Sex School Game Using Humbird0's RPG MAKER

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Re: Sex School Game Using Humbird0's RPG MAKER

Postby BobbyGecko » Thu Feb 13, 2014 1:29 am

This evening I thought about doing a tuto on the Humbird0's rpg maker, it's a compact and an unfinished one, I'll update it later.
Humbird0 already made one it's in the help folder I just wrote the basics and put it in a pdf file:
Please I would like your feedbacks to make it better, I know it's not great right now, but it's just the outline of it.
And I add a small practical 'game' that explain some stuff, like an example of script, the difference betwenn the layers.
Last edited by BobbyGecko on Sun Mar 02, 2014 1:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sex School Game Using Humbird0's RPG MAKER

Postby darkavenger » Tue Feb 18, 2014 4:09 am

hmmmmmm HMMMMMMMMMmmmm

started playing burial at sea today. fun fun.
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Re: Sex School Game Using Humbird0's RPG MAKER

Postby dndman997 » Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:41 am

how is it :P and let us see what this update is :D
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Re: Sex School Game Using Humbird0's RPG MAKER

Postby darkavenger » Tue Feb 18, 2014 4:38 pm

it's pretty fun and yeah tell me what you guys think
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Re: Sex School Game Using Humbird0's RPG MAKER

Postby dndman997 » Tue Feb 18, 2014 4:55 pm

i like the new update :D i cant wait for more
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A little extra info

Postby humbird0 » Fri Feb 28, 2014 5:29 am

I like the PDF tutorial. It's pretty straight-forward.
I have some minor suggestions for it:

"Charsets" can be thought of as sprite-sheets
"Chipsets" can be thought of as pictures containing many "tiles". I guess you could think of them as "tile-sets" or "tile-sheets"
The "Help" folder contains HTML files that are displayed within the editor by pressing F1
"Swf" is basically a miscellaneous folder that can contain anything you want. I mostly use it for pictures and various add-on effects.

In the map editor, layers 0 and 1 always display under the characters and layers 2 and above always overlap the characters.

The "Image Overlay" feature only temporarily displays an image so that you can trace it using tiles to imitate another map. For example, if you want to re-create the forest from Chrono Trigger, you can load up a picture of the map from the SNES game, and then try to recreate it by tracing over the picture using tiles. It's just reference material. The picture that you select in the dropdown will never appear in your game.

More info about the screen panel:
You can zoom-in and out by clicking on it and then using the mouse-wheel.
You can pan by middle-clicking on the mouse and then dragging. Many mice also allow you to click the wheel like a button.

For the appearance flags:

You only have to write one of these, and they all mean approximately the same things.
But there are some subtleties:
This check if a variable named "end" has the exact value of undefined. If it's false or 0, then that isn't considered the same thing.
If I remember right, this is identical to end!=true. It's just a shorter way of writing it. So for example if end=false... end=0... end=foobar... anything other than the exact value of "true" then it'll count and this sprite will appear.
Adding a second = or ! at the end of a like will be ignored.
So end=undefined!=true is likely to be treated as end=undefined
(I assume that was intended to be an example of something you would write in the box)
You can write multiple conditions in the box as long as each one is on a different line.
When you do that, then the sprite will only appear when all of the conditions are fulfilled.
One last thing. When you set a variable at the end of a script (or even in the middle of it) sprites will only appear or disappear if you clicked the button "Update Sprite Flags" within the variable's command. If this button set to "No update" then the variable will be set, but the sprites will not check their appearance flags. But their appearance will update if you leave the map and re-enter.
So you can talk to a character, have them set a variable, be able to talk to them again as much as you want. But when you leave the map and return they can be missing.

The "SWF" command allows you to place external image files or swf flash animations into the game. These swf files can also contain code instead of animations, so I often use to import add-on features into a game such as menu systems or other effects. The box at the bottom of the command allow you to define settings for the file you're placing. Some of the effects can read the information in this box and use it. I store the SWF files themselves within the "swf" folder. And there's a text file named "parameters.txt" that lists all of the information that can be sent to each one. This command is kind of advanced. Maybe I'll write a detailed help document about it sometime.

For "variable" commands, it's helpful to think of them as telling the game to remember something.
You can also tell it to change something that it has already remembered.
Appearance flags are based on things it has remembered.
The command also has advanced features. It can access and modify variables stored anywhere within the game's code, if you happen to know where they are and what they're called. You don't have to worry about accidentally hacking the game though. By default all of your variables get stored inside of an object named RAM. So writing RAM.myVar is identical to just writing myVar. But you can do things like SPRITE.player._alpha = 50 to temporarily make the player half translucent like a ghost... until they go to another map. Or SPRITE.player._yscale = 200 to make the player twice as tall.
Another advanced feature is the ability to call low-level code. So you can write [Math.random()] in the value box to generate a random decimal number between Zero and 1. The [] tell it to look up the value of whatever is between them. If it's the name of a variable, then it'll use whatever is stored in that variable. If you also put () at the end of the variable name, it will instead treat it as a function call instead of a variable. Another use for this is manually calling scripts. [] will trigger the "talk" script of a character named "girl" on the map (if such a character exists) This can be useful for telling doors to open during cutscenes.

As for your last question. The editor took about 6 months to create.
The last version of Pokemon Hentai Version is: January 31, 2015
Every Pokemorph created for the game
Every cutscene picture in the game
Reference material gallery (characters, poses, outfits, expressions, personalities)
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How refreshing... I actually don't know what comes next

Postby humbird0 » Fri Feb 28, 2014 6:14 am

That was a fun little game.
I rarely ever get to see an RPG Maker game made by someone else.
The last version of Pokemon Hentai Version is: January 31, 2015
Every Pokemorph created for the game
Every cutscene picture in the game
Reference material gallery (characters, poses, outfits, expressions, personalities)
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Re: Sex School Game Using Humbird0's RPG MAKER

Postby dndman997 » Fri Feb 28, 2014 6:16 am

just shows what your legacy inspires humbird :D
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Re: Sex School Game Using Humbird0's RPG MAKER

Postby kizmisia » Fri Feb 28, 2014 8:11 pm

Hello! You fine people don't know me yet... I've been lurking on this forums for quite some time now. I played everything Humbird0's site has to offer but never before tried to make something. HOWEVER i got inspired by this tread and am now trying out Humbird0's maker to some success. Right now I'm struggling with some strange bugs (somehow, sometimes when i make a chain of events the screen locks-up and the game freezes, but when I delete a part and re-put the events just like they were when the game bugged out, it suddenly works just fine, and I'm like WTF?). When I'm done with my "HELLO WORLD" I'll post links here and ask for feedback so I can keep my motivation up. Until then!
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Re: Sex School Game Using Humbird0's RPG MAKER

Postby kizmisia » Sat Mar 01, 2014 3:29 pm

kizmisia Wrote:Hello! You fine people don't know me yet... I've been lurking on this forums for quite some time now. I played everything Humbird0's site has to offer but never before tried to make something. HOWEVER i got inspired by this tread and am now trying out Humbird0's maker to some success. Right now I'm struggling with some strange bugs (somehow, sometimes when i make a chain of events the screen locks-up and the game freezes, but when I delete a part and re-put the events just like they were when the game bugged out, it suddenly works just fine, and I'm like WTF?). When I'm done with my "HELLO WORLD" I'll post links here and ask for feedback so I can keep my motivation up. Until then!

HELLO WORLD! Surprise! I had some unexpected free time and managed to fix the bugs i kept on getting, and now I'm ready to post my crap here.

Since I'm guessing everyone here already has Humbird0's maker I'll just upload the files needed to run my "games", just save the appropriate folders and swap them with mine: - simple loop with which i practiced sprite updating and that's mainly it.

The next one (with two files) here:
This is just a simple scene, my focus here was to fine-tune sprite movement and make the scenes run smoothly.

I know that you guys are probably tired of reading this so I'll just add... LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! (PLEASE)
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Re: Sex School Game Using Humbird0's RPG MAKER

Postby darkavenger » Sat Mar 01, 2014 7:10 pm

a little confusing had to open up the maker to view the scenes and the map is gigantic haha nice job though you could def add more to that project. :-)
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Re: Sex School Game Using Humbird0's RPG MAKER

Postby kizmisia » Sat Mar 01, 2014 8:31 pm

The thing is, I created the map first never thinking about having to learn how to use 'flags' :D once I'm happy with my skills I'm planning to create a whole game hopefully about the same size and lenght as Humbird0's BSC2 (if I don't lose my spirit on the way).
So far i already have three ideas for a story:
1) The player will be a guy able to shapeshift (or just a stray dog) trying to get into each and every girl's panties.
2) The story will be about a woman who moved recently into a new neighbourhood with her dog, and will be arranging for her dog to get laid with all the other women and girls living there.
3) The story will be about two sisters either competing which one of them can fuck all the dogs in the neighbourhood first OR one of the sisters will be blackmailing the other to make her fuck all the dogs.
Which one of the stories will I make (maybe all three?) depends solely on how good will I feel with the creator and how efficient will the programming go, or maybe I'll ask on the forums for peoples opinion?
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Re: Sex School Game Using Humbird0's RPG MAKER

Postby BobbyGecko » Sun Mar 02, 2014 1:28 am

I've edited the PDF according to Humbird0's suggestions.
Thanks again Humbird0!

darkavenger Wrote:

hmmmmmm HMMMMMMMMMmmmm

started playing burial at sea today. fun fun.

Nice to see you're still on your project, it's really a fun game^^

kizmisia Wrote:The thing is, I created the map first never thinking about having to learn how to use 'flags' :D once I'm happy with my skills I'm planning to create a whole game hopefully about the same size and lenght as Humbird0's BSC2 (if I don't lose my spirit on the way).
So far i already have three ideas for a story:
1) The player will be a guy able to shapeshift (or just a stray dog) trying to get into each and every girl's panties.
2) The story will be about a woman who moved recently into a new neighbourhood with her dog, and will be arranging for her dog to get laid with all the other women and girls living there.
3) The story will be about two sisters either competing which one of them can fuck all the dogs in the neighbourhood first OR one of the sisters will be blackmailing the other to make her fuck all the dogs.
Which one of the stories will I make (maybe all three?) depends solely on how good will I feel with the creator and how efficient will the programming go, or maybe I'll ask on the forums for peoples opinion?

It's really nice to see another person using Humbird0's editor, I hope you'll keep your motivation to this noble art! :).

So it's a nice first try, really, specially for the animations, despite the fact that you used only one sprite, you understood the dynamics of the animations, which make them great.
But I think the '"bad'' parts are about mapping and in the event. For example, your loop with the rolly, the thing was to enter the game as a gnome, read the note and go talk to the dude in ''park'' who give you a potion which turns you into a rolly. If as a rolly, you talk to the lantern, you become a gnome and you can repeat the scene minus the note. But, at first, the variable are at the value ''undefined'', not ''false'' or "true", so the note should be activated if ''note= undefined" then you talk to the guys but only if you're a gnome, i.e if you're not a rolly so "rolly!=true", it changes you in rolly and you can't read the note so talking to the guys should set "rolly" and "note" to "true". And you create a variable "potion" which work the same way as the variable "rolly", so it's not that easy to read.
For the map, try to look at Humbird0's map to see how to do thing like the wall between the kitchen and the hall in "Farah's house lvl 1".
But if you want to create a game, you need to fix a starting point and a player sprite using the database editor.

So I advice you to do some little projects to get better at this, like little scenes, some loops and stuff but it's really a good start!
I think you could start your game soon, but don't be too hurry, or you'll lose your motivation if you see how hard it is to make such a game.
By the way, I think you should do the story that you like the most, if you can't chose I can't help you because I don't know which one I prefer, they're all good ideas.
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Re: Sex School Game Using Humbird0's RPG MAKER

Postby darkavenger » Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:22 pm

I think i like the first 2 stories alot but the 3rd one does sound cool too just make a game of each one :p
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Re: Sex School Game Using Humbird0's RPG MAKER

Postby Ayeka » Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:17 am

Can you PLEASE give link to download it from place where I NOT MUST use facebook or other releasing my personal data places?
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Re: Sex School Game Using Humbird0's RPG MAKER

Postby darkavenger » Tue Mar 04, 2014 5:18 am

i never had to link my facebook for 4 shared
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Re: Sex School Game Using Humbird0's RPG MAKER

Postby darkavenger » Tue Mar 04, 2014 5:23 am

this is the original sex school game
(21.3 MiB) Downloaded 131 times
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Re: Sex School Game Using Humbird0's RPG MAKER

Postby kizmisia » Thu Mar 06, 2014 11:08 am

Hi! Just a little update for those of you who care. I chose to build the story around the second option. Now i'm fighting my way through FLAGS (oh how I hate them flags now).

The second thing is... if anyone could tell me how to remove things from the HUD (all I want to stay is the "SAVE/LOAD" and "MONEY")?
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Re: Sex School Game Using Humbird0's RPG MAKER

Postby BlueLight » Thu Mar 06, 2014 8:09 pm

please don't use 4shared. Just about anything is better. hot file, media fire, dropbox are some of my suggestions. I don't mind waiting for a download, but requiring an account of any kinda is asking to much.
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Re: Sex School Game Using Humbird0's RPG MAKER

Postby dndman997 » Thu Mar 06, 2014 8:43 pm

i dont mind 4shared. its free and harmless
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