ok too many posts to reply to in a quote so ill do the old @_______ setup
@maximilianos i havent see that pic before thts so hilarious you ruined my new pants with coffee! i need 20$ for my dry cleaning xD
@terrantor Id love to learn how but i really cant put down any money towards books which is why im taking a class :/ , but with the music and art my art style is very somber if u were to recruit me for anything the best i could give is some acoustic guitar tracks and my drawing is mainly black and white. i don't work well with colors and how they blend with light so i could come up with the base sketches of things but other than that im a very "plain" or calm, as i like to put it, artist. so if you think any of that could be put to use let me know and ill go into more detail.

@bluelight if u and terrantor can agree on a easy and efficient way i can learn how to start my programming id love to know i just dont want u guys arguing about it
@gorbaz i perfer gummie bears instead.. they hurt more when frozen

(some one needs to try frozen gummies they are delicious)