Lesbian Crossing

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Should I Re start lesbian crossing

Poll ended at Sat Jan 09, 2016 11:44 pm

Total votes : 22

Re: Lesbian Crossing

Postby FMC » Wed Aug 21, 2013 3:59 pm

I can't wait for the game. ^_^

But a question -- will there be options to be 'dominant' and 'submissive,' or will certain animal characters be naturally dominant and submissive, so you can't say you want to be dominant or submissive to them?
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Re: Lesbian Crossing

Postby hat973 » Wed Aug 21, 2013 5:26 pm

FMC Wrote:I can't wait for the game. ^_^

But a question -- will there be options to be 'dominant' and 'submissive,' or will certain animal characters be naturally dominant and submissive, so you can't say you want to be dominant or submissive to them?

I'm still thinking on that see this is my first game I ever made but I plane on a 50/50 like rosie she will be a um.....Employe at female nooks place Im also adding my panda fursona and she going to have my fave villager with her Whitney the wolf and I do plan later on to take a look at a really odd kink Im still trying to understand Tintcal rape I never really under stood it but its something I may add to a surten coffee shop and I will update this game every so its always right on the holiday I will also be holding a contest later on when the games done for the speicle person who will pop up on that holiday or well the month of that holiday but once the games done im going to see if I can do the same as animal crossing and make it move with the season right now we are staying in spring and that it tell then
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Re: Lesbian Crossing

Postby hat973 » Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:11 pm

To do soon is her hair and coming soon is her nude she came out grate tell you the truth Im still open to request plz only Mamlmals villager I did a test on a reptile and that thing was hung and burned tell there was nothing left -.- it was that bad any way ill be working on Mr Resetti ill keep his punishment change will stay classfide but i will leave a hint there is going to be a bar with out a bartender there u go notthing more
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Re: Lesbian Crossing

Postby Thatguy45 » Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:51 pm

Is there any way for the characters to look more... I don't know, thinner? Not saying they're fat, but it looks weird to me how stocky the characters are right now, even if it's accurate to the game.
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Re: Lesbian Crossing

Postby hat973 » Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:09 pm

Thatguy45 Wrote:Is there any way for the characters to look more... I don't know, thinner? Not saying they're fat, but it looks weird to me how stocky the characters are right now, even if it's accurate to the game.

I know they look "Stocky" but thats how the body was made that I'm using ill dig threw my files see if i cant find a thin body but tell then there staying like this i know Im going to have to make a Chunky shape for the nosie mole so ya
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Re: Lesbian Crossing

Postby hat973 » Wed Aug 21, 2013 11:00 pm

and her we go Rosie Nude....now I did some thinking girls are going to keep this shape they have going on now but only 2 or 3 will have the shape in the playshapes Kyristal body i may remake Rosie and the player maybe even the Agent S but thats after i make Resetti
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Re: Lesbian Crossing

Postby hat973 » Sat Aug 24, 2013 2:21 am

Agent S Rework i think they dont look as plump as the other modle but it works kind of
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Re: Lesbian Crossing

Postby pipeboy » Sat Aug 24, 2013 3:34 am

Hello, I had to register to ask this...
Is there any chance you might make a male protagonist later on?
Sure, I know it says LESBIAN Crossing but the concept itself of a porn AC game is new that it just bothers me a bit that you can't pick the gender you want to be.

Keep up the great work, it looks pretty good so far.
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Re: Lesbian Crossing

Postby FMC » Sat Aug 24, 2013 7:20 am

So, from what I understood from your post, you just have to pick and choose the characters you want, depending on if you want submissive or dominant partners. You can't try to dominate a dominating character, or submit to a submissive character, to try and change their personality (and maybe yours).

Fair enough, it's easier to code that way. A lot less branching-a-million-times paths.
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Re: Lesbian Crossing

Postby hat973 » Sat Aug 24, 2013 7:31 am

FMC Wrote:So, from what I understood from your post, you just have to pick and choose the characters you want, depending on if you want submissive or dominant partners. You can't try to dominate a dominating character, or submit to a submissive character, to try and change their personality (and maybe yours).

Fair enough, it's easier to code that way. A lot less branching-a-million-times paths.

Ya i plane on making surten character dom and sub like whitney is going to sub and the female nook is dom hehe enjoy your
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Re: Lesbian Crossing

Postby hat973 » Sat Aug 24, 2013 7:34 am

*sighs* sorry to say but this is best i could do for mr Rosetie -.- he is only going to be a few secens so it will be fine
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Re: Lesbian Crossing

Postby Thatguy45 » Sat Aug 24, 2013 12:00 pm

hat973 Wrote:Agent S Rework i think they dont look as plump as the other modle but it works kind of

Just that little bit of extra plump gone and it looks a lot better now. My only suggestion now is to eventually make the black outlines thinner.
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Re: Lesbian Crossing

Postby pipeboy » Sat Aug 24, 2013 11:25 pm

Oh, one more thing.
When you say all games do you also mean Animal Forest for the Nintendo 64?
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Re: Lesbian Crossing

Postby hat973 » Sun Aug 25, 2013 5:55 am

Okay heres how it looks on the polls Human and Cat One more and I will tell the 3 story lines that will be in the game.
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Re: Lesbian Crossing

Postby hat973 » Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:02 am

Update time :D :D :D

the World for the human is in the works same as the starting screen (thanks to the help of some scripting from LoK v2)

The animales in the games will be as listed:
Agent S(done)
Rosie the cat (done)
Kitty(coming soon)
Merengue (coming soon)
Patty(coming soon)
Rhonda(coming soon)
Tiffany (coming soon)
Velma(coming soon)
Winnie(coming soon)
Gracie(coming soon)
Katrina(coming soon)
Labelle (being made as we talk)
Mable (coming soon)
Freya(coming soon)
Harriet(coming soon)
Natalie(coming soon)
Reese(coming soon)
Vanessa(coming soon)
Whitney (coming soon)
Lolly (coming soon)
Olivia (coming soon)
Pinky(coming soon)
Savannah(coming soon)
Victoria (coming soon)
Isabelle (coming soon)
Francine (coming soon)
Hazel(coming soon)
Isako (coming soon)
Meow ((yes thats her name)) (coming soon)
Petunia (coming soon)
Riryi (coming soon)
Fauna (coming soon)
Kiki (coming soon)
Portia(coming soon)
Tipper (coming soon)
Anessa (coming soon)
Deirdre (coming soon)
Fuchsa (coming soon)
Hanako (coming soon)
Kaitlin (coming soon) ((this one will have her daugher and idk what im going to do with that))
Renee (coming soon)
Sable (coming soon)
Serena (coming soon)
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++younger adults+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Maple (coming soon)
Pekoe (coming soon)
Katie (( this is Kaitlin child she windes up missing in acutle game)) (coming soon)
June (coming soon)
Maddie(coming soon)
Megumi (coming soon)
Olive (comings soon)
Ursala (coming soon)

For a grand toltle of 52 people to make mince 2 for agent S and Rosie SO that 50 to be made and 2 complet im working up to 10 then ill be building the V1 of the game then 12 for v2 and i mean 12 more chearter not just 2 then keep going tell the list is DONE iv gotten all of the mamles that look good.....so hopfuly they will have the whole baby doll thing with the young adult things and by baby doll If you havent seen bat man Look up Baby doll she has a illness that freezes her age making her look like a little 5-4 year old girl im going flat chested 10 year old when there REALLY 18-19
Animals age faster then humans
Dogs can be 4 years old but be like 48 years old in dog years any way tell i can fix something up for the Young adults im not touching them with a fity foot pole so ya
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Re: Lesbian Crossing

Postby KaTsuO_O » Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:31 pm

I hope you are taking this in to consideration, but the poll should not be read in the following way, 47% human, 27% cat, and so on. It gives a very inaccurate result of what people want actually want, because it makes it seem like almost twice as many people want human over animal. Instead it should be read like this, 47% humans, 53% animal. If someone chooses an animal, they will very likely prefer any of the animals over a human. I would suggest the following format.

Animal (choose species bellow)

Then you allow for two votes so that people can choose animal, and the species. If the number of votes for animal is different than the number of votes in total on all the species, then you can take both numbers and use the average for an accurate amount of votes. You could keep the current one in place and look at it this way, but would need an explanation.
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Re: Lesbian Crossing

Postby The Brave » Mon Aug 26, 2013 6:56 pm

Yes, I made the original, I'm happy someone uses it. You have my blessing.
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Re: Lesbian Crossing

Postby hat973 » Mon Aug 26, 2013 7:57 pm

The Brave Wrote:Yes, I made the original, I'm happy someone uses it. You have my blessing.

thans Brave :3 im planing on diging about and making "thank you people for this game so you may be in here that or a pic of u will be"
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Re: Lesbian Crossing

Postby hat973 » Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:30 am

Agent S(done)
Rosie the cat (done)
Kitty(coming soon)
Merengue (coming soon)
Patty(coming soon)
Rhonda(coming soon)
Tiffany (coming soon)
Velma(coming soon)
Winnie(coming soon)
Gracie(coming soon)
Katrina(coming soon)
Labelle (Done)
Mable (coming soon)
Freya(coming soon)
Harriet(coming soon)
Natalie(coming soon)
Reese(coming soon)
Vanessa(coming soon)
Whitney (coming soon)
Lolly (coming soon)
Olivia (coming soon)
Pinky(coming soon)
Savannah(coming soon)
Victoria (coming soon)
Isabelle (coming soon)
Francine (coming soon)
Hazel(coming soon)
Isako (coming soon)
Meow ((yes thats her name)) (coming soon)
Petunia (coming soon)
Riryi (coming soon)
Fauna (coming soon)
Kiki (coming soon)
Portia(coming soon)
Tipper (coming soon)
Anessa (coming soon)
Deirdre (coming soon)
Fuchsa (coming soon)
Hanako (coming soon)
Kaitlin (coming soon) ((this one will have her daugher and idk what im going to do with that))
Renee (coming soon)
Sable (coming soon)
Serena (coming soon)
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++younger adults+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Maple (coming soon)
Pekoe (coming soon)
Katie (( this is Kaitlin child she windes up missing in acutle game)) (coming soon)
June (coming soon)
Maddie(coming soon)
Megumi (coming soon)
Olive (comings soon)
Ursala (coming soon)
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Last edited by hat973 on Tue Aug 27, 2013 4:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Lesbian Crossing

Postby xeragoth » Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:21 am

hmm interesting well having high hopes for this project nice work so far
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