Breeding Season: Alpha Version 5.3 [Update 11/3/14]

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Re: Breeding Season: Alpha Version 4.2 [Update 1/26/14]

Postby HohesHaus » Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:59 pm

kikinak Wrote:scrolling through the old blog posts and am wondering about some stuff that was mentioned a long time ago. Specifically, the bunnygirl and having sex with your monsters. There was a sketch of a bunnygirl alongside a sketch of the kittengirl, but no mention of the bunnygirl has been made ever since. Has bunnygirl been abandoned or are you just waiting until the game is more finished before adding more monsters? There are several posts mentioning player pregnancy, specifying that it happens when you have sex with a male monster, though I've never gotten pregnant despite harvesting many dickwolf jizz's, then seeing the animation chart, there's separate things for player breeding and harvesting, but I can't find any way to just have sex with my monsters (also, it was mentioned that you could turn off pregnancy animations in the options menu, but I do see anything mentioning pregnancy there either).

Thank you for telling me about the gold traits, by the way

U have to breed the monster with itself. So click on Monster A and Monster A again.

I wonder what he is working on right now. People wouldnt get so mad if he would simply post 1 or 2 lines in a week about what he is doing, if he makes progress or if he dindnt had time to work etc.
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Re: Breeding Season: Alpha Version 4.2 [Update 1/26/14]

Postby kikinak » Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:56 am

HohesHaus Wrote:
kikinak Wrote:scrolling through the old blog posts and am wondering about some stuff that was mentioned a long time ago. Specifically, the bunnygirl and having sex with your monsters. There was a sketch of a bunnygirl alongside a sketch of the kittengirl, but no mention of the bunnygirl has been made ever since. Has bunnygirl been abandoned or are you just waiting until the game is more finished before adding more monsters? There are several posts mentioning player pregnancy, specifying that it happens when you have sex with a male monster, though I've never gotten pregnant despite harvesting many dickwolf jizz's, then seeing the animation chart, there's separate things for player breeding and harvesting, but I can't find any way to just have sex with my monsters (also, it was mentioned that you could turn off pregnancy animations in the options menu, but I do see anything mentioning pregnancy there either).

Thank you for telling me about the gold traits, by the way

U have to breed the monster with itself. So click on Monster A and Monster A again.

I wonder what he is working on right now. People wouldnt get so mad if he would simply post 1 or 2 lines in a week about what he is doing, if he makes progress or if he dindnt had time to work etc.

That works, thanks! Time to find those secret traits...
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Re: Breeding Season: Alpha Version 4.2 [Update 1/26/14]

Postby JadeRabbit » Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:20 am


I happen to be good at drawing attractive art styles for two major audience species of creature missing from Breeding Season. Please take a look at these characters I drew and tell me if you'd like me to draw all the art assets needed to bring one or both of them in as a species for Breeding Season:

Cute-rabbit-type creature 1:
My general feral-rabbit style:
Attractive dragon style:
attractive humanoid dragon style:
I could do any blend of features for those these species or any variation on the species. The big dragon doesn't need head hair, for example.

and two other anthro rabbits styles to show my range:
Big-masculine male:

A collection of more of my art style and creatures can be seen at my Deviant Art site:

If you can't see those please contact me, I could really help out completing the set of creatures that would be attractive to the rabbit/cat audience, the dragon audience, and many people who aren't normally attracted to those two species as it's important to note that every artist is good at one or a few particular species, but most species most artists draw aren't attractive to many people due to general art styles of those artists.

my e-mail is [email protected]

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Re: Breeding Season: Alpha Version 4.2 [Update 1/26/14]

Postby FloraMeriadoc » Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:27 am

JadeRabbit Wrote:Greetings!

I happen to be good at drawing attractive art styles for two major audience species of creature missing from Breeding Season. Please take a look at these characters I drew and tell me if you'd like me to draw all the art assets needed to bring one or both of them in as a species for Breeding Season:

Cute-rabbit-type creature 1:
My general feral-rabbit style:
Attractive dragon style:
attractive humanoid dragon style:
I could do any blend of features for those these species or any variation on the species. The big dragon doesn't need head hair, for example.

and two other anthro rabbits styles to show my range:
Big-masculine male:

A collection of more of my art style and creatures can be seen at my Deviant Art site:

If you can't see those please contact me, I could really help out completing the set of creatures that would be attractive to the rabbit/cat audience, the dragon audience, and many people who aren't normally attracted to those two species as it's important to note that every artist is good at one or a few particular species, but most species most artists draw aren't attractive to many people due to general art styles of those artists.

my e-mail is [email protected]


one thing for sure I love them, hope Hartista will contact you for help
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Re: Breeding Season: Alpha Version 4.2 [Update 1/26/14]

Postby ElPresidente » Tue Feb 11, 2014 11:32 pm

JadeRabbit Wrote:I happen to be good at drawing attractive art styles for two major audience species of creature missing from Breeding Season. Please take a look at these characters I drew and tell me if you'd like me to draw all the art assets needed to bring one or both of them in as a species for Breeding Season:

Art is nice, but it's too animalistic. Too anthro.

Take a look at the cat girl, the holastrus .
They ARE 90% human.

Something like this would be closer: ... ckwork.jpg
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Re: Breeding Season: Alpha Version 4.2 [Update 1/26/14]

Postby JadeRabbit » Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:36 am

ElPresidente Wrote:Art is nice, but it's too animalistic. Too anthro.

Take a look at the cat girl, the holastrus .
They ARE 90% human.

Something like this would be closer: ... ckwork.jpg

Yeah chances are HeartistaPipeBomb won't want my anthro rabbit, or dragon characters considering all but two of the monsters are humans with cute fantasy ears and that's the style of the game, but the fact horses and Dickwolves are in there made me offer my services anyhow. Any other artist could do the human girls with bunny ears.

But just in case..... just in case, I'm happy to offer my services for free regarding the four different possible styles I enjoy drawing rabbits and dragons in. :)
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Re: Breeding Season: Alpha Version 4.2 [Update 1/26/14]

Postby kikinak » Wed Feb 12, 2014 2:24 am

Found a graphical glitch. The wolf was the orange and the harpy was the blue.
His paw should not be skin colored
pinkfoot.png (92.15 KiB) Viewed 22041 times
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Re: Breeding Season: Alpha Version 4.2 [Update 1/26/14]

Postby FloraMeriadoc » Wed Feb 12, 2014 9:35 pm

ElPresidente Wrote:
JadeRabbit Wrote:I happen to be good at drawing attractive art styles for two major audience species of creature missing from Breeding Season. Please take a look at these characters I drew and tell me if you'd like me to draw all the art assets needed to bring one or both of them in as a species for Breeding Season:

Art is nice, but it's too animalistic. Too anthro.

Take a look at the cat girl, the holastrus .
They ARE 90% human.

Something like this would be closer: ... ckwork.jpg

we should have a vote poll to vote for what we want to see more, Anthro animals or Anthro more human like we curently

have for the bunny example, as for the dragon well in a way it's like the demon, I would not mind seeing a mix between the

animals we currently have and a mix with JadeRabbit's animals, if the males animals are more feral and like the demon

I think we can have the similar thing with the females for the upcomming animals that aren't on the game yet but planed

to be added eventually
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Re: Breeding Season: Alpha Version 4.2 [Update 1/26/14]

Postby Abadok » Wed Feb 12, 2014 11:36 pm

i cant seem to find where to donate the exes monsters tho...
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Re: Breeding Season: Alpha Version 4.2 [Update 1/26/14]

Postby RunningAroundInCircles » Thu Feb 13, 2014 12:07 am

FloraMeriadoc Wrote:
ElPresidente Wrote:
JadeRabbit Wrote:I happen to be good at drawing attractive art styles for two major audience species of creature missing from Breeding Season. Please take a look at these characters I drew and tell me if you'd like me to draw all the art assets needed to bring one or both of them in as a species for Breeding Season:

Art is nice, but it's too animalistic. Too anthro.

Take a look at the cat girl, the holastrus .
They ARE 90% human.

Something like this would be closer: ... ckwork.jpg

we should have a vote poll to vote for what we want to see more, Anthro animals or Anthro more human like we curently

have for the bunny example, as for the dragon well in a way it's like the demon, I would not mind seeing a mix between the

animals we currently have and a mix with JadeRabbit's animals, if the males animals are more feral and like the demon

I think we can have the similar thing with the females for the upcomming animals that aren't on the game yet but planed

to be added eventually

As I recall, Hartista once said he'd make the females more human and the males more beast like. There was also a furry/anthro trait mentioned to make them more look the opposite. He seems to consider an idea if he can manage to actually make it work, so I don't know what happened to that, since it would require lots of additional art.
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Re: Breeding Season: Alpha Version 4.2 [Update 1/26/14]

Postby FruitSmoothie » Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:54 am

JadeRabbit Wrote:Greetings! I happen to be good at drawing attractive art styles for two major audience species of creature missing from Breeding Season.

Well that was an odd way to put things...(In my opinion).

Hartista has a post on his blog explaining how you can assist him, would be good to read:

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Do you need any help with art or animation?

Yes! One of the biggest bottlenecks that I have in getting content out faster is art, as I'm honestly not as good of an artist as I'd like.

1. Landscape and environment - Landscape art is one of the biggest bottlenecks to the exploration system and further expansion of the game, as I'm not very good at it and it takes me a long time. Anyone who can make good environmental art would be a massive help to me, and if you're not used to working in vector formats don't fear: I can handle converting art from other formats or styles.

2. Animation - Anyone who has a good handle on flash animation can very easily help me out by making more sex animations for the various pairings. I can supply you with all my sprites and all you'll have to worry about is tweening, etc.

3. Character portraits - I'm looking for people who are willing to make dialog portraits for various NPCs and the like. I'll be giving you some basic descriptions and you can pretty much go wild with drawing them how you like, though ideally with some resemblance to my style just so that the art is cohesive.

4. Writing - People who would like to contribute dialog writing for NPCs and side quests would be very welcome. It's likely that I will do a lot of editing of what you submit to fit my ideas for the game, though, but it will still make my life a lot easier. Unfortunately, right now a lot of the specifics involving events and side quests aren't nailed down yet, but I'd still like to get in contact with people who are interested in doing writing work once I do.

As far as compensation goes, I can offer anyone who contributes art more control in the direction of the game, memberships, and voting points, and for individuals who are willing to contribute a very significant amount I can offer you a cut of the money from the membership website each month.

If you're interested in contributing art to the game, please e-mail me at [email protected] with some samples of your work. Please state clearly in the subject line that it's about "Breeding Season Art Help". Unfortunately, I get a lot of spam and it might get filtered out or I might miss it, if I don't get back to you right away don't hesitate to bug me on the Legend of Krystal forums or in the comments section of this blog.

Not everyone who wants to contribute will be able to as I'm going to be kind of choosey about making sure the visual design of the game is consistent. I still really appreciate the offers, though, even if I don't feel your style fits the game.

A lot of people have offered to help with programming or game design. I appreciate the offers but unfortunately the game isn't in a state yet where it would be easy for multiple people to work on the code, as much of it still needs to be re-factored and is poorly commented. Feel free to continue offering suggestions concerning programming and game design in the blog comments and on the Legend of Krystal forums, though, as these continue to be a huge help to me.

I don't quite think your style is similar enough to Hartista's and seems to be pretty far off monster girl vs anthro wise in my opinion... I'm not a fan of when multiple art styles are used in a game because the artists don't settle on one style, but who knows what Hartista will think. Notice the points in bold though in the spoilers.

I would really rather not an anthro type trait, there can always be one or two more anthro type monsters added in the future, but all that additional art for each monster just for what a very small fraction of the population wants? That would really hamper the progress of the game and be pretty stupid (Again, in my opinion :P). I mean he's having trouble putting things in the game that he wants to add and most the entire fanbase wants, so how is he going to afford the time to put in what just a handful of people really want? If you like the game, you need to be understanding and realize he's not some miracle worker who can please everybody. The game already has a consistent theme/focus that people like.
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Re: Breeding Season: Alpha Version 4.2 [Update 1/26/14]

Postby ElPresidente » Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:59 pm

RunningAroundInCircles Wrote:As I recall, Hartista once said he'd make the females more human and the males more beast like. There was also a furry/anthro trait mentioned to make them more look the opposite. He seems to consider an idea if he can manage to actually make it work, so I don't know what happened to that, since it would require lots of additional art.

Every single monster or type he adds increases the amount of work exponentially.
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Re: Breeding Season: Alpha Version 4.2 [Update 1/26/14]

Postby FruitSmoothie » Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:44 am

ElPresidente Wrote:
RunningAroundInCircles Wrote:As I recall, Hartista once said he'd make the females more human and the males more beast like. There was also a furry/anthro trait mentioned to make them more look the opposite. He seems to consider an idea if he can manage to actually make it work, so I don't know what happened to that, since it would require lots of additional art.

Every single monster or type he adds increases the amount of work exponentially.

This. You can find a post somewhere recently in this thread that lists all the current/missing animations in the game. Even with the small amount of monsters that there are currently in comparison to what's planned, look at how many are missing animations now. This kind of system with allowing all genders to fuck very quickly gets out of hand with the amount of artwork/animations needed.

It's sad because I like Neoteny as well, but it probably would have been wiser to just make like one or two tiny characters, rather than trying to Neoteny them all. Just imagine that for all the monster there's already Neoteny planned, and futa for the females? So do the math on how many extra animations are needed...It's not just sex animations but idle animations too. If he for example stopped trying to do malexmale animations, it would be much easier as well to keep the animations up to date, just saying ;)

Anywho, we haven't even heard from Hartista in a while.
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Re: Breeding Season: Alpha Version 4.2 [Update 1/26/14]

Postby User555 » Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:40 pm

is there any money debug code?
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Re: Breeding Season: Alpha Version 4.2 [Update 1/26/14]

Postby FloraMeriadoc » Sat Feb 15, 2014 11:29 pm

User555 Wrote:is there any money debug code?

follow more the messages on the forum someone gave a code for money, it doesn't give more than 1000 but can be use

as much as you like the cheat again is: givememoney
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Re: Breeding Season: Alpha Version 4.2 [Update 1/26/14]

Postby User555 » Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:22 am

FloraMeriadoc Wrote:
User555 Wrote:is there any money debug code?

follow more the messages on the forum someone gave a code for money, it doesn't give more than 1000 but can be use

as much as you like the cheat again is: givememoney

Thank you, now I can be hard without trying hard 8-)
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Re: Breeding Season: Alpha Version 4.2 [Update 1/26/14]

Postby ElPresidente » Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:03 pm

User555 Wrote:is there any money debug code?

Yes. But you can also use this:


- start with 20000 gold
- refreshing the monster list in shop is always 50 gold
- 16 monsters in a shop at once
- increased player fertility
- drasticly inceased Holastrus Milk fertility (expect 50% breeding chance if one monster drinks it)
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Re: Breeding Season: Alpha Version 4.2 [Update 1/26/14]

Postby HartistaPipebomb » Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:18 pm

JadeRabbit Wrote:Greetings!

I happen to be good at drawing attractive art styles for two major audience species of creature missing from Breeding Season. Please take a look at these characters I drew and tell me if you'd like me to draw all the art assets needed to bring one or both of them in as a species for Breeding Season:

Cute-rabbit-type creature 1:
My general feral-rabbit style:
Attractive dragon style:
attractive humanoid dragon style:
I could do any blend of features for those these species or any variation on the species. The big dragon doesn't need head hair, for example.

and two other anthro rabbits styles to show my range:
Big-masculine male:

A collection of more of my art style and creatures can be seen at my Deviant Art site:

If you can't see those please contact me, I could really help out completing the set of creatures that would be attractive to the rabbit/cat audience, the dragon audience, and many people who aren't normally attracted to those two species as it's important to note that every artist is good at one or a few particular species, but most species most artists draw aren't attractive to many people due to general art styles of those artists.

my e-mail is [email protected]


Hey, I like your stuff! I'll send you an e-mail when I've got everything set up to incorporate more collaborators.

Also, in regards to anthro stuff: I'm definitely up for adding more furry/feral style stuff depending on what people want the most. As was mentioned previously, one of the ideas I had was for a furry trait that would make, for instance, catgirls more cat-like, etc. That's actually a relatively easy thing to add in for me too, since it would mostly just be replacing body-parts on existing animations rather than needing entirely new ones (though I could make new ones depending on what people wanted). I'm also interested in more ideas along those lines.
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Re: Breeding Season: Alpha Version 4.2 [Update 1/26/14]

Postby ASI1 » Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:19 am

a new demon would be nice in the game like a succubus or naga or lima
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Re: Breeding Season: Alpha Version 4.2 [Update 1/26/14]

Postby kaseron » Wed Feb 19, 2014 12:10 am

I'd certainly like to see a beast female, dragon would be amazing.
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