Hello everyone and welcome to not only my first RP but to a new attempt of a Pokemon RP. I know that there's been a few attempts at this, one of which actually sounds better than the other one, but hopefully this time around we can make something outta this one!
Anyway, let's discuss what's what is going to happen in this series:
Much like Misc's run, this will be very much casual and laid-back, allowing you the chance to fully explore the Pokemon world as either a Trainer, Breeder, Ranger or whatever you want to be in the Pokemon universe. You get to explore the Unova region, the setting for both Black and White Versions and Black 2 and White 2 Versions. You are free to choose any of the cities or towns to start from, free to take any path you choose. As I said, you can become whatever you want and choose what to do, be it becoming the next Champion, maxing out the Pokedex, helping out fellow humans and Pokemon, becoming a movie star or star in Musicals, or just screw Pokemon, or a combination of the sort. As such, there will be sexual content in this, be it between a fellow player, NPCs and, should you choose, between Pokemon.
By the way, the title for this doesn't mean your character is going to be naked throughout. Just wanna think of something clever for a title.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Starting - With the release of Pokemon X/Y, there's now over 700 Pokemon to choose from. Much like others, you are free to choose whatever Pokemon you want as a starter, provided it must be a starting stage (like Bulbasaur, Wrumple, Espurr, etc). If you want to go with a Baby Pokemon, feel free to do so as well (since technically that is a "starting stage"). Also I will accept duplicate Pokemon, so if someone took your Pokemon you can have another one as well.
Leveling - This will pretty much be behaving like the games, where battling will make your Pokemon stronger and eventually level up. As for moves, it can learn them naturally (leveling up) or through Tutors or TMs/HMs. Pretty much as said before, if a Pokemon can't learn a move either naturally, by tutor, TM/HM, or by breeding (for those who go that route in getting your Pokemon through an egg), then pretty much your Pokemon can't use it. It's just to keep things more natural to the games.
Moves - Going along with the above in terms of letting Pokemon moves, you're going to be limited to the four-moves limit like in the games. So think ahead about what moves you want to use, as while it'll be great to have access to all moves, it'll feel a little overpowering to let your Pokemon to have such a wide range. It'll also help in your strategy should I decide to throw challenging your way.
Party - And much like the games, you are only going to be carrying up to 6 Pokemon at a time. Every other Pokemon that you captured during this will be transfer into "Someone's PC."
Backpacks - Much like in the other RP, everyone is going to get a backpack. It can be whatever you want, but everyone is going to get a Starting Pack, consisting of the following items: a Pokedex, 5 Pokeballs (Rangers will get a Capture Styler instead), 5 Potions, and a Xtransceiver (the Pokegear for those who haven't played B/W). I will personally keep tally of all of your inventory, along with your moves above, so in case you forget something I will happy to point how what you have in your Backpack.
How battles will be played out are like this:
Boating and Flying:
With the new area added in Black 2/White 2, there's going to be transportation between Castelia City and Virbank City. As such a trip there will take 1 Posting Cycle (see Inactivity about this), unless you or someone else decides to partake in something on board (conversation or Pokemon battles). The Royal Unova boat, however, is a different story. I might need to figure something out on that, but for now that's inaccessible. And there's also a matter of flying around Unova as well, should you own a Pokemon that knows Fly. Of course it all depends on your flying Pokemon as some might not be able to lift you at all (for some realism). If you do possess a Pokemon that's big enough to carry you and can Fly, then it will take 1 Posting Cycle to get from Point A to B, but might take 2 depending on how far away it is (this also applies to Skyla's flight service when you're in Mistralton City). This will come in handy for those who are competing in the Gym circuit that don't want to waste posts.
I will count you as inactive if I go 3 Posting Cycles (I will post every Monday and Thursday, giving you a few days to work something out) without any input from you. After that, you'll be thrown from the Active List into an Inactive List unless you let me know ahead of time that you'll be unable to post for a while. If you return before I go through 2 more Posting Cycles, then you'll start off having blacked out and will be recovering in the nearest Poké Center. After that, you get thrown from the Inactive List to the Reserve List and someone on the Reserve List takes your spot.
Starting - With the release of Pokemon X/Y, there's now over 700 Pokemon to choose from. Much like others, you are free to choose whatever Pokemon you want as a starter, provided it must be a starting stage (like Bulbasaur, Wrumple, Espurr, etc). If you want to go with a Baby Pokemon, feel free to do so as well (since technically that is a "starting stage"). Also I will accept duplicate Pokemon, so if someone took your Pokemon you can have another one as well.
Leveling - This will pretty much be behaving like the games, where battling will make your Pokemon stronger and eventually level up. As for moves, it can learn them naturally (leveling up) or through Tutors or TMs/HMs. Pretty much as said before, if a Pokemon can't learn a move either naturally, by tutor, TM/HM, or by breeding (for those who go that route in getting your Pokemon through an egg), then pretty much your Pokemon can't use it. It's just to keep things more natural to the games.
Moves - Going along with the above in terms of letting Pokemon moves, you're going to be limited to the four-moves limit like in the games. So think ahead about what moves you want to use, as while it'll be great to have access to all moves, it'll feel a little overpowering to let your Pokemon to have such a wide range. It'll also help in your strategy should I decide to throw challenging your way.

Party - And much like the games, you are only going to be carrying up to 6 Pokemon at a time. Every other Pokemon that you captured during this will be transfer into "Someone's PC."
Backpacks - Much like in the other RP, everyone is going to get a backpack. It can be whatever you want, but everyone is going to get a Starting Pack, consisting of the following items: a Pokedex, 5 Pokeballs (Rangers will get a Capture Styler instead), 5 Potions, and a Xtransceiver (the Pokegear for those who haven't played B/W). I will personally keep tally of all of your inventory, along with your moves above, so in case you forget something I will happy to point how what you have in your Backpack.
How battles will be played out are like this:
- As all other combat-based RPGs, there is a strict no auto-hitting, God-modding, or power-playing rule constantly in affect as well as a no-killing policy unless the act is a mutual agreement.
- All standard Pokemon battle rules apply: Battles will either be a Single, Double or Triple Battle (no Rotation due to well this being in written form and I have absolutely no idea on how to go about it). The battle is finished when the opponent runs out of battle-ready Pokemon. Items can be legally used during battle, but at the Trainer's own risk, for in this game, the Trainers can come under attack.
- Realism is also very much encouraged. If you're thrown into an unofficial no-holds-barred battle, feel free to use every dirty underhanded trick you can think of, even if you've gotta have the trainers duke it out themselves while their Pokemon are also fighting!
- Be descriptive with combat as possible! I highly advise this, since it does have flair to the experience. This is not like having your battles set with the no animations tic, so we want to see how everything plays out before us. Plus don't be sure that your attack will hit every time because that wouldn't be too fair.
Boating and Flying:
With the new area added in Black 2/White 2, there's going to be transportation between Castelia City and Virbank City. As such a trip there will take 1 Posting Cycle (see Inactivity about this), unless you or someone else decides to partake in something on board (conversation or Pokemon battles). The Royal Unova boat, however, is a different story. I might need to figure something out on that, but for now that's inaccessible. And there's also a matter of flying around Unova as well, should you own a Pokemon that knows Fly. Of course it all depends on your flying Pokemon as some might not be able to lift you at all (for some realism). If you do possess a Pokemon that's big enough to carry you and can Fly, then it will take 1 Posting Cycle to get from Point A to B, but might take 2 depending on how far away it is (this also applies to Skyla's flight service when you're in Mistralton City). This will come in handy for those who are competing in the Gym circuit that don't want to waste posts.
I will count you as inactive if I go 3 Posting Cycles (I will post every Monday and Thursday, giving you a few days to work something out) without any input from you. After that, you'll be thrown from the Active List into an Inactive List unless you let me know ahead of time that you'll be unable to post for a while. If you return before I go through 2 more Posting Cycles, then you'll start off having blacked out and will be recovering in the nearest Poké Center. After that, you get thrown from the Inactive List to the Reserve List and someone on the Reserve List takes your spot.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Unova has been through some rough times these past few years, but now things have finally begin to settle down now that Team Plasma is out of the picture. With a young new Champion crowned, those loyal to Ghetsis are arrested, and the last bits of Unova thawed out, there are peaceful days on the horizon for the region. However there are some signs of some underground operations, possibly from some remnants of a former team from another region. It is uncertain about who they are and what they are up to, but that's not going to stop the next generation of Trainers!
Unova has been through some rough times these past few years, but now things have finally begin to settle down now that Team Plasma is out of the picture. With a young new Champion crowned, those loyal to Ghetsis are arrested, and the last bits of Unova thawed out, there are peaceful days on the horizon for the region. However there are some signs of some underground operations, possibly from some remnants of a former team from another region. It is uncertain about who they are and what they are up to, but that's not going to stop the next generation of Trainers!
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(For a full view, right click and select "View Image")
*Not featured in this map: Aspertia City, Floccesy Town, Virbank City, Lentimas Town and Humilau City (which appeared in Black 2/White 2)
List of Pokémon by New Unova Pokédex number

(For a full view, right click and select "View Image")
*Not featured in this map: Aspertia City, Floccesy Town, Virbank City, Lentimas Town and Humilau City (which appeared in Black 2/White 2)
List of Pokémon by New Unova Pokédex number
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Class: What you're going to be (Trainer, Breeder, Ranger, Coordinator, etc.)
Appearance: (Please be descriptive if you don't have a picture. Pictures are optional, and if there's no color please note what colors s/he has)
Home Town: (If they are not from the Unova Region, Please add their Starting Town within this region as well
(Pallet Town / Castelia Town)
Starter Pokemon:
Other: Extra information I may not know
Class: What you're going to be (Trainer, Breeder, Ranger, Coordinator, etc.)
Appearance: (Please be descriptive if you don't have a picture. Pictures are optional, and if there's no color please note what colors s/he has)
Home Town: (If they are not from the Unova Region, Please add their Starting Town within this region as well

Starter Pokemon:
Other: Extra information I may not know
If there's anything else you might need to know, feel free to ask. I'll update this as best I can before we begin.
Nuvema Town:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: Ismira Silverwing
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Class: Ranger
Appearance: Ismira is a 5' 7" olive skinned woman with average C-cup breast and long, silky black hair pinned into a neat bun. She wears a plain white t-shirt with a red jacket and a pair of tight jeans. Ismira is a slender girl with a chinese complexion.
Personality: Golden ruler (you be nice to her and she will be nice to you)
Home Town: Ismira is originally from New Bark Town, however she had wished to begin her journey in Unova so here she is in Nuvema Town.
Starter Pokemon: Cyndaquil.
Background: Ismira came from a long line of do-nothings, most of her family working at a family owned resturant in New Bark Town. Ismira wanted nothing of the life of a waitress or a manager, so in defiance to family's way, Ismira left the region of Johto in order to begin her journey as a pokemon ranger.
Other: I have yet to play the pokemon black and white games so alot of information may be incorrect if so please correct me at any oppertunnities. I'll try as much as I can to not be a screw-up.
Name: Ismira Silverwing
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Class: Ranger
Appearance: Ismira is a 5' 7" olive skinned woman with average C-cup breast and long, silky black hair pinned into a neat bun. She wears a plain white t-shirt with a red jacket and a pair of tight jeans. Ismira is a slender girl with a chinese complexion.
Personality: Golden ruler (you be nice to her and she will be nice to you)
Home Town: Ismira is originally from New Bark Town, however she had wished to begin her journey in Unova so here she is in Nuvema Town.
Starter Pokemon: Cyndaquil.
Background: Ismira came from a long line of do-nothings, most of her family working at a family owned resturant in New Bark Town. Ismira wanted nothing of the life of a waitress or a manager, so in defiance to family's way, Ismira left the region of Johto in order to begin her journey as a pokemon ranger.
Other: I have yet to play the pokemon black and white games so alot of information may be incorrect if so please correct me at any oppertunnities. I'll try as much as I can to not be a screw-up.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: Aquamarine
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Class: Trainer/Breeder (Multiclassing- Because Trainers become boring quickly)

Personality: A chaotic girl, "Aqua" would pass off the normal person as a sufferer of multiple personalities. However, upon a closer inspection, it would become quite clear that she is like a scale: Swinging from extremes, yet retaining a sense of balance. On a random whim, she may attempt to "break" someone of their morals, decisions, and/or beliefs. Possibly followed by a physical beat down and sexual assault. This "half" could be described as a smart- mouthed, rude, horny bitch. Yet, on an equally random whim, she would encourage, and even guide others to become stronger, and better by pointing out their faults and weaknesses. Aside from her mad duality, she is quite unflappable as a person, usually taking most insults as a complements. She isn't a slouch in fighting either, though she has a small tendency to use flashy moves when fighting.
Home Town: Rustborough City, Nuvema Town
Starter Pokemon: Ralts, female, level 6
Background: Aquamarine grew up lonely. Her parents were researchers for Devon Corp., and with most of their time spent in the labs, Aqua was forced to care for herself from a young age. With no one to care for her in the city, she wandered, often through the Petalburg Forests, and sometimes the Verdanturf tunnels alone. This made her surprisingly adept at evading confrontation and capture from a young age. Sometimes, she'd mingle among the crowd, filching some money here, a pokeball or premire ball there. The only thing that kept her sane and not totally defenseless was her only pokemon, a Ralts.
Now that her parents were transferred over to the Battle Company in Castelia City, Aqua was left behind in Nuvema Town, without a doubt that she was completely forgotten by her parents. Now, she's decided to start traveling, to forget her past, and move on towards her future.
Other: She has a cousin back in Hoenn by the name of Skye
Name: Aquamarine
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Class: Trainer/Breeder (Multiclassing- Because Trainers become boring quickly)

Personality: A chaotic girl, "Aqua" would pass off the normal person as a sufferer of multiple personalities. However, upon a closer inspection, it would become quite clear that she is like a scale: Swinging from extremes, yet retaining a sense of balance. On a random whim, she may attempt to "break" someone of their morals, decisions, and/or beliefs. Possibly followed by a physical beat down and sexual assault. This "half" could be described as a smart- mouthed, rude, horny bitch. Yet, on an equally random whim, she would encourage, and even guide others to become stronger, and better by pointing out their faults and weaknesses. Aside from her mad duality, she is quite unflappable as a person, usually taking most insults as a complements. She isn't a slouch in fighting either, though she has a small tendency to use flashy moves when fighting.
Home Town: Rustborough City, Nuvema Town
Starter Pokemon: Ralts, female, level 6
Background: Aquamarine grew up lonely. Her parents were researchers for Devon Corp., and with most of their time spent in the labs, Aqua was forced to care for herself from a young age. With no one to care for her in the city, she wandered, often through the Petalburg Forests, and sometimes the Verdanturf tunnels alone. This made her surprisingly adept at evading confrontation and capture from a young age. Sometimes, she'd mingle among the crowd, filching some money here, a pokeball or premire ball there. The only thing that kept her sane and not totally defenseless was her only pokemon, a Ralts.
Now that her parents were transferred over to the Battle Company in Castelia City, Aqua was left behind in Nuvema Town, without a doubt that she was completely forgotten by her parents. Now, she's decided to start traveling, to forget her past, and move on towards her future.
Other: She has a cousin back in Hoenn by the name of Skye

Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: Kaor
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Class: Trainer
(but in red)
Personality: Kaor is often in a joking mood, taking things somewhat unimportantly. However, he can take some things seriously, such as Pokémon battles. When it comes to battling, he is often quick to jump head-first into it without strategy.
Background: Kaor had a very dysfunctional childhood. As a young child, growing up on the shores of New Bark Town, he was often split between between his father, a Priest of Lugia who wanted him to be educated, and his mother, a Master trainer who wanted him to go on his own journey. As such, he often kept to himself, ignoring the world around him. However, a few years ago, he saw something in a dream that pushed him to want to go on his own journey. Taking along with him a prototype Pokédex and a Pokémon of his very own, the offspring of his mother's Typhloshion, he set off to Opelucid City in Unova, to learn with the best of the best. (At least, he would have, but the cab brought him to Nuvema Town by mistake).
Starter: Cynder (Male, Cyndaquil, Lv. 5, Moves: Tackle, Leer, Eruption*)
Hometown: New Bark Town, Johto
Starting Town: Nuvema Town
Other: While he doesn't really care about religion, he worships Lugia (whom he saw in the above-mentioned dream, but he doesn't know so). *Cynder knows Eruption via an Egg move, but it doesn't work as intended, instead wildly exploding and usually hurting him and occasionally others nearby.
Name: Kaor
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Class: Trainer

Personality: Kaor is often in a joking mood, taking things somewhat unimportantly. However, he can take some things seriously, such as Pokémon battles. When it comes to battling, he is often quick to jump head-first into it without strategy.
Background: Kaor had a very dysfunctional childhood. As a young child, growing up on the shores of New Bark Town, he was often split between between his father, a Priest of Lugia who wanted him to be educated, and his mother, a Master trainer who wanted him to go on his own journey. As such, he often kept to himself, ignoring the world around him. However, a few years ago, he saw something in a dream that pushed him to want to go on his own journey. Taking along with him a prototype Pokédex and a Pokémon of his very own, the offspring of his mother's Typhloshion, he set off to Opelucid City in Unova, to learn with the best of the best. (At least, he would have, but the cab brought him to Nuvema Town by mistake).
Starter: Cynder (Male, Cyndaquil, Lv. 5, Moves: Tackle, Leer, Eruption*)
Hometown: New Bark Town, Johto
Starting Town: Nuvema Town
Other: While he doesn't really care about religion, he worships Lugia (whom he saw in the above-mentioned dream, but he doesn't know so). *Cynder knows Eruption via an Egg move, but it doesn't work as intended, instead wildly exploding and usually hurting him and occasionally others nearby.
Castelia City:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: Alexander Bigsby
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Class: Trainer
Appearance: Standing at 5'4, Alexander is a rather portly guy, with thick muscled arms, large bear-like hands that always makes him chuckle when people measure their hands against his. His legs have little to no fat on them, despite his size, and instead are solid blocks of hard muscles. His eyes are a warm chocolate brown and thick, swept back dark brown hair like a lion's mane. While he may have a bit of a gut, he is surprisingly agile and athletic for a guy his size. He usually wears either a leather jacket or a white shirt over a dark blue popo shirt with a pair of black dress pants, a grey utility belt around his hips. A pair of black boots cover his feet, with a set of black fingerless gloves over his hands
Personality: Alexander is one of the calmest and gentlest souls, prefering to deal with things with neutrality and calmness as opposed to brute force though he's will use such if necessary. Loyal to a T, Alexander will do all that he can to aid those he considers his friends, though insults, even those made in joking fun only serve to upset him or make him angry
When angered, Alex is filled with rage and is known to lash out with a large fist, laying fist upon fist down on whoever or whatever drew his ire
Home Town: Petalburg City, Hoenn
Starter Pokemon: Ralts
Background: Many years ago, Bigsby's great great great GREAT grandparents were members of a cult that engaged in Pokephelia, believing that by combining the DNA of human and pokemon, that they could create the perfect being. After multiple failures using humanoid pokemon such as Infernape, Vigoroth and Machoke, the cult broke up, the members never speaking of the events and activities they took, though the Bigsby family blood now hid something, the members teaching heir descendants that while Pokephilia may be frowned upon in normal society, there was nothing wrong with it.
Eventually, Alex was born in the Hoenn region in the quiet peaceful town of Petalburg, raised that under no circumstances should he lash out in anger at anything. Growing up, the young boy was known for his friendly attitude, though his large physique soon caused him to be the source of ridicule at school and among the other children in town. Despite all the teasing a bullying, the young boy was raised to avoid getting angry and to try and get away from situations that would make him angry. This caused the young lad to often run into the nearby Petalburg Forest whenever possible to escape his ridiculers and to lose himself in the peaceful forest, surrounded by the sounds of pokemon.
During one such time, he got lost deep within the grass and stumbled upon an indifferent trainer's Zangoose trying to kill a Ralts. Infuriated by his ridicule and the heartlessness of the trainer, Alex snapped and let anger fill his mind. The rage, pent up from all of his bullying and abuse, activated the Pokemon with his DNA and caused his body to grow, turning him into a raging beast of anger. Letting out a roar of rage, he charged in with a fist to the vicious pokemon's face, stunning it and giving him the oppertunity to grab the Ralts and run, ignoring the surprised and angry yell of the trainer behind him.
The young boy ran and ran, the anger slowly fading from his mind and causing him to return to his normal human form as he ran all the way home.
Not knowing what to do in the situation andclutching the injured Ralts to his chest, he burst into his home. His parents, seeing him burst in holding the weakened pokemon, quickly captured it in a pokeball for easier transport and took it to the nearby Pokemon Centre for healing. While awaiting news of the condition of the Ralts, two of the major abusers cornered the young boy and tried ot tease him again. Fed up with the mocking, Alex knocked both guys out with hard fists and left the message to leave him alone. Upon being discovered by his father, the boy was taken aside and told his family history and the truth about what had happened to him in the forest
After the Ralts was healed of the serious damage, Alex was given the pokeball for the Ralts, so that he could look after her while she healed fully. Once recovered, he gave the small Psychic-type the option of being released or not, Alexander was overjoyed when she chose to stay with him. A few years later, Alex had grown stronger and more muscled, finding a love for wrestling while the Ralts stayed with him, the two becoming good friends. After getting his trainer license, he decided to leave home and head to a new region, taking Ralts with him as his first pokemon and boarded the ferry to the Unova region
Other: Alex is stronger and more muscled then normal teens, leading others to jokingly ask whether one of his ancestors had bedded a Machamp or a Hariyama. When angered enough. Alex's pokemon DNA is activated, causing his body to grow in size, strength and endurance, though as a result, his mind becomes nothing more then a feral beast until calmed down. The Ralts he has is currently lvl 5 and has been with Alex for years, ever since he found her
Name: Alexander Bigsby
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Class: Trainer
Appearance: Standing at 5'4, Alexander is a rather portly guy, with thick muscled arms, large bear-like hands that always makes him chuckle when people measure their hands against his. His legs have little to no fat on them, despite his size, and instead are solid blocks of hard muscles. His eyes are a warm chocolate brown and thick, swept back dark brown hair like a lion's mane. While he may have a bit of a gut, he is surprisingly agile and athletic for a guy his size. He usually wears either a leather jacket or a white shirt over a dark blue popo shirt with a pair of black dress pants, a grey utility belt around his hips. A pair of black boots cover his feet, with a set of black fingerless gloves over his hands
Personality: Alexander is one of the calmest and gentlest souls, prefering to deal with things with neutrality and calmness as opposed to brute force though he's will use such if necessary. Loyal to a T, Alexander will do all that he can to aid those he considers his friends, though insults, even those made in joking fun only serve to upset him or make him angry
When angered, Alex is filled with rage and is known to lash out with a large fist, laying fist upon fist down on whoever or whatever drew his ire
Home Town: Petalburg City, Hoenn
Starter Pokemon: Ralts
Background: Many years ago, Bigsby's great great great GREAT grandparents were members of a cult that engaged in Pokephelia, believing that by combining the DNA of human and pokemon, that they could create the perfect being. After multiple failures using humanoid pokemon such as Infernape, Vigoroth and Machoke, the cult broke up, the members never speaking of the events and activities they took, though the Bigsby family blood now hid something, the members teaching heir descendants that while Pokephilia may be frowned upon in normal society, there was nothing wrong with it.
Eventually, Alex was born in the Hoenn region in the quiet peaceful town of Petalburg, raised that under no circumstances should he lash out in anger at anything. Growing up, the young boy was known for his friendly attitude, though his large physique soon caused him to be the source of ridicule at school and among the other children in town. Despite all the teasing a bullying, the young boy was raised to avoid getting angry and to try and get away from situations that would make him angry. This caused the young lad to often run into the nearby Petalburg Forest whenever possible to escape his ridiculers and to lose himself in the peaceful forest, surrounded by the sounds of pokemon.
During one such time, he got lost deep within the grass and stumbled upon an indifferent trainer's Zangoose trying to kill a Ralts. Infuriated by his ridicule and the heartlessness of the trainer, Alex snapped and let anger fill his mind. The rage, pent up from all of his bullying and abuse, activated the Pokemon with his DNA and caused his body to grow, turning him into a raging beast of anger. Letting out a roar of rage, he charged in with a fist to the vicious pokemon's face, stunning it and giving him the oppertunity to grab the Ralts and run, ignoring the surprised and angry yell of the trainer behind him.
The young boy ran and ran, the anger slowly fading from his mind and causing him to return to his normal human form as he ran all the way home.
Not knowing what to do in the situation andclutching the injured Ralts to his chest, he burst into his home. His parents, seeing him burst in holding the weakened pokemon, quickly captured it in a pokeball for easier transport and took it to the nearby Pokemon Centre for healing. While awaiting news of the condition of the Ralts, two of the major abusers cornered the young boy and tried ot tease him again. Fed up with the mocking, Alex knocked both guys out with hard fists and left the message to leave him alone. Upon being discovered by his father, the boy was taken aside and told his family history and the truth about what had happened to him in the forest
After the Ralts was healed of the serious damage, Alex was given the pokeball for the Ralts, so that he could look after her while she healed fully. Once recovered, he gave the small Psychic-type the option of being released or not, Alexander was overjoyed when she chose to stay with him. A few years later, Alex had grown stronger and more muscled, finding a love for wrestling while the Ralts stayed with him, the two becoming good friends. After getting his trainer license, he decided to leave home and head to a new region, taking Ralts with him as his first pokemon and boarded the ferry to the Unova region
Other: Alex is stronger and more muscled then normal teens, leading others to jokingly ask whether one of his ancestors had bedded a Machamp or a Hariyama. When angered enough. Alex's pokemon DNA is activated, causing his body to grow in size, strength and endurance, though as a result, his mind becomes nothing more then a feral beast until calmed down. The Ralts he has is currently lvl 5 and has been with Alex for years, ever since he found her
VintageBass (because if Misc can have a character...)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: Valentina
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Class: Trainer

(Normally she won't be wearing the gloves, that only came because of the guy thought she would wear them).
Colors: Hair - Blonde, Skin - White, Eyes - Brown, Bag - Light Blue
Personality: Cheerful, outgoing nudist girl that has everything you expect for a normal girl excited to becoming a Pokemon Trainer, although she's not always aware of people's advancements to her nudity. She does know that she's naked, she chooses not to worry about it all that much.
Home Town: Cinnabar Island, Kanto (starting off at Castelia City)
Starter Pokemon: Snivy (Female, "Shivli")
Background: Valentina is a young nudist from the fiery island of Cinnabar before swimming all the way to Pallet (yes, swim... without a Pokemon) to start her Pokemon Training at the young age of 13. Along her journey to become the first nudist Champion of Kanto, she met a few individuals, some who became her friends, plenty of others becoming her enemies, while one is very close to her heart. And for the most part she struggled to keep naked, with most of the cities she went to had strict laws prohibiting public nudity. But she found a way to get around those laws and work her way through the cities to defeat the Gym Leaders.
Over her travels, she has gained a bit of a legacy thanks to her being naked on her journey. It was a surprised to see someone like her to even be traveling about. But she proved that she could become champion without clothes... and also managed to humiliate a famous Coordinator as well. Well, how humiliating will be to lose to a naked girl?
- Hidden inside of her snatch is an empty Poke Ball that belong to her first Pokemon Fontaine the Squirtle. She uses it as a ben-wa ball since her Pokemon spends all of his time outside of it.
- Even if she doesn't wear clothes, she does carry around a transparent silk sarong with Evolutionary Stones embroidered that she wears when she goes to compete in Tournaments and against the Elite Four (should she get that far).
- Originally created by the Digger
Name: Valentina
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Class: Trainer

(Normally she won't be wearing the gloves, that only came because of the guy thought she would wear them).
Colors: Hair - Blonde, Skin - White, Eyes - Brown, Bag - Light Blue
Personality: Cheerful, outgoing nudist girl that has everything you expect for a normal girl excited to becoming a Pokemon Trainer, although she's not always aware of people's advancements to her nudity. She does know that she's naked, she chooses not to worry about it all that much.
Home Town: Cinnabar Island, Kanto (starting off at Castelia City)
Starter Pokemon: Snivy (Female, "Shivli")
Background: Valentina is a young nudist from the fiery island of Cinnabar before swimming all the way to Pallet (yes, swim... without a Pokemon) to start her Pokemon Training at the young age of 13. Along her journey to become the first nudist Champion of Kanto, she met a few individuals, some who became her friends, plenty of others becoming her enemies, while one is very close to her heart. And for the most part she struggled to keep naked, with most of the cities she went to had strict laws prohibiting public nudity. But she found a way to get around those laws and work her way through the cities to defeat the Gym Leaders.
Over her travels, she has gained a bit of a legacy thanks to her being naked on her journey. It was a surprised to see someone like her to even be traveling about. But she proved that she could become champion without clothes... and also managed to humiliate a famous Coordinator as well. Well, how humiliating will be to lose to a naked girl?
- Hidden inside of her snatch is an empty Poke Ball that belong to her first Pokemon Fontaine the Squirtle. She uses it as a ben-wa ball since her Pokemon spends all of his time outside of it.
- Even if she doesn't wear clothes, she does carry around a transparent silk sarong with Evolutionary Stones embroidered that she wears when she goes to compete in Tournaments and against the Elite Four (should she get that far).
- Originally created by the Digger
Virbank City:
Laughing Hynea
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: Madison Sage
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Class: Trainer

Personality: Being brought up in the Orre Region was tough and it had turned Madison from a frightened child into a determined individual that has a daredevil streak within him thanks to the powerful memory of the fearless trainer that rescued him as a child. The ruthless nature of team Cipher and the harsh life with Orre Region for those that don't have Poke'mon against those that do had made him pragmatic in nature against Poke'mon bandits such as Cipher and Snagem. They don't play by rules and neither does Madison when that happens and considers it merely karma. In regards to his Poke'mon he truly loves them and considers him his utmost friends despite how hard he pushes them from time to time when training.
Home Town: Orre Region, Phenac City (Pokémon Colosseum)
Starter Pokemon: Eevee
Background: Originally from the Orre Reigon, Madison was a good kid in a bad part of the world growing up with the likes of Team Cipher and Team Snagem running about when he was younger. It wasn't easy to keep your head low when without poke'mon. They were very much required for one to defend one self with from the likes of them for they had no qualms about attacking others without poke'mon. Unfortunately wild poke'mon were rare in the arid regions of Orre. That frustration and isolation had to come out in some fashion so eventually he began to try and catch a poke'mon of his own. Needless to say it was an exercise in futility when one has no poke'mon to catch with.
Unfortunately that was when he ran into Team Cipher whom were doing a poke'mon raid on the city. Using the kid as a hostage they tried to extort a ransom in poke'mon from the poke'mon center in Phenac City and it's "Pre Gym". This was also his one and only encounter with another trainer. He had amber eyes and short shock white hair. The most notable thing however was a gauntlet-like device upon his right arm. He had no fear whatsoever of them and systematically took out the grunts and peons and rescued the still young Madison. The young kid had been pretty scared and still was of the trainer whom knelt down and rubbed his chin contemplating something.
The trainer had heard why he was outside the city. He asked Madison if he could make a promise. He asked him to take care of an egg for him. When Madison asked why all he did was smile at him however briefly as the answer was for Madison to figure out and then would take home back to Phenac City. Growing up Madison made the promise to take care of the poke'mon egg which the trainer then donated. At least now he could say he found a poke'mon. Eventually the egg hatched one day during schooling and out popped Eevee. He raised it and played with his newfound friend and cared for it devoutly.
But like all children the bullying simply took on a different form. Bullies that wanted an Eevee or hated the idea that Madison had a poke'mon. This time the bullying came in the form of poke'mon battles from older students with slightly more experienced poke'mon. After that day his poor Eevee needed some good rest at the poke'mon center. He honestly wondered if he should be capable of raising a poke'mon but mentally he remembered the promise he made to the trainer. Mentally he made the choice that he would be done with that. So he made the choice to have that same strength and to make sure Eevee would have a trainer and not "just a kid".
Thus he trained alongside his Eevee as soon as he was well saying that they needed to be stronger for the rematch. He ran with Eevee and played games that were meant to help Eevee become better during battle by using dodge balls for the young poke'mon to hit. They would keep trying and keep working until the two of them felt ready. This time the poke'mon battle ended in his favor with the little Eevee Madison had showing that it was a lot more tougher and consequently that it's trainer was as well. From there they would continue battling because now Madison felt he was following in his hero's footsteps. However the reality was that if he wanted to continue this path he would have to leave Orre behind. As such he scrimped and save his money so that he could eventually take the S.S Libra to the Unova region where his true goal lied in wait to become a legitimate Poke'mon trainer.
Other: Eevee is currently a level five Poke'mon as is standard for a starter although backstory wise she started at level one and worked her way up. Eevee was born from a union between an Umbreon and an Espeon. Madison's immediate goal is to acquire a suitable Pokémon team to try and challenge the Gym Leaders however this can be altered in the wake of something more pressing such as the actions of a sinister team.
Name: Madison Sage
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Class: Trainer

Personality: Being brought up in the Orre Region was tough and it had turned Madison from a frightened child into a determined individual that has a daredevil streak within him thanks to the powerful memory of the fearless trainer that rescued him as a child. The ruthless nature of team Cipher and the harsh life with Orre Region for those that don't have Poke'mon against those that do had made him pragmatic in nature against Poke'mon bandits such as Cipher and Snagem. They don't play by rules and neither does Madison when that happens and considers it merely karma. In regards to his Poke'mon he truly loves them and considers him his utmost friends despite how hard he pushes them from time to time when training.
Home Town: Orre Region, Phenac City (Pokémon Colosseum)
Starter Pokemon: Eevee
Background: Originally from the Orre Reigon, Madison was a good kid in a bad part of the world growing up with the likes of Team Cipher and Team Snagem running about when he was younger. It wasn't easy to keep your head low when without poke'mon. They were very much required for one to defend one self with from the likes of them for they had no qualms about attacking others without poke'mon. Unfortunately wild poke'mon were rare in the arid regions of Orre. That frustration and isolation had to come out in some fashion so eventually he began to try and catch a poke'mon of his own. Needless to say it was an exercise in futility when one has no poke'mon to catch with.
Unfortunately that was when he ran into Team Cipher whom were doing a poke'mon raid on the city. Using the kid as a hostage they tried to extort a ransom in poke'mon from the poke'mon center in Phenac City and it's "Pre Gym". This was also his one and only encounter with another trainer. He had amber eyes and short shock white hair. The most notable thing however was a gauntlet-like device upon his right arm. He had no fear whatsoever of them and systematically took out the grunts and peons and rescued the still young Madison. The young kid had been pretty scared and still was of the trainer whom knelt down and rubbed his chin contemplating something.
The trainer had heard why he was outside the city. He asked Madison if he could make a promise. He asked him to take care of an egg for him. When Madison asked why all he did was smile at him however briefly as the answer was for Madison to figure out and then would take home back to Phenac City. Growing up Madison made the promise to take care of the poke'mon egg which the trainer then donated. At least now he could say he found a poke'mon. Eventually the egg hatched one day during schooling and out popped Eevee. He raised it and played with his newfound friend and cared for it devoutly.
But like all children the bullying simply took on a different form. Bullies that wanted an Eevee or hated the idea that Madison had a poke'mon. This time the bullying came in the form of poke'mon battles from older students with slightly more experienced poke'mon. After that day his poor Eevee needed some good rest at the poke'mon center. He honestly wondered if he should be capable of raising a poke'mon but mentally he remembered the promise he made to the trainer. Mentally he made the choice that he would be done with that. So he made the choice to have that same strength and to make sure Eevee would have a trainer and not "just a kid".
Thus he trained alongside his Eevee as soon as he was well saying that they needed to be stronger for the rematch. He ran with Eevee and played games that were meant to help Eevee become better during battle by using dodge balls for the young poke'mon to hit. They would keep trying and keep working until the two of them felt ready. This time the poke'mon battle ended in his favor with the little Eevee Madison had showing that it was a lot more tougher and consequently that it's trainer was as well. From there they would continue battling because now Madison felt he was following in his hero's footsteps. However the reality was that if he wanted to continue this path he would have to leave Orre behind. As such he scrimped and save his money so that he could eventually take the S.S Libra to the Unova region where his true goal lied in wait to become a legitimate Poke'mon trainer.
Other: Eevee is currently a level five Poke'mon as is standard for a starter although backstory wise she started at level one and worked her way up. Eevee was born from a union between an Umbreon and an Espeon. Madison's immediate goal is to acquire a suitable Pokémon team to try and challenge the Gym Leaders however this can be altered in the wake of something more pressing such as the actions of a sinister team.
Undella Town:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: Lisa
Age: 25
Gender: female
-coming soon-
Personality: trusting, cheerful, shy, optimistic, responsible
Home Town: Mauville
Starter Pokemon: DITTO
Background: She was raised like one of those normal dysfunctional families many people have nowadays. In which her parents are always working, the older sibling is always outside, and the younger sibling is always your responsibility. Well 5 days after she found her ditto she made up her mind to run away leaving a note that says.
“Dear mom, dad, older sister, and younger brother,
I’m leaving with ditto. I’m tired of all this responsibility you put on me. It’s time for me to spread my wings and fly. Goodbye…. I’ll come back one day. Hopefully.
From, Lisa"
She now works as a maid for some rich family
Other: Has a strong sexual hard drive (XD i make her sound like a robot)
Name: Lisa
Age: 25
Gender: female
-coming soon-
Personality: trusting, cheerful, shy, optimistic, responsible
Home Town: Mauville
Starter Pokemon: DITTO
Background: She was raised like one of those normal dysfunctional families many people have nowadays. In which her parents are always working, the older sibling is always outside, and the younger sibling is always your responsibility. Well 5 days after she found her ditto she made up her mind to run away leaving a note that says.
“Dear mom, dad, older sister, and younger brother,
I’m leaving with ditto. I’m tired of all this responsibility you put on me. It’s time for me to spread my wings and fly. Goodbye…. I’ll come back one day. Hopefully.
From, Lisa"
She now works as a maid for some rich family
Other: Has a strong sexual hard drive (XD i make her sound like a robot)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: Melanie Jornate
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Class: Professional Photographer (Both Human and Pokemon Photographs)
Appearance: Long, Wavy black hair that reaches the bottom of her shoulder blades. She usually wears two twisting braids down in front of her shoulders that reach her 38b-Cup breasts. The rest of her raven hair falls down her back or in her face. She is a tad on the short side standing at 5'6. She has a narrow waist line that curves slightly into her stomach and then out to her breasts. She has a light tan-ish complexion, with deep, emerald green eyes.
Personality: She's a very laid-back girl, despite traveling all her life and all the stresses that brings. Locally she's known as a Joker, and lots of the time she drips with sarcasm. Not much serious bite or edge to it. Can be forgetful, at times.
Hometown: Undella Town
Starter Pokemon: Vulpix
Background: Ever since she was young, Melanie has had to move around from place to place, due to her mother's job as a professional model. She was born in Nimbasa City, moved to the White Forest at age 5, relocated to Castellia at age 8, and at age 13 had to move all the way to Opulecid! As such, she's seen quite a few things for someone so young! But as she grew older, Melanie realized that she was forgetting some of her favorite memories... Like friends, and places, and views, and the wondrous things out there that only someone who has been around everywhere could see. So, naturally, also being surrounded by her mom's cameramen, she took an interest in photography! She received her first little handheld camera from a friend of her mother as a 7th birthday gift. Ever since then she knew what she wanted to do with her life! Melanie became a natural with a camera, and she and her favorite tool were inseparable.
On the move to Opulecid, there was plenty of time for sight seeing. The surrounding forest was beautiful, and the bridge between Routes 10 and 11 had a good view down river and into a serene bay. They made a small camp, (a ritual for Melanie and her mother on long trips) just past the bridge on route 11. At nightfall, Melanie's mother fell asleep quickly. When the young trouble maker saw the full and glorious moon in the sky, she figured this would be the perfect time to sneak away and score some perfect shots! So, after double checking her mother's deep and restful breaths, she stole away with nothing but her camera. Now, Melanie may not have planned on going far, but her camerawoman's instinct had other ideas. After a few boring minutes taking pictures of the peaceful view into the bay from the bridge, Melanie decided that she was nowhere near done taking pictures. So, she crossed the bridge into route 10, and ducked into the surrounding wooded areas. She wandered aimlessly, marking where she had and hadn't been by breaking low hanging branches, and leaving them pointing in the opposite direction in which she was traveling. Eventually, she came to a clearing in the woods, and saw a single, mystical Vulpix, standing atop a chopped tree trunk right in the middle of the glade. It appeared to be staring in Melanie's direction, perhaps sensing an intruder in the natural forest world. The intruder, realizing maybe venturing into a place where wild pokemon were in abundance wasn't the best of ideas, freezes in her place. Her hands twitch, and very slowly, inch by inch, she brings the camera up to her face, peering through the eye piece. The camera focuses on the now curious fox pokemon, which is tilting its head at the now obvious newcomer. Its likely this Vulpix has never seen a human before. Something akin to the smallest of smiles breaks on the creature's face. Melanie taps the button, and snaps the photo. And for a moment, it seemed like everything was going to be okay, until she heard the growls.
When Melanie turned to run, she almost dropped her camera. When she was sure that she had a full grip on the device, not daring lose a lifetime of memories, she took off at a dead sprint, not even stopping to see how the Vulpix had reacted to the photo. Nor did she think it necessary to identify the owner of the growls. Huffing and puffing, trying her best to retrace her steps and not slow down, Melanie started to worry that she wouldn't make it back to her mother. Her luck ran out when Melanie chanced a glance back to see if she was still being pursued. Not paying attention to her forward path, the terrified girl ran straight into a fallen tree in the path, and fell face first into the forest ground. Groaning and stunned from her fall, she didn't have time to focus and recuperate before she felt paws land on her back, hard. Before she could react, claws extended from the previously furry pads of feet, and the creature proceeded to tear her shirt to ribbons. Melanie gasps sharply as she began to feel something hard, yet squishy like skin press into her bare back through the strips of clothing left. Now, despite being the ripe age of 13, Melanie knew what sex was. And she knew about basic needs, and how pokemon and humans had more or less the same needs-Sex being one of them. She knew full and well what this beast planned to do...and she would admit later to herself that she had mixed feelings about it, not just disgust. She always hoped that the other feeling was curiosity, and not something...more. As it happened, however, she would never know. That fateful night, when the mysterious pokemon(of what kind specifically, to this day she had no idea.) had her pinned down, its lust obvious and proof poking her in the back, the Vulpix appeared, as if out of nowhere. With her view constricted to the ground and very limited when she tried to look up, she didn't really know what happened next. But she felt an intense heat on her back, felt the prick leave her skin with an odd feeling of wanting tainted where it had pressed, and heard a yelp. And then she blacked out.
When she awoke the next morning, she was curled up in her tent with a mildly ripped top, and a warm Vulpix snuggled into her side. Her mother actually didn't ask many questions, and Melanie was all fine with that. "I remember meeting my first pokemon..." She murmured mischievously to her daughter when questioned about why she felt it was okay to just randomly bring a pokemon along with them on their journey, no questions asked. And from then on, photographer and pokemon were never found far from each other. The picture turned out great.
Being a model is good money! And soon, Melanie's mother had enough cash to retire to a life of relative ease. And so she did. 3 years after meeting her Vulpix, they made one last trip, from Opulecid to Undella, and purchased a simple townhouse by the bay. And finally Melanie had a substantially permanent home. But her love of photography never faded. She made plenty of friends and worked part time to save up some money until she was old enough to travel on her own. And, when both her and her mother figured it was time for Melanie to move on and have adventures of her own, that's what she planned to do.Today is Melanie's 16th birthday. And also her last day in Undella for some time.
Name: Melanie Jornate
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Class: Professional Photographer (Both Human and Pokemon Photographs)
Appearance: Long, Wavy black hair that reaches the bottom of her shoulder blades. She usually wears two twisting braids down in front of her shoulders that reach her 38b-Cup breasts. The rest of her raven hair falls down her back or in her face. She is a tad on the short side standing at 5'6. She has a narrow waist line that curves slightly into her stomach and then out to her breasts. She has a light tan-ish complexion, with deep, emerald green eyes.
Personality: She's a very laid-back girl, despite traveling all her life and all the stresses that brings. Locally she's known as a Joker, and lots of the time she drips with sarcasm. Not much serious bite or edge to it. Can be forgetful, at times.
Hometown: Undella Town
Starter Pokemon: Vulpix
Background: Ever since she was young, Melanie has had to move around from place to place, due to her mother's job as a professional model. She was born in Nimbasa City, moved to the White Forest at age 5, relocated to Castellia at age 8, and at age 13 had to move all the way to Opulecid! As such, she's seen quite a few things for someone so young! But as she grew older, Melanie realized that she was forgetting some of her favorite memories... Like friends, and places, and views, and the wondrous things out there that only someone who has been around everywhere could see. So, naturally, also being surrounded by her mom's cameramen, she took an interest in photography! She received her first little handheld camera from a friend of her mother as a 7th birthday gift. Ever since then she knew what she wanted to do with her life! Melanie became a natural with a camera, and she and her favorite tool were inseparable.
On the move to Opulecid, there was plenty of time for sight seeing. The surrounding forest was beautiful, and the bridge between Routes 10 and 11 had a good view down river and into a serene bay. They made a small camp, (a ritual for Melanie and her mother on long trips) just past the bridge on route 11. At nightfall, Melanie's mother fell asleep quickly. When the young trouble maker saw the full and glorious moon in the sky, she figured this would be the perfect time to sneak away and score some perfect shots! So, after double checking her mother's deep and restful breaths, she stole away with nothing but her camera. Now, Melanie may not have planned on going far, but her camerawoman's instinct had other ideas. After a few boring minutes taking pictures of the peaceful view into the bay from the bridge, Melanie decided that she was nowhere near done taking pictures. So, she crossed the bridge into route 10, and ducked into the surrounding wooded areas. She wandered aimlessly, marking where she had and hadn't been by breaking low hanging branches, and leaving them pointing in the opposite direction in which she was traveling. Eventually, she came to a clearing in the woods, and saw a single, mystical Vulpix, standing atop a chopped tree trunk right in the middle of the glade. It appeared to be staring in Melanie's direction, perhaps sensing an intruder in the natural forest world. The intruder, realizing maybe venturing into a place where wild pokemon were in abundance wasn't the best of ideas, freezes in her place. Her hands twitch, and very slowly, inch by inch, she brings the camera up to her face, peering through the eye piece. The camera focuses on the now curious fox pokemon, which is tilting its head at the now obvious newcomer. Its likely this Vulpix has never seen a human before. Something akin to the smallest of smiles breaks on the creature's face. Melanie taps the button, and snaps the photo. And for a moment, it seemed like everything was going to be okay, until she heard the growls.
When Melanie turned to run, she almost dropped her camera. When she was sure that she had a full grip on the device, not daring lose a lifetime of memories, she took off at a dead sprint, not even stopping to see how the Vulpix had reacted to the photo. Nor did she think it necessary to identify the owner of the growls. Huffing and puffing, trying her best to retrace her steps and not slow down, Melanie started to worry that she wouldn't make it back to her mother. Her luck ran out when Melanie chanced a glance back to see if she was still being pursued. Not paying attention to her forward path, the terrified girl ran straight into a fallen tree in the path, and fell face first into the forest ground. Groaning and stunned from her fall, she didn't have time to focus and recuperate before she felt paws land on her back, hard. Before she could react, claws extended from the previously furry pads of feet, and the creature proceeded to tear her shirt to ribbons. Melanie gasps sharply as she began to feel something hard, yet squishy like skin press into her bare back through the strips of clothing left. Now, despite being the ripe age of 13, Melanie knew what sex was. And she knew about basic needs, and how pokemon and humans had more or less the same needs-Sex being one of them. She knew full and well what this beast planned to do...and she would admit later to herself that she had mixed feelings about it, not just disgust. She always hoped that the other feeling was curiosity, and not something...more. As it happened, however, she would never know. That fateful night, when the mysterious pokemon(of what kind specifically, to this day she had no idea.) had her pinned down, its lust obvious and proof poking her in the back, the Vulpix appeared, as if out of nowhere. With her view constricted to the ground and very limited when she tried to look up, she didn't really know what happened next. But she felt an intense heat on her back, felt the prick leave her skin with an odd feeling of wanting tainted where it had pressed, and heard a yelp. And then she blacked out.
When she awoke the next morning, she was curled up in her tent with a mildly ripped top, and a warm Vulpix snuggled into her side. Her mother actually didn't ask many questions, and Melanie was all fine with that. "I remember meeting my first pokemon..." She murmured mischievously to her daughter when questioned about why she felt it was okay to just randomly bring a pokemon along with them on their journey, no questions asked. And from then on, photographer and pokemon were never found far from each other. The picture turned out great.
Being a model is good money! And soon, Melanie's mother had enough cash to retire to a life of relative ease. And so she did. 3 years after meeting her Vulpix, they made one last trip, from Opulecid to Undella, and purchased a simple townhouse by the bay. And finally Melanie had a substantially permanent home. But her love of photography never faded. She made plenty of friends and worked part time to save up some money until she was old enough to travel on her own. And, when both her and her mother figured it was time for Melanie to move on and have adventures of her own, that's what she planned to do.Today is Melanie's 16th birthday. And also her last day in Undella for some time.
Mistralton City
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: Candy Griffon
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Class: Adventurer (or otherwise a bit of everything)

Personality: Cheerful and carefree, but serious when the shit hits the fan.
Home Town: Newbark Town
Starter Pokemon: Eevee (Male)
Background: Candy was born in Newbark Town, but her family regularly traveled, and thus she developed a very strong spirit of adventure and a desire to see as much of the world as she possibly could. They criss-crossed the country, going just about everywhere they could within the country. When she turned 17, her parents decided she should set out on her own journey, just as they both did. Presenting to her her very own Pokémon, they booked her passage to the Unova Region, hoping she would have grand adventures in land that none of them had yet to visit.
Other: No scat or watersports, and preferably nothing really with blood. Other than that, not much to say.
Name: Candy Griffon
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Class: Adventurer (or otherwise a bit of everything)

Personality: Cheerful and carefree, but serious when the shit hits the fan.
Home Town: Newbark Town
Starter Pokemon: Eevee (Male)
Background: Candy was born in Newbark Town, but her family regularly traveled, and thus she developed a very strong spirit of adventure and a desire to see as much of the world as she possibly could. They criss-crossed the country, going just about everywhere they could within the country. When she turned 17, her parents decided she should set out on her own journey, just as they both did. Presenting to her her very own Pokémon, they booked her passage to the Unova Region, hoping she would have grand adventures in land that none of them had yet to visit.
Other: No scat or watersports, and preferably nothing really with blood. Other than that, not much to say.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: Rinni
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Class: Breeder (in Training)
Appearance: Toyloli's avatar (the redhead girl)
Starting Town: Mistralton City
Starting Pokemon: Woobat
Background: Rinni has little self awareness of her own body and is used to both nudity and sexuality in general (but I emphasise is not active nor interested in doing it herself yet). She grew up on a farm that bred and sold a number of species incuding Miltank, Bouffalant, Growlithe and Whimsicott. From this she has gained a desire to become a Breeder, learning about different species, how to care for them and how to identify breed purity and possible mating matches.
Rinnita is not easily embarrassed. In fact she once walked naked through the streets of town while hearding whimsicott with a whistle and a feather duster... Saying that - asking her about this event is the quickest way to make her blush and the easiest way to silence her.
(GM Note: I'm only doing it like this just to match up with the others)
Name: Rinni
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Class: Breeder (in Training)
Appearance: Toyloli's avatar (the redhead girl)
Starting Town: Mistralton City
Starting Pokemon: Woobat
Background: Rinni has little self awareness of her own body and is used to both nudity and sexuality in general (but I emphasise is not active nor interested in doing it herself yet). She grew up on a farm that bred and sold a number of species incuding Miltank, Bouffalant, Growlithe and Whimsicott. From this she has gained a desire to become a Breeder, learning about different species, how to care for them and how to identify breed purity and possible mating matches.
Rinnita is not easily embarrassed. In fact she once walked naked through the streets of town while hearding whimsicott with a whistle and a feather duster... Saying that - asking her about this event is the quickest way to make her blush and the easiest way to silence her.
(GM Note: I'm only doing it like this just to match up with the others)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: Ciera
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Class: Trainer, but has good knowledge when it comes to breeding.

Personality: Could be described as Chaotic good, as she like the feeling of being free without having to slow down because someone said she had to, but kind of goes against chaotic good by making sure that everyone around her is safe before taking her own well-being into consideration. she is also kinda shy, due to her overthinking what the effects of whats she says might happen and thus opts to (usually) not say anything. Due to both the combination of the town she lived in and that she was shy, she seemed to develop almost a serene calmness that even in times of great stress, would make you think she was relaxing in Lavaridge Town's hot spring (although this is only whenever she knows that everyone is fine, when something happens to someone she knows is when her streak for overthinking and for making sure everyone is safe kicks in and she becomes alot more panicky and impatient with decision making and kinda rushes in).
Home Town: Floaroma Town, but starts in Nuvema Town
Starter Pokemon: Absol (nicknamed Sakura), Female, Level 6
Moves: Perish Song, Detect, Razor Wind, and Sucker Punch.
Abilities: super luck and justified.
Nature: Jolly
Prefers to be out of its pokeball.
Background (!!! WARNING !!! IS VERY LONG):
Ciera's years following up to her travelling to Unova were always greeted by waking up to the smell of honey and flowers, making it almost feel like the troubles of the world where so far away. Ciera always had a thing for looking after people and pokemon alike, which is probably why she wanted to become a breeder or a nurse, something that would make sure that both parties felt relaxed and cared for. Even though she had always wanted to work as a nurse or as a breeder, when she became 18 and was finally able to pursue the job she wanted, she felt like seeing... more, and both of her ideal jobs would mean staying in her town working until she retired, and by then she wouldn't be young enough to enjoy herself, so she spent her first year out of school just helping at the poke-mart and the flower shop to make a bit of money so she could at least show that she wasn't unemployed for the sake of it just... unsure. Then there was a power cut.
For a moment people wondered why the power cut out, after all the windmills where still operational. Wait a minute... who is that standing outside the door? That was when a young boy ran past everyone, pokeball in hand, towards the power plant. there was at least another half an hour after this event before the power turned back on, with the trainer walking back to the town, looking a bit tired but still with the same confidence that he ran up to the power plant with. A few people asked him what had happened, to which he replied that team galactic where inside, trying to drain the power for a scheme he unfortunately couldn't get out of them, but this seemed to only be a minor detail for everyone for he had returned the power to the town and was treated like a hero.
After everyone else stop surrounding him, offering him potions and honey for his trip around the region, Ciera stepped up to him and asked "Look... I'm not sure how to thank you after everyone has treated you so kindly, but if you ever need anything, I'll always be here." To which the boy asked her name and what she planned to do with her life. She told the boy who had introduced himself as Lucas that she had always wanted to be a breeder or nurse, but now felt more like travelling the world, and continued with her story with Lucas nodding at times to show his interest, until night fell, and Ciera offered Lucas the spare bed at her house for the night, which he accepted and in the morning left a note beside her bed with the words "I won't forget" written on it.
It was a fortnight after this that Ciera came across something that would change her life for the better. because one day, while strolling along where the flower grove met the forest, she heard something which sounded like a moaning coming from inside a rose bush. Due to her nature, Ciera automatically started running towards the bush and looked inside to find something that had no right (in the way of location/habitat) of being there, and yet there it was, probably only a month old, tangled among the thorns, crying out in distress for any sort of mother figure. An Absol. Ciera only let this fact strike her though after she had got it out of the thorns and made sure that there was no permanent damage, and began to ponder as to why this Absol was here. Then she remembered what happened a fortnight ago. this little Absol must have been the closest one to the town at the time, and came to warn the town about it. But somewhere along its route it must have been chased and jumped into the bush in an effort to escape. She knew that there wouldn't be another pack of Absol for miles, and that the hunt for this little one must have already ended. she decided at that moment that she would take the little one home and raise it. But you thought that while it was in her care, she should have a name for it other than "little one" so as she walked home under the blossoming cherry trees she tried to think of a name for the Absol she had recently found out was a female. Wait... blossoming cherry trees... cherry blossom... "I think I'll call you Sakura." and at the sound of the name the Absol seemed to give a weak nod, to show that it liked the name but also to show that it was hungry and tired.
Ciera brought the Absol-I mean Sakura home and spent the next 2 years of her life raising Sakura like a mother figure and Sakura started to look upon Ciera this way as well. Then, just over 2 years since Ciera first got Sakura, a familiar face showed up, but not of the same rank as he was first introduced. Instead, the person who had left this town with nothing but a pokeball and some very fast feet, entered it again, bearing 8 badges and the title of "champion". And he had a promise that he made to himself that he had to keep. Ciera had a knock on the door, which was unusual since today wasn't when the mail man did his rounds. When Ciera opened the door, her face could only be described as a bit shocked, but glad that he had kept his word, or rather his note.
She invited Lucas in for a cup of tea to which he declined but thanked her for the thought. Instead Lucas asked her if she would like to fulfill a dream Ciera told her a long time ago, at the start of his journey. Ceira kind of blushed when he told her this, but told him that she didnt even have a pokemon to go on her travels with her, to which Lucas then pointed to the Absol that had stood itself beside Ciera, looking up at Lucas with a little smile, to show that it didn't trust him, but as long as Ciera was ok with him, So was she. Ciera explained to Lucas that although the Absol (which she had named Sakura) lived with her, she hasn't actually caught Absol yet. Lucas said that was no problem, he could give her a pokeball to catch absol and as he was travelling to Twinleaf Town to say goodbye, she could stop by Prof. Rowan's lab and get her starting kit for becoming a trainer. Ciera thought for a second before asking Sakura if she would like to be her pokemon, to which Sakura looked at Ciera as if to wonder why she wasn't her pokemon already. This was all the information Ciera needed before accepting Lucas on his offer, to which Lucas gave Ciera a pokeball to catch Sakura with. Ciera explained to Sakura that she would only need to be inside for a few seconds and then she could come out, just so other people couldn't take her. Sakura nodded in understanding, to which Ciera touched Sakura's forehead with the pokeball and captured her Absol. But before Ciera could tell Sakura to come out, the ball had already opened, with Sakura standing where she was previously, shaking her fur as if she just got out of a bath. Ciera then decided that perhaps it would only be best to have Sakura in her pokeball when there was no avoiding it.
But still, Ciera, Lucas and Sakura continued on their journey until they reached sandgem town, to which they split up for half an hour so Lucas could say goodbye and Ciera plus Sakura could become trainers. Once they reached the lab, they were met my Prof. Rowan, who quickly got them sorted with everything they need for their journey, although the professor explained that she will need to give the pokedex to Prof. Juniper so that she can update the Pokedex to the region. Once Lucas came back, Ciera asked how exactly they where going to make it to the Unova region, to which Lucas took a pokeball out and called forth his salamence. Ciera seemed to not particularly care about this method of transport, only caring at this moment of time that her dream was finally going to come true. Ciera explained to Sakura that she would have to go back into her pokeball during the flight, which Sakura seemed a bit annoyed at doing but still accepted. With Sakura's ball occupied and secured enough so it won't be lost during the flight, Ciera and Lucas head off to the Unova region. The story picks up from when Nuvema Town comes into sight.
Other: Just in case, Absol can know sucker punch and perish song as soon as it hatches as long as its father knew the move(s) beforehand. Also, justified is a hidden ability that means for every Dark-type move that hits Absol, her attack increases by 1. Also, i feel like i should explain that I like oviposition and don't like Guro, Watersports and scat (due to the forum we are currently on). also sorry about the amount of writing, may have got carried away :L
Name: Ciera
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Class: Trainer, but has good knowledge when it comes to breeding.

Personality: Could be described as Chaotic good, as she like the feeling of being free without having to slow down because someone said she had to, but kind of goes against chaotic good by making sure that everyone around her is safe before taking her own well-being into consideration. she is also kinda shy, due to her overthinking what the effects of whats she says might happen and thus opts to (usually) not say anything. Due to both the combination of the town she lived in and that she was shy, she seemed to develop almost a serene calmness that even in times of great stress, would make you think she was relaxing in Lavaridge Town's hot spring (although this is only whenever she knows that everyone is fine, when something happens to someone she knows is when her streak for overthinking and for making sure everyone is safe kicks in and she becomes alot more panicky and impatient with decision making and kinda rushes in).
Home Town: Floaroma Town, but starts in Nuvema Town
Starter Pokemon: Absol (nicknamed Sakura), Female, Level 6
Moves: Perish Song, Detect, Razor Wind, and Sucker Punch.
Abilities: super luck and justified.
Nature: Jolly
Prefers to be out of its pokeball.
Background (!!! WARNING !!! IS VERY LONG):
Ciera's years following up to her travelling to Unova were always greeted by waking up to the smell of honey and flowers, making it almost feel like the troubles of the world where so far away. Ciera always had a thing for looking after people and pokemon alike, which is probably why she wanted to become a breeder or a nurse, something that would make sure that both parties felt relaxed and cared for. Even though she had always wanted to work as a nurse or as a breeder, when she became 18 and was finally able to pursue the job she wanted, she felt like seeing... more, and both of her ideal jobs would mean staying in her town working until she retired, and by then she wouldn't be young enough to enjoy herself, so she spent her first year out of school just helping at the poke-mart and the flower shop to make a bit of money so she could at least show that she wasn't unemployed for the sake of it just... unsure. Then there was a power cut.
For a moment people wondered why the power cut out, after all the windmills where still operational. Wait a minute... who is that standing outside the door? That was when a young boy ran past everyone, pokeball in hand, towards the power plant. there was at least another half an hour after this event before the power turned back on, with the trainer walking back to the town, looking a bit tired but still with the same confidence that he ran up to the power plant with. A few people asked him what had happened, to which he replied that team galactic where inside, trying to drain the power for a scheme he unfortunately couldn't get out of them, but this seemed to only be a minor detail for everyone for he had returned the power to the town and was treated like a hero.
After everyone else stop surrounding him, offering him potions and honey for his trip around the region, Ciera stepped up to him and asked "Look... I'm not sure how to thank you after everyone has treated you so kindly, but if you ever need anything, I'll always be here." To which the boy asked her name and what she planned to do with her life. She told the boy who had introduced himself as Lucas that she had always wanted to be a breeder or nurse, but now felt more like travelling the world, and continued with her story with Lucas nodding at times to show his interest, until night fell, and Ciera offered Lucas the spare bed at her house for the night, which he accepted and in the morning left a note beside her bed with the words "I won't forget" written on it.
It was a fortnight after this that Ciera came across something that would change her life for the better. because one day, while strolling along where the flower grove met the forest, she heard something which sounded like a moaning coming from inside a rose bush. Due to her nature, Ciera automatically started running towards the bush and looked inside to find something that had no right (in the way of location/habitat) of being there, and yet there it was, probably only a month old, tangled among the thorns, crying out in distress for any sort of mother figure. An Absol. Ciera only let this fact strike her though after she had got it out of the thorns and made sure that there was no permanent damage, and began to ponder as to why this Absol was here. Then she remembered what happened a fortnight ago. this little Absol must have been the closest one to the town at the time, and came to warn the town about it. But somewhere along its route it must have been chased and jumped into the bush in an effort to escape. She knew that there wouldn't be another pack of Absol for miles, and that the hunt for this little one must have already ended. she decided at that moment that she would take the little one home and raise it. But you thought that while it was in her care, she should have a name for it other than "little one" so as she walked home under the blossoming cherry trees she tried to think of a name for the Absol she had recently found out was a female. Wait... blossoming cherry trees... cherry blossom... "I think I'll call you Sakura." and at the sound of the name the Absol seemed to give a weak nod, to show that it liked the name but also to show that it was hungry and tired.
Ciera brought the Absol-I mean Sakura home and spent the next 2 years of her life raising Sakura like a mother figure and Sakura started to look upon Ciera this way as well. Then, just over 2 years since Ciera first got Sakura, a familiar face showed up, but not of the same rank as he was first introduced. Instead, the person who had left this town with nothing but a pokeball and some very fast feet, entered it again, bearing 8 badges and the title of "champion". And he had a promise that he made to himself that he had to keep. Ciera had a knock on the door, which was unusual since today wasn't when the mail man did his rounds. When Ciera opened the door, her face could only be described as a bit shocked, but glad that he had kept his word, or rather his note.
She invited Lucas in for a cup of tea to which he declined but thanked her for the thought. Instead Lucas asked her if she would like to fulfill a dream Ciera told her a long time ago, at the start of his journey. Ceira kind of blushed when he told her this, but told him that she didnt even have a pokemon to go on her travels with her, to which Lucas then pointed to the Absol that had stood itself beside Ciera, looking up at Lucas with a little smile, to show that it didn't trust him, but as long as Ciera was ok with him, So was she. Ciera explained to Lucas that although the Absol (which she had named Sakura) lived with her, she hasn't actually caught Absol yet. Lucas said that was no problem, he could give her a pokeball to catch absol and as he was travelling to Twinleaf Town to say goodbye, she could stop by Prof. Rowan's lab and get her starting kit for becoming a trainer. Ciera thought for a second before asking Sakura if she would like to be her pokemon, to which Sakura looked at Ciera as if to wonder why she wasn't her pokemon already. This was all the information Ciera needed before accepting Lucas on his offer, to which Lucas gave Ciera a pokeball to catch Sakura with. Ciera explained to Sakura that she would only need to be inside for a few seconds and then she could come out, just so other people couldn't take her. Sakura nodded in understanding, to which Ciera touched Sakura's forehead with the pokeball and captured her Absol. But before Ciera could tell Sakura to come out, the ball had already opened, with Sakura standing where she was previously, shaking her fur as if she just got out of a bath. Ciera then decided that perhaps it would only be best to have Sakura in her pokeball when there was no avoiding it.
But still, Ciera, Lucas and Sakura continued on their journey until they reached sandgem town, to which they split up for half an hour so Lucas could say goodbye and Ciera plus Sakura could become trainers. Once they reached the lab, they were met my Prof. Rowan, who quickly got them sorted with everything they need for their journey, although the professor explained that she will need to give the pokedex to Prof. Juniper so that she can update the Pokedex to the region. Once Lucas came back, Ciera asked how exactly they where going to make it to the Unova region, to which Lucas took a pokeball out and called forth his salamence. Ciera seemed to not particularly care about this method of transport, only caring at this moment of time that her dream was finally going to come true. Ciera explained to Sakura that she would have to go back into her pokeball during the flight, which Sakura seemed a bit annoyed at doing but still accepted. With Sakura's ball occupied and secured enough so it won't be lost during the flight, Ciera and Lucas head off to the Unova region. The story picks up from when Nuvema Town comes into sight.
Other: Just in case, Absol can know sucker punch and perish song as soon as it hatches as long as its father knew the move(s) beforehand. Also, justified is a hidden ability that means for every Dark-type move that hits Absol, her attack increases by 1. Also, i feel like i should explain that I like oviposition and don't like Guro, Watersports and scat (due to the forum we are currently on). also sorry about the amount of writing, may have got carried away :L
Octavarium (left at Virbank City)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: Heat [ Real name hasn't been stated in quiet some time]
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Class: Trainer

Personality: Bit of a switch, when he is just traveling he is the shy and quiet type. Preferring to be invisible to the people around him. When he is actually battling he turns more into the attitude that his appearance gives off. A extremely cold and serious trainer.
Home Town: Virbank
Starter Pokemon: Misdreavus
Background: Everyone knows the main tourism parts of Virbank. But few venture past out into the back part of the city. Where gang wars and corruption runs high. This is the location of a young boy who's name was lost when his parents lost their life in a cross fire between two gangs. Leaving him a orphan on the streets, he learned to fend for himself from a early age. But refused to grow up like the others, who get bitter and join the gangs that took the things they cared most about from them.
Around the age of 12 while sleeping in a small abandoned warehouse he had found a while ago. He was constantly berated by strange happening, random glass breaking, random objects floating. He contemplated leaving but didn't know where to go. Eventually he just crawled in a corner and cried a bit, the events stopped. Then floating down in front of him, was a Misdreavus. The Misdreavus nuzzled young Heat in hope to comfort him. Where the two of them bonded and became friends. Misdreavus even eventually lead him to a secret spot...where she kept her pokeball. It was apparent that Misdreavus was someone's pokemon but was abandoned long ago. The boy made a promise with Misdreavus, that he'd never abandon her.
Some years later, Misdreavus and him decided on something. That they'd go train and become stronger as partners. He knew that Misdreavus had opportunity to become stronger. But not sitting in a abandon warehouse or fighting gang members who use pokemon they stole. He even gained a nickname from these gangs. 'Heat' because they say they could feel the Heat of his anger come off of him before they ever see him. Saving up enough money from working within the town. He paid for a i.d. card to gather his starter pokemon gear. Then headed out. In hopes that if he becomes stronger and gets other pokemon to bond with and become teammates with. Maybe he could bring the Gang wars of Virbank's slums to light. So that no children has to grow up...like he did.
-Main Theme: Indestructible-8 bit
-Misdreavus: Level 6, Gender: Female, Currently known attacks: Psywave, Spite, Astonish, Confuse Ray
Name: Heat [ Real name hasn't been stated in quiet some time]
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Class: Trainer

Personality: Bit of a switch, when he is just traveling he is the shy and quiet type. Preferring to be invisible to the people around him. When he is actually battling he turns more into the attitude that his appearance gives off. A extremely cold and serious trainer.
Home Town: Virbank
Starter Pokemon: Misdreavus
Background: Everyone knows the main tourism parts of Virbank. But few venture past out into the back part of the city. Where gang wars and corruption runs high. This is the location of a young boy who's name was lost when his parents lost their life in a cross fire between two gangs. Leaving him a orphan on the streets, he learned to fend for himself from a early age. But refused to grow up like the others, who get bitter and join the gangs that took the things they cared most about from them.
Around the age of 12 while sleeping in a small abandoned warehouse he had found a while ago. He was constantly berated by strange happening, random glass breaking, random objects floating. He contemplated leaving but didn't know where to go. Eventually he just crawled in a corner and cried a bit, the events stopped. Then floating down in front of him, was a Misdreavus. The Misdreavus nuzzled young Heat in hope to comfort him. Where the two of them bonded and became friends. Misdreavus even eventually lead him to a secret spot...where she kept her pokeball. It was apparent that Misdreavus was someone's pokemon but was abandoned long ago. The boy made a promise with Misdreavus, that he'd never abandon her.
Some years later, Misdreavus and him decided on something. That they'd go train and become stronger as partners. He knew that Misdreavus had opportunity to become stronger. But not sitting in a abandon warehouse or fighting gang members who use pokemon they stole. He even gained a nickname from these gangs. 'Heat' because they say they could feel the Heat of his anger come off of him before they ever see him. Saving up enough money from working within the town. He paid for a i.d. card to gather his starter pokemon gear. Then headed out. In hopes that if he becomes stronger and gets other pokemon to bond with and become teammates with. Maybe he could bring the Gang wars of Virbank's slums to light. So that no children has to grow up...like he did.
-Main Theme: Indestructible-8 bit
-Misdreavus: Level 6, Gender: Female, Currently known attacks: Psywave, Spite, Astonish, Confuse Ray
Zender_Solarheart (last seen in Castelia City)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
-Name: Tsubaki Zanbo.
-Age: 19.
-Gender: Female.
-Class: Trainer.
-Appearance: (since the left-hand colored side doesn't show the shoes, consider them to have a white-and-pink color scheme.)

Tsubaki is a rather energetic young lady, perhaps as a side-effect of the Pokemon DNA in the mix. She's always been a fan of having adventures, and could never sit still in one place for too long. Hell, her mom was hard-pressed to keep her in the house while she was away or at work, since Tsubaki would always be looking for some clever way to sneak out. While her conception was the product of human-on-Pokemon intimacy, she herself isn't into "Pokephilia;" when she finds the man of her dreams, he's going to be 100% man-meat. Interestingly enough, she also has this habit of quoting and paraphrasing anime lines in battle; this is often attributed to all the anime shows her mother collected on DVD as a hobby.
-Home Town: Phenac City, from the Orre region (starts this RP in Castelia City).
-Starter Pokemon: Growlithe (affectionately nicknamed "Nobi" by Tsubaki). Male, Level 6. Knows Bite and Roar.
The circumstances of Tsubaki's birth are a bit...different than most. Her mother - Momo Zanbo - had a sexuality complex known as "Pokephilia," and at the time, she thought that the genetics were too different for them to get her pregnant. Then, along came an Entei - though its reason for being in the area remains unknown - and in a stroke of miraculously dumb luck, she woke up the following day feeling a baby in her belly. Fast forward 9 months, and Tsubaki Zanbo was born, a one-in-a-million hybrid of human and Pokemon DNA. Such hybrids are extremely rare, so Momo was very proud that she'd bear such a unique and gifted daughter.
During her childhood, Tsubaki was always trying to wander out of the comfort zone her mother had established for her; even as a baby, she was wandering all over the house from the moment she could crawl, and her ability to learn about new things was rivaled only by her urge to discover said new things. Whether it was walking, riding a bike, or practicing parkour, she was never content with just sitting on her laurels. This trend of adventurous activity stil sticks with her today, most likely a byproduct of the Fire-type Pokemon DNA mixed into her genes.
At age 6, someone came to Phenac City with a litter of young Growlithe puppies, all put up for adoption. Naturally, Tsubaki was curious, and found the runt of the litter constantly being shoved away from his mother by his siblings. After a few minutes of begging her mom to get that one, she became the lifelong caretaker for the little Growlithe Nobi, who now sees her as a mother-figure, though he can't express it in words. Likewise, Nobi is much like a son to Tsubaki, and the two have been nigh-inseparable ever since his adoption. While she technically does have a Pokeball that Nobi can stay in, Tsubaki much prefers to let him roam around, as he has a free spirit much like her own.
Of course, word about a human-Pokemon hybrid travels fast in Orre, and somewhere along the line, some foreign agents from Team Magma of the Hoenn region caught that word. Having been struck severe blows by a meddling Trainer in their own region, they had to resort to even seedier work for their funding...one of which was sex slave trafficking. Knowing the number of people into catgirl fetishes and the like, these agents saw a golden opportunity right in front of them. Sending one of their covert operatives in disguised as a Ranger, they sought to lure Tsubaki away from home, capture her, and make a killing on the profits. The bait seemed to do its job just fine, too; with the prospect of seeing the relatively sparse amount of wild Pokemon in Orre, how could she resist? Of course, the trap's revelation was rather swift, as they attempted to use an Ultra Ball to snag Tsubaki, believing her Pokemon-half DNA would make it work...but thanks to the human DNA in her, the Ultra Ball was rendered ineffective...
...and they awakened her dormant Fire-type abilities.
Since Tsubaki is only half-Pokemon, her ability to summon and manipulate fire is (for lack of a better term) half-baked, but it was enough to fend off Team Magma's assault. Using an impressive mixture of flaming punches and kicks, she sent Trainer after Trainer sprawling before their Pokemon could even get a hit in. However, this was all fueled by fight-or-flight instincts, and when she was done, her gloves and shoes had burned off, and the skin beneath were suffering the pain of rather nasty burns. It's a miracle the town doctor managed to get that skin back to its original softness and human texture afterwards, as is the fact that she's still willing to go on adventures despite that incident. When looking back on the incident, Tsubaki herself could describe it as "thrilling;" perhaps her Entei father was the type who enjoyed worthy opponents, or such related interests?
That said, Tsubaki did consider leaving the Orre region behind after her Team Magma run-in. Obviously, the region of Hoenn was not among her reasonable alternatives; seeking revenge all by her lonesome would've been stupid, not brave. She's not the legendary champion Red, or anything. Instead, the Unova region called out to her, and so, she took the most feasible cruise liner she could afford to Castelia City. It's a big metropolis, with roads stretching to all manner of other places, so it's a bit of a far cry from Phenac...but given her adventurous lifestyle, she kind of prefers the hustle-and-bustle in a way. Besides, if she really got homesick, she has her mom's phone number on her P*DA, and there's always that desert to the north with a little of Orre's feel to it...
-Other: As mentioned before, Tsubaki has latent Fire-type abilities from the Entei half of her DNA. However, she cannot call upon these flames of fury by her own will; they tend to manifest only in cases of severe stress and adrenaline (such as during fight-or-flight instincts), and if used for too long, they will cause some burns on her body. Whether or not she meets an NPC who teaches her how to control these flames is up to the GM.
-Name: Tsubaki Zanbo.
-Age: 19.
-Gender: Female.
-Class: Trainer.
-Appearance: (since the left-hand colored side doesn't show the shoes, consider them to have a white-and-pink color scheme.)

Tsubaki is a rather energetic young lady, perhaps as a side-effect of the Pokemon DNA in the mix. She's always been a fan of having adventures, and could never sit still in one place for too long. Hell, her mom was hard-pressed to keep her in the house while she was away or at work, since Tsubaki would always be looking for some clever way to sneak out. While her conception was the product of human-on-Pokemon intimacy, she herself isn't into "Pokephilia;" when she finds the man of her dreams, he's going to be 100% man-meat. Interestingly enough, she also has this habit of quoting and paraphrasing anime lines in battle; this is often attributed to all the anime shows her mother collected on DVD as a hobby.
-Home Town: Phenac City, from the Orre region (starts this RP in Castelia City).
-Starter Pokemon: Growlithe (affectionately nicknamed "Nobi" by Tsubaki). Male, Level 6. Knows Bite and Roar.
The circumstances of Tsubaki's birth are a bit...different than most. Her mother - Momo Zanbo - had a sexuality complex known as "Pokephilia," and at the time, she thought that the genetics were too different for them to get her pregnant. Then, along came an Entei - though its reason for being in the area remains unknown - and in a stroke of miraculously dumb luck, she woke up the following day feeling a baby in her belly. Fast forward 9 months, and Tsubaki Zanbo was born, a one-in-a-million hybrid of human and Pokemon DNA. Such hybrids are extremely rare, so Momo was very proud that she'd bear such a unique and gifted daughter.
During her childhood, Tsubaki was always trying to wander out of the comfort zone her mother had established for her; even as a baby, she was wandering all over the house from the moment she could crawl, and her ability to learn about new things was rivaled only by her urge to discover said new things. Whether it was walking, riding a bike, or practicing parkour, she was never content with just sitting on her laurels. This trend of adventurous activity stil sticks with her today, most likely a byproduct of the Fire-type Pokemon DNA mixed into her genes.
At age 6, someone came to Phenac City with a litter of young Growlithe puppies, all put up for adoption. Naturally, Tsubaki was curious, and found the runt of the litter constantly being shoved away from his mother by his siblings. After a few minutes of begging her mom to get that one, she became the lifelong caretaker for the little Growlithe Nobi, who now sees her as a mother-figure, though he can't express it in words. Likewise, Nobi is much like a son to Tsubaki, and the two have been nigh-inseparable ever since his adoption. While she technically does have a Pokeball that Nobi can stay in, Tsubaki much prefers to let him roam around, as he has a free spirit much like her own.
Of course, word about a human-Pokemon hybrid travels fast in Orre, and somewhere along the line, some foreign agents from Team Magma of the Hoenn region caught that word. Having been struck severe blows by a meddling Trainer in their own region, they had to resort to even seedier work for their funding...one of which was sex slave trafficking. Knowing the number of people into catgirl fetishes and the like, these agents saw a golden opportunity right in front of them. Sending one of their covert operatives in disguised as a Ranger, they sought to lure Tsubaki away from home, capture her, and make a killing on the profits. The bait seemed to do its job just fine, too; with the prospect of seeing the relatively sparse amount of wild Pokemon in Orre, how could she resist? Of course, the trap's revelation was rather swift, as they attempted to use an Ultra Ball to snag Tsubaki, believing her Pokemon-half DNA would make it work...but thanks to the human DNA in her, the Ultra Ball was rendered ineffective...
...and they awakened her dormant Fire-type abilities.
Since Tsubaki is only half-Pokemon, her ability to summon and manipulate fire is (for lack of a better term) half-baked, but it was enough to fend off Team Magma's assault. Using an impressive mixture of flaming punches and kicks, she sent Trainer after Trainer sprawling before their Pokemon could even get a hit in. However, this was all fueled by fight-or-flight instincts, and when she was done, her gloves and shoes had burned off, and the skin beneath were suffering the pain of rather nasty burns. It's a miracle the town doctor managed to get that skin back to its original softness and human texture afterwards, as is the fact that she's still willing to go on adventures despite that incident. When looking back on the incident, Tsubaki herself could describe it as "thrilling;" perhaps her Entei father was the type who enjoyed worthy opponents, or such related interests?
That said, Tsubaki did consider leaving the Orre region behind after her Team Magma run-in. Obviously, the region of Hoenn was not among her reasonable alternatives; seeking revenge all by her lonesome would've been stupid, not brave. She's not the legendary champion Red, or anything. Instead, the Unova region called out to her, and so, she took the most feasible cruise liner she could afford to Castelia City. It's a big metropolis, with roads stretching to all manner of other places, so it's a bit of a far cry from Phenac...but given her adventurous lifestyle, she kind of prefers the hustle-and-bustle in a way. Besides, if she really got homesick, she has her mom's phone number on her P*DA, and there's always that desert to the north with a little of Orre's feel to it...
-Other: As mentioned before, Tsubaki has latent Fire-type abilities from the Entei half of her DNA. However, she cannot call upon these flames of fury by her own will; they tend to manifest only in cases of severe stress and adrenaline (such as during fight-or-flight instincts), and if used for too long, they will cause some burns on her body. Whether or not she meets an NPC who teaches her how to control these flames is up to the GM.