Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby Camel » Wed Oct 16, 2013 8:33 pm

alright so on top of the idea to please the donors choices i came up with a few.. i havent read much of other peoples ideas so some may not be original and some are improvements on the features in breeding season.

it should be tough to start out, clients should be special orders instead, and in the beginning those orders should be out of reach or simply not worth the time you would need to spend reaching their requirements, instead you could sell them to a store or something for quick money determined by their stats, traits, negative and positive modifiers... or auction them off to have a chance to sell them at as little as 50% or as much as 200% the price you would get in a store, maybe apply a little bit of sales tax just to annoy people :p

again in the beginning you need to milk beasts manually while in the future you could buy milking machine(several for an increasing price) and assign a beast to it that produce a higher quantity of the juices(say twice the ammount you would get manually) at the cost of 20% decreased quality and you not being able to use that animal for anything else while assigned to it.

capturing beasts in the wild on your own, buying gear and train skills for it then maybe have a little battle sequence, i probably dont have to suggest what happens if you fail. success could increase your skill at capturing.

also lots and lots of futa...
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby Oneko » Wed Oct 16, 2013 9:25 pm

Well, this was kinda unexpected.
Referring to Jealousy post, even if i have motivation i lack of any kind of skill. I am horrible as drawing stuff and in highschool i studied small C++ programs, but i lack advanced stuff such as memory management and OOP, so i can't really tell how much Flash learning curve is related to my C++ skills. Not like i did any kind of personal project in C++, i am that kind of gave-up-to-be-a-programmer.
I may be start using Flash CS more deeply though, so might as well the only thing i can do is (trying to learn how to) merge code and artwork together in order to make the completed SWF... if i manage to do it. Yet i'd be a manager and not a true leader (since this project is supposed to be a collab, having a "leader" is a word a bit too big, considering everyone has a role).
I'd like, though, to hear opinions from the others, if anyone wants to take my place is gladly welcome, i have just started university so i don't know how much free time i will have from now on. Perhaps someone being more skilled than me and/or with more free time will take my place, but if not then i'll just take the role, hoping that i can produce something good once in a while.
Thanks for calling me out though, i kinda suck at making points and winning arguments most of the time, so i was quite surprised this time.
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby Zeus Kabob » Wed Oct 16, 2013 10:09 pm

Heard Hartista is dealing with medical issues in his family at the moment.
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby VintageBass » Wed Oct 16, 2013 11:31 pm

To be fair, I never really took control of a project myself and with something like this, I'm not sure what I can do if I were to be giving complete control over this. If anything I do think that with this collab, I could offer my services as someone to oversee the creative stuff, like the art and such. Everyone is allow to be free to express their ideas, but someone will need to step in and stop some ideas that won't fit in, are completely unnecessary, or won't appeal to everyone.

And honestly, I forgot that this is supposed to be a collab, so that went over my head and just went with Jealousy. My bad.

Camel Wrote:it should be tough to start out, clients should be special orders instead, and in the beginning those orders should be out of reach or simply not worth the time you would need to spend reaching their requirements, instead you could sell them to a store or something for quick money determined by their stats, traits, negative and positive modifiers...

I actually came up with something almost like that, but worded totally different. So with my previous pitched idea of with a jobs board to house all of the client's orders, how about we take the bronze, silver and gold levels and use that as a leveling system based on how well you're selling your monsters and your reputation (and speaking of, does that still exist or no?) After reaching a certain point, you'll unlock the next tier, allowing you to have access to more orders and better offers. Of course this means that the orders will get more difficult and more demanding, but you'll probably have a system set out to where things will be easy to get.

Camel Wrote:also lots and lots of futa...

But not too much. :P
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby Sythis_Sythes » Thu Oct 17, 2013 2:17 am

There can NEVER be too much futa!~ :)

And yea, i see what you're saying Oneko. I just got carried away and started drawing without thinking, which is what you ended up seeing, a half-baked design. I'm not too far from hartistas style art wise for menus and such, but i am HORRID at programming, or anything that looks remotely human. (I never learned to draw them.) But yea, that was just me pitching ideas via visual form, i'm not saying that'd be the final product. :) I'll revise it later and get back to you with it.
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby jackmyer » Thu Oct 17, 2013 5:12 am

I would like to help with coding but i am just starting to know one language, C++
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby themightypawn » Thu Oct 17, 2013 8:30 am

throwing another idea out there what about pregnancy. There could be a certain time in which the animals or the player could be pregnant. the animals maybe a day or two and for the player maybe four and then adding in something that could be eating by the player or monsters that could shorten the time of being pregnant.
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby VintageBass » Thu Oct 17, 2013 2:47 pm

Sythis_Sythes Wrote:There can NEVER be too much futa!~ :)

You're right, but everyone has limits. Although having an army of lovely girls with dicks would be satisfying enough to me, and as long as I have the option to dominate them, then I'll be happy indeed.

Sythis_Sythes Wrote:And yea, i see what you're saying Oneko. I just got carried away and started drawing without thinking, which is what you ended up seeing, a half-baked design.

And it's not bad for being a half-baked design. Heck my first post here was essentially a remake to another drawing done in an hour (after getting a good night's sleep and thinking over what to do). So it's good for now, can't wait to see a newer version of it!
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby Oneko » Thu Oct 17, 2013 2:47 pm

Zeus Kabob Wrote:Heard Hartista is dealing with medical issues in his family at the moment.

I see. While i still don't approve his missed announcement and the donation runaway, i hope things will turn out good for him.

And yea, i see what you're saying Oneko. I just got carried away and started drawing without thinking, which is what you ended up seeing, a half-baked design. I'm not too far from hartistas style art wise for menus and such, but i am HORRID at programming, or anything that looks remotely human. (I never learned to draw them.) But yea, that was just me pitching ideas via visual form, i'm not saying that'd be the final product. :) I'll revise it later and get back to you with it.

But yet it was actually good, considering it was a first draft.

Camel Wrote:it should be tough to start out, clients should be special orders instead, and in the beginning those orders should be out of reach or simply not worth the time you would need to spend reaching their requirements, instead you could sell them to a store or something for quick money determined by their stats, traits, negative and positive modifiers... or auction them off to have a chance to sell them at as little as 50% or as much as 200% the price you would get in a store, maybe apply a little bit of sales tax just to annoy people :p.

Playing with the economy is a bit difficult, considering you must balance every possible income of money. I'd say to go for the classic client request, and aside that to add the Jealousy idea, perhaps it would be good to implement a market, aka selling monsters regardless of requisites for a lower price. This should balance the two options, encouraging the player of giving the monster to the clients for more money and traits, while at the market you can quicksell monsters if you are in a pinch with the money or if you are temporarily struck with all the clients requests. Managing these two is already difficult, you should make sure that the price for buying monsters at the shop, and selling them back at one of those sources shouldn't favourite the one or the other, because if not then one of those features will become useless. It requires some thinking for this kind of stuff, and adding more sources of revenues only makes things more complex to plan. If the arena/ring previously mentioned would be used to make money, then it's better if this feature would be accessible later in the game (thus it's more expensive to get but it also gives higher profits).
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby weenog » Thu Oct 17, 2013 2:50 pm

themightypawn Wrote:throwing another idea out there what about pregnancy. There could be a certain time in which the animals or the player could be pregnant. the animals maybe a day or two and for the player maybe four and then adding in something that could be eating by the player or monsters that could shorten the time of being pregnant.

I think that might not fit with how Harista's game worked due to the hit and miss nature of the offspring produced. I could see myself getting upset at waiting several days after breeding two monsters with pluses across five categories and a minus in one only to get a monster with just that one negative breeding modifier.
That's not to say though that we couldn't come up with a new system where it feels like it does fit. Game mechanics should not feel like they are punishing the player just to simulate reality.
I think a good way to represent growth and add a time element into the game is the previously suggested neoteny to normal monster.
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby Sythis_Sythes » Thu Oct 17, 2013 10:44 pm

OK, so i started small and drew up a farm entrance concept, and based the story(in my mind at least) that you're a new arrival to the continent, and decided to take up owning a farm as your new job. Unfortunately, a lot of the places were very expensive. You find yourself in the small town of Denville, located several miles from the largest city on this side of the continent, Aerie City. The former owner acquired some....debts, and would like to sell the land cheaply, and fortunately for you, you have just enough to get the land along with 500 Aers left in your pocket. The man hands you the deed hastily, yells goodbye, and runs off before you can even utter a single word. You shrug, seeing as how you acquired what you came for, but not before remembering you need to head to Aerie City to become a fully-fledged breeder, something anyone can become with some pocket change, but only the skilled can make a living off of by itself. Not wanting to impose the 10,000 Aers Debt for not getting the 100 Aers license, you head into town; but not before taking one more look at the entrance to your new home you acquired a little too easily...

This be off the top of ma noggin'. :P I'm bored,lmao. Gotta have something to pass the time, and i thought I'd start small and just draw up a quick sketch of the first thing about the drawing i made last time that popped into my head, which is the ranch entrance.

(Fun fact, both the town and city names are just different versions of breeding ground in the dictionary :P)

Sorry if this ends up as a double post, since i have to wait for a confirmation email to have my replies show up, so i can't even edit my past ones till they're approved. :(
Anyways, i decided it'd be high time to just create the same scene in a lot more detail than before and make it less detailed in terms of what you can do. I drew it all in flash, just this time i zoomed in :P

Tell me your thoughts, what not, i enjoy them compliments! ^.^ Though you do need to be told if something is wrong or not with your work in order to get better sometimes, too. ;p


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Farm Entrance 1.png
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby VintageBass » Fri Oct 18, 2013 3:19 am

Sythis_Sythes Wrote:OK, so i started small and drew up a farm entrance concept, and based the story(in my mind at least) that you're a new arrival to the continent, and decided to take up owning a farm as your new job. Unfortunately, a lot of the places were very expensive. You find yourself in the small town of Denville, located several miles from the largest city on this side of the continent, Aerie City. The former owner acquired some....debts, and would like to sell the land cheaply, and fortunately for you, you have just enough to get the land along with 500 Aers left in your pocket. The man hands you the deed hastily, yells goodbye, and runs off before you can even utter a single word. You shrug, seeing as how you acquired what you came for, but not before remembering you need to head to Aerie City to become a fully-fledged breeder, something anyone can become with some pocket change, but only the skilled can make a living off of by itself. Not wanting to impose the 10,000 Aers Debt for not getting the 100 Aers license, you head into town; but not before taking one more look at the entrance to your new home you acquired a little too easily...

I'm going to guess that the old man hasn't learn from his lessons and is going back to continue on wasting that money.

Otherwise I don't have too much problems with the plot. It's your standard for farms sims, and frankly I don't mind it at all. I personally enjoy that sort of game and this will be a nice little variant on the whole thing.

Sythis_Sythes Wrote:Tell me your thoughts, what not, i enjoy them compliments! ^.^ Though you do need to be told if something is wrong or not with your work in order to get better sometimes, too. ;p

Don't mind if I do!


This is just me, I don't see why anyone will build their house on a hill like that. But as for the house, that's a really nicely done house! It looks really incredible! As for everything else... I'm not exactly sure when this is set, but I don't think big buildings would fit in the original setting. I don't mind having a city, it would make sense for it if we have a guild (if we're going to add that), but I guess that'll be a placeholder for now. The little pocketwatch is a neat touch, too, and I like the player's head is there. Now I guess that'll change depending on who we play as.

Otherwise it's very simple for now, it does have room for improvement and I can't wait to see more!


It's crap. ... Seriously though, I actually do like how the crappy look of it brings in more of how the ranch's current state is. Then again, for someone who has played many Harvest Moon games, this actually looks like something you will see if someone were to come up to this run down ranch and buy it for cheap. For how crappy it was drawn, it really adds to the crappiness of the ranch's current state.
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby Sythis_Sythes » Fri Oct 18, 2013 5:02 am

Yea, i kinda got this Harvest Moon, Rune Factory type story going on. It's minimalistic, and works well for what we need for now. Basic and quickly made comes first, then the nitty gritty details second.
I guess im not good enoguh at perception that i ended up making it look like it was on a hill, but the road is supposed to make it look far away-ish, so it'd be a little bigger should you get closer. Plus, that house looks too good to be on that farm, unless the insides look like poo~.

The reason i chose to add a city is so that we could add in a lot of content into the game later on. Also, the biggest city on the continent would pretty much have everything in it, so it'd be best to have one for future plans, and can be removed easily if it doesn't fit into the game. And yea, the buildings are just there in the city image to show you that it's a city, nothing more. Placeholders!~

I thought up the pocket watch cause then we can use it to hold all the little HUD stuff within it, and hovering over it could maybe show the time, date, how long you have left to pay rent, and so forth. Nothing official still, since we don't have a programmer capable of making these things in prototypes at least, but hey, we can dream. XD

In terms of the second drawing, that one was like my other draft, roughly done to save time for the rough basics, and to get me used to drawing a lot every day so i get better at it! I thought the broken sign, hastily put together fencing made of string(lmao), and using sticks for fencing just made it look crappy, which is what i went for. It's still a basic concept, not fully fleshed out, so we'll see if i plan on adding, subtracting, tossing it, whatever need be.
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby mintyMidget » Fri Oct 18, 2013 7:16 am

I just now discovered this forum and I'm impressed by the ideas I've been seeing. I have little experience in C++ but I have passable skill in the artistic area (more that it's "ok". Just...never actually drawn nudes or genitals.). Though I feel I can offer some suggestions in getting everyone working together. If someone could make note of WHAT needs to be done, WHO is offering to help in what areas, and then delegate according to skills this could probably kick off pretty well. It could also potentially be a learning experience for everyone involved in this co-op. I myself...well *holds up a lighter* If anyone needs a fire under their ass just ask.
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby Jealousy1867 » Fri Oct 18, 2013 5:14 pm

mintyMidget Wrote:I just now discovered this forum and I'm impressed by the ideas I've been seeing. I have little experience in C++ but I have passable skill in the artistic area (more that it's "ok". Just...never actually drawn nudes or genitals.). Though I feel I can offer some suggestions in getting everyone working together. If someone could make note of WHAT needs to be done, WHO is offering to help in what areas, and then delegate according to skills this could probably kick off pretty well. It could also potentially be a learning experience for everyone involved in this co-op. I myself...well *holds up a lighter* If anyone needs a fire under their ass just ask.

Hi, mintyMidget. I think right now Oneko's still getting things set up the way he wants them. For now, pull up a chair and toss some ideas on the pile :)
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby VintageBass » Fri Oct 18, 2013 6:11 pm

Sythis_Sythes Wrote:I guess im not good enoguh at perception that i ended up making it look like it was on a hill, but the road is supposed to make it look far away-ish, so it'd be a little bigger should you get closer. Plus, that house looks too good to be on that farm, unless the insides look like poo~.

Well a quick twist in whatever program will fix it to make it level with the rest of the drawing. That might change the path a bit, but scooting it over a tiny bit isn't going to do that much. And I can easily see what the interior can look like. My only advice to the PC is to get a new bed, couch... well, new furniture in general. Who knows what went down inside of that house while the previous owner was there (and it's really hard not to think about it).

Sythis_Sythes Wrote:The reason i chose to add a city is so that we could add in a lot of content into the game later on. Also, the biggest city on the continent would pretty much have everything in it, so it'd be best to have one for future plans, and can be removed easily if it doesn't fit into the game. And yea, the buildings are just there in the city image to show you that it's a city, nothing more. Placeholders!~

I do agree with the idea of the city as, like you said, there's going to be these places where we can shop at. My only thing was about the symbol as I wasn't certain about when this is set. Considering that the original game was more fantasy, having something like taller buildings seem to suggest a more modern feel to it, but then again there's the idea of various milking machines... perhaps I'm thinking too much into this.

Sythis_Sythes Wrote:I thought up the pocket watch cause then we can use it to hold all the little HUD stuff within it, and hovering over it could maybe show the time, date, how long you have left to pay rent, and so forth. Nothing official still, since we don't have a programmer capable of making these things in prototypes at least, but hey, we can dream. XD

So far we got a few artists (myself included), but none of us are capable of making the main focus of the game, the monsters and the breeders, while there are a few programmers with some skills willing to help.

Sythis_Sythes Wrote:In terms of the second drawing, that one was like my other draft, roughly done to save time for the rough basics, and to get me used to drawing a lot every day so i get better at it! I thought the broken sign, hastily put together fencing made of string(lmao), and using sticks for fencing just made it look crappy, which is what i went for. It's still a basic concept, not fully fleshed out, so we'll see if i plan on adding, subtracting, tossing it, whatever need be.

And I like that. Even if it looks crappy, it's intentionally done to make the place have that run-down feeling.
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby Oneko » Fri Oct 18, 2013 10:37 pm

Sythis_Sythes Wrote:Tell me your thoughts, what not, i enjoy them compliments! ^.^ Though you do need to be told if something is wrong or not with your work in order to get better sometimes, too. ;p

I don't like the slighty rotation of the house, it should be parallel to the ground. Also it should be placed at the center for the screen, just in case the carpenter/upgrade home idea is taken into consideration.
Aside this, all ok and good drawings. The house should effectively be up on a hill, by doing so it looks nicer to put up a sky as background on the upper part of the screen.
Sythis_Sythes Wrote:The reason i chose to add a city is so that we could add in a lot of content into the game later on. Also, the biggest city on the continent would pretty much have everything in it, so it'd be best to have one for future plans, and can be removed easily if it doesn't fit into the game.
And yea, the buildings are just there in the city image to show you that it's a city, nothing more. Placeholders!~

I thought up the pocket watch cause then we can use it to hold all the little HUD stuff within it, and hovering over it could maybe show the time, date, how long you have left to pay rent, and so forth. Nothing official still, since we don't have a programmer capable of making these things in prototypes at least, but hey, we can dream. XD

I personally don't like the city scenario and i like more the rural town of the original game. I mean, judging from that icon, the city looks like a modern one. Isn't awkward to have in a industrialized and modern city shops where you can buy monsters/living beings and other shops where you can sell (and buy) their... juice? I mean, what kind of government and politics ever rule that city? :twisted:
Although rest of the modern city scenario could kinda fit, iirc there are actually few countries where they allow bestiality.
For the clock, it is actually a lot easier to implement a digital than an analog one, both from programming and artistic point of view. I kinda have the agnostic to make an analog clock, but surely i can't do it in flash. Perhaps we can actually have both clocks once realized if they don't clog up too much space, considering the analog clock alone could be hard to read, unless you can make the 60 small ticks divided in 360°. Although this would make it extremely detailed and off-place when compared to other HUD elements.
Under the clock you can put the date alongside with a small calendar icon, when clicked giving your next payment due.

Regarding me, i tried to decompile the Breeding Season game hoping for the graphics. Actually it was a bad idea. Unlike previous flashes i decompiled, this one had no animations in the timeline. Perhaps no fixed animation was made (that means, since hair/skin/eye/face was randomly generated, all the rendering of the animations was done from an external script). The program in fact also extracted a ton of scripts, but after examining them i still haven't figured out how the animations were rendered.
You can still have the single shapes though, as i mentioned at the start of this thread. However there are a ton of them, and even if one was able to copy/paste them in a new project, combine them back and rig them, it would be extremely time consuming.
I don't know that much about flash, and there may be a viable way to copy/paste the animations easily, but there are none that i know of.
If we can't use the old animations, then we have to use new ones, thus having someone that an artist/animator is mandatory now. Although we just started from one week and we are slowly building up the basics, we'll eventually reach a stalemate if nobody shows up. Not saying that we need him right now, just that eventually we'll need one.

I also tried to do a very rough swf, just for testing how much Flash is difficult to learn. I read some tutorials today and yet i can't gauge the difficulty pretty well.
And again, i am not sure if i can take this role, because as stated before i found out to have less free time than i expected. I am not giving up yet, i want at least to wait some day to test how much i can be proficient with flash (and if i am able to do something with it), then i can give a straight answer. If not then i'll lend the manager role to someone else.
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby mintyMidget » Sat Oct 19, 2013 7:49 am

Jealousy1867 Wrote:Hi, mintyMidget. I think right now Oneko's still getting things set up the way he wants them. For now, pull up a chair and toss some ideas on the pile :)
I don't know if you want me to start. I may never stop...but since you DID offer I may as well toss one or two in for posterity. Perhaps tools or toys you can buy to increase productivity of monsters. Different kinds for the different creatures with the potential for use with the Breeder as things are expanded upon. I'll also admit I'm half tempted to come up with potential story lines and dialogue for the game BUT that is neither here nor there until we know how things are going to go.
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby VintageBass » Sat Oct 19, 2013 3:24 pm

Oneko Wrote:I personally don't like the city scenario and i like more the rural town of the original game. I mean, judging from that icon, the city looks like a modern one. Isn't awkward to have in a industrialized and modern city shops where you can buy monsters/living beings and other shops where you can sell (and buy) their... juice? ... Although rest of the modern city scenario could kinda fit, iirc there are actually few countries where they allow bestiality.

I do get the complaint. I don't like the idea of having a modernized city in such a game that has more of a fantasy aspect to it. Although I can see more of a larger town/smaller city working in this kind of scenario, as you can add a large variety of shops and people to go to and interact with. At least if we have such a large place, make the buildings fit more with the times that best fit the feel of the game. But we're probably not going to need such large space to begin with unless we expand on certain elements, like any back story.

And I know that here in the States, there is one state that still allows bestiality.

mintyMidget Wrote:Perhaps tools or toys you can buy to increase productivity of monsters. Different kinds for the different creatures with the potential for use with the Breeder as things are expanded upon.

Well there is the idea of adding like milking machines, so that is something. But having other items like toys? ... Thinking it over, it could work, but we need ideas about what can be use. I'm kinda getting something, but not everything is fitting into place. Perhaps I'm not thinking hard enough.

mintyMidget Wrote:I'll also admit I'm half tempted to come up with potential story lines and dialogue for the game BUT that is neither here nor there until we know how things are going to go.

Maybe we can trade ideas. I haven't come up with anything up, but we can work together to write something up.
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Re: Breeding Season Legacy Discussion

Postby Jealousy1867 » Sat Oct 19, 2013 10:01 pm

Oneko Wrote:And again, i am not sure if i can take this role, because as stated before i found out to have less free time than i expected. I am not giving up yet, i want at least to wait some day to test how much i can be proficient with flash (and if i am able to do something with it), then i can give a straight answer. If not then i'll lend the manager role to someone else.

Well, I appreciate your honesty on this.
I know you didn't come here to be leader. You came here to be a part of this - you just have more passion than you do good debate skills. That's all right, you are doing fine anyway. But true leadership isn't something you can be given - it's something you have. I nominated you for leader because I admired your pluck, and because you have no idea how to argue your points fairly and I didn't want to lead while trying to debate with you. I lost nothing offering you the command chair; in fact I can only learn things from it. You, too. I admit I wanted to teach you a lesson, but that doesn't mean you can't be a great leader. You're not doing badly so far. Stick with it for now, but don't let your ideas run out of control. People with your brains and energy can burn themselves out quickly. Slow down and look at what you have to work with here. We'll be ready when you are.
Let's see what we have on hand... We have a fistful of writers. VintageBass and mintyMigdet are already forming their own writing think-tank. They need attention on that. Sythis-Sythes wants to work with graphics, and is already working away with ideas. There's no central direction here, though.
As I pointed out in my initial post, a common problem is that the person with the largest responsibility (such as the programmer) will assume control if there is no recognized singular person in charge. When the programmer's in charge he puts in what he likes and omits what he doesn't. But if there's a leader, then the programmer will put in what the leader says to. And if they're a good leader they'll put in a general consensus of what people want, putting anything to vote where needed. If you think you'd like to really be in charge, you need to listen to people's ideas, coordinate them, and administrate them.
For the record, I meant nothing here negatively. I don't think you're necessarily doing a bad job so far. I'm just offering a bit of friendly advice, because I'd like to see this project come together. And I'd like to see what you can do. I won't step in unless I think things are unravelling, and I really doubt that will happen with this group.
It's pretty awesome how many people are trying to get involved in this. I really look forward to hearing how I can help out.
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