Hi Sythis_Sythes and thanks for your words!
You're right about the digital stuff, it'd be a little easier and a lot more faster to do this work straightly digitally!
One of the things right now is really driving me crazy is the fact that I won't be able to easily provide players enough customization ( which is so much important in a game like this) because of my choice to do things traditionally.
One of my friends already pointed out the " hairs affair", which is something I thinked of in the beginning... I wasn't sure about my skills as an animator and felt better to skip them.
Right now I think it wouldn't be so hard to animate ( say, almost decently) a couple of different hairstyles, it would simply be a lot of extra work!
No, seriously... Since I'm looking forward to program the game with Unity's engine, and right now some more 2d wise content have been implemented, there's no need to discard the idea of character customization.
If that engine is able to do what I'd like it to do the way I want it to do ( which is, to handle things like dust sweat and semen without bugs) then it won't be complicated to add, say, 4 different hairsyles ( the helmet one, the very short one, the ponytail and the " long sexy feminine hair" one).
A different matter is her outfit.
Let's say that the Beta of this game really " strikes the folks", I'd be very pleased to add 4 different " heads" for her ( and maybe a way to let you pick her colours).
To do those heads I'd only have to draw nothing but a small portion of every frame the character has ( paying attention to just one " pivot point", her hair joint) and add a script to run those animations properly ( which should be really easy, considering they share the same triggers as the original).
But let's say I'd like to add a different outfit... well, that wouldn't be so easy.
If she had, like you say ( and as I originally planned her), a simple pair of trousers to cover her ass, than I'd have to rework the finite-state machine to match the event an enemy hit her while her ass is " protected", which means also to add a sort of armour-like feature in the game, not to mention the difficulty to match the wrinkles to her movements in animation.
That is, sadly, an absurd amount of work ( plus I believe I would fuck up more than once while trying to handle those wrinkles).
Back on the very present, this project's animations have 12 frames per second, it's sloppy but it's a bargain since I'll have to draw a lot of stuff... as you suggest, the idea of adding a couple more frames here and there is not to be discarded ( after all, animation isn't something in which you can afford laziness), we shall see!
I'll remember your observations about the arm and I thank you for your compliments!