Name: Naomi Lane
Age: 18
Gender: female

Personality: Naomi is very naive. Actually she is incredibly naive: perhaps even the most naive person in all the world. She is also a bit on the clutzy side of things, which is a terrible combination for anyone who wants to live.
Home Town: Slateport
Starter Pokemon: Poliwag
Background: Naomi lane is best described as, the kind of person you read/hear about in urban legends, but can't stop laughing because of how moronic you'd have to be to be like that. By the age of 4, she had been to the emergency room nine times for injuries, by the age of 8, she had been kidnapped three times, and at the age of 11, she had been run over by a car twice in the same day. Adding to her parent's anxieties are the fact that she loved to swim (and has nearly drowned numerous times), and that she wants to become a pokemon master, and you have a recipe for disaster. While the have tried to keep her from going for as long as possible, at age 18, they had no real say in the matter, and so Naomi is now off to become the greatest pokemon master the world has ever k-*trip*.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Without mucous, your stomach would digest itself
She's a bit of a clutz, and is supposed to have a water esque them to her.
Waiting for approval before I do backpack.