by bladebot14 » Sun Aug 04, 2013 2:23 am
this is me now
You began your journey as a human, but gave that up as you explored the dangers of this realm. You are a 10 foot 0 inch tall demon-morph, with a somewhat narrow body and a decent amount of visible muscle. You are currently wearing your goo armor and using your succubi whip as a weapon. Your face is human in shape and structure, with light skin. It has a well-defined jawline and a fairly masculine profile. The very long, golden blonde hair atop your head is parted by a pair of large, adept fox ears that always seem to be listening. A large number of thick demonic horns sprout through your skin, each pair sprouting behind the ones before. The front jut forwards nearly ten inches while the rest curve back over your head, some of the points ending just below your ears. You estimate you have a total of 12 horns.
You have a humanoid shape with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. A pair of large bat-like demon-wings fold behind your shoulders. With a muscle-twitch, you can extend them, and use them to soar gracefully through the air. You have wide hips that add a little feminine swing to your gait, and your jiggling ass wobbles enticingly with every step. Nine swishing, colorful fox's tails extend from your jiggling rump, curling around your body - the soft fur feels lovely. Your perfect lissom legs end in mostly human feet, apart from the horn protruding straight down from the heel that forces you to walk with a sexy, swaying gait. Of course, your legs are partially transparent due to their ghostly nature.
A pair of feathery gills are growing out just below your neck, spreading out horizontally and draping down your chest. They allow you to stay in the water for quite a long time. You have two perky breasts, each supporting one 0.5-inch slightly lactating nipple. You could easily fill a A-cup bra.
Where a penis would normally be located, you have instead grown a wriggling group of hard, mismatched dicks!
-One of your towering, vine-shaped cocks is 34.7 inches long and 5.5 inches thick. The entirety of its green surface is covered in perspiring beads of slick moisture. It frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused. It's covered by a black latex cock-sock with two attached metal rings, keeping your cock just a little harder and quartette of hideously swollen and oversized nuts aching for release.
-Another of your coerl cocks is 31.9 inches long and 5.3 inches thick. It's covered by a lacey purple cock-sock that fits your coeurl cock perfectly. Just wearing it makes you feel stronger and more powerful.
-Your next smooth shaft is 32.5 inches long and 5.3 inches in diameter. The entirety of its green surface is covered in perspiring beads of slick moisture. It frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused. It's covered by a wooly white cock-sock, keeping it snug and warm despite how cold it might get.
-Your next writhing tentacle-pecker is 32 inches long and 5.3 inches wide. The entirety of its green surface is covered in perspiring beads of slick moisture. It frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused. It's covered by a white, lacey cock-sock, snugly wrapping around it like a bridal dress around a bride.
-One of your smooth shafts is 33.1 inches long and 5.5 inches thick. The entirety of its green surface is covered in perspiring beads of slick moisture. It frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused. It's covered by a lacey red cock-sock that clings tightly to your member. Just wearing it makes your cock throb, as if it yearns to be larger...
-Another of your garment-wrapped, squirming cock-tendrils is 32.9 inches long and 5.4 inches thick. The entirety of its green surface is covered in perspiring beads of slick moisture. It frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused. It's covered by a lacey blue cock-sock that clings tightly to your member... really tightly. It's so tight it's almost uncomfortable, and you wonder if any growth might be inhibited.
-Your next monstrously thick, twisting tentacle-prick is 32 inches long and 5.3 inches in diameter. The entirety of its green surface is covered in perspiring beads of slick moisture. It frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused.
-Your next smooth shaft is 32.1 inches long and 5.3 inches wide. The entirety of its green surface is covered in perspiring beads of slick moisture. It frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused. It's covered by a metallic gold cock-sock that clings tightly to you, its surface covered in glittering gems. Despite the warmth of your body, the cock-sock remains cool.
-One of your smooth shafts is 32.7 inches long and 5.4 inches thick. The entirety of its green surface is covered in perspiring beads of slick moisture. It frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused.
-Another of your freakish, smooth shafts is 32 inches long and 5.4 inches thick. The entirety of its green surface is covered in perspiring beads of slick moisture. It frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused.
A scrotum with four hideously swollen and oversized balls swings heavily beneath your obscene group of inhumanly distended, mixed cocks. You estimate each of them to be about 67 inches across.
You have one loose pucker, placed between your jiggling rump-cheeks where it belongs.
Your ears are pierced with green gem-stone ear-studs.
A furrite nose-ring dangles from your nose.
Shining on your lip, a emerald lip-stud is plainly visible.
Though not visible, you can plainly feel your lethite tongue-stud secured in your tongue.
Your cherry-like nubs are pierced with furrite nipple-studs.
Looking positively perverse, a fertite cock-stud adorns your sinuous tentacle-cock.
A magical, ruby-studded bar pierces your belly button, allowing you to summon Ceraph on a whim.
You have 4784 shining gems, collected in your travels.