To give you an idea what the project was like, here's one of the first posts I made:
The Nation of Maidens:
Composed on the twenty-third day of the seventeen-hundred and thirty-fifth year of the reign of the eternal queen, and the ninety-first day of the first year of the reign of the thirty-seventh princess.
Written by Tabitha Holdren, commander of the Black Guard
Addressed to myself
Subject current affairs
I am Tabitha Holdren, the current commander of the Black Guard, and, therefore, the overall commander of the Royal Army of the Nation of Maidens, under taking the glorious crusade against the pigs known as men in the name of the Eternal Queen and also the thirty-seventh Princess, Lilith Felicia, to whom I am
Before I met the princess, I had been assigned to capturing and harvesting those worthless things known as men (although I was cautious enough to always wear a chastity belt under my clothes. The looks of pain on the faces of those beasts who tried to do me is priceless.) as well as capturing and punishing the deserters and law breakers (which involved putting them in a cell with one of those beast and coming back an hour later. It also helps to keep our population up.) all in the name of the Eternal Queen. Then, on the first day of the seventeen-hundred and thirtieth year of the reign of the Eternal Queen, I was assigned to protect the next princess, and to make sure she was ready for when her reign was to come. Even though she was only ten at the time, I was still awestruck by her beauty, and every day since then, her beauty has grown even more, to the point
Every town we went to, their was celebration and prayers, and the garrisons held parades; with the exception of one. The sergeant in command of the village of Reston's Fall militia, had the nerve to go missing on the day the Princess came to town, so all we received was an honor-guard of troops lining the way, and an apology from the city mayor on behalf of the sergeant's absence. If it were not for the fact the Reston's Fall was on the very edge of our Great Nation, and that they brought in at least a score of those brutish men every day, I would have ordered the all of the village's population to spend an hour in the Fertilization rooms. If only I had realized what that disappearance could have lead to, maybe then I wouldn't be writing this now.
Less then fifteen days after Lilith Felicia was actually crowned Princess, the village of Reston's Fall stopped sending in men, and they didn't even send any messenger to explain why they had. Infuriated, I ordered the Black Guard to march against Reston's Fall, but I could not, as I was forced to deal with some accusations made against the Commander of the Militia. Perhaps that was fortunate. About nine days later, after two days of no contact, some militia members who had deserted reported that a large host of barbaric men had captured Reston's Fall, and had also defeated all of the Black Guard sent to investigate, of which only a small proportion were captured for their hellish desires, while the rest are attempting to strengthen other armies. I should have gone to lead the Army to victory then, but, the Princess insisted that, if I was going the she would come with me, so I was forced to direct the Army from the Palace for her safety.
Every day brought grim news, as another town would fall, or another of our Armies was swept away by the sheer barbaric nature of the enemy. To make matters worse, the commander of the Medical Corps, the Commander of the Militia, the Commander of the Army (not me) and the Commander of the Engineering corps were all captured in battle, and there was some outright rebellion amongst some of our maidens, although the cause of it has yet to be determined. As I am writing this now, an advance party of those filthy men, who have daubed their hands in red, have reached the gates of the Eternal City, and I have convinced the Princess to go into the Chamber and pray to the Eternal Queen. Now that she is not in danger, I shall lead what is left of our Militia to crush the vile pigs.
Tabitha Holdren
The Eternal Queen's advice Never let doubt enter your mind.
Character Profiles
Name: (explains itself)
Age: (how old your character is)
Gender: (Determines alignment. Either man, woman, or both(actually, not sure if that should be a PM only thing for the last one))
Corps/tribe:(takes the place of class. See following posts for more details (it's still all in one list).)
Height: (Inches or centimeters)
Weight: (Pounds or Kilograms)
Skin color:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Physical description: (notable traits, such as moles, scars, and overall appearance)
Bio:(Doesn't have to be too long, but it should be at least five sentences)
Equipment: (Which items you have. Actually placed below stats.)
Stats:Strength-How powerful you character is (used for hitting, holding down, etc.)
resilience-How good you character is at taking hits (Used for resisting pleasure, wounds, etc.)
Agility(or flexibility)-How fast your character is (Used for dodging, Sneaking, running, etc)
Willpower(or libido)-How well your character is able to resist "temptations" (used for ignoring someone's advances, ignoring "that feeling", and the like)
intelligence-How smart your character is (Used for charming people, setting up traps/ambushes, using certain items (like horseless carriages), and other inteligent sounding things)
health-how alive you character is (made from combining strength and resilience)
Sanity-how rational your character is (made from combining willpower and intelligence)
For every stat (except Health and sanity) they start out at 1, and you are given 50 points to distribute to the stats as you see fit, with a few rules:
1. When starting out, you cannot exceed 15 with the following exceptions
-Max beginning Strength for Men is 18
-Max beginning intelligence for Men is 12
-Max beginning intelligence for Women is 18
-Max beginning Strength for Women is 12
2. every time you test a skill, you roll a D20, and try to roll at or below your current stat in that area
3. Whenever you roll a natural 1, the test is automatically passed, and that stat increases by 1
4. Whenever you roll a natural 20, the test is automatically failed, and that stat decreases by 1 (minimum 1)
5. When dominating another player, you instantly get an additional 1 in any area, while subsequent one on the same person have a decreasing chance of doing so depending on their sanity (you roll below the sanity to gain the point, but your roll is then subtracted from their total sanity).
6. By killing someone, you gain 3 points to use outright.
7. Dominating or Killing an NPC is only ever worth 1 extra stat point either way
8. you can't gain the points by breaking someone, then killing them, or by necrophilia.
Who we have playing:
Arwok Jaka'atee (M, Brand_Name)
Hilde Ragnoras (F, Reaver)
Jareth Kor'doth (M, Laughing Hyena)
Adali Venis (F, MiscChaos)
Salandria Acalio (F, Soref12)