wolfmanjoes Wrote:Really like the game. And am wondering what will be in the next update. If you fell like sharing
BreakKing Wrote:Bugs:
Town Of Games: I would like to add that the Angel Event has stopped working as well when you lose to the devil you don;t become an angel anymore. Is this part of the game? Do you have to win now?
the turning into an Angel event has stopped workin in the town of games =( and i cant recieve my prize from the nun mallisandra/mellisandra ....forgot da name
Car6on Wrote:For that stupid main hall....I tried to work my magic but maybe it didn't work if not please describe very carefully what you do when you get to the main hall
and in the storage: The dominating scene in the storage can only be unlocked if you have 100 in dick addiction.
Mickele Wrote:Car6on Wrote:For that stupid main hall....I tried to work my magic but maybe it didn't work if not please describe very carefully what you do when you get to the main hall
and in the storage: The dominating scene in the storage can only be unlocked if you have 100 in dick addiction.
okay, i hope you understand this better:
- when entering the main hall and turning into the right room, you are immediately attacked by four ogre's
when you win this fight, then Nimrodel said "this isn't over yet" and you can walk around everywhere (all ogre's are still sitting at the table)....
you can kil the four slepping ogre's at the table or let them sleep (but didn't get the seduction/domination option as it was in the storage, i had 1 million dick addiction^^)
when you step again on the spot where the fight was triggered earlyer, immediately another fight against the four ogre's is triggered (you can't escape the room without another fight).....
- same goes for the room on the left, when entering you are immediately attacked by three ogre's
when you win this fight, another wave with two ogre's and the chief ogre immediately attacks you....
after winning this fight, you can walk into the room etc. and all defeated ogre's are gone,
but when you step again on the spot where the fight was triggered earlyer, immediately another fight against the two ogre's and the ogre chief is triggered.....
- the special event in the storage with high dick addiction worked wonderful, but it didn't triggered on the ogre's in the main hall....
and again about the team member:
- you couldn't get us a tab like "Formation" or "Party" in the status bar (opened by esc where you can choose "items", "equipment", "status", "save", "quit" etc.), like it is in many other rpg players??? i wanted to have more then three companions and change them between some fights...
i wonder and never realized that VX couldn't handle this....i often played VX Ace and there was no problem, but.....
moonblack Wrote:To play you need to install the RTP for RPG Maker VX. Not the RTP for Ace and not RPG Maker VX itself (though having ti does not hurt). Make sure you're downloading and installing the correct RTP. Here's the correct link, just in case: http://www.rpgmakerweb.com/download/run-time-package#vx
Druid Wrote:Where's the poison hidden in the orc castle? The cook said something about it, but I've searched high and low and can't find it.
(Great update by the way)
Lord154 Wrote:Hello all
I like very much the new update (at least for now, i am still in labyrithm). Especially the weakness and the new Red Room cells its awesome. However i want to ask something:Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Blabberduck Wrote:Also may have found a bug:
After losing to the demon queen I was teleported back to my cell as usual, however I can no longer access that part of the map. It keeps saying "This door requires a lever to open", however the lever is no longer working.
Druid Wrote:Hmm,Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Also a couple of bugs I've noticed:
In the Labyrinth: if you enter the devil kings throne room when you've already beat him you can fight him again, but if you lose random items get taken away.
Possible bug in Town of Games: I'm considered a "trouble maker" and the only things I've done are have a training fight with the two who want one andSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Bugs in Karth: The two girls who tell you about Ash have vanished, but you can still talk to her like they told you about her. Also, when you talk to the maid after starting the poison timer your character freezes for about a minute, though it seems to fix itself.
Finally, when youSpoiler (click to show/hide):
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