Another Tail ( News Update April 10, 2014 )

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Re: Another Tail ( Status Update 8/27/2013 )

Postby xeragoth » Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:19 am

how do i download it?
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Re: Another Tail ( Status Update 8/27/2013 )

Postby NeerHeer » Wed Aug 28, 2013 7:55 pm

Nothing to download yet.
Does bunny need to slap a bitch?!

Due to my utter inability to produce anything of merit via drawing, animating, or scripting, I have to hang around and bother you guys. Are we having fun yet?
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Re: Another Tail ( Status Update 8/27/2013 )

Postby Terrantor!!! » Wed Aug 28, 2013 8:45 pm

Your models are awesome. A damn shame what happened to them. Gotta get back on the horse,though. I like your action take on the game. I'm redoing the original and would love to have the same responsive platformer controls wired to my game. :(
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Re: Another Tail ( Status Update 8/27/2013 )

Postby AnotherArrow » Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:05 am

Terrantor!!! Wrote:Your models are awesome. A damn shame what happened to them. Gotta get back on the horse,though. I like your action take on the game. I'm redoing the original and would love to have the same responsive platformer controls wired to my game. :(
If you're interested in the Starling Framework, this is the tutorial I've used to get some of the basic's down. Pretty much feels like I'm back to C++ coding again.
... unless you're talking about my old game samples that I scratched... I'll see if I managed to recover the code used for those in case they may be of some help to you (though I think they were lost too)... they may seem smooth in their current state, but the whole reason I'm switching to the Starling Framework was because as I add more content, flash wouldn't be able to manage maintaining a 30 fps (as I demonstrated here). Now, using this new framework on my test file, running similar tests, I'm able to maintain 60fps. :)

xeragoth Wrote:how do i download it?
There is no game... just me testing code on my model... I've put some text of the front page to help... but simply open the spoiler, "right-click" on AnotherTail.swf and select "save link as". As long as you have flash player installed, you should be able to play the game on your computer.
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Re: Another Tail ( Status Update 8/27/2013 )

Postby Terrantor!!! » Thu Aug 29, 2013 4:23 am

AnotherArrow Wrote:
Terrantor!!! Wrote:Your models are awesome. A damn shame what happened to them. Gotta get back on the horse,though. I like your action take on the game. I'm redoing the original and would love to have the same responsive platformer controls wired to my game. :(
If you're interested in the Starling Framework, this is the tutorial I've used to get some of the basic's down. Pretty much feels like I'm back to C++ coding again.
... unless you're talking about my old game samples that I scratched... I'll see if I managed to recover the code used for those in case they may be of some help to you (though I think they were lost too)... they may seem smooth in their current state, but the whole reason I'm switching to the Starling Framework was because as I add more content, flash wouldn't be able to manage maintaining a 30 fps (as I demonstrated here). Now, using this new framework on my test file, running similar tests, I'm able to maintain 60fps. :)

xeragoth Wrote:how do i download it?
There is no game... just me testing code on my model... I've put some text of the front page to help... but simply open the spoiler, "right-click" on AnotherTail.swf and select "save link as". As long as you have flash player installed, you should be able to play the game on your computer.

I appreciate it, but I'm using actionscript 2 'til i get a grasp on 3. I'll prob just finish this project before moving on. I do plan on making the jump, though. Til then. good luck and don't let it get you down. I know exactly what it's like to lose important data and just look at it as a learning experience. I believe it was Thomas Edison who kissed his wife for burning down his workshop as it gave him an opportunity to start over, knowing what he knows.
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Re: Another Tail ( Updated 9/4/2013 )

Postby AnotherArrow » Thu Sep 05, 2013 3:14 am

Move along, these aren't the droids you're looking for.

You can ignore this post... I'm just cleaning up the front page and storing old content here.

Old Character Sheet:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

AnotherTail - Version 3 (2013-02-23) - Character Sheets - Krystal.swf [ 143.26 KiB | Viewed 7786 times ]

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

AnotherTail - Version 3 (2013-02-28) - Character Sheets - Elene.swf [ 73.46 KiB | Viewed 7786 times ]

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

AnotherTail - Version 3 (2013-03-26) - Character Sheets - Iris.swf [ 48.03 KiB | Viewed 7786 times ]

Old Testing:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

AnotherTail - Version 3 (2013-02-10).swf [ 281.31 KiB | Viewed 7786 times ]

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

AnotherTail - Version 3 (2013-01-27).swf [ 313.58 KiB | Viewed 7786 times ]

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Re: Another Tail ( Updated 9/4/2013 )

Postby WonderGamer » Thu Sep 05, 2013 6:25 am

Is anybody else getting the following error when you try to load the SWF on the OP?

This application is not correctly embedded (wrong wmode value)
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Re: Another Tail ( Updated 9/4/2013 )

Postby NomNomNom » Thu Sep 05, 2013 11:06 am

ahm there is a programm with wich you can see what things were permanently deleted unfortunately ive forgotten its name :/
the problem ll be looking through every file + there is a chance that you wont be able to find em all(or even a single :D)
you may find the programm if you browse a bit or ask a few ppl bout it
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Re: Another Tail ( Updated 9/4/2013 )

Postby IxFa » Thu Sep 05, 2013 4:49 pm

I'm having trouble making this work, even if I download it. "This application is not correctly embedded (wrong wmode value)" on Legend of Krystal and simply when playing the download through Chrome
My flash player, the EOLsoft one, does not recognize it as a swf file for some reason(Although it is an old flash player)

Edit: Restarting Chrome, making sure it's fully updated, did not remedy the problem. Just in case anyone was wondering. I do realise I leave this browser open for a lot of time
I've notably written for Corruption of Champions, as well as other projects to a minor extent. My alias is always IxFa.
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Re: Another Tail ( Updated 9/4/2013 )

Postby AnotherArrow » Fri Sep 06, 2013 5:48 am

IxFa Wrote:I'm having trouble making this work, even if I download it. "This application is not correctly embedded (wrong wmode value)" on Legend of Krystal and simply when playing the download through Chrome
My flash player, the EOLsoft one, does not recognize it as a swf file for some reason(Although it is an old flash player)

Edit: Restarting Chrome, making sure it's fully updated, did not remedy the problem. Just in case anyone was wondering. I do realise I leave this browser open for a lot of time

No one is going to be able to run my flash files directly from the browser (downloaded or embedded). The only way you can play my files in the browser is if the html code sets the wmode to direct. Why Adobe made it this way, beats me.

So you're basically left using Flash Player. Preferably the latest version. I've never heard of EOLsoft, but when viewing their system requirements for they flash movie player on their website... it doesn't even list windows 7, let alone windows 8... so I think it may be a bit out dated. In fact the current flash movie player version 1.5 is from 14 December 2008... I think its time to update your software and ditch that. :lol:

WonderGamer Wrote:Is anybody else getting the following error when you try to load the SWF on the OP?

This application is not correctly embedded (wrong wmode value)
I updated the front page to state that should be expected. Again, you need to play my files in the stand alone flash player. Not in a browser.

And just a FYI to other content creators. Even if you set the hardware acceleration to Direct or GPU in the Publish settings, you won't be getting hardware acceleration on LoKforums till wmode is set to "direct". :ugeek: I think the only reason you're files still play on the forums is because your flash files will revert back to "none" for hardware acceleration, whereas mine will just pop up with an error message because I'm using the Starling Framework, which requires hardware acceleration.
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Re: Another Tail ( Updated 9/4/2013 )

Postby WonderGamer » Fri Sep 06, 2013 4:36 pm

AnotherArrow Wrote:I updated the front page to state that should be expected. Again, you need to play my files in the stand alone flash player. Not in a browser.

And just a FYI to other content creators. Even if you set the hardware acceleration to Direct or GPU in the Publish settings, you won't be getting hardware acceleration on LoKforums till wmode is set to "direct". :ugeek: I think the only reason you're files still play on the forums is because your flash files will revert back to "none" for hardware acceleration, whereas mine will just pop up with an error message because I'm using the Starling Framework, which requires hardware acceleration.

You might want to consider adding a direct link to the standalone player as well, then. I remember the standalone flash player from years ago, but it's impossible to find now-a-days if you don't know where to look. I haven't used it in ages, so I don't even know where to find it anymore.
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Re: Another Tail ( Updated 9/4/2013 )

Postby IxFa » Fri Sep 06, 2013 5:40 pm

WonderGamer Wrote: I remember the standalone flash player from years ago, but it's impossible to find now-a-days if you don't know where to look. I haven't used it in ages, so I don't even know where to find it anymore.

I had that issue as well, when looking for something to replace my EOLsoft player with. Never had need to replace it since 2009, so never thought about it.

Looked at the link Arrow showed, and read up and down and can't figure it out. I must be blind, or something.

You're not alone
I've notably written for Corruption of Champions, as well as other projects to a minor extent. My alias is always IxFa.
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Re: Another Tail ( Updated 9/4/2013 )

Postby AnotherArrow » Fri Sep 06, 2013 7:00 pm

WonderGamer Wrote:You might want to consider adding a direct link to the standalone player as well, then. I remember the standalone flash player from years ago, but it's impossible to find now-a-days if you don't know where to look. I haven't used it in ages, so I don't even know where to find it anymore.

Hmm, I thought the links I provided installed everything... the standalone player and browser plug-ins.
Let me just make sure, you guys did install Flash Player right?
Alternatively, you can try this Flash Player which is the beta version of the next Flash Player.

Anyway, if you did install Flash Player, when clicking on a SWF file, does it automatically open it in a browser? If so, you'll need to change the default program used to open SWF files. Methods may vary depending on operating systems, but Right-click the file, select "Open With...", and select "Choose Default Program.

If Flash Player is not present as an option, you have to hunt down the exe file on your computer.
Mine is currently stored in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash CC\Players\FlashPlayer.exe
Again, I'm not sure if that's the default location. If not, try a search on you drive for flashplayer.exe

Ok, found the Standalone Flash Player. Now called projectors....
Can be downloaded from ... .html#fp11
Find and click on "Download the Windows Flash Player 11.8 Projector"

God does adobe make this hard.
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Re: Another Tail ( Updated 9/4/2013 )

Postby Terrantor!!! » Sat Sep 07, 2013 4:38 am

Wow, it runs great on the player!!! Don't think i've ever seen such a smooth flash. I've been looking at the starling framework. So it's pretty much like importing flash classes only they're optimized and entitled starling?
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Re: Another Tail ( Updated 9/8/2013 )

Postby IrrelevantComment » Sun Sep 08, 2013 8:51 am

Seriously, you should start using something like Google Drive to store your work in. it's no additional effort on your part and you get frre, easy back ups for all your work
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Re: Another Tail ( Updated 9/8/2013 )

Postby AnotherArrow » Sun Sep 08, 2013 1:59 pm

IrrelevantComment Wrote:Seriously, you should start using something like Google Drive to store your work in. it's no additional effort on your part and you get frre, easy back ups for all your work
DONE! I've been using an external HD to do auto-back ups, but it was only setup for the main HD and primary docs folder. Not my "hobby" folder. Thanks for the suggestion. Never knew google had this service... :oops:
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Re: Another Tail ( Updated 9/8/2013 )

Postby WonderGamer » Sun Sep 08, 2013 10:38 pm

What's interesting is that you can also use it to read (and sometimes edit) file formats that you don't have the proper software for (I use it to read the most recent Microsoft Office format seeing as I'm still using Office 2000). You can also use Google docs to share files with other Google users, which is pretty nice if you're working on something with somebody else. Alternatively, you could just share the document just to let others view it provided you change your permissions to view only. Might be a good means to keep your change logs if you don't have any other place to put them. :idea: ;)
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Re: Another Tail ( Updated 9/13/2013 )

Postby AnotherArrow » Fri Sep 13, 2013 7:08 pm

Moving Rant from front page to here... for memories :cry:

Anyway, updated the game. Started working on stage elements. Got basic platforming and collision checking done. Going to fancy things up a bit. :ugeek:

Status Update 8/26/2013:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

~sigh~ Fuck flash builder.
Their programers need to die a fire. Whoever decided that deleting a project from the package explorer should permanently delete files rather then send them to the recycling bin is the fucking devil. Oh, and deleting a project from the package explore just doesn't delete the fucking project... it deletes every file not even part of the project if its in a sub-folder.

What does this all mean... fucking all my work for the last 2 years was accidentally deleted because I was trying to clean up my project.

Seriously fuck Adobe. There's a recycling bin for a reason. Learn to use it. 99% of all other programs I use know that when I delete something, it goes there first, not into oblivion. Fuck Adobe.

Ok, well, some kinda-good news now. Thank god for Recuva and Puran File Recovery. I was able to recover some of the files that were sent to the abyss. But it looks like only 50% of all the files where recoverable. Its a mess. For instance... none of Krystal's Characters Sheets were recovered, but I was able to salvage the fla for my fps testing, which includes (hopefully) all of Krystal's data. But that file wasn't updated before my optimizations, so any work since May 1 (the last time I updated that file) is lost... well... maybe.

I was able to recover a .swf file of my "dragonbone" krystal that I was using in the project for testing... and after de-compiling it, it looks like everything is there... just... well... here, look for yourself.
For those who can't view fla files, just imagine trying to piece back together a book page by page... with no numbers.. all you have is just the content. That's 152 pages (symbols) that need to be renamed and organized again.

So... that is my status right now. I'm in recovery mode, trying to rebuild Krystal...


3-6 hours later...
well... that dragon bones file didn't have everything from the original, but enough to move on. I'll have to scavenge the missing parts for the fps testing file and update them.
The file before I reorganized it.

The file after

You'll notice the entire backside is missing. :cry:

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Re: Another Tail ( Updated 9/13/2013 )

Postby Biles » Fri Sep 13, 2013 7:43 pm

I get a black screen with a thin red box across reading: "This application is not correctly embedded (wrong wmode value)"
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Re: Another Tail ( Updated 9/13/2013 )

Postby whatdontlookaatme » Fri Sep 13, 2013 11:00 pm

When I right click the link it says "Save target as..." instead of "Save link as...". I doubt it's a problem but once I save it the game goes straight to the pictures section right now. I already installed all the adobe stuff. This is probably a really dumb question but where do I save the file to access it
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