*Warning! Wall of text.
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OK so what i need help with is utilizing the drawing tools in Flash CS6, and how to draw certain bodyparts, mainly hands, feet, hair and eyes. I would also really appreciate some feedback on my latest drawings, as its really hard to jugde your own creations by yourself. Yes i know it's not pretty, but we all had to start somewhere.
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- I may have rushed the head/hair on these two, as i'm mainly focusing on the body.
The tools i'm currently using is the Brush, Eraser, Pencil (For shading certain parts), Fill bucket and the Eyedropper tools. When i animate, i do it frame by frame, as it gives better results and just generally feels better. And at this point you might start laughing uncontrollaby, so buckle up; i'm using a mouse to do this. Yes, i'm stupid/retarded/dumb/ but i really don't like the alternatives, and i can't afford a drawing tablet quite yet.
My intentions isn't to draw high resolution CG's or creating highly detailed drawings. I want to be able to create a sidescroller game where the art is simple/cartooney. Hope this information helps
Thanks in advance!