RP's Scenery

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Re: RP's Scenery

Postby Anonymous » Tue Apr 12, 2011 3:28 am

so when its released where will it be first? just wanna know?

Re: RP's Scenery

Postby Reaver » Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:56 pm

probably here on the main page
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Re: RP's Scenery

Postby Zeus Kabob » Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:57 am

Phew, I looked like an idiot and wasn't even here to defend myself. Bad job me.
But, to make sure people don't think I'm a total failure, here's a passable free-form blowjob cave painting!
By passable I mean looking as if the person had only their fingers and very limited experience in art.

I don't know what to do about the left arm looking funky, it just turned out that way. This is also just a raw outline, I'm going to shade it and put some noise in the background to make it look like it's in a cave, but first I want to refine the outline.
Cave painting raw.jpg
Cave painting raw.jpg (52.75 KiB) Viewed 5774 times
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Re: RP's Scenery

Postby ronpepper » Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:18 am

@Zeus: Ya know, why didn't I think of this?
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Re: RP's Scenery

Postby Zeus Kabob » Fri Apr 22, 2011 4:52 am

What do you mean? having a blowjob depiction on the cave wall?
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Re: RP's Scenery

Postby ronpepper » Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:30 pm

Yes. I don't know, I was at the end of my creative rope, I couldn't even think of that. When I get around to finishing this project, if I am needed, I think it would make a lot of sense to put that in.
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Re: RP's Scenery

Postby Zeus Kabob » Sun Apr 24, 2011 6:20 am

Cool. Any suggestions for making the arm not look like the cave wall behind it?
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Re: RP's Scenery

Postby ronpepper » Sun Apr 24, 2011 1:30 pm

.. Really? Your idea was good, but your artwork barely rises to the level of cave drawing. It's beyond help if you're not willing to help yourself. I was going to redraw the pose, but if you want it to be yours original, you want to fix this outline by simply closing that gaping hole at the shoulder. Then, make his elbow bend the other direction. The far arm should not stick out and be visible, just have the outline taper into the chest. Then who knows, you might put arms on the chick.
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Re: RP's Scenery

Postby Bussa » Mon Apr 25, 2011 3:54 am

*Caveman says* Chicks have arms? ;P
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Re: RP's Scenery

Postby Zeus Kabob » Mon Apr 25, 2011 5:23 am

Whoops, totally forgot about her arms.
I'm fully aware of my inability to draw anything that looks better than what a brain-dead monkey could make, but I'm still looking for advice. Sorry if I'm a bother, and you don't have to use my art (and I think you won't want to).
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Re: RP's Scenery

Postby ronpepper » Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:15 am

@Zeus: It all depends on you. A wise man once said, anything worth doing is worth doing well. Or put another way, "Anything that has meaning, value and worth involves work, time, and effort."

@Bussa: They have such lovely arms, in most cases. I prefer the ones that have arms. Although at times they tend to obstruct the view of the breasts, waist, and hips, and so many illustrators have taken to the habit of almost pinning the arms behind the subject... but that's .. am I getting off on a tangent? Must be time to hit the sack.
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Re: RP's Scenery

Postby Bussa » Mon May 02, 2011 8:50 pm

Haha I was just being silly, But yes I suppose our lady arms do get in the way of your obsessions ;) lol. I'd much rather prefer a man to have arms than not tho if you wanna flip it the other way around. And, well my arms anyway, are damn sexy when I put them in the right places, as opposed to some ladies with chubbier arms or the awkward ones who just don't know what to do with them. Arms (and hands especially) can add greatly to any piece or characters definition. In a lot of my art I use arms and hands to do a bit of expression to add to the characters disposition and such. And I totally agree about pinning the arms behind the models, it's just ridiculous (unless in the right positions), if your going to draw a model, do the whole thing, limbs and all, not some limbless half of a person, you know?
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Re: RP's Scenery

Postby ronpepper » Mon May 02, 2011 8:57 pm

Sheesh Bussa you are such a sweetheart. You make me want to start drawing again and get my own Deviant Art page. Unfortunately I can't spend lots of time on that like I used to.
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Re: RP's Scenery

Postby Bussa » Mon May 02, 2011 10:50 pm

;) sorry of your one of those chubby/awkward armed people hehe
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Re: RP's Scenery

Postby ronpepper » Tue May 03, 2011 2:20 am

I'm not sorry. If you have chubby arms, put down the cheetos and put on your sneakers. I'm in great shape, for now anyway. All things are fleeting, my ability to draw probably less so than my fitness level.
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Re: RP's Scenery

Postby Zeus Kabob » Tue May 03, 2011 7:41 am

Okay, it's a late post, but this has been weighing on me for a bit.
Ron, when you said "Anything that has meaning, value and worth involves work, time, and effort.", I immediately thought that you meant that my cave drawing was done without effort, when in fact I had spent a good hour on it. (also I have improved it since then, but that's not the point). I have since then figured that you meant that if I work at my art, it will become progressively better; it is consolation, but I have a fine motor impediment that keeps my handwriting from progressing past second grade level and my art (on paper) from reaching half-hearted 3rd grade doodles. I have had many times when I have known exactly what I've wanted to draw but have been completely unable to make it work out, because my constant interjection of too-long lines and veering off curves causes my drawings to be completely different from what I intended. I'm not saying this to avoid the responsibility of contribution, just to let you know where I stand in this.
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Re: RP's Scenery

Postby Thaedael » Tue May 03, 2011 8:10 am

Zeus Kabob Wrote:Okay, it's a late post, but this has been weighing on me for a bit.
Ron, when you said "Anything that has meaning, value and worth involves work, time, and effort.", I immediately thought that you meant that my cave drawing was done without effort, when in fact I had spent a good hour on it. (also I have improved it since then, but that's not the point). I have since then figured that you meant that if I work at my art, it will become progressively better; it is consolation, but I have a fine motor impediment that keeps my handwriting from progressing past second grade level and my art (on paper) from reaching half-hearted 3rd grade doodles. I have had many times when I have known exactly what I've wanted to draw but have been completely unable to make it work out, because my constant interjection of too-long lines and veering off curves causes my drawings to be completely different from what I intended. I'm not saying this to avoid the responsibility of contribution, just to let you know where I stand in this.


Not to look down or anything, but if you are passionate nothing stands in your way. Keep trying and you will get it. I think I have some sketches around from when I first started drawing too I should upload them for a good a laugh :).

Re: RP's Scenery

Postby ronpepper » Tue May 03, 2011 1:26 pm

Thanks for that Thae. It doesn't really address Zeus' motor skills issue, I reckon.

@Zeus: I don't face the same challenges that you do in drawing. I really respect that you tried when others who don't have your problems did not. Now, what did I mean by that quote, exactly? I meant that it takes time and effort to improve your skills on top of the time and effort it takes to produce Every Single Drawing. I can whip up a sketch of a person in under a minute but in order to get the lines clean and everything in proportion, tack on at least another hour or two, maybe more. And that's just pencil on paper with panties on (minimizes detail work).

When I first started, every figure drawing took several hours to complete. (but then, I wasn't drawing them naked, come to think of it)

When you leave a hole open where the shoulder should be and forget the arms on "the chick," you just can't blame that on a motor skills handicap. The problem was that at some point you decided it was done, when it still needed more work. It's not a dig against you, it's just the unavoidable conclusion I or anyone else reaches when we appraise your work. You should see it as well.

Anyway I hope this clarifies what I meant. It's up to you to invest that time, and no one can even promise you that your investment will result in skills that you are satisfied with. That's where the work and effort comes in. Work to learn anatomy and techniques, effort to push yourself to keep learning them, to draw stuff that maybe you will never want to show anyone because it still sucks. Work, effort, drawing, sketching, more and more, then going back and practicing what you already know, over and over until it's all second nature. That is, if you want to. We all have a limited time on this earth, you may decide you want to become skilled at something else.

Right now I'm studying Cisco routers and stuff. I'm really planning on making my money in the field -- it's easy to learn the bulk of the theory, and it's lucrative! For the time being I don't give myself much time to do other things. So while I'm telling you what you would need to do to learn how to draw, don't take that as me saying you should learn to draw better. Just use your head, pick something that you are passionate about or .. well, or that makes you money, and become good at that.
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Re: RP's Scenery

Postby Bussa » Wed May 04, 2011 12:35 am

Zeusy's a softy hehe ;) it's ok if your art sucks ha. We all start somewhere... I'm assuming. :P Suck it up, not everyone is gonna find perfection in everything you do. And thaedael...your hilarious ;)
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Re: RP's Scenery

Postby 肉まんマン » Fri May 06, 2011 3:12 am

Hey RP, I saw the zip file with your backgrounds in the progress halted thread.
I just wanted to compliment you on your hard work and say that they looked really fantastic!
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