Drawing Suggestions?

Discussion about Legend of Krystal. For now this also includes any feature-requests or other ideas.

Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby toddymon » Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:51 pm

ah college. teh great giver and taker of time. im with you my man. and i didnt think what you made was bad. though they were right on the minor mistakes. i think your well on your way {though you should probably shorten your posts a little. it hurts my eyes to see that much writing in one place}
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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby dudelikeporn » Sat Dec 04, 2010 8:12 am

Different angles.

The new-ish Mario Is Missing game has them, which works wonderfully.
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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby Oakleaf » Mon Mar 28, 2011 2:39 am

Oookay, so I haven't been half as active as I hoped to be, and I don't have any excuses other than me being a generally lazy slob. I'm probably too unskilled to try my hand at backgrounds (although it really is something I should try to improve at) and my motivation really tends to dwindle when it comes to them. Sorry for being one of the many people that goes "hey, let me help!" and then loses interest after five seconds. But hey, I'm only human, right?

I haven't been completely inactive, however. While much of what I've done is either in sketching pads or non-pornographic, I've managed to draw two pictures -nothing too advanced, but still good for training purposes. I even made an account at hentai-foundry. Mayhaps the community there can spark some motivation in me. Meanwhile, enjoy these pics. They're not relevant to the project, but as this is the Creative corner and as I wanted to show you guys that I haven't been completely inactive I thought I might as well upload what I have.

Smaranth and Drakeling.jpg
again, the backgrounds.. x)
First warm-up (jpeg).jpg
wohoo, DP!
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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby ronpepper » Mon Mar 28, 2011 4:47 am

They're really pretty good. Now, off the topic of dp, but.. that's a good sig line. Can only imagine the scenario that was born out of. My players would come up with the worst things to try to adjudicate. Makes you hate it when they came up with the saying "Don't say no, assign a difficulty and then let them roll."

Yeah, how bout *eyeroll* instead.

Now, I feel ya on your backgrounds comment. It's hard to work on them when you're not getting feedback or not producing it for anything in particular. Also you have to figure that the style of the background could wind up being inconsistent with the style of the models, and to the degree that one fears it could happen, it is a demotivating factor. So you may have to adjust your style to fit that of the background artist.

Yeah.. Hmm, I like them both. What program do you use to color?
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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby Oakleaf » Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:28 am

Thanks dude. Haha, actually it's from a small movie on youtube called "the gamers". It's about a bunch of rpers. It featured some very typical happenings which made me appreciate it greatly, thus a quote was in order. Oh, as the one who usually gets to be the GM around here I really hate the "just let me roll, no matter how hard it is!"-argument. Some things are just not made to be succeeded, for the sake of plot and consistency.

Yeah, that's really not what gets me motivated. I love working with characters, but backgrounds.. that's another story x) I'll have to try and better myself on that part, though. Start simple and work my way up. Who knows? It might even be enjoyable after a time x)

I use the good old Photoshop. I just don't like jumping between programs that much so I pretty much do everything with it.
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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby ronpepper » Tue Mar 29, 2011 2:33 am

Oh yeah photoshop is good, and old. Sadly, I use it as well, and suspected you do the same. It doesn't have very powerful tools for cleaning up edges and outlines, and one ends up doing a lot of extra lasso work to make an image look clean. Well despite this, you did a great job.

I'm going to check out that youtube. Love me a little D&D humor, done right. (now, where's my copy of "People Still Play D&D"..?)
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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby Thaedael » Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:41 am

I am a huge fan of sai, thats what I used to use with my tablet before I got downgraded to a netbook.

Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby Oakleaf » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:11 am

ronpepper Wrote:Oh yeah photoshop is good, and old. Sadly, I use it as well, and suspected you do the same. It doesn't have very powerful tools for cleaning up edges and outlines, and one ends up doing a lot of extra lasso work to make an image look clean. Well despite this, you did a great job.

I'm going to check out that youtube. Love me a little D&D humor, done right. (now, where's my copy of "People Still Play D&D"..?)

Yeah, that's exactly what bugs me about photoshop. The outlines get really... scrappy x)

Thaedael Wrote:I am a huge fan of sai, thats what I used to use with my tablet before I got downgraded to a netbook.

I've been hearing a lot about sai. Perhaps it would be time to give it a shot?
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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby trunks2585 » Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:50 pm

I used sai for a little bit it's not bad. only thing is you have to buy it online so if you don't have paypal you're kinda screwed on getting anymore than a 30 day trial unless you find a torret or something, hence why i'm not currently using it.
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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby Oakleaf » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:11 pm

I'm using it as we speak. My god, what have I missed out on? 'Tis awesome.
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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby Oakleaf » Thu Apr 07, 2011 2:41 pm

So yeaaaah... Sai is pretty neat.

Recognize the sofa? x)
Critique please? :)
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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby Bussa » Wed May 04, 2011 5:50 pm

Oak, I never knew you were such a talented artist, I like your style, it's unique to you and you alone, love it! Also, I'm currently DL'ing sai just becuase you said it was awesome. ;)
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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby Oakleaf » Thu May 05, 2011 10:03 pm

Oh shi-
thanks alot man, really made my night :)
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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby ronpepper » Fri May 06, 2011 1:00 am

That man's a lady, hehe:) (does that make your night doubly?)
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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby Oakleaf » Sun May 08, 2011 2:00 am

I was quite aware of that actually, I just use "man" as a general definition of "friend" or kinda like "duuude" :D
Still, 'tis nice to hear it from someone of the opposite sex, considering how many males there are here x)
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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby SexyFoxTime » Sun May 08, 2011 5:01 am

Males? jesus.. we have alot of mails? well, i'll complain to the post office right away -beep, boop, BANG, Wtf?, Beep- yes...mhmm...Whut...yea one large..kk...-beep- yep called 911 instead :P
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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby Blackwing » Sun May 08, 2011 7:00 am

i like your coloring Oakleaf, if u got some spare time and just wanna color something plz hit me up ill love to lineart for you anytime.
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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby Oakleaf » Sun May 08, 2011 9:09 pm

SexyFoxTime Wrote:Males? jesus.. we have alot of mails? well, i'll complain to the post office right away -beep, boop, BANG, Wtf?, Beep- yes...mhmm...Whut...yea one large..kk...-beep- yep called 911 instead :P

Haha, kinda like that!
Blackwing Wrote:i like your coloring Oakleaf, if u got some spare time and just wanna color something plz hit me up ill love to lineart for you anytime.

thanks for the compliment, although I feel I want to improve my own linework as well x) If I should ever just want to practice coloring however, I know whom to talk to! :D

I was thinking, is there any way to move this thread to the creative corner, or does one have to start a new one? >_>

I'm done with a new image by the way :D Tried to work with coloring this time, I really like sai! The lineart in this one could reaaaally need some touching up, lotsa flaws and anatomical errors. What can one do but practice? >_>
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