Area 52's Model Designs

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Re: Progress halted

Postby Malcanthet » Fri May 06, 2011 10:43 pm

I actually dont have my tablet here on the ship in Hawaii with me, and I only have a small one. Also, I find drawing on a tablet frustrating, even more difficult. I am much more comfortable drawing in pencil and paper as its my perferred medium, and then inking/scanning or scanning/digitally inking, then coloring it. Don't worry, I'll have a scanner tomorrow and I'll start tossing stuff up and it will look less blurry without as many contrast errors. Oh, update in a little bit, my fixed Krystal (I was unhappy with some of it too) And Liz girl!
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Re: Progress halted

Postby Malcanthet » Fri May 06, 2011 11:03 pm

Alright alright, here we go. Another one of my shitty camera phone pictures.

But you can see Krystal's boobs are fixed, they still arent balloon tits, I just cant draw them on my models since they wont work right... but they're better shaped, and some contour lines are added for easy shading. I thickened the spot by her extended ankle, it was a bit too thin, along with some minor edits (you'll see it more in the real scan tomorrow)


I absolutely love her, in comparison with Krystal's body type, she has a more athletic physique and a wider upper frame. Her hand on her hip says 'I'm a fucking Sharpclaw, and don't you forget it. She radiates a sort of confidence an amazon woman would have living about a bunch of sex hungry savages, knowing they need her. Her breasts are also bigger than Krystal's by about a cup size and a half. I had fun designing the stomach and chest scales.. though there's that spot on her waist where I have a line for her hip? That can stay or go, it would better be represented with shading.

Also looking at their feet, I'm gonna modify the toes for the final scan.. Krystal's extended foot and the Lizgirl's left foot look a little off, but I'll right the toes.

FYI Thadael is doing a nice job over there coloring from my crappy camera photos. :) Give him props. He did a pretty good job digitally inking it.
Krystal and Liz.jpg
YES. Fear me, for I am SHARPCLAW. You'll get used to it honey, just look at me!
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Re: Progress halted

Postby trunks2585 » Fri May 06, 2011 11:13 pm

Maybe it's the scales but you see how you did the shape (not the size the shape) of the lizgirl's breast? i'd apply that to krystal as well, same shape just the cup and a half smaller like you metioned. I think the liz girl looks great and can't really think of anything to change.
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Re: Progress halted

Postby Malcanthet » Fri May 06, 2011 11:26 pm

Hey I see what you mean, Trunks. Also, the image is skewed/tilted due to the camera, I'll apply that shape to her outer breast. It's not the scales, I drew on the scales after I did the breast shape. Get on AIM I wanna chat with ya

EDIT: WOO. That worked, the boobs were still bothering me. Good observation on the boob-age.
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Re: Progress halted

Postby Malcanthet » Fri May 06, 2011 11:59 pm

Krystal boobfix.jpg
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Re: Progress halted

Postby Thaedael » Sat May 07, 2011 12:06 am


In the process of making a tutorial for basic coloring, here is a sneak preview.

Re: Progress halted

Postby mcbobinite » Sat May 07, 2011 12:47 am

wowwow!!!!!! i love the liz girl and the new krystal looks perfect to me. this is sooo cooooooooool!
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Re: Progress halted

Postby Malcanthet » Sat May 07, 2011 1:27 am

The name's Fox.. Fox Mcloud.. now where is Krysta---HEY Scales, I didn't know your women were so damn hot! You were really holding out on me, weren't ya?

Lord Scales > I can't let you do that , Fox.
Wolf > Damnit, that's my line!


Yes that little line is for his peen, I figured it didn't need to be drawn, just ..silhouetted so you could figure out where it'd be. I love the fact on my page (you cant quite see it) you can see the full comparison of height between him, the lizgirl and Krystal.

Look to the sky, Fox. Maybe you won't get caught by kamikaze Sharpclaw again, or is it that they are detaining you and your eyes are rolled because the sharpclaw ladies are pumping your sperm out of you like a factory? Oh well, don't die. Krystal will save you this time. (Maybe)
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Re: Progress halted

Postby Malcanthet » Sat May 07, 2011 3:15 am


Wolf link. Pooped him out retardedly quick.

Also, sideview of Fox.. Trunks sorta wanted a more sideview head so I did one - I can probably do better on the second go but eh, this isn't really that bad.I edited it a lil already after I shot the pic, but I can edit it later too after feedbacks.
fox side.jpg
fox side.jpg (16.88 KiB) Viewed 4565 times
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Re: Progress halted

Postby ronpepper » Sat May 07, 2011 3:21 am

It keeps getting better and better. You have such talent.
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Re: Progress halted

Postby Malcanthet » Sat May 07, 2011 3:48 am

I got a kick out of this.

Yes, why not? They're in the game. And one size of sharpclaw is boring. >:3 Besides groupsex.

Mini sharpclaw! rAWR!
Mini sharpclaw.jpg
Mini sharpclaw.jpg (60.01 KiB) Viewed 4546 times
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Re: Progress halted

Postby lebutcheker » Sat May 07, 2011 4:35 am

impressive malcanthet those pics look good and you are making them quite fast, you have my best wishes i just hope this time is for real....
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Re: Progress halted

Postby Blackwing » Sat May 07, 2011 5:51 am

amazing work on fox and wolflink, i think ther r fuzzy cuz your scanner is as bad as mine XD
your line value and anatomy are pro level
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Re: Progress halted

Postby Zeus Kabob » Sat May 07, 2011 9:00 am

Jeez, Malcanthet. Just crazy. One thing I would do about Krystal's boobs is lighten the line above the boob somewhat, to make them look less saggy. Plus, Man, dude, this is way too impressive.
P.S. Seriously, this is crazy.
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Postby Malcanthet » Sat May 07, 2011 9:23 am

The montage of art continues. Now! In the ship's crew bar!

Upper Left : Sharpclaw Elite : "I am Sharpclaw elite!! Silly little barbarian princess, prepare for your loins to quiver and your eyes to roll, marvel before my might!" *Flex, pose*

I think this one's a little too big and upright for our typical sharpclaw, but I really like him. I admit it was only the second Sharpclaw head I did after the lil guy, and I omitted the scale pattern because I didnt want to destroy the musculature. I always add it after the fact, and am wondering if it would be easier just to put 'em in with digital work... to where it meshes more. Anyhow, I love this guy, and the Head on the upper right. It was head 3, a little more streamlined and rigid in style as I got comfy drawing it.

Lower Right : Sharpclaw Grunt : "There's a helluva lot of us, and we're all horny. You're the new girl, right? Well get started!"

I like this one a bit better, he's stockier, stumpier and more, well, canonical to the sharpclaws in the game. He's still got the muscle and the junk downstairs to make girls quiver. Yes I like beasties, I lurv them. I also like weird cocks, the stubblies that Playshapes did struck a real chord in my libido. I like to think what it feels like going inside, if it's all fleshy, and not just some piece of fake plastic...

Enjoy sharpclaws.
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Re: Progress halted

Postby Alcander » Sat May 07, 2011 12:25 pm

I think they need more spikes....and dakka
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Re: Progress halted

Postby Rinzler » Sat May 07, 2011 3:26 pm

I'm actually really glad such a gloomy thread became a board for a talented artist like Malcanthet... please keep up the good work!
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Re: Progress halted

Postby ronpepper » Sat May 07, 2011 7:58 pm

The tricep on that sharpclaw is too small, it should be about twice as big as the bicep as a rule of thumb.
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Re: Progress halted

Postby Malcanthet » Sun May 08, 2011 2:47 am

aaAARGGH! Stupid Fire Team! Stupid Cruise Ship! ARRGH

Usually I like being on the fire team, but not when I totally forget about the day I am red flagged. Now I can't get off this ship in Honolulu and get a scanner.


Okay. Okay. So I almost have General Scales done. >_> I stopped last night because I had too much to drink, soooo yeah. Haha. Anyhow, I can get off in Maui hopefully ..since we overnight there for my scanner. Ugh! I dressed up to go crazy too, and was all set to scan. Ffff. Okay.. hmm.

Well I have some free time. Scales will be done shortly. BUT FOR NOW, those who hate hands?! I have a lovely tutorial I found on my computer that I forgot I had, and I shall henceforth be using it. (Well, not the exaggerrated style, but it's a super great reference point)

RP, thanks for the eyeball to the muscles. I'm rusty at drawing.. I haven't drawn anything in many months, so this is me doing poopy stuff. I'll be slowly ramping up my skill and refinement as time progresses.. just don't hate on my mistakes too much..!
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Postby Malcanthet » Sun May 08, 2011 3:34 am

General Scales. I don't know if I'm happy with this picture. I mean I like it? But I think I may draw him again. I already erased it once when I first started it, but then I did him again... and well, I'm satisfied. I think I tried to draw in my style and the reference of what scales wears too much, and should just stick to my style with head nods to how he's supposed to look.

But why would I want to deviate from what Scales looks like? He's so knowable in the series. I guess I could give him another go, but this one isn't bad.
General Scales.jpg
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