hat973 Wrote:I took a brake because of life and someone kept bothering me with questions and trying to talk me into makeing the game straight.....
Again, I'm sorry! It's just a real bad habit of mine! Thing is I do want the game to happen, but my inner fan is just getting in the way of things happening. I am trying to help, but I know I'm being too demanding here with my stuff. So I'll try again to keep myself back from going completely crazy.
That said, if you're looking for a Nook reference, here's one!
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Nintendolo Wrote:aha i know it was mainly the head i wanted to do the comparison so i whipped the body up quick but like i said overall the designs used so far are great just need some polish to make them that much better...
when you have a solid blue body it makes her look even more like sonic but alas they are both hedgehogs and with her hands tipped white she looks like she is wearing gloves although i didnt really put much effort into making it look more like fur and detail wise is next to none on the body like shading and such so could look a lot better owell
And she does look better overall, yes. Granted I am making nitpicks of the character's looks, really it shouldn't matter as long as the character 1) looks good and 2) nearly matches her original model. I said I could take some changes (her eyes over her beady black ones). At least I didn't say anything about Labelle as most of her is covered up by a uniform, as opposed to Mabel wearing only that apron, so who knows what lurks under Labelle's clothes

. Plus there's that benefit of looking less human and more... furry, I guess? I'm not sure that's fur or spines, but whatever.

Hedgehogs are adorable.
Well at least the good news is that when it comes to making Sable at least there a new base to work it.
Nintendolo Wrote:you asking me to have a crack at redoing it or the actually creator im having a retard moment
I dunno, someone? *shrugs*