Also, I recommend watching the Modifuckers, its good

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Corta...wai u bring back sad memories T~T
Zeus Kabob Wrote:Corta and Gorepete! *cries*
Dammit, we lost some great guys here...
Gorepete Wrote:I don't know anyone who isn't a huge fan of Zone. I appreciate the compliment, but I don't think I am anywhere near the same level. If he is Picasso, then I am the equivalent of a caveman banging rocks against a wall trying to draw a stick figure. Always love his stuff, always have. Although I will say, I don't necessarily like the turn towards the Nickelodeon style of western art... it is a bit too... child-like to be sexualized in my opinion.
BlueLight Wrote:I agree with the nickelodeon comment but in his defense, i think he's kinda pulling it off which is a hard feat to do.
I'd kinda of like to see how well you can copyZone/Picasso. Any chance we can see a stupid silly loop done kinda in zones style. Not a full on game or anything and well to be frank I don't care if it's G rated and not XXX. I bet Zone spends a lot more time than I'd except you to do so i think for that reason alone his would look better.
I'm assuming you wont do it but it's a thought
Gorepete Wrote:It would be tracy tracy, and I don't think anyone would enjoy that. Zone is an actual artist, I am just someone who is good at smashing doll genitals into each other. I will leave the more detailed stuff to him and Mr. D! It is a lot more work, and I am a very lazy person when it comes to this stuff. I wouldn't have the patience to sit there and work on a single animation for a week.
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