The end of the world came but a few years ago. A strange virus that popped out of nowhere spread rapidly across the countryside, turning nearly everyone into the walking dead. The military tried valiantly to fight against the horde of undead, but they were overwhelmed by the numbers and the folly of their commanders using tactics designed to fight the living.
Now, what remnants of humanity that are left wander about the countryside, foraging what they can and avoiding the undead as often as possible. A few surivovers are converging upon a large city, doing so only because all the other neighboring area's seem to have already been raided of their supplies. Though they haven't encountered any zombies yet, their experiences leave them constantly on alert for any sign of the monsters that now roam the land.
They are prepared to find an enemy that wants to feast on their flesh and consume them, and indeed, they still do hunger. But no longer in the way these poor sods are expecting...
The city of Kellington is a mess as you enter the outskirts. Abandoned cars and assorted trash and rubble litter the streets, with the occasional dead body that thankfully is remaining dead. You can hear in the distance the occasional moan of a zombie, but little else. You get the feeling it'd be a good idea to get in and get out quickly.
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Stickasensi-Red Dot
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The map you'd found at that abandoned gas station a day back had pointed out the nearby city of Kellington as being 'full of goodies' as the markings on it had said. It'd also had some rather cryptic warnings on it. The only sense you had been able to make it from was that whoever had owned it thought it was a very, very good idea to stay as far away from the Zombies as possible. You already knew that, having faced down groups of the things before, but somehow the scrawls of writing had given you a forboding feeling as you rode into the city.
You had only gone past a few houses when the motorcycle you had found decided that was a good time to sputter out and die. Despite some protests from you, it refuses to start back up. A moan echoes down the street, and you decide right now might be a good time to try and find a good place to set up camp. Nearby you are several houses, most of which have their doors and windows boarded up, but there does appear to be a small two story house nearby with an unboarded door and an empty looking Italian restaurant.
ChibiKitsune-Blue Dot
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You peek out from the small pile of rubble your currently using as cover as a zombie slowly shuffles down the street away from you. The zombie seems to be one of the older ones, looking rather much like a dried out husk. A glance around shows that, at the moment, its just you and this single zombie. But where there's one zombie, there's a group of them somewhere nearby.
You don't have any idea what this city is, but if there's one thing you've learned since the world went to hell its that cities are like supply dumps from the gods. Even if it requires breaking into abandoned buildings and facing the dead, cities have the best chances of having plenty of things that will help keep a person alive another day, or even a week.
Two other houses are nearby, but neither of them look promising. However, there is a church nearby, and it doesn't look like its been gone over by scavengers. Unfortunately, its right past the zombie.
Whatdontlookatme-Pinkish Dot
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Well, things could always be worse.
Dashing into the street, you chance a glance behind you and curse as the two zombie dogs continue their chase, their eyes alight with an odd hunger that churns your stomach. Turning your head back towards the street you continue running.
It had seemed so simple, so easy. Sneak inside the house, grab anything of value, get out. The two zombie dogs that were tied to a large post outside had barked and barked but hadn't been able to break free of their restraints. So you get inside, find a treasure trove of supplies, and then...
Since then, you'd been trying to lose the darn things, and thus far were having no luck. There didn't seem many options either as the only buildings nearby were boarded up homes. You could turn and shoot them, but for some reason gunshots tended to draw in MORE friendly neighborhood monsters looking to tear a person apart.
You need to think of something, and think of it fast.
Redkeri13-Grey Dot
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Stepping out of the wooded area, you find yourself standing next to the edge of a small river, which snakes forward into a large abandoned city. You would really rather not stop here, as a survivor you bumped into two days ago was fleeing the place, and kept muttering 'they've changed they've changed'. But unfortunately, the places nearby you've already checked, and they were stripped clean.
Walking along the riverside, you near a small house that looks relatively unscathed, which means it might have some supplies you could use. Before your even 20 feet away however, you hear a women scream from inside.