Journey into Mareth OOC

A forum for recruitment and out-of-character role-play discussion.

Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Urhr93 » Sat Jan 04, 2014 2:31 pm

thank you for your praises ^^ i'll try my best to improve even more ^^
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Kuragari » Sat Jan 04, 2014 2:43 pm

redkeri13 Wrote:
Definitely improving. Your grammar is flowing much better I think, less random trains of thought from your character that made your original posts a little hard to decipher at the beginning. You've improved a lot very quickly!

A random redkeri appears!

Would you be interested at all in joining?
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby redkeri13 » Sat Jan 04, 2014 4:14 pm

Urhr93 Wrote:thank you for your praises ^^ i'll try my best to improve even more ^^

Awesome :D

Kuragari Wrote:A random redkeri appears!

Would you be interested at all in joining?

I would! But I'm going back to uni this week, it depends on how much work and study I can get done before I go back, I might join after then
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Kuragari » Sun Jan 05, 2014 1:08 am

Right, who put up character sheets in this thread recently again? I can't remember...
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby thealchemist » Sun Jan 05, 2014 1:40 am

thealchemist Wrote:Name: Ismira
Age: 25
Appearance: 5' 7" tall human with a curvy figure. She has olive skin. Black, silky hair drops to her shoulders. Ismira is an II-cup and a gaping crater is the only way to describe her privates.
Bio: Ismira was sent as the sacrifice from her village, a privilege only know to the whoriest of whores in the village. As time passed withen Mareth, Ismira talents at teasing and seducing her foes increased by ten-fold. However, she gained an addiction... to the sperm of the minotaurs. It took many months for Ismira to learn how to control her addiction, however if she goes into a withdrawal... God help her.
Sex preferences: 2-3 opponents at a time. 4-6 on most enemies in terms of whose doing the raping, unless it is a minotaur, it changes to a 1-10.
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Kuragari » Sun Jan 05, 2014 1:50 am

thealchemist Wrote:
thealchemist Wrote:Name: Ismira
Age: 25
Appearance: 5' 7" tall human with a curvy figure. She has olive skin. Black, silky hair drops to her shoulders. Ismira is an II-cup and a gaping crater is the only way to describe her privates.
Bio: Ismira was sent as the sacrifice from her village, a privilege only know to the whoriest of whores in the village. As time passed withen Mareth, Ismira talents at teasing and seducing her foes increased by ten-fold. However, she gained an addiction... to the sperm of the minotaurs. It took many months for Ismira to learn how to control her addiction, however if she goes into a withdrawal... God help her.
Sex preferences: 2-3 opponents at a time. 4-6 on most enemies in terms of whose doing the raping, unless it is a minotaur, it changes to a 1-10.

Next GM post I make will include you and anyone else who's recently made a CS
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Urhr93 » Sun Jan 05, 2014 3:40 am

mmm... i was thinking, is there a pregnancy system? In the original CoC there is, and i think it could be there too XD

A simple system would be to GM-roll every time cum goes inside the womb of an impregnable PC (one can specify if he wants his pc to be impregnable) and see if she got knocked up. Obviously the chances of pregnancy depends on the amount, for example if only a little bit goes inside (or just pre) there is a "malus" in the pregnancy chance, while if the PC gets packed full there is a "bonus" that "helps" to conceive.
Then, after the end of the sex scene, counting from the first "normal" post, the pregnancy takes place in the next 9 posts, and of those in the first 3 the character doesn't know about it, in the next 3 the belly starts to show, and in the last 3 it's full pregnancy.

I thought about it since it would be "fun" to add that tension, since (at least for PCs like mine) it would add more things with which she has to cope.
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Kuragari » Sun Jan 05, 2014 3:36 pm

Well, technically, despite the fact that everyone has listed their fetishes, I'm not operating on a "You will never bump into things your not fond of" just like the regular CoC is to an extent.

As for pregnancies, I intend to start rolling at the end of each day or a particular PC (assuming they've had someone cum inside) to see if they become pregnant.
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Urhr93 » Sun Jan 05, 2014 4:00 pm

Yes, i know that the fetishes are only for reference and not absolute, i was saying it just in case ^^

I didn't know how the pregnancies were managed, so i suggested and if there wasn't any set system it could be considered ^^
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby redkeri13 » Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:40 am

Ok here's my character sheet:

Name: Myranda
Age: 18
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

On the shores of a warm peaceful inland sea sat Myranda's hometown. For centuries this town had had a peaceful existence, and grew large and prosperous, it's people happy, all overseen by its mountain portal rumoured to lead to the realm of the Gods. Until one night when the town was beset by demonic creatures surging from the portal gates, destroying crops and desecrating the homes of the town people, leaving many dead. The consensus was that the Gods were angry with them, for what exactly it was impossible to say, but the townspeople tried everything they could, each time meeting with failure as the hordes of demons struck out of the portal in a unstoppable wave of death each year when the portal was at its strongest. Eventually, the townspeople came to an unthinkable solution - to send their fairest maiden through the portal as appeasement to the Gods before the demon raid was set to begin. Incredibly, it worked, and for the first time in a decade the Demons did not attack the besieged town, however nor did the Maiden return. But the town was safe, and continued to be safe as long as the sacrifice was made.

A Temple was founded, run by Priestesses of the Gods for the purpose of raising orphan girls from the streets of the town for the purpose of sending them through the Portal into the realm of the Gods each year when they were of age, to keep the town safe for another year. Myranda was one such orphan, found abandoned on the steps of the Temple 18 years ago. As she grew older, Myranda was instructed the ways of self-defense in hand-to-hand combat to protect herself as it was thought bringing a weapon through the portal would be a grave insult to the Gods and possibly invoke their anger once more. Her training would probably be useless against any Demons she encountered but it made the townspeople feel a little better about their awful task. Her 18th birthday passed and the time approached for Myranda to step though the Portal. A huge festival was held in her honour, ending when dressed in ceremonial robes Myranda travelled up the mountain to the Portal and stepped through. Apprehension fell upon the town as the time of the demon passed, and the townspeople relaxed, knowing they were safe for another year.
Beyond the Portal however, Myranda awoke, to find herself in a strange dream-like world...
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Kuragari » Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:02 am

I'm going to wait for one more of the already playing Players to post, then I'll go ahead and make a GM post including the new people.
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Urhr93 » Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:33 pm

hoping that it happens soon *-* i'm eagerly expecting how the story will unfold xD
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Kuragari » Tue Jan 07, 2014 6:15 pm

Redkeri and thealchemist have been added in.
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby redkeri13 » Tue Jan 07, 2014 6:18 pm

Awesome, will post soon when I get back!
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Kuragari » Sat Jan 11, 2014 12:24 am

FYI Crimson, I'm going to be doing a roll for your post when I make the next batch of GM posts. It won't be a case of "Did the seal actually work" so much as "How well did the seal work"

In essense, if you were to get say a 10 (which would technically be a failure) I'd write it up as she seems a bit reluctant, but then after starting she gets into it. Anything below say an 8 though is going to be a case of "reluctantly follows order and doesn't seem to be all that into it"

A 1...well, a 1 would probably have her be insubordinate, but the seal marking your PC as her master, that much is in effect.
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Sat Jan 11, 2014 1:19 am

I barely understood that, but it will be interesting to see what happens
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Kuragari » Sat Jan 11, 2014 1:25 am

CrimsonNutcase37 Wrote:I barely understood that, but it will be interesting to see what happens

Essentially, unless you get a 1, the Catgirl is going to do what you told her to do. However, the lower the number, the less willing or enthusiastic about it she is going to be.

Conversely, if you got a 20 she'd probably try to clean them both at once and go further.
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Sat Jan 11, 2014 1:29 am

Sweet, here's hoping twenty
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Exerith » Sat Jan 11, 2014 6:54 am

Character name; NooSoahk
Gender: Male
Age: Lost track so he's not quite sure how old he is, appears 30's though its hard to tell.
Height: 7'3"
wing span: 3 feet
cock size: 15 inches
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Bio: NooSoahk barely remembers his past, his memories of how he came to Mareth fuzzy and elusive. It doesn't bother him much however, as his daily life keeps him pre-occupied and entertained taking his mind off such trivial matters. A hulking specimen of a human shaped dragonoid, NooSoahk uses his powerful physique and special draconic qualities to do as he pleases. This of course has made him no better then the other creatures of Mareth who rape and pillage the villagers and towns and has made him an outlaw in most towns. This of course suits him as it enflames his pride and arrogance and takes pleasure in knowing his actions are being noticed, liking when some of the females have a bit of fire in them. He currently resides in a cave near the peak of a mountain he's named his own, stocking valuables and trinkets he's 'acquired' and allowing him the perfect vantage point to go where he pleases for what ever desire he wishes to indulge in.

Sexual Scale: 8-10 (though can dip down to 5 depending on his mood)
Sex frequency: 8
Prefered number of assailants: one to a couple females (he isn't afraid to fight multiple woman at once or kill the guards of a traveling woman)
Permanent/Temporary partners: Won't mind stroking his ego, or cock, with some slaves/fuck toys if he ever decides to put in the effort.

Turn on's: Domination, Rape, Resistance, rough, humiliating his victims, lesbians.
Turn off's: worms, gays, gore, Being enslaved/submitting, Gore, Necrophilia, Scat, Inflation, Eggs, Gender-Bending. (really anything not in the turn ons)

special abilities:
'Heat' laced cum - His fiery cum/precum causes the one's he's fucking to become even more aroused (similar to minotaur cum but not as addictive)

Heat aura - His body radiates not only his natural musk but also a penetrating warmth/heat that causes those around him to be distracted and when his member is impaling them its hot and combines with his cum to have a much more powerful effect. It's a passive ability he has so unless he wants to contain it (he rarely does) he can try.

Breath weapon: Self explanatory usual dragon attack, though he can change it up so that the flames he breaths destroys clothes and causes intense arousal to the exposed parts of the victim. (can be used in a smaller more of a seductive blow of air to increase his targets arousal when he alrady has them in his grip).
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Steven kono » Sat Jan 11, 2014 10:40 am

I was curious if there was room for me to join. Been watching this progress for awhile and liking how it is set up
back and trying to improve my rp and gm skills

I may not be the best or most competent forum rper here, heck far from it but I at least try to give my 100% and that is good enough for me.
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