Bartangelus Wrote:Actually I didn't notice it, after having sex with boo Peach is dizzy but not the boo, is this normal ?
Ok, an emergency! 2.0.12 became corrupted. I am retrieving version 2.0.11 and I'll create 2.0.13 still today.
EDIT: Version 2.0.13 uploaded with more than 15 changes. Please check them, mostly HappyGoomba and Biles.
Inventory BUG cannot be reproduced yet
I need to know if:
- it happens when loading a saved game THEN going to Peach's Castle and taking her pinky dress, OR a bonus toad house in level 1-2 or others, receiving an item and this NOT being in the inventory from now on.
- it happens when Peach dies in a given level before taking the inventory in a bonus toad house or her Pink dress in Peach Castle.
- it happens only with certain powerups (let's say the dress and raccoon go to the inventory, but frog not).
TalonBlade Wrote:I played your game, and I have to say, I love all the horny sex in it, especially when Peach is completely covered in cum. The more cum on that horny princess, the better, am I right?
Right! Ok I'll see if I can increase her cum amount.