Community Guide - Unity Porn Game

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Community Guide - Unity Porn Game

Postby KaTsuO_O » Tue Dec 17, 2013 6:24 pm

Scroll down for the actual guide.


The point of a community guide is for anyone to be able contribute different parts on how to create, make, or do something. Not only is it less work for the person that started it, but it will also be more useful for everyone, since you will be able to learn various different things, and not just what the creator are interested about. In this case, it will be a guide for how to create a porn game using Unity. This guide will not be for how to create, for example, a first person shooter with adult content in it. It will simply be for the fundamental and important things that makes up a porn game and other things that relates to that.

The reason why it is specifically for porn games, besides the fact that I'm putting this on a forum about it, is because there is a set of elements that you will want to use, that is not usually combined in a lot other types of games. It is the combination of customization, camera angles, controls, animations with multiple character interactions, physics applied to certain body parts and more. So normally you would have to look at many different sources in order to piece all that together, where as if you would want to make a first person shooter or platformer, you will most likely find pretty good guides for both. So the plan is to make one guide for all of it.


This guide will be structured so that each step will teach you something that you will make use of in the following step. That way you're always building on to something, rather than doing separate things that doesn't necessarily connect to anything. Which means that when you follow the guide, it will give you a good sense of progress, which is very important to motivate you to push on and learn more.

This is an example of how it could look like. There will of course be more steps, but I think you'll get the idea.

-Unity's interface.
How to get started with Unity.

-Scene building.
How to put objects as well as lights and a camera in the scene.

-Oculus Rift Integration (Optional)
How to make the Oculus Rift work in your project.

-User Interface.
How to put buttons on the screen that you can click on with your mouse.

How to use animations as well as being able to control them.

-Camera controls.
How to control the camera's position and zoom.

How to make something that can be customized.

-Player controls.
​How to make player that you play as and that can interact with things.

Your Contribution

I would really appreciate if as many as possible could help with this, the more people contributing, the faster the guide will be made, and the better it will be. If you want to contribute, all you have to do is to simply write down the information you would like to share. It can be a whole step for the guide, but it can also be something such as, adding to what have already been said, free resources, links to tutorials you found helpful, tips and tricks, and so on. Anything is useful, as long as it is relevant in some way.
Last edited by KaTsuO_O on Wed Dec 18, 2013 5:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Don't create a porn game if you're only interested in porn.
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Re: Community Guide - Unity Porn Game

Postby KaTsuO_O » Tue Dec 17, 2013 6:25 pm

The Guide

So far it is only about Unity's interface, but I thought it would be a good thing to include for anyone that is completely new to Unity. ... 0Guide.pdf
Last edited by KaTsuO_O on Wed Dec 18, 2013 5:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Don't create a porn game if you're only interested in porn.
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Re: Community Guide - Unity Porn Game

Postby Anonymouse » Tue Dec 17, 2013 10:12 pm

I would like to help but sadly know very little about Unity. The only thing I can add is where you have said "For convenience, it is always good to start off at the center by changing all those values to 0", in the Transform module you can click on the cog then "Reset" to set everything to zero.

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Adding Sound to Your Game

Postby Anonymouse » Tue Dec 17, 2013 11:05 pm

Chose something not on your list, to be awkward.

Adding Sound to Your Game

Let's say you have an audio file and you wish to add it to the game. The first thing you need to do is import it to your game assets folder by right clicking in the Project screen and selecting "Import New Asset", then selecting your audio file. The file should now be sat in your assets folder, waiting to be added to the game, but before we do that you need to think about whether you want it to be a 2D or 3D sound.

2D vs 3D Sounds
In the Project window, select your imported audio file, then take a look at the inspector screen. You will see something like this: in addition to a Preview tab that lets you hear and visualize the sound. The important setting on this screen is the tickbox at the top that says "3D Sound". So what is 3D sound? Unity's sound engine is capable of taking into account the relative position of audio sources when determining which sounds to play and how loud they are, and 3D sounds take advantage of this. That means that 3D sounds play at a volume proportional to their distance. This is necessary for sounds such as moans or gunshots, which should be louder if the player is closer to them. 2D sounds, on the other hand, play sounds at a constant volume irrespective of the player's position. So make sure you have the right setting on your audio file before adding it to the game.

Note that 3D sound volume doesn't necessary have to be based on the player position - you can base it off the camera's position, or anything you like. The important thing to remember is that 3D sound is position dependent.

2D Sounds
With the 3D Sound box unchecked, let's add a constant 2D sound to your game. In the toolbar at the top of the screen, select GameObject->Create Empty to add an empty object to your scene. Then, with that object selected, drag your sound file from the Project window to the empty area of the Inspector window of the object to add the sound to your empty object. Alternatively, to add the sound to your object you could have clicked Add Component -> Audio -> Audio Source, and then dragged your sound file into the Audio Clip box. You should have something like this:

We created an empty object to hold this sound because it doesn't matter where this sound comes from. You could place it on any object in your scene and it would work the same. Because it is position-independent, it is helpful to move this object above the play area so that it does not get in the way while you are editing other objects.

3D Sounds
3D sounds are slightly more complicated than 2D sounds as you also have to set up your audio listener. Audio listeners are objects that register sound and are used to calculate sound volume, with the volume being determined by the distance between the audio source and listener. So for example if you wanted sounds to be louder when the player is near them, you would set the player as the audio listener. By default, the audio listener of your scene is the game camera, so if you want it to be an object other than that you need to select the camera object, then remove the audio listener component by right clicking its module in the Inspector window and selecting Remove Component.

Creating a new audio listener is simple: select the object you want to be your listener and then in the Inspector window select Add Component -> Audio -> Audio Listener. Audio listeners do not have any properties and therefore do not require any special setting up.

Now that you have the correct listener, it's time to add your source. You do this in a similar manner to adding a 2D audio source, except now it matters what you add the component to. The position of the object you add the component to will be the basis for the volume of the sound, so make sure you select the object the sound would be coming from. Then in the Inspector window select Add Component -> Audio -> Audio Source, and drag your audio file to the Audio Clip box in the newly created Audio Source module. You should see a box telling you your sound is a 3D one if you had ticked the box in the asset view:

So that's the basics of adding sounds. I would like to expand it in future and talk about the options available such as Play on Awake and Loop, but I think it's okay for now. I'm not great at explaining things though, so I'm sorry if it isn't very well written :/
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Re: Community Guide - Unity Porn Game

Postby BlueLight » Wed Dec 18, 2013 4:27 am

KaTsuO_O Wrote:-Player controls.
​How to make player that you play as and that can interact with things.

Couldn't you use the player controller?
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Re: Community Guide - Unity Porn Game

Postby KaTsuO_O » Wed Dec 18, 2013 3:18 pm

@Anonymouse that's awesome, it is appreciated that you took your time to research and write a rather lengthy section about sound, and it is pretty well written to be honest. The list is more of an example, so it is great that you wrote about this, as it is an important part of the guide. I can take care of the other options, as I will explain that when it is time to set it up. Also, good that you pointed out Reset Transformation.

@BlueLight you can, which will be explained. A few other scripts will be made as well for interaction.

Edit: I have now finished Part 1. Unity's Interface. Though I'm sure there are things that need to be change and more that should be added to it. But for the time being, I'll move on to the next part, which you can see what it is about in the index.
Don't create a porn game if you're only interested in porn.
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Re: Community Guide - Unity Porn Game

Postby LuftMallow » Sat Dec 21, 2013 12:22 am

I've been curious about 3D game development for awhile now. Unity is installed on my computer but haven't touched it yet. It will be good having more than what's in the program to help me learn it. I do have some experience with posing and animating 3D models in other programs though.
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Re: Community Guide - Unity Porn Game

Postby Bad Idea » Fri Jun 27, 2014 3:04 am

Just my two cents: The hardest part of any Unity porn game is always going to be content creation. Beware the Uncanny Valley, for it is EVERYWHERE.
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