Hello World!

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Hello World!

Postby Stickasensi » Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:24 am

Why HELLLOOOOO! :) Im a new member hoping to be an active part of this forum. Ill admit i have sort of been lurking here before but only on the few occasions the porn links led me here ;)

I decided i was bored and started to explore the actual topics and other misc. stuff on the site and i found the Rp section to be friendly and entertaining as i read through them though i normaly stick to the chat rooms on one of my gaming websites i thought id join up here because it seems moderately civilized :lol: and i hope ill be able to entertain and get to know all of the more active users in the days to come.

- From the New guy
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Re: Hello World!

Postby Terrantor!!! » Tue Sep 10, 2013 11:12 pm

welcome to the community, man. Make yourself at home.
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Re: Hello World!

Postby BlueLight » Fri Sep 13, 2013 6:53 am

Hello world.... QUICK! He's a programmer, throw stones at him before he creates something.

Hello, i am blight. Nice to meet you.

-blue the crazy one.
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Re: Hello World!

Postby Stickasensi » Fri Sep 13, 2013 10:40 pm

xD hahahahah thanks for the warm welcome everyone! but no im not a programmer im actually a musician and an artist :) But ive seen both of you guys on the forums and i think ill be able to get along with everyone ive met so far because theyr so friendly! :lol:

(im taking programming classes though if that counts!)
No! forget the glass, just give me the pitcher, for I am a sinner in the hands of an angry god. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death... which I hope is soon. Amen.
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Re: Hello World!

Postby BlueLight » Fri Sep 13, 2013 10:46 pm

Stickasensi Wrote:(im taking programming classes though if that counts!)

Did you create a hello world program >: |

Also, what language?
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Re: Hello World!

Postby Stickasensi » Fri Sep 13, 2013 10:56 pm

No i has not sadly and honestly i dont know because imtaking it next semester
No! forget the glass, just give me the pitcher, for I am a sinner in the hands of an angry god. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death... which I hope is soon. Amen.
~ Archer
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Re: Hello World!

Postby maximilianos » Sun Sep 15, 2013 1:04 pm

I have so been looking forward to using this pic
Wq221.jpg (151.96 KiB) Viewed 1599 times
I often find myself thinking that most people are utter shite. I try to be positive and prove myself wrong. So far I've yet to succeed in doing so.
On the otherhand: I know a few of the actually great people out there and that makes me happy enough.
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Re: Hello World!

Postby Terrantor!!! » Mon Sep 16, 2013 5:42 am

Stickasensi Wrote:xD hahahahah thanks for the warm welcome everyone! but no im not a programmer im actually a musician and an artist :) But ive seen both of you guys on the forums and i think ill be able to get along with everyone ive met so far because theyr so friendly! :lol:

(im taking programming classes though if that counts!)

You should just teach yourself. That's what I'm doing. I got some really good books I'm using for Actionscript if interested. Also start with an easy program primer like game maker or rpg maker. That's a very good way to get into learning how the computer actually processes things.

Anyways, it's good you've got some valuable art skills, they may come in handy to a team out there. Try showcasing some of your stuff, you never know who can use it. If you don't mind painting stuff in flash or making music, I'm always looking for some fresh art to help me remake LoK.
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Re: Hello World!

Postby BlueLight » Mon Sep 16, 2013 9:19 am

Terrantor!!! Wrote:
Stickasensi Wrote:xD hahahahah thanks for the warm welcome everyone! but no im not a programmer im actually a musician and an artist :) But ive seen both of you guys on the forums and i think ill be able to get along with everyone ive met so far because theyr so friendly! :lol:

(im taking programming classes though if that counts!)

You should just teach yourself. That's what I'm doing. I got some really good books I'm using for Actionscript if interested. Also start with an easy program primer like game maker or rpg maker. That's a very good way to get into learning how the computer actually processes things.

Anyways, it's good you've got some valuable art skills, they may come in handy to a team out there. Try showcasing some of your stuff, you never know who can use it. If you don't mind painting stuff in flash or making music, I'm always looking for some fresh art to help me remake LoK.

Be careful what you suggest. I learned java on my own but i'm guessing most people can't or wont put the 90$ down for a book on programming. The problem is that without a book, their source is likely to be the internet which is horrible since the internet teaches mechanically what you can do but wont even try to explain the inner workings of what you're doing. For instance, the stack is never touch upon.

As for RPG maker, the problem with that suggestion is that he's going to need to take twice as long to learn what he can do. He needs to learn the events system first, then he can move on to scripting but by that time he should have already been using the script. It's one of those odd things. I mean if he wants to take longer but basically learn 2 sets of tools, then RPG maker is a good way to go about it. Much quicker to get your game running.
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Re: Hello World!

Postby Gorbaz » Mon Sep 16, 2013 2:01 pm

Yes, yes. Hello there! We are, for the most part, a fantastically happy group having a whizzy-jolly time. Those who arn't get poked with a stick until they do.

If anyone needs to give you space, just hit them with cookies :P
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Re: Hello World!

Postby Stickasensi » Mon Sep 16, 2013 10:09 pm

ok too many posts to reply to in a quote so ill do the old @_______ setup

@maximilianos i havent see that pic before thts so hilarious you ruined my new pants with coffee! i need 20$ for my dry cleaning xD

@terrantor Id love to learn how but i really cant put down any money towards books which is why im taking a class :/ , but with the music and art my art style is very somber if u were to recruit me for anything the best i could give is some acoustic guitar tracks and my drawing is mainly black and white. i don't work well with colors and how they blend with light so i could come up with the base sketches of things but other than that im a very "plain" or calm, as i like to put it, artist. so if you think any of that could be put to use let me know and ill go into more detail. :D

@bluelight if u and terrantor can agree on a easy and efficient way i can learn how to start my programming id love to know i just dont want u guys arguing about it :)

@gorbaz i perfer gummie bears instead.. they hurt more when frozen ;) (some one needs to try frozen gummies they are delicious)
No! forget the glass, just give me the pitcher, for I am a sinner in the hands of an angry god. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death... which I hope is soon. Amen.
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Re: Hello World!

Postby BlueLight » Mon Sep 16, 2013 10:32 pm

Stickasensi Wrote:@bluelight if u and terrantor can agree on a easy and efficient way i can learn how to start my programming id love to know i just dont want u guys arguing about it :)

Do as (s)he says. Just make sure your main source of information is a book and not the internet. You'll get about 65% of the information you need from the internet, vs a book which will give you 75% or 85%. The rest you'll have to learn on your own since it's just that type of thing.

I might have a solution to your problem. Can you add me on skype, just check BlueLightProgrammer and you should find me.
*My evil scheme to get his skype shall work.*
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Re: Hello World!

Postby Stickasensi » Tue Sep 17, 2013 9:50 pm

Hahah sucks to be you then because i have no webcam therefore no skype :) but thanks ill look around and see what i can find, ill prob start off with RPG maker just to check things out
No! forget the glass, just give me the pitcher, for I am a sinner in the hands of an angry god. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death... which I hope is soon. Amen.
~ Archer
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Re: Hello World!

Postby maximilianos » Wed Sep 18, 2013 7:17 pm

srs, no one reacted to my post :<
that's kind of disapointing...
I often find myself thinking that most people are utter shite. I try to be positive and prove myself wrong. So far I've yet to succeed in doing so.
On the otherhand: I know a few of the actually great people out there and that makes me happy enough.
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Re: Hello World!

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:23 pm

maximilianos Wrote:srs, no one reacted to my post :<
that's kind of disapointing...

Dont worry max, I laughed at your pic, and I saved. Taking the whalecum to a whole new level...
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Re: Hello World!

Postby Stickasensi » Wed Sep 18, 2013 10:01 pm

maximilianos Wrote:srs, no one reacted to my post :<
that's kind of disapointing...

Dont worry i found it hilarious didnt u read my response? :)
No! forget the glass, just give me the pitcher, for I am a sinner in the hands of an angry god. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death... which I hope is soon. Amen.
~ Archer
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Re: Hello World!

Postby maximilianos » Thu Sep 19, 2013 7:15 am

oh, missed it xD sry about the 20$....
I was waiting for someone to post a new-person-post for weeks since I found the pic
I often find myself thinking that most people are utter shite. I try to be positive and prove myself wrong. So far I've yet to succeed in doing so.
On the otherhand: I know a few of the actually great people out there and that makes me happy enough.
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Re: Hello World!

Postby Stickasensi » Thu Sep 19, 2013 9:59 pm

Hah its no problem :) and im glad you saved it because it was perfect xD where did you find it?
No! forget the glass, just give me the pitcher, for I am a sinner in the hands of an angry god. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death... which I hope is soon. Amen.
~ Archer
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Re: Hello World!

Postby maximilianos » Mon Sep 23, 2013 7:34 pm

my girlfriend found it when we were discussing whales... (i just realised how awesomely perfect it would fit in on the forums)
I often find myself thinking that most people are utter shite. I try to be positive and prove myself wrong. So far I've yet to succeed in doing so.
On the otherhand: I know a few of the actually great people out there and that makes me happy enough.
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Re: Hello World!

Postby Stickasensi » Mon Sep 23, 2013 9:48 pm

ur girlfriend must have a whale fetish :) haha jkk :P
No! forget the glass, just give me the pitcher, for I am a sinner in the hands of an angry god. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death... which I hope is soon. Amen.
~ Archer
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