Jealousy1867 Wrote:Stick with it for now, but don't let your ideas run out of control. People with your brains and energy can burn themselves out quickly. Slow down and look at what you have to work with here. We'll be ready when you are.
More than brain and energy i am concerned regarding my lack of focus, since i tend to distract very easily. However, i am kinda motivated learning Flash since i wanted to learn it in the past, but right now i need it more as ever (since i need to develop knowledge regarding all the aspects of building websites) and although Flash is a decaying technology it's still widely used and best being in multimedia-wise content so far.
Perhaps i kinda misinterpreted your post, nor i expressed myself correctly, actually i am not having any kind of problem management. We have ton of ideas already and i am not commenting them because more are popping up every 1-2 days, so it's too soon to draw a line on those, even because regarding writing a plot/side scenarios or including extra features will be one of the last things to do, since we must first build the skeleton of the game through programming.
This is why i haven't said anything yet, let the ideas come freely since not only they'll increase over time, but they'll be implemented later so no reason to hold a barrier right now. Only then we can sort out which to put inside and which to discard, and in what order.
For the animators we can only hope (or i have a sort of quick-fix provided below, just thought of it while typing this message) while for the programming i am currently working on it.
I acknowledge the mistake for not giving my general overview of the project before, so here you have it.
I am not distracting too much so literally there are no problems right now. My worries showed before only comes from the fact if i can keep up this moderate pace instead of slacking off due to self-motivation as i almost ever do, and due to time too.
Jealousy1867 Wrote:It's pretty awesome how many people are trying to get involved in this. I really look forward to hearing how I can help out.
As said before i am building a rough swf, personally i hate to be that kind of person where he bosses everyone but himself isn't being able to contribute to anything (concrete), so i am making a stud where i can test the buttons, the HUD, and some elements/backgrounds as well. It is also better to make it this way since we can decide things according to how the first release will look like.
Aside that probably that'll be where my programming skills with Flash will come to a stop. I don't know how to how to create new instances of monsters, showing them in the various menus, and the various math regarding the alterance of the breeding parameters/breeding modifiers, implement the savegame file, etc.
Even if you may be the only one being in idle, it is actually a good time if you start to think regarding how to realize the features of the previous game agnostically, and possibily even in Flash. At least for the agnostics you can already know how to implement those features, and if not find a way how to implement them. When you'll start working on the flash part you'll already have a clear idea of where you're going.
Sythis_Sythes Wrote:OK,' so i didn't really wanna post these cause I'm not too confident on how my body proportions have looked in the past, but i dew them yesterday and looking at them today, they don't look too bad.
But like i said, I'm not that great at it.

Really a job well done, especially for someone isn't used to draw human bodies. It really resebles the one of Hartista's and myself i can't come up with any kind of negative criticism.
Coming thinking of it, if we can't find an animator perhaps i can learn how to rig stuff so that i can help the artists. Good luck with your drawings man, i'm interested in your future work, and perhaps if i'll stop being lazy then i might be able to help you.
VintageBass Wrote:Yeah we haven't exactly done anything yet beyond suggesting ideas. I only offered the idea to work together and I haven't got anything back yet. Plus I'm not really going to focus on writing until we get things settle with.
But writing is the least thing tied to everything else. So far only an idea for starting the storyline emerged from it, you can manage to do the entire plot even if no graphic or code is realized. As what i said to Jealousy, you can start looking ahead and to write the plot. And better part is, unlike programming you can just copy and paste the text regarding the dialogues in the game when it's ready to be made, with a little formatting.
Having just said that, personally i don't like the idea of buying the shack from an old man. I mean, it may be a great idea of someone decides to buy a shack, but aside this i like more the idea of the debt caused by the imperial taxes. Or at least for me, i like more the idea where you must struggle against the empire that condemns breeding (while you actually enforce it) and fight your way through. It gives a sense of stimulation and encouragement to you, humble countryside paesant to rise against the laws and wills of the empire. Instead the scenario given posts ago just says to to pay the debts only because the previous owner accumulated them, and you pay them to... someone that won't even care about what do you do on your own ground.
I just said my own opinion of the main plot given before, according also to what others will say you can polish, improve and expand the current plot.
VintageBass Wrote:So once we get more people, including someone to take charge of things, animator and coder, then I'll see if I can work something with other writers and come up with stuff for the game.
So far i take charge of things and mine is the only position that is unsure, as animator Sythis_Sythes can try to do some graphic and i'll think to rig them, and Jelaousy can do the coder.
Even if it seems a last-minute formed squad, the project might already start, and in case i won't be able to take the manager role i will still help you guys, albeit in a minor role and at a much slower pace. And by myself, i don't think that waiting for more people to come is a good idea, i mean, anyone can join anytime, but it may take too much time or have time wasted if we wait for more people to come, since everyone can already start doing something.