In fact you can. You have to follow a specific pick order^^vestige Wrote:You can't pick up the Sex Goddess after you told her to leave the party if the two other characters are with you.
Dragoner Wrote:Car6on Wrote:Dragoner Wrote:Bug in the Town of Games: When you ask the Nun for healing i get a Game Over.
How? I don't follow. I can't see how that's possible, please be more specific....
It seems to work. False alarm. Sorry if i bothered you. I am just trying to help
It's really a great game! I love it
HardcoreMeth Wrote:The first door on the right inside the building in High Garden has a bug. When you enter it and go through the archway past the wolves, if you click on the interfere option and get raped by the wolves, you end up seeing a black screen and can't proceed.
vestige Wrote:Hello! Long time... The game is really good, you did a really good job.
I find some bug, if it's help:
- In the first arena, after you killed the demon, you can't go up to the backstage. And you can't go through the cell door in the beginning arena, where the bandit rape the girl in the middle.
- The flames in the Town of Games: You can't pick up the Sex Goddess after you told her to leave the party if the two other charater is with you.
- The flames give a little cheat chance. You don't lose your party members in the slave market when you talk with Death if you them before to leave the party.
By the way, nice game : )
Z0mb13 Wrote:In fact you can. You have to follow a specific pick order^^vestige Wrote:You can't pick up the Sex Goddess after you told her to leave the party if the two other characters are with you.
The slave room in the slave market is broken. The guard is walking to far away, then he gets stuck in your path.
In High Garden.
Picture bug just after saying no to the cell's guard.
I don't know how much addiction you need for the wolves, but i'm certain it's a LOT. Since we do not have any kind of addiction counter at this state of the game... Pwnd.
Good job!
tantramaster128 Wrote:I'm lost in high garden, i cant find the arena :/
The arena is not functional. Just keep going straight from the entrance of High Garden.
I love the new update!!!!!
Car6on Wrote:I could fix the problem with the sex goddess and the little cheat chance and the rape of the girl is fixed too. But I don't what demon you're talking about....what backstage? What arena? The arena in High Garden is not functional yet.
vestige Wrote:Car6on Wrote:I could fix the problem with the sex goddess and the little cheat chance and the rape of the girl is fixed too. But I don't what demon you're talking about....what backstage? What arena? The arena in High Garden is not functional yet.
Sorry about that. I talk about the beginning of the game. After you kill the... demon lord(?) where you get the sword from the corrupted angels. When you begin the free the girls, it is a place where the character can stip dance, and there is a backstage with 3 guard and a stair. You have no option to go up on the stair, and the guards just stand there, i see the silver haired woman there, but i can't free her. (Aaaand my english is badSorry)
HardcoreMeth Wrote:Any news on when the next update might be? Can't wait to carry on playing this game!
wolfmanjoes Wrote:So how will the arena be handled. will it be just plain one after the other fight or will it be a bit diffrent. Also will we be able to rechallenge any one we already beat.
Also will the woman from TOG who are in the slave market keep wondering around or will you put them in some permanent place to stand because as is there kind of hard to interact with with the constant movement, also will you be adding more girls to there numbers, I'd like to see some of the women i rescue show up again.
One more thing, what do you have planned for after the hig garden, I'm assuming the hidden area in the forest that hasn't been implemented yet, that one island covered in clouds in the sea, and, these are just suggestions feel free to ignore, the volcano would make for an interesting place, And going back and adding to old maps like you did the starting dungeon, unless you already have that planned
And of course take your time responding and working on the game. I am patient and believe all small time/hobby game developers should put RL before game making. And I would also like to paint out that compared to the original starting area you have made a lot of improvements, not saying they where badjust sayin the high garden the soldier camps and such looks alot better than some of the older maps.
Keep up the good work and have a nice day.
Car6on Wrote:Around the 23 or 24 December
4access69 Wrote:Ok, now this is weird...
Latest version of game, I go to "Town of Games" and the counter says "You have 150 or more addiction".Spoiler (click to show/hide):
hoboy Wrote:First off, like the use of artwork throughout the game. While it is sometimes a bit jarring moving from scene to scene where the characters do not seem to stay the same, it is a very good use of a lot of very good images. And best - there is a LOT of it...
Now one question - is the party change mechanism still a work in progress? I was excited as I like having Ash in the party, so did a play through up to rescuing her, went to town of Games and left Sex Goddess behind, then went to recruit Ash. But it still says I have too many on the party! Status shows only 3, but I still can't add Ash! And then - I go back to get Sex Goddess back, and I can't! I'm stuck now with a party of 3...
HardcoreMeth Wrote:Okay, well, while playing the game, I found some bugs and I was not able to proceed any further in the actual game.
The first one is that when you escape form jail in High Garden after being caught by the guards in the long hallway and go back there, when you click on the "Charm" option to have sex with them, the game freezes and is required to be restarted.
There also seem to be no other events that you can participate in at the moment, such as tournament fights in High Garden. Now, I don't know if you haven't added them yet or if it's a bug, but yeah.
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