[HTML5]LEWD (Alpha1 release up!)

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Re: LEWD, an erotic text adventure game

Postby Sadako » Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:36 am

I needed to take a 10 day or so break, and then I've been working on adding a really difficult thing. (Item buttons and API. That part is still not done, but should be tomorrow or the next day)
Duplicity Wrote:You can play any flash game in browser, that was the whole point of swf files. Well I think so. They started out as more of advertising than anything. Once again this is dredged up from my memory. So don't hold me to it. When you start getting into things like Inform then you have to have special programs to play the things.

I'm not sure what you mean by "getting into things like Inform". What's "Inform"?
But yes, flash plays in the browser. It doesn't work on mobile and tablets though, while this does.
Flash games aren't modable either. You can mod the client of this, to add or change many things you don't like. (There is cheat protection against important things, so you can't spawn or dupe items, but things besides that I've left open to modding) You can mod save files in CoC, but that's far more limited.

Duplicity Wrote:Also do what Fen does and create a guide for writers. That way anyone can write and you can code in. Best to have a wanted list. So people know what you need or if they want to create a new scene. Of course this is just me saying stuff. You are the dev, so you are god basically. At this stage I wouldn't pay anyone for writing. After all how are you going to make the money back to pay for more writers/art?
I considered writing stuff for CoC, but that whole code in the text really put me off. You know the code(parser? is it called?) to make sure if someone has multiple dicks/breasts or whatever they currently haven't/have is properly put in once inside the game? Made my brain hurt. Really I am just being lazy, and also don't want to write when there is a big chance it won't be used.
I do that enough with my real world writing....

I do not know how other people do their parsers. That's the main thing that takes a while in developing this, is that I have no starting point.
If I want to make an FPS, there are lots of articles and books out there to describe how to write frustum culling and so on for your rendering. There are no such resources for an uncommon thing like a writing parser.
I wasn't aware there was a guide for writers that shows how Fens works, but I've heard some bad things about his coding (from himself as well), so it's probably best that I had nothing to influence how I made mine, and had to design it from the ground up.

A big part of what I'm making is dev tools, which are also on a web page like the game, for adding content. It's point and click, and just writing.
String replacement will take %chest, and write it as the description of ones chest, including what equipment/clothing may be covering it. There is a lot of randomization to keep things from being the same stale string over and over.
There is no coding that needs to be done by me for content, unless I want to add new things that the tools don't currently do. Someone writes, clicks to submit it, and it's instantly in the game.

But.. Just making that doesn't really attract people. Those are just things so I can have any good writer working on content, instead of a programmer.
To attract those people, it's not just the money, but people want to write for something that sounds exciting. Lots wrote for free for CoC because it was a popular game with a big fan base. A lot of the kickstarter isn't just kickstarting some money, it's kickstarting a community~
There is one person helping writing now, though, who is much better than the two friends that were helping me in the old demo.

Blood0men0 Wrote:I just tried to play the demo, Made my character and once I was able to choose my Planet I wasnt able to do anything else.
the planets still move around the sun, but nothing loads, no words or comments come up.
Am I doing something wrong? Should I be looking or clicking on something?

You clicked the nametag on the planet, not the planet itself, right?
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Re: LEWD, an erotic text adventure game

Postby Duplicity » Thu Aug 22, 2013 8:31 am

Inform is a game engine thingy. Basically you can create a text game by creating rooms, then describing the content and linking it to text or something.
I tried to use it. After a dozen attempts to write a first line that kept on getting error messages I gave up. I then played a game made in Inform and disliked it.
You have to type in everything. So to go north you type 'north' and so on. It is way too strict. I think they also have problems with variables, because they were really severe. Like lose one fight and your body was infected to a large degree and changed very quickly.
They say you don't need to learn code as the language is 'totally' natural. It isn't and it sucks big time.

As for fen's guide. You basically include the 'code' in front of the character's anatomy. This then gives it a random description, like thick or curvy. So you have female and male codes for certain 'parts'. The you have to include support for people who have multiple 'parts' like snake lower body, or twelve cocks.
So basically writting for CoC looks like a pain, that a lazy bum like me can't be bothered to do.

I only know a tiny amount of flash, about a thimble full. So I can't help on the code, but I might be willing to write some content for you. Simple male/female, male/male, futa/male, futa/female stuffs. Not so good on the female/female stuffs. Send me a message if you are interested.

Good luck with the whole coding thing.
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Re: LEWD, an erotic text adventure game

Postby Sadako » Sat Aug 24, 2013 3:37 am

The scenes in LEWD are made with a GUI tool in your web browser.

There is psuedocode written in the writing like (if hasPenis){this writing between these curly brackets will only show if the character has a penis} to change the story to characters. Which I suppose is confusing if you don't know any code at all, especially with deeper arguments and nested ones, but it's EXTREMELY powerful and that's the easiest way to go about something so powerful.
In addition to that, simple things like %penis will be replaced with a psuedo-random description of their penis.

I'm making it as simple as I can, so I can have people that just know writing making content instead of needing programmers, but it's also an extremeeeely powerful tool that can do so much, so there is only so easy it can be.
It's also made easier by being instantly viewable in game when you submit it from the tool, to see whether it works as you expect or not.

I don't need/want help with code. But if you want to help with writing, you can pm Sadako on http://forum.playlewd.com and send me a sample of a scene you think would fit in the game.
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Re: LEWD, an erotic text adventure game

Postby Smeardy Bro » Sat Aug 24, 2013 11:50 am

everyone is too eager to take player dick (only one npc from 4 didn't gagged on my horn)
making a game that made of few words and fucking everything that moves will get boring very quickly.
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Re: LEWD, an erotic text adventure game

Postby Sadako » Sat Aug 24, 2013 10:17 pm

Ehh that's sort of how Coc is. Except there is dice roll fights first. But win or lose, there is sex. Obviously a lot of people like that.

But I agree somewhat. It's better when you can get to know some characters first, and/or you have to do something to earn it. It's being worked on.
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Re: LEWD, an erotic text adventure game

Postby Smeardy Bro » Tue Aug 27, 2013 2:56 am

coc have only 40% humping out of 100% of text.
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Re: LEWD, an erotic text adventure game

Postby 4access69 » Sat Sep 07, 2013 2:32 am

Duplicity Wrote:Inform is a game engine thingy. Basically you can create a text game by creating rooms, then describing the content and linking it to text or something.
I tried to use it. After a dozen attempts to write a first line that kept on getting error messages I gave up. I then played a game made in Inform and disliked it.
You have to type in everything. So to go north you type 'north' and so on. It is way too strict. I think they also have problems with variables, because they were really severe. Like lose one fight and your body was infected to a large degree and changed very quickly.
They say you don't need to learn code as the language is 'totally' natural. It isn't and it sucks big time.

All what you are saying shows how little you know about Inform7.

You say you had error messages. There are literally dozens of examples on how to start and every single one of them work.
I know because I tried, and I also wrote my own test scenes.

The only problem with Inform is that you have to know English properly. Many people think they do, when they don't understand some basic concepts, not to mention they aren't systematic enough to describe things in proper order in order to create a game world.

The most basic Inform7 example is:
Code: Select All Code
Lounge is a room.
Jenny is a woman in the Lounge. The player is Jenny.

That creates a room named Lounge and places the player there. Of course, there are no exits or usefull things you can do but adding things is easy.

It is possible to use hyperlinks instead of typing (depends on what player you use and whether you add support for that in the game. Typing is not too strict -- what you can type (or click) really depends on the game writer. For example:
Code: Select All Code
The skimpy dress is in the Lounge.
Understand "black dress" or "evening dress" or "slutty dress" as skimpy dress.

You can type "x black dress" or "x evening dress" or "x slutty dress" and they will all apply to skimpy dress. Inform7 really has enormous possibilities to enable natural communication, even conversations.

From your comment "lose one fight and your body gets infected" I assume you tried playing Flexible Survival. Try playing in researcher mode and you won't get infected unless you eat something bad or willingly accept the transformation when offered by certain characters. There are no problems with variables in Inform7.

Sadako Wrote:Ehh that's sort of how Coc is. Except there is dice roll fights first. But win or lose, there is sex. Obviously a lot of people like that.

But I agree somewhat. It's better when you can get to know some characters first, and/or you have to do something to earn it. It's being worked on.

It is not true that there is always sex. When you lose, yes you get raped. When you win, there is sex only if you are horny and want it, and with some creatures only if you are corrupted enough (green slime for example requires corruption 35 for full sex scene, plant sex requires 65).

CoC also has characters that you can sex only after doing something (Amily, Benoit, etc).

Smeardy Bro Wrote:coc have only 40% humping out of 100% of text.

CoC has THE best writing team of all sex games out there and saying what you just said is talking out of your ass, not to mention that it is untrue.

People writing that stuff are highly literate, eloquent, and talented. I had the opportunity to chat with them and read other things they wrote (some short novels and stuff) and their work is amazing.

If all you care about are humping parts its easier to watch random pr0n flick on redtube.
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Re: LEWD, an erotic text adventure game

Postby Duplicity » Sat Sep 07, 2013 9:26 am

The above illustrates my dislike for inform.
By the time you learn how to use the totally 'natural' language instead of normal code languages you may as well learn code.

You may like inform and that is cool. That is your opinion and you are obviously better than me at it. But when they advertise a natural langauge when in reality it is as constrained as code. You have to follow rules and use certain words just to make a room, not natural at all. And even when you can use hyperlinks, most of the functionality is still hidden until you type it in. Yes flexible survival has some hyperlinks, but most of the time you need to type in words to interact with the environment.

But this thread is not about inform. And I haven't touched it for months, so I can't really be bothered about it anymore.

Yeah CoC is pretty deep, and it isn't even finished yet. But I think LEWD will have the same chance of being a deep immersive game with what the planned functionality that has been mentioned.
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Re: LEWD, an erotic text adventure game

Postby Lurkingchar » Sun Sep 08, 2013 5:56 am

Aw. Why is it not working? It's saying the server is down buy why?
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Re: LEWD, an erotic text adventure game

Postby dakingcartoon » Sun Sep 15, 2013 11:11 pm

is there a kickstarter up yet?
its a surname...
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Re: LEWD, an erotic text adventure game

Postby Sadako » Tue Sep 17, 2013 2:05 am

Duplicity Wrote:You may like inform and that is cool. That is your opinion and you are obviously better than me at it. But when they advertise a natural langauge when in reality it is as constrained as code. You have to follow rules and use certain words just to make a room, not natural at all. And even when you can use hyperlinks, most of the functionality is still hidden until you type it in. Yes flexible survival has some hyperlinks, but most of the time you need to type in words to interact with the environment.

I have not used inform.
All the things I looked at when it comes to text-adventure-game-makers I didn't like, which is why I decided to make my own. Well, I knew I wanted to make my own engine, and thought I could find some other examples of things to emulate, but yeah no. Most of what I emulated after was the marque cinematic maker in unreal engine, and those node based shader creation tools, instead.
http://www.renpy.org/ is pretty nice if you want to make a visual novel, but that's much more limited.

Duplicity Wrote:Yeah CoC is pretty deep, and it isn't even finished yet. But I think LEWD will have the same chance of being a deep immersive game with what the planned functionality that has been mentioned.

CoC is rather confusing now though, with so much stuff packed in that "explore" mechanic. It wasn't intended to be so big.
The way this is set up, with an actual map, you can fit a lot more content and make sense of it. It's lacking that content though, yep~

Lurkingchar Wrote:Aw. Why is it not working? It's saying the server is down buy why?

Yeah I had it down since I was too busy with other stuff to be adding new content or working on it. Back up now.

dakingcartoon Wrote:is there a kickstarter up yet?

Not yet.
Working on adding a few more things. The Outpost area is especially way too empty.. Then I think I'll make a draft of what I want to put on the kickstarter page, and ask people on the playlewd forums what they think of it before I submit it to kickstarter.
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Re: LEWD, an erotic text adventure game

Postby Sadako » Wed Sep 25, 2013 6:42 am

I added quite a bit since that last post. And I'm always looking for more feedback~
I've opened up writing tryouts again
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Re: LEWD, an erotic text adventure game

Postby talin » Mon Sep 30, 2013 7:01 am

As long as the writing is a bit like this:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The (character variable) (insertion action variable) (gender variable) (object variable) into the (orifice variable)

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

much to the child's
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

delight who then happily sucks on
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

their new tootsie-pop which the kind man gave them in a totally platonic and nonsexual way.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

I am so sorry, it just wouldn't go away. :?

I could stand to help you out in that department. I would also be up for working on lists of words/phrases that would replace those variables to form the final text which the player sees. All I need is a run down of how to type these things out in a way that will fit into or can easily be converted to fit into your coding. Also if you need a bunch of stuff edited, just let me know and we can work something out there. No pay expected. However, it will be done in my free time (which I have a lot of for the next few days) so PM me if you're interested.
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Re: LEWD, an erotic text adventure game

Postby Sadako » Wed Oct 02, 2013 6:49 pm

talin Wrote:As long as the writing is a bit like this:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The (character variable) (insertion action variable) (gender variable) (object variable) into the (orifice variable)

I could stand to help you out in that department. I would also be up for working on lists of words/phrases that would replace those variables to form the final text which the player sees. All I need is a run down of how to type these things out in a way that will fit into or can easily be converted to fit into your coding. Also if you need a bunch of stuff edited, just let me know and we can work something out there. No pay expected. However, it will be done in my free time (which I have a lot of for the next few days) so PM me if you're interested.

It's actually muchly automatic since the latest update, using some natural language cues.
Like you just write "Your penis can't hold it any longer, pumping its cum into ..." and it automatically replacing "penis" with a description of the player character's cock. But for "cum", it'd need to be "%cum", because "its cum" could mean the NPCs depending on so many different things in the sentence.

But, you do need to use psuedocode as I described earlier in order to take advantage of a character having specific traits. You never want to include a phrase about their dick if they don't even have one. I think it's simple though, and you can see the other writing in the tool to see how it works as an example (if/when given access).

You'd need to register on forum.playlewd.com and send me, Sadako, a private message with a writing sample, though. Just write whatever you want to write, which would fit as a short scene comparable to what is already in the game. When I say a short scene, I guess I mean something similar to at least half of what you get with Alraune, or either 'taur encounter.
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Re: LEWD, an erotic text adventure game

Postby Sephikus » Wed Jan 15, 2014 1:26 am

A nice feature for that custom race option would be a list of species bonuses that you can select from. That way you don't have to sacrifice species bonuses in favor of having custom race description.
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Re: LEWD, an erotic text adventure game

Postby kaseron » Wed Jan 15, 2014 8:45 am

This is really great, keep it up.
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Re: LEWD, an erotic text adventure game

Postby Sadako » Tue Jan 28, 2014 1:38 pm

Thanks. I've added a lot more recently, as well.

Sephikus Wrote:A nice feature for that custom race option would be a list of species bonuses that you can select from. That way you don't have to sacrifice species bonuses in favor of having custom race description.

Yeah I would, there just aren't any such special racial only bonuses at the moment. I planned on them, though.
I've opened up writing tryouts again
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Re: LEWD, an erotic text adventure game

Postby Sadako » Sun Feb 16, 2014 5:24 am

I added a lot more to http://www.playlewd.com/demo.html" but I've also been working on something else.

If it runs bad in Firefox, well use Chrome. Firefox has a lot to fix on their browser. I expect it to be fixed by the time I'd actually make the second game.
It can take a few seconds to load the model and texture, depending on your connection speed.

It's not finished, and it's just a model that someone(Hanyo) was able to provide for me so it's not ideal to get the look I wanted.
I've had in my mind for a while that for my next project, I wanted to make a hentai-MMORPG.
It's just a rendering test for now.
Usually 3d adult games just don't look good. It's too hard to match up the genitals and such up for all different sorts of cock sizes, different sizes of people and monsters, so on. Most games have a lot of clipping issues, that looks so weird to me. And on a lot of them, there's that whole "uncanny valley" thing, or it's just plain poor quality.
Some of the best looking porn games to me are ones with sprites. Like http://www.kyrieru.com/ has some great stuff. But if I have an MMORPG, with all sorts of different characters, and clothing, and monsters, there are too many possibilities of sprite frames that need to be made. In Kyrieru's stuff, it's just one hero that's animated together with them, so it all matches up fine.
So I've been thinking that what I wanted, was a 3D engine, where animations are much easier to make and can be tweened to match all sorts of different combinations, but I wanted it to render like 2d sprites which leave more to the animation, hide clipping issues, and all around make things much easier on the artists since all the post processing and the engine handles making it look good.

This way I can have things like stomach's bulging from big penetrations, without an artist needing to animate all those different levels of bulging in all the different scenes, and possibly for monsters in addition to characters. Different outfits would usually mean needing all those extra sprites made for all those animations as well, but with something 3d adding on clothes is easy.
So 2D sprites are easier when you're doing something simple, but there comes a point where things become impossible because it's too many frames that need to be hand made. So I wanted all those things 3D can offer, but I want to make a 2D look to it. This way I can have reflections on the sprites, cloth and hair physics, dynamic lighting, and so on, but still keep that look.

Obviously it doesn't look quite like sprites now. You can zoom in and out and it pixelates more/less like a sprite, and there's outlines, but the model has too much baked in lighting and detail to work well as a sprite. But it's enough to see that it's actually possible to do, and that I just need a bit more work on it and the right artwork for it to come out right.
It's not something that's been done before, so it's been nagging in my mind for months whether it's actually possible or not, so I had to try and see. Even Tree of Savior is still just using hand made sprites, and you're stuck with the outfit you class comes with.

I did want to actually have a tentacle monster screwing the girl in that little test, but I couldn't get assets like that. :< Had to work with what I had. I don't have time to make 3D models myself in addition to programming.
I've opened up writing tryouts again
Joined: Tue May 28, 2013 6:43 pm

Major updates to LEWD- and a new engine to easily make games

Postby Sadako » Mon Mar 17, 2014 1:15 am

I had a really old thread here: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=3337
I'm making a new one because it's changed so much since then, so a lot of the discussion and reports there are less relevant. I also want to put more of a highlight on the engine and game server itself with a new post.

LEWD is an erotic choose-your-own-adventure sort of game. You can play a pre-alpha version of it here!:
There's been tens of thousands of words of content added since I last posted about it in that previous thread. There's a number of new features and bug fixes as well.

From the beginning, I was making development tools where just normal writers, without programming experience, can make the content that changes based on player(s) interaction and all sorts of other factors.
I didn't want to be limited to content where all you can do is keep clicking "next" or a few options, and I knew people might come up with good suggestions and I didn't want to be limited by a certain code base, and so I've made these really open ended tools that allow content to be set up and presented in all sorts of different ways.
A lot of times in these games, content is manually added to the game by a programmer, which really slows down productivity and can also leave the writers not understanding what they could possibly write their content to do.
I was also making this MMO server to be capable of supporting a fully 3D Hentai MMORPG that I want to make in the future. LEWD is a step in getting it working well and building up funding and support for my next game.

Those same tools that make it easy for any good writer to be able to add content to LEWD also makes for good tools to make an entirely different game. It also makes it easy for a designer/programmer and writers/content-creators to collaborate since they can do their different things in parallel.

What I'd really like, and I'm not very far from realizing if people are actually interested in making their own games on the engine, is making it so people can essentially make a game as easy as they can install and customize web software like WordPress, or phpBB.
A lot of "game makers" like RPG Maker or Byond start you with a blank slate and with Byond you have to learn a special programming language and you have to manually add content. With the engine that LEWD is on, once it's installed you have a basic game. You have tools to just add content within minutes and have something you can immediately play. Then you can build on that with more content, or customize how it's presented, and so on.
The client is a completely open web app in Javascript. It can be completely changed, or rewritten. That means the way the client interprets content and the interface it has can be completely changed to fit things like a MU*, Hack & Slash, Visual Novel, and so on. And one of the best things is that someone just visits a website and gets to play it right away. It doesn't require some special player-app like RAGS, Byond, etc. That opens it up to a wider audience, when all someone has to do is visit a page to play it immediately.
Other advantages are that when content is added, it immediately appears in game. You don't have to "update" and restart for the players to get the new content. And even the tools to create content are a web-app running in the browser.
The server is also just... insanely efficient, in so many words. I was really anal about performance, because I know that a lot of people had issues with Byond there.

I made some blog posts detailing this.
It's not ready for others to use at the moment, because there is no legacy code at the moment. It's constantly in flux to improve it and make sure there are little limitations.
http://www.playlewd.com/blog/?p=143 Part1: Basics of the dev tools.
http://www.playlewd.com/blog/?p=152 Part2: How the engine/game-server works.
http://www.playlewd.com/blog/?p=174 Part3: Customizing the client to change how content is perceived.

I need people's support to get both LEWD done, and the engine that'll make it simple for others to make accessible games if that's what people want. The best way you can show your support is registering on the site at http://www.playlewd.com/register.php. Helping spread the word about it will also help. I can't get this crazy amount of work done without peoples support.
If anyone has a large game project, or wants to port something that's already really big to the engine, I might be able to set up some sort of alpha tools access months earlier than they'd really be in a public state.
Last edited by Sadako on Wed Apr 02, 2014 9:19 am, edited 3 times in total.
I've opened up writing tryouts again
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Re: Major updates to LEWD- and a new engine to easily make g

Postby Zeus Kabob » Mon Mar 17, 2014 4:22 am

Cool! I remember LEWD being very interesting the first time I saw it, so I'm excited to see where it goes. I'll make an account on there when I have time to play it.

I wish you good luck,
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