Breeding Season: Alpha Version 5.3 [Update 11/3/14]

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Re: Breeding Season: Update 4.0 [Game Update 12/06/2013]

Postby bmn » Mon Dec 09, 2013 5:07 am

I find it odd that saves don't transition between versions, but also my save editor (Coursevector Minerva) can't even open the save, which is highly atypical. How are you handling the save?

Using SharedObjects will probably fix your version-compatibility issues. It's easy and can be learned in 3 minutes: ... redobject/
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Re: Breeding Season: Update 4.0 [Game Update 12/06/2013]

Postby Ironvein » Mon Dec 09, 2013 6:42 am

kaishin Wrote:It seems to be something pretty specific that's breaking it that way, Ironvein, and so it doesn't really happen often, nor permanently.

I think it's trying to spawn Neoteny Elven monsters, and running into errors as a result of that. I assume that'll be something that will be fixed with the next patch.

No, mine broke the moment I bought a Elf Boy. Lost the store at that moment (restock wigged out) and then after leaving the store, I couldn't reenter. I could still do other things, but I hadn't Bought a Demon or Stallion at that point, so breeding options were limited. Eventually the client would want something I couldn't do. Saves and reloads didn't fix it either. All the new bugs, seem to stem from elves in one way or another.

As for Flora, all that was mentioned was the time. The state of the game wasn't mentioned at all; not enough info.
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Re: Breeding Season: Update 4.0 [Game Update 12/06/2013]

Postby kaishin » Mon Dec 09, 2013 7:20 am

Ah, yeah, I had forgotten that your bug encounter included some stuff I hadn't seen during my time playing, and couldn't seem to replicate. Given that, I'm not really sure if yours would end if enough time passed, as well. My encounters with store bugging out resolved itself when given time, or if I still had the window open, using restock again (never got the error about parents not being able to breed, or any error (other than the shop's stock not updating) at all for that matter).
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Re: Breeding Season: Update 4.0 [Game Update 12/06/2013]

Postby HartistaPipebomb » Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:39 am

bmn Wrote:I find it odd that saves don't transition between versions, but also my save editor (Coursevector Minerva) can't even open the save, which is highly atypical. How are you handling the save?

Using SharedObjects will probably fix your version-compatibility issues. It's easy and can be learned in 3 minutes: ... redobject/

I use SharedObjects, but because the game has a fairly complicated class structure I don't bother with manually saving variables and instead serialize the entire top-level gamestate object which has references to all the other objects that need to have variables saved. This saves me a lot headaches but as a consequence when I add a new variable that has to be saved/loaded my loading method will not play nice with an old save.

There's a solution, I think, if I just add my new variables as members in a pre-existing array, but I'll need to change a good deal of code to accommodate this. I also kind of wanted to hold off until I was sure I wasn't going to need to make any more major changes like entire new classes that need to be saved.

If I have to, I'll ditch the way I'm doing it now and rewrite the game to manually store all the important variables, but I'd really rather spend my time doing something else.
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Re: Breeding Season: Update 4.0 [Game Update 12/06/2013]

Postby bmn » Mon Dec 09, 2013 10:18 am

HartistaPipebomb Wrote:I use SharedObjects, but because the game has a fairly complicated class structure I don't bother with manually saving variables and instead serialize the entire top-level gamestate object which has references to all the other objects that need to have variables saved.

That's a pretty good hack, and I can see why you chose it. But if you can dump a serialized object into the SharedObject, perhaps you could just dump the gamestate object in there directly, without serializing? :? (it would let my save editor work)

I don't know Flash.

Depending on how the Flash type system works, this could also create a ghetto backwards compatibility, although it would introduce bugs whenever you modified existing data structures, such as changing variable names. Adding new structures would be ok, as long as they had sane default values; a copy constructor might be able to paste the old object into the new one.

AFAIK, classes can be created freely between different versions of a save file, and everything will still work great, as long as you detect their nonexistence in later versions and make a new copy. But that is an issue of initialization and depends on when you create the object.
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Re: Breeding Season: Update 4.0 [Game Update 12/06/2013]

Postby RunningAroundInCircles » Mon Dec 09, 2013 3:08 pm

I've tried breeding a futa catgirl with a vealtaurus and found a few bugs:
-Their futa holstaurus offspring is unable to reproduce with a female (neoteny or not doesn't matter)
-Their neoteny Catgirl offspring won't show their trait optically. Same is true for futa neoteny with off turned futa.
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Re: Breeding Season: Update 4.0 [Game Update 12/06/2013]

Postby FloraMeriadoc » Mon Dec 09, 2013 4:36 pm

Ironvein Wrote:
FloraMeriadoc Wrote:I'm on month 10 day 1 and also same with month 10 and day 2 I have no longer access to the monster shop

I cannot go in it I didn't had that problem the rest of the time before month 10

First off, congrats on getting that far before breaking. :)

Elves seem to be toxic to the game at the moment in both store and client instances and eventually the game will be unplayable. You didn't mentioned if you had unlocked elves or not, but eventually the client will want them and things go downhill from there. Once an elf (male only?) is purchased, the store is breaks.

I forgot if I had or not elf probably but I also noticed if you are in the market and you sell a monster to a client the shop

stop working that happen on my first try on the 4.0 version and also on my second tried without elf I thought I'd try

without them so probably the clients would not ask me to sell elf but I was wrong they do ask it eventualy

and I get stuck not able to unlock my last 3 traits funny thing is I had the same numbers left that I needed to unlock

on my first try as well
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Re: Breeding Season: Update 4.0 [Game Update 12/06/2013]

Postby RunningAroundInCircles » Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:20 pm

More bugs

-breeding a futa catgirl with a catgirl will result in confusing the game. The futa is shown as the mother.
-breeding a futa with the breeder will result in a catgirl, that isn't shown in the kennel and can't be sold to a client
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Re: Breeding Season: Update 4.0 [Game Update 12/06/2013]

Postby HohesHaus » Tue Dec 10, 2013 2:13 am

A manual with a detailed description how breeding works.
How high is a chance that the offspring will get the positiv modifiers, the traits etc.

Another thing is that high modifiers are marked with a + with different colours. It would be better to chance it into +/++ to regnognize it instant
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Re: Breeding Season: Update 4.0.1 [Hotfix 12/09/2013]

Postby kaishin » Tue Dec 10, 2013 4:55 am

Looks like you broke something with 4.0.1, man.

Clients are all looking for either nulls or "anything but a null"
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Re: Breeding Season: Update 4.0.1 [Hotfix 12/09/2013]

Postby InvisiBlade » Tue Dec 10, 2013 5:38 am

Just a heads up, the hotfix broke the time system, sleeping doesn't reset the clock or advance the date
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Re: Breeding Season: Update 4.0.1 [Hotfix 12/09/2013]

Postby HartistaPipebomb » Tue Dec 10, 2013 6:45 am

A new hotfix is up. Let me know what's still broken/newly broken.
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Re: Breeding Season: Update 4.0.1 [Hotfix 12/09/2013]

Postby ulquiorra » Tue Dec 10, 2013 10:53 am

It seems theres a bug where everything is incest on when you buy from one setting, makes starting out annoying.
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Re: Breeding Season: Update 4.0.1 [Hotfix 12/09/2013]

Postby ElPresidente » Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:47 pm

Say, any $ cheats for the lazy of us?
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Re: Breeding Season: Update 4.0.1 [Hotfix 12/09/2013]

Postby Ironvein » Wed Dec 11, 2013 3:48 am

ElPresidente Wrote:Say, any $ cheats for the lazy of us?

Why does everyone want a $ cheat for? It kinda ridiculous how easy it is to make money in this game. If it's about the monthly payment thing, you still can continue if you miss a payment. There just isn't a good reason for it right now.
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Re: Breeding Season: Update 4.0.1 [Hotfix 12/09/2013]

Postby ElPresidente » Wed Dec 11, 2013 5:55 pm

Because it takes time. And because the store is sucky.
But nevermind - I just used the Flash decoder and edited the starting money to 10000 and the store restorck to +1.

This experimentation also lead to me to find a big problem with the store - the limit of only 8 monsters.
The problem isn't noticable untill you build more monster housings. Build everything, leave the stables for last, build them and try to buy a Butt Stallion. Then you'll see the problem. You will quite often get NONE, and when you do, it will be 1 or 2 (usually crappy ones).

Because you only have 8 monster slots and all of the monsters have to fit in there.

-8 monsters PER MONSTER TYPE. Have a tab/drop down menu/filter in the store that lists 8 catgirls or 8 dickwolves or 8 butt Stallions, etc..
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Re: Breeding Season: Update 4.0.1 [Hotfix 12/09/2013]

Postby Ironvein » Wed Dec 11, 2013 6:50 pm

Or you can just take the crappy Stallion; produce offspring with one of you superior bred monsters and keep the kid. And the store is capable of having more monsters as the inventory changes slightly day to day naturally; it's just the restock button clears it out and generates a default 8 monster stock.

Your solution would only serve to slow things down as it takes up whatever memory resources that are still available; the game has already shows signs of that before if you have ever collected a ton of consumables and holding that much monster info at once will just reach that limit faster. It is especially bad to waste it on something that you don't really use after you have a decent breeder of each monster type.
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Re: Breeding Season: Update 4.0.1 [Hotfix 12/09/2013]

Postby RunningAroundInCircles » Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:24 pm

If the inventory of the shop is to be extendet, it shouldn't be by 8 per monters type but for monster types times 2 or something.
That way your problem shouldn't occour ever again. The problem of lacking memory capacities remains.

A solution could be not to make every monster buyable in shop but limit them to events or make them catchable only.
I honestly don't see why a shop would sell demons...
Also elves should be bought at the elven whatever
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Re: Breeding Season: Update 4.0.1 [Hotfix 12/09/2013]

Postby Rakaziel » Wed Dec 11, 2013 10:45 pm

To make them catchable you first need an area to catch them. Lots of programming, unless they randomly invade your farm.

Theoretically you could squeeze out a bit more memory if you simplify the character stats and store them as bytes.
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Re: Breeding Season: Update 4.0.1 [Hotfix 12/09/2013]

Postby ElPresidente » Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:32 pm

It's more to do with coding and limitations of Java and how data is acessed.
This is game is honestly incredibly simple and all the monsters take a tiny amount of memory.

At least keeping the re-stock price fixed OR the abiltiy to re-stock with a specific monster type ...
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