So i've been signing some petitions at and while just signing these things isn't going to magically change the world, but they do allow me to understand problems other people in the world have and to give them some power to change things.
So anyways this petition stuck out to me, and i think it needs some support. Basically, there is a channel on youtube that's acting inappropriate (Go figure!) and its basic premise is to sexually harass women on street and in fact goes to extremes like groping. I know this is a odd place to put this since this is a sex based forum, but i think this channel is going to far.
I'm fine with fantasizing about these things or playing games about it; but going out to the street and just doing this to random women is just wrong.
Please click the link, read what they have to say and do your own research. If you agree they have a good enough case, then please sign it. ... el-2#share