline side. He wore tattard black cammon pants that sported a varies of patches from throughout the world. a fish net top that alloud other to see his chest, covered in tribal like tatoos alon with a few a scars left by whips. a long grey furred tail that flowed freely from just above asshole, reaching a meter high when upright behind him. this had two metal guantlets tied to it for combat with it, yet they had hooks for where chains used to attach. a long scyth attached to his back through straps would be his main weapon which he stole from his previous owner. his cock was 10.5 inches that and sprted two balls that spanned 1.5 inchs each.

Bio: Kitty was once a sex slave of a Herm demon that solely created him for mere pleasure and for a servant to serve her/him. he has the traits of Incubi but really doesn't know its full potential but the enjoyment of pleasure in intensfied. Kitty is a playful soul who just wants to have fun, too trustful in nature will often find him self rubbing the wrong person upon the leg. His Herm owner made him a weaker being so he couldn't ever leave, this often makes him an easy target for monsters but he tries to advoid combat at all costs. His flexibily and agility makes up for his strength allowing him to run and hide or reach higher places than most humans could ever reach. sporting only his sycthe tha allows a little defense. One last trait kitty cau use if hes ever in real trouble, the power to teleport him self yet this leaves him invunerable where ever he lands as the power drains him of energy. After escaping his owners castle (all i see is dusty's castle XD) in the void he ended up in this place, in the forest area.

He only has one ally, more of a pet really who he looks after and protects and holds on dearly too. a little kitten named whiskers, a greyish cat with blue eyes who is just a mere house cat. Kitty found the feline in the void, truly the cats presence was a massive confusion to kitty and after that he swore to protect his lower race friend.

(sex scale: 3, he is easily rapeable but wil give up some kind of fight or at least try to run. He'll advoid most enemies is they stand at a group of 3 but 1-2 is fine)

oh and for other allies, I'd would love to meet the gargoyle (love her, my character was very nice to her ^^)

hope this thread is still available ^^ sorry if there is any grammer or spelling problems XD dislexia is a pain
100% Herm Addict
100% Corruption

"and then.. how about a nice injection of Fox cream, lover" - Urta
CoC Fanfic 75% complete

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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Kuragari » Wed Feb 19, 2014 12:43 am

Will make a post sometime tonight.
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Kittykitty501 » Sat Feb 22, 2014 7:09 pm

playing CoC whilst waiting ^^ but god dam it why! why in the name of Urtas cock is the gargoyle (named her Alexia ^^) not a lover x3 (unless she is and I've just failed from corruption XD)
100% Herm Addict
100% Corruption

"and then.. how about a nice injection of Fox cream, lover" - Urta
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Kuragari » Tue Mar 11, 2014 2:33 pm

Kittykitty501 Wrote:playing CoC whilst waiting ^^ but god dam it why! why in the name of Urtas cock is the gargoyle (named her Alexia ^^) not a lover x3 (unless she is and I've just failed from corruption XD)

She technically is, but she's stuck at the church.

GM post expect sometime tomorrow, AotHS post to finish later today first...and not get sucked into Baldurs Gate SE again.
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Kittykitty501 » Tue Mar 11, 2014 3:04 pm

Poor gargoyle x3 *huggles her* they should make it where you can break the spell holding her there ^.^ cute thing she is XD oh can I meet loppe miss Kuri? I'd be forever greatful XD
100% Herm Addict
100% Corruption

"and then.. how about a nice injection of Fox cream, lover" - Urta
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Kuragari » Mon Mar 17, 2014 1:05 pm

I should get a GM post for this in sometime this week.
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