Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby Sythis_Sythes » Sat Oct 19, 2013 11:08 pm

OK,' so i didn't really wanna post these cause I'm not too confident on how my body proportions have looked in the past, but i dew them yesterday and looking at them today, they don't look too bad.
But like i said, I'm not that great at it. :P
Anyways, i had taken some video lessons to draw with but used my own style while doing the tutorials, but it never looked this good when i tried drawing what i learned. IDK, maybe it just sunk in once i got my new tablet and not drawing for months.

Again, give this one a HARSH criticism, since i KNOW i suck at it :P
Female Ghost House Test.png
This is a character that caused the old owners Sell-and-Run attitude, never wanting to look back.
Main Female Lead test.png
I drew this up quick, so there's just basic body parts that look rather plain. I'm not that great at the cartoon-y look either...
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby Zeus Kabob » Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:52 am

What are you talking about? These are drawn really well! If you're a professional artist, these aren't proportioned perfectly, but for an amateur they're amazing!
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby VintageBass » Sun Oct 20, 2013 1:09 am

Sythis_Sythes Wrote:OK,' so i didn't really wanna post these cause I'm not too confident on how my body proportions have looked in the past, but i dew them yesterday and looking at them today, they don't look too bad.
But like i said, I'm not that great at it. :P

I can at least say that your girls look better than mine and I'm not using the right program for drawing (art that is). They look pretty good as they are, even if, as you said, some of it looks bad (that second girl's left arm looks wonky when pressed to her boob). My only suggestion would be to practice more, but focus on building the parts to the bodies. If you can make the individual parts, like say a female torso, then that's definitely a start in the right direction.

Jealousy1867 Wrote:VintageBass and mintyMigdet are already forming their own writing think-tank. They need attention on that.

Yeah we haven't exactly done anything yet beyond suggesting ideas. I only offered the idea to work together and I haven't got anything back yet. Plus I'm not really going to focus on writing until we get things settle with. So once we get more people, including someone to take charge of things, animator and coder, then I'll see if I can work something with other writers and come up with stuff for the game.
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby Sythis_Sythes » Sun Oct 20, 2013 5:26 am

Eh' i guess it's that feeling you get that you're never truly satisfied with what you draw. Sometimes i'll draw something i wanna show everyone, and other times ill just give up ever letting it see the light of day.

So i took my original creation of the female lead and brought it over to ArtRage Studio from flash drawing, and this is what i came up with. again, its the same character, just removed the wonky arm since i never really learned to draw those, tbh.
My worst parts in terms of drawing is arms, hands, legs from the knees down, and feet. Also, proportions I'm getting better at, but still bad when i need to correct one thing like a side boob five times till I'm satisfied with it.
Female Lead concept revised 1 test.png
I still don't think it's anywhere near perfect, even for the parts i can kinda draw well.
Female Lead concept revised 1 test.png (185.89 KiB) Viewed 1407 times
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby Oneko » Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:59 pm

Jealousy1867 Wrote:Stick with it for now, but don't let your ideas run out of control. People with your brains and energy can burn themselves out quickly. Slow down and look at what you have to work with here. We'll be ready when you are.

More than brain and energy i am concerned regarding my lack of focus, since i tend to distract very easily. However, i am kinda motivated learning Flash since i wanted to learn it in the past, but right now i need it more as ever (since i need to develop knowledge regarding all the aspects of building websites) and although Flash is a decaying technology it's still widely used and best being in multimedia-wise content so far.
Perhaps i kinda misinterpreted your post, nor i expressed myself correctly, actually i am not having any kind of problem management. We have ton of ideas already and i am not commenting them because more are popping up every 1-2 days, so it's too soon to draw a line on those, even because regarding writing a plot/side scenarios or including extra features will be one of the last things to do, since we must first build the skeleton of the game through programming.
This is why i haven't said anything yet, let the ideas come freely since not only they'll increase over time, but they'll be implemented later so no reason to hold a barrier right now. Only then we can sort out which to put inside and which to discard, and in what order.
For the animators we can only hope (or i have a sort of quick-fix provided below, just thought of it while typing this message) while for the programming i am currently working on it.
I acknowledge the mistake for not giving my general overview of the project before, so here you have it.
I am not distracting too much so literally there are no problems right now. My worries showed before only comes from the fact if i can keep up this moderate pace instead of slacking off due to self-motivation as i almost ever do, and due to time too.
Jealousy1867 Wrote:It's pretty awesome how many people are trying to get involved in this. I really look forward to hearing how I can help out.

As said before i am building a rough swf, personally i hate to be that kind of person where he bosses everyone but himself isn't being able to contribute to anything (concrete), so i am making a stud where i can test the buttons, the HUD, and some elements/backgrounds as well. It is also better to make it this way since we can decide things according to how the first release will look like.
Aside that probably that'll be where my programming skills with Flash will come to a stop. I don't know how to how to create new instances of monsters, showing them in the various menus, and the various math regarding the alterance of the breeding parameters/breeding modifiers, implement the savegame file, etc.
Even if you may be the only one being in idle, it is actually a good time if you start to think regarding how to realize the features of the previous game agnostically, and possibily even in Flash. At least for the agnostics you can already know how to implement those features, and if not find a way how to implement them. When you'll start working on the flash part you'll already have a clear idea of where you're going.

Sythis_Sythes Wrote:OK,' so i didn't really wanna post these cause I'm not too confident on how my body proportions have looked in the past, but i dew them yesterday and looking at them today, they don't look too bad.
But like i said, I'm not that great at it. :P

Really a job well done, especially for someone isn't used to draw human bodies. It really resebles the one of Hartista's and myself i can't come up with any kind of negative criticism.
Coming thinking of it, if we can't find an animator perhaps i can learn how to rig stuff so that i can help the artists. Good luck with your drawings man, i'm interested in your future work, and perhaps if i'll stop being lazy then i might be able to help you.

VintageBass Wrote:Yeah we haven't exactly done anything yet beyond suggesting ideas. I only offered the idea to work together and I haven't got anything back yet. Plus I'm not really going to focus on writing until we get things settle with.

But writing is the least thing tied to everything else. So far only an idea for starting the storyline emerged from it, you can manage to do the entire plot even if no graphic or code is realized. As what i said to Jealousy, you can start looking ahead and to write the plot. And better part is, unlike programming you can just copy and paste the text regarding the dialogues in the game when it's ready to be made, with a little formatting.
Having just said that, personally i don't like the idea of buying the shack from an old man. I mean, it may be a great idea of someone decides to buy a shack, but aside this i like more the idea of the debt caused by the imperial taxes. Or at least for me, i like more the idea where you must struggle against the empire that condemns breeding (while you actually enforce it) and fight your way through. It gives a sense of stimulation and encouragement to you, humble countryside paesant to rise against the laws and wills of the empire. Instead the scenario given posts ago just says to to pay the debts only because the previous owner accumulated them, and you pay them to... someone that won't even care about what do you do on your own ground.
I just said my own opinion of the main plot given before, according also to what others will say you can polish, improve and expand the current plot.
VintageBass Wrote:So once we get more people, including someone to take charge of things, animator and coder, then I'll see if I can work something with other writers and come up with stuff for the game.

So far i take charge of things and mine is the only position that is unsure, as animator Sythis_Sythes can try to do some graphic and i'll think to rig them, and Jelaousy can do the coder.
Even if it seems a last-minute formed squad, the project might already start, and in case i won't be able to take the manager role i will still help you guys, albeit in a minor role and at a much slower pace. And by myself, i don't think that waiting for more people to come is a good idea, i mean, anyone can join anytime, but it may take too much time or have time wasted if we wait for more people to come, since everyone can already start doing something.
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby Jealousy1867 » Sun Oct 20, 2013 5:55 pm

Oneko Wrote:So far i take charge of things and mine is the only position that is unsure, as animator Sythis_Sythes can try to do some graphic and i'll think to rig them, and Jelaousy can do the coder.

Cool beans, I'll start brushing up on Flash. I'll report back every few days with a progress report. Once I feel I have a fair grip on the language, I can start to tinker with the ideas here into real code, or create whatever I'm directed to.
Yay, I have something to do :)
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby Sythis_Sythes » Sun Oct 20, 2013 10:51 pm

Sorry if i didn't clarify the story, Oneko. i created it that time to that point, i was just trying to get the beginning idea started. I had an idea if how the govt in the city would tax you and have you pay for using the land you now own, since you're right at the city limits and some people could possibly complain about a bunch of monsters fucking right outside the city, just a bit a ways. I just thought it was a given since you need to pay taxes in real life or pay rent to have a house, same concept. so yea, the city will make you pay for having a farm there, hence why the old man was in debt. (Along side the fact there was a ghost, and other strange things happening there too.)

I will leave you with a naked town guard. Trying to give you at least one thing a day. XD Also, this was created in about 30-45 minutes, with half that being corrections. T.T
BTW, anyone else notice i don't draw clothes on any of 'em? That be cause I'm trying to get used to drawing naked bodies. :P
Female Knight 1 test.png
Did some cleaning this time around, should look a little cleaner and sharper.
Female Knight 1 test.png (10.24 KiB) Viewed 1354 times
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby VintageBass » Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:08 pm

Oneko Wrote:But writing is the least thing tied to everything else. So far only an idea for starting the storyline emerged from it, you can manage to do the entire plot even if no graphic or code is realized. As what i said to Jealousy, you can start looking ahead and to write the plot. And better part is, unlike programming you can just copy and paste the text regarding the dialogues in the game when it's ready to be made, with a little formatting.

Yeah that is roughly the easiest part I can do. Sure I can rip out the dialogue and retype it in, or simply copy and paste it all, but considering some of the changes going from the original game to this version, some of it might be scrapped or rewriting. That shouldn't be too much of a problem at all. And considering the stuff that is already there, it's really shouldn't take that long to get every bit of written detail and make the changes there.

Oneko Wrote:Having just said that, personally i don't like the idea of buying the shack from an old man. I mean, it may be a great idea of someone decides to buy a shack, but aside this i like more the idea of the debt caused by the imperial taxes. Or at least for me, i like more the idea where you must struggle against the empire that condemns breeding (while you actually enforce it) and fight your way through. It gives a sense of stimulation and encouragement to you, humble countryside paesant to rise against the laws and wills of the empire. Instead the scenario given posts ago just says to to pay the debts only because the previous owner accumulated them, and you pay them to... someone that won't even care about what do you do on your own ground.

Well it might be possible to go with what you're suggesting and combine the two. It's just the idea of either going with what was already present in the game (parents dying because of some breeding accident... and huh?) or go with something more like the games this is based around. I rather like the idea of you becoming this aspiring breeder and then buying the farm instead of inheriting it from a relative (especially with the ridiculous nature of how your parents died). You can still have that motivation to take on the empire and rebel against their rule, it's just we see it as you bought this farm from someone, you get your license and start, and then you will get these fines. A simple tweak is all that's needed to make things snap together and work perfectly!

Sythis_Sythes Wrote:I will leave you with a naked town guard. Trying to give you at least one thing a day. XD Also, this was created in about 30-45 minutes, with half that being corrections. T.T
BTW, anyone else notice i don't draw clothes on any of 'em? That be cause I'm trying to get used to drawing naked bodies. :P

That's perfectly fine with everyone going naked. It is good practice getting in things right, and so far your art is getting better. I was going to comment earlier that I love the female lead's hair, but I got lazy and didn't bother writing the rest of my response (to Oneko above mainly). So far getting better! The girls still need tweaking, but still very good indeed. Now there's the question about the male lead...

And here's something I've been wondering... since this game is about breeding monsters, is there going to be any discussions about the monsters themselves?
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby Oneko » Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:48 pm

Sythis_Sythes Wrote:Sorry if i didn't clarify the story, Oneko. i created it that time to that point, i was just trying to get the beginning idea started. I had an idea if how the govt in the city would tax you and have you pay for using the land you now own, since you're right at the city limits and some people could possibly complain about a bunch of monsters fucking right outside the city, just a bit a ways. I just thought it was a given since you need to pay taxes in real life or pay rent to have a house, same concept. so yea, the city will make you pay for having a farm there, hence why the old man was in debt. (Along side the fact there was a ghost, and other strange things happening there too.)

So the main character is kinda flagelled from everyone? Hmm. Citizens shouldn't be concerned too much regarding main character IMHO, or at least they are concerned more with other problems (for example, instead of simply seeing monsters outskirts, they should also be concerned by something more severe), for example the society being split between those allowing intercourse with monsters or those who disagrees with it, or something like that. It adds a kind of internal conflict, whether that is a moderate old-fantasy town or a modern city.
Sythis_Sythes Wrote:I will leave you with a naked town guard. Trying to give you at least one thing a day. XD Also, this was created in about 30-45 minutes, with half that being corrections. T.T

You shouldn't feel forced posting something everyday, just post draws whether you feel it to and don't do it just because you are feeling obligated. I can't myself bring updates daily since there are few days at uni where i come back home late from it. I'll just post few observations or comments whether what i am currently working on, if i have time.
Having said that, i would like to see every image you draw though. :)
Sythis_Sythes Wrote:BTW, anyone else notice i don't draw clothes on any of 'em? That be cause I'm trying to get used to drawing naked bodies. :P

Who said anything about clothes? Keep drawing dem bodies!

VintageBass Wrote:Yeah that is roughly the easiest part I can do. Sure I can rip out the dialogue and retype it in, or simply copy and paste it all, but considering some of the changes going from the original game to this version, some of it might be scrapped or rewriting. That shouldn't be too much of a problem at all. And considering the stuff that is already there, it's really shouldn't take that long to get every bit of written detail and make the changes there.

No, i haven't mentoned anything regarding taking or inspiring from the Hartista's game dialogues.
You were concerned regarding waiting to write stuff because you had to wait for the programmer artist etc, and i just replied to you that you can already start writing the plot or even some studs on a text file, and we can insert those lines anytime by coping and pasting them into the flash. That is what i wanted to say briefly.
After all, we are throwing ideas, so as said before you can start polishing something.

VintageBass Wrote:Well it might be possible to go with what you're suggesting and combine the two. [...]I rather like the idea of you becoming this aspiring breeder and then buying the farm instead of inheriting it from a relative[...] You can still have that motivation to take on the empire and rebel against their rule, it's just we see it as you bought this farm from someone, you get your license and start, and then you will get these fines. A simple tweak is all that's needed to make things snap together and work perfectly!

That's more like it!
VintageBass Wrote:And here's something I've been wondering... since this game is about breeding monsters, is there going to be any discussions about the monsters themselves?

I have clear ideas in mind, but even if i'd say them now it would be kinda pointless since we haven't got anyone ready to drawing said monsters (yet).
Briefly i'd like to give full freedom to artists regarding the type of monsters they want to draw, but maybe limiting them if the is much unfairness in balance (say for example in the game there are 6 futas, 2 male, 2 female and 2 neoteny, perhaps it is actually the case for limiting the most prevalent category of monsters, so that everyone can have their own favourite in equal number). That souldn't be the case though, especially if the same artist is willing to draw different monster types or if more artists have different ideas.
Possibily i'd like to follow the best case scenario, that being first to make at least one monster type of most kinds possible (make at least one cat/dog/other monsters instead of ending up with 4 different cat-type monsters) and given the most fetishes possible (gender wise such as futa, body-wise such as neoteny, or even adding secondary fetishes not even present in the previous Breeding Season).
This should greatly encourage to have at least one kind of everything in the game and gather a wider audience since everyone (mostly like) will have their favourite monster and/or fetish in the game. But again i can't limit artists that much, or at least, i want first to see who will step in as artist, and who will come later. These are only my thoughts i gathered so far.
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby Sythis_Sythes » Mon Oct 21, 2013 11:59 pm

I've been avoiding the monsters for now since some of them are probably really hard to draw.... so I'd really like a complete focus for a test monster, rather than run around trying to guess what would be a good idea, etc.

Oh, and here you go VintageBass, tried my hand at a man for the lead. If i haven't mentioned this before, BTW, I'm doing all of these without any references or anything, so the way they look is literally just random and spur of the moment, and also very likely not the final product. Just trying my best at getting better at drawing. XD I sincerely hop i am!

Only problem i had with him was that i made him too wide on the first go which was easily fixed with the lasso tool, and that i can't draw a penis even though i have one, lmao.

BTW, sorry if the images are too big. Got my resolution on 1080p :P
Male Lead Test 1.png
Very rough, my first try at a male body base ever... EVER!
Male Lead Test 1.png (24.11 KiB) Viewed 1312 times
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby VintageBass » Tue Oct 22, 2013 4:51 am

Oneko Wrote:No, i haven't mentoned anything regarding taking or inspiring from the Hartista's game dialogues.
You were concerned regarding waiting to write stuff because you had to wait for the programmer artist etc, and i just replied to you that you can already start writing the plot or even some studs on a text file, and we can insert those lines anytime by coping and pasting them into the flash. That is what i wanted to say briefly.
After all, we are throwing ideas, so as said before you can start polishing something.

Oh. Sorry, I'm an idiot.

Still, I'll take a look into figuring out what can be a plot for this game. I'll look over the game, see if there is something I like and I'll create some different scenarios.

Oneko Wrote:I have clear ideas in mind, but even if i'd say them now it would be kinda pointless since we haven't got anyone ready to drawing said monsters (yet).
Briefly i'd like to give full freedom to artists regarding the type of monsters they want to draw, but maybe limiting them if the is much unfairness in balance (say for example in the game there are 6 futas, 2 male, 2 female and 2 neoteny, perhaps it is actually the case for limiting the most prevalent category of monsters, so that everyone can have their own favourite in equal number). That souldn't be the case though, especially if the same artist is willing to draw different monster types or if more artists have different ideas.
Possibily i'd like to follow the best case scenario, that being first to make at least one monster type of most kinds possible (make at least one cat/dog/other monsters instead of ending up with 4 different cat-type monsters) and given the most fetishes possible (gender wise such as futa, body-wise such as neoteny, or even adding secondary fetishes not even present in the previous Breeding Season).
This should greatly encourage to have at least one kind of everything in the game and gather a wider audience since everyone (mostly like) will have their favourite monster and/or fetish in the game. But again i can't limit artists that much, or at least, i want first to see who will step in as artist, and who will come later. These are only my thoughts i gathered so far.

All right, that's reasonable. My idea was more in line with talking about ideas and then pass them on to an artist who can draw them.

And my own ideas are to expand the current species of monsters and add variants of them, but I know that's going to be a lot to add and so much animations, so it'll be easier to have one of each species. So far my current thought process is thinking about a starting pack, focusing more on farm animals before we go into the more exotic and fantasy based creatures. With the thought, we can have one feline, canine, bovine, equine and sheep based creature, each species have a male, female and herm base, or have a single sex line for that particular species. That will be at least be a start and then go to like the harpies and other creatures that were suggested.

That is my idea about the matter. Heck, I even got an idea for a joke species, but I'll save that for another time...

Sythis_Sythes Wrote:I've been avoiding the monsters for now since some of them are probably really hard to draw.... so I'd really like a complete focus for a test monster, rather than run around trying to guess what would be a good idea, etc.

I was thinking more about talking about them, not about drawing them. Try to think of what to do with them before we decide to draw new stuff.

Sythis_Sythes Wrote:Oh, and here you go VintageBass, tried my hand at a man for the lead. If i haven't mentioned this before, BTW, I'm doing all of these without any references or anything, so the way they look is literally just random and spur of the moment, and also very likely not the final product. Just trying my best at getting better at drawing. XD I sincerely hop i am!

OK, I gotta be honest... your male drawing is actually better than your female drawings. For a first time, DAMN that's an impressive looking man! And as someone who's straight, he's really amazing looking! That's really incredible for a first time! Plus I love how his face is just like "OK, what the hell did I just see?" I know that's not intentional, but it's funny. :lol:

And his cock? It's kinda like some artist I know how he draws them, so really it's not that bad. Honestly I don't see how anyone won't resist that. :P

Overall, really damn impressive for your first drawing of a dude. He looks awesome! And like Oneko said, keep them all naked! Get your practice and let's fill the town with naked people! (Of course they would be clothed later on...)
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby Sythis_Sythes » Tue Oct 22, 2013 5:38 am

Weird....I like my female drawing better 0.0 I guess i just have an opposite mind in terms of what i find good looking compared to what you do. which might be a good thing to have, to judge the drawings better and keep me on ma toes. :P

Here's my attempt at a real female bust.... Never tried to draw the real thing before, hm....
Also tried my hand at some forearms pointing toward 'the camera.' Also my first attmept in a long time at that, since i was always so bad at, well, everything involving bodies... IS THIS DRAWING TABLET MAGICAL!?

Hm.... i see what you're getting at Oneko, that's perfectly fine. I just create what i do at random, so it's probably better if i focus on getting better at art for now. But in all seriousness, this be the first time I've felt this good at drawing, so i LOVE trying to think of something to draw up each post, it's like a challenge i put myself up to. XD. I WILL only post stuff i find needs to be looked at or i like, i won't just draw something for five minutes and then post it, it'd feel cheap that way.

Hmmm.....anyone else feel like a lot of people stopped posting in the forum after i started posting art??? Makes me feel kinda bad,lmao.

And actually, VintageBass, that was intentional for him to have a cocked eyebrow. I be testing some basic facial expressions too.
Real Lady Bust 1 test.png
I think it look really good in the boob area, best i think I've ever done...i hope I'm getting good enough to say that,lol.
Real Lady Bust 1 test.png (215.48 KiB) Viewed 1306 times
Last edited by Sythis_Sythes on Tue Oct 22, 2013 5:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
As always, watching you draw... c(0.0)e=>~~~~~~~
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby Jealousy1867 » Tue Oct 22, 2013 6:25 am

Heya folks, I've been working with Flash. It's really simple and flexible - an amazing language, really. I'll admit that I don't really like working with it. It feels small... like, it does video game applications super efficiently but not much else. Graphically, it's simply awesome. Comparitively, with C++ or basic I have to use bitmaps and memory swaps, and even then I don't have the sort of freeform control I have with Flash. But apart from graphics Flash feels cramped and limited. I don't know. I've been writing programs for over 32 years and maybe I've become a code snob. I'll appreciate it more as I grow more accustomed to it.
This past week I was playing around with the Unity engine. That's a horse of a different color. It's not as simple as Flash, and I'm still getting my feet wet, but it's very compelling. So far, I don't see how it would be practical for a Breeding Season game. Heck, I'd prefer even Visual Basic to it, but anyway, back to Flash.
Flash (thunder crack), aah-aah! Sorry, it's late and I'm exhausted.
Programming-wise, I suppose I should make a splash screen menu, with Continue, New Game, Load Game, Options, and Exit? That's pretty standard. Options would probably just be volume control (background music? monster sex noises? I dunno) and maybe tweaking certain scenes on or off (birth animations, certain fetishes, whatever). We'd be fine without it, I'm sure, but for me it's easier to write stuff in and cut it out later than to go back and try to weave something new into an existing framework.
Anyway, that's my two cents for now. Thanks in advance for any feedback.
And unrelatedly, I just got my Hearthstone beta key tonight. I played it for a few hours. I really love it. I will play it much more in the very near future. Life is good. And again, thanks everyone and your ideas and enthusiasm are an inspiration :)
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby weenog » Tue Oct 22, 2013 5:48 pm

Oneko Wrote:(say for example in the game there are 6 futas, 2 male, 2 female and 2 neoteny, perhaps it is actually the case for limiting the most prevalent category of monsters, so that everyone can have their own favourite in equal number). That souldn't be the case though, especially if the same artist is willing to draw different monster types or if more artists have different ideas.
Possibily i'd like to follow the best case scenario, that being first to make at least one monster type of most kinds possible (make at least one cat/dog/other monsters instead of ending up with 4 different cat-type monsters) and given the most fetishes possible (gender wise such as futa, body-wise such as neoteny, or even adding secondary fetishes not even present in the previous Breeding Season).
This should greatly encourage to have at least one kind of everything in the game and gather a wider audience since everyone (mostly like) will have their favourite monster and/or fetish in the game. But again i can't limit artists that much, or at least, i want first to see who will step in as artist, and who will come later. These are only my thoughts i gathered so far.

That sounds like a good Idea to me, and would make the game a lot simpler to get coded.
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby VintageBass » Tue Oct 22, 2013 8:03 pm

Sythis_Sythes Wrote:Weird....I like my female drawing better 0.0 I guess i just have an opposite mind in terms of what i find good looking compared to what you do. which might be a good thing to have, to judge the drawings better and keep me on ma toes. :P

Well I was being honest about me liking your male character. He does look great for a first attempt and it's definitely good practice. And yeah, I do have a weird taste in art, but hey I can say that you're doing better at making a decent looking human torso than I am! Still, the girls are turning out great and it's all the more practice to make them even more awesome. Keep it up!

Sythis_Sythes Wrote:Here's my attempt at a real female bust.... Never tried to draw the real thing before, hm....
Also tried my hand at some forearms pointing toward 'the camera.' Also my first attmept in a long time at that, since i was always so bad at, well, everything involving bodies... IS THIS DRAWING TABLET MAGICAL!?

The only part that's bugging me are the arms, they look really skinny... it doesn't look healthy. But as you said you aren't good at making arms, so I can see that. But for the bust itself... my perverted side wishes that I can reach through the screen and grab hold of those luscious boobs :P

Sythis_Sythes Wrote:Hmmm.....anyone else feel like a lot of people stopped posting in the forum after i started posting art??? Makes me feel kinda bad,lmao.

I don't think that's all your fault. Sometimes you're just posting during real slow times, and there are other things here for people to check out.

Jealousy1867 Wrote:Programming-wise, I suppose I should make a splash screen menu, with Continue, New Game, Load Game, Options, and Exit? That's pretty standard. Options would probably just be volume control (background music? monster sex noises? I dunno) and maybe tweaking certain scenes on or off (birth animations, certain fetishes, whatever). We'd be fine without it, I'm sure, but for me it's easier to write stuff in and cut it out later than to go back and try to weave something new into an existing framework.

For options, that's pretty easy to figure out in terms of layout. For your sound stuff, you usually have three main options: Music, SFX and Voices. Music and Voices are rather self-explanatory while your SFX can vary between different stuff, including the noises during sex. You could even do something with SFX by making an option for SFW sounds and NSFW sounds, but it'll be easier to group them together into one thing. (And note I'm only saying Voices as just an example, I'm not saying we should have voice-over work in this)

And for the other option features, that can work. Personally I don't really need a birthing animation and just rather have a message saying "Congratulations! It's (insert whatever here)," plus it'll save on space, too. And yeah I could see it working for certain fetishes too, but that depends on what kind of fetishes are being put into the game.

By the way, someone recently made a futuristic version of the game, set IN SPAAAAAACE! There's nothing to it yet, just a lot of exploring around, you can choose who and be (plus stats!), battling, and only two monsters: wolves and sheep. It's here on the forum for those to check out.
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby Sythis_Sythes » Wed Oct 23, 2013 5:52 am

ah, the weirdness of random drawing....YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT WILL COME FROM IT.

I never thought I'd draw this till i got better at it, but the ideas to make it look better kept popping up, so what was going to be scrapped is now going to be seen and criticized.

Was draw in flash.
I like it enough I'm posting it.
Was completed after all revisions and addition in approximately: ~45 minutes.
Female Minotaur Test 1.png
Started with the hip as a base, then went from there. Random Creations can sometimes be pleasantly surprising,lol.
Female Minotaur Test 1.png (33.15 KiB) Viewed 1240 times
As always, watching you draw... c(0.0)e=>~~~~~~~
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby FruitSmoothie » Thu Oct 24, 2013 3:41 pm

IrrelevantComment Wrote:I have a few concerns with this. Can you really justify ripping a swf and using someone's art and animation without their permission to make a game? (I guess that's what you're suggesting, right?). Just because Hartista is gone, does that make it okay to just use his work?.

Basically this. Some people seem to think anything posted on the internet is free to use in whatever way they see fit, but it is still his work, his art, his animations. Ultimately I don't think it's right to use his work without his permission. Yes it sucks big time that it may not be continued by Hartista, but it's still his project.

I think you guys are already planning a spiritual continuation of it without using his work and that's good.
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby VintageBass » Thu Oct 24, 2013 7:40 pm

Sythis_Sythes Wrote:ah, the weirdness of random drawing....YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT WILL COME FROM IT.

... You know, without reading the subtitle for the drawing, I thought you drew a goat girl. Really that's quite the leap from a cow to a gota, but with the way her arms and legs made me think goat. I'm not sure why though. But that does give me this weird idea about if there really was a goat monster, you could make it where it's a definite trap, as apparently female goats can have both beards and horns, plus the males can lactate as well. Granted with that form it'll be easy thanks to one obvious area, but if done well...

Yeah it won't work because of an identification tag symbolizing the gender, but *shrugs* Then again I'm not exactly fond of goats (those eyes...). I'll be happier with sheep girls.
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby Jealousy1867 » Thu Oct 24, 2013 8:35 pm

Hey fellas.
I'm a total dick, but I've fallen in love with the Unity engine. I'm completely abandoning Flash (probably forever unless it drastically improves) and focusing on Unity. Could Unity make a Breeding Season-like game? Most magnificently - even better than Flash could. And I'm completely immersed. But I won't be able to make anything with it for quite a while, I'm sure. It's so damn good, though.
So I'm officially checking out. I leave it to someone else to save this more-or-less leaderless project from an abandoned and orphaned state. I will come back to promise my services when I feel confident with Unity, if this board is still here. Until whenever that is, I probably won't even check in.
I wish you all the best, and that's really all there is to say. Until then.
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby Sythis_Sythes » Thu Oct 24, 2013 11:03 pm

Nice having you here jealousy, sorry to see you go. Was nice having your input. and yea, unity has a very big amount of capabilities, almost too many, that it turned a total nub like me away from it. hope whatever you make with it turns out great~

On that note, it seems we need to appoint people to actual posts for this project so we know what needs to be filled in terms of getting prototypes and such up and running. Here in the next couple days, i could use some tutorials on the forums here to try and get something basic going, but it might take a while what with me having a full-fledged job. and then to add to that, there's no way I'd be able to program anything bigger than a button easily, so it'd take me much longer to program than someone fluent in flash's scripting process.

and VintageBass, i just created that at random and gave it some name, we can call it whatever we need to if we wanna keep it. Or we can start another game entirely, and just go wild! But i really would like to see this game continue on, at least in a spiritual sense.

hmmmm......maybe this monster could be a trap? like, it looks female no matter what, and there's a gender labeled 'wild card' or 'unknown' and have the genitals concealed so you don't know what it is till you make it do the dirty. :P
As always, watching you draw... c(0.0)e=>~~~~~~~
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