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Re: Amaranth RPG MAKER VX (Update 05/07/2013)

Postby wolfmanjoes » Fri Aug 02, 2013 4:46 pm

Really like the game. And am wondering what will be in the next update. If you fell like sharing
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Re: Amaranth RPG MAKER VX (Update 05/07/2013)

Postby Car6on » Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:11 pm

wolfmanjoes Wrote:Really like the game. And am wondering what will be in the next update. If you fell like sharing

Glad you like it :)

The next update will have: Bug fixes, a "shock" sound when losing a battle, a new companion "Ash" and her class is "Archer", new sex scenes where three of them will be the ones which received most votes in the poll, a fade in and out after a sex scene if Nimrodel was a part of it, also there will be two kinds of new text boxes in the game:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Unavngivet.png (242.6 KiB) Viewed 3786 times
Dim when a picture is shown and normal when no picture is shown:
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Unavngivet.png 2.png
Unavngivet.png 2.png (93.17 KiB) Viewed 3786 times

The dim text box will make the pictures more visible. Also I will try to fix the bad resolution pictures.

Anyway I will also add a addiction to dick system, every time Nimrodel is fucked or participate in sex 3 points is added to her addiction, once it get above 100 points it becomes a problem but that wont be in the next update.

I am also creating 4 weaknesses for Nimrodel, in the beginning of the game you must choose which one you want: Human weakness, Undead weakness, ogre weakness or alien weakness. The weakness you choose will reduce all Nimrodels stats by 50 % except health and mana when she is facing either one of the four possible. I know this might make the game hard in the beginning but I'm working on it.

Btw. I like all the thumbs up I'm getting from you people, thank you! :D
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Re: Amaranth RPG MAKER VX (Update 05/07/2013)

Postby Car6on » Thu Aug 08, 2013 8:42 am

Four different menu's

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Title 2.jpg
Title 2.jpg (83.46 KiB) Viewed 3571 times
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Title (2).jpg (159.44 KiB) Viewed 3571 times
Title 1.jpg
Title 1.jpg (78.59 KiB) Viewed 3571 times
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Re: Amaranth RPG MAKER VX (Update 10/08/2013) ANTI LAG SCRIP

Postby Mickele » Sun Aug 11, 2013 6:43 pm

it seems you have created a big problem for all of us: your anti-lag script is preventing us to use our saves from older versions...
Here is the error occurring, when trying to load older save files:
Script'AS: AntiLag' line 241: TypeError occurred.
nil can't be coerced into Fixnum

edit: i started a new game just for fun and Nimrodel is on Level 99
with 8703 hp, 971 mp, 241 atk, 216 def, 195 spi, 309 agi and items (long sword, leather shield, feathered hat, leather breastplate and harem girl bracelet)...

your new invention with the weakness works wonderful (but does it work for magic attacks as well???)
and your new system, where you get some variing experience, when you get raped, is also working properly even if a girl is knocked out!
(only if you get fucked and could stay at the same place after the scene, then you don't get experience; like from the soldiers in the red room leaving you lying on the floor afterwards)

but your new tone when is ridiculously and doesn't match the situation, it must be more dark or maybe a scream or whatever, but this....

here are the bugs i found so far:

labyrinth part:
- in the right prostitute room besides the northern tavern the sign "prostitute room" is triggered a field too early, actually one step before the sign
- the blonde virgin girl in the stalls has a boyish portrait
- If you will be defeated by the 6 or 4 assasins in the red room, Nimrodel is kept with 0 HP after the fight (no further fighting possible)
- the two ogres at the table below the cat girl have the same text and afterwards the same cat girl picture, like when you speak to the ogre in front of the cat girl
- inside the tavern in the red room, the picture with event is triggered on the wrong field, namely two fields to the right of the door instead of one field to the right of the door
- the event in the ogre throne room in the red room also triggers only on one specific field, but should trigger on the whole horizontal line (4 spaces)

greenwitch village and everywhere in the game:
- desperate soldiers and tavern owner are not counted as human (sothat the weakness didn't work)

town of games:
- after the ritual in the bathroom of town of games my screen stayed black, but the game goes on....
and Melissa (office lady) didn't respond to me, when i sat down infront of her....
does this have something in common with the fact, that I have defeated the devil and I entered the secret chamber in the rear area previously?

ogre city karth:
- entrance to Karth front door is one field too far away from the door, it must be set one step upwards...
- your fight and status system has problems with team members number 5, because the fifth can't neither be selected nor seen, sothat you can't change the team formation... (you have to fight with the first three teammates you find back in the castle if you lost them or can't take Ash into the fights, since she would be the fifth if you haven't lost inside Karth)
- the main hall is quiet buggy, cause the fights in both rooms retrigger every time you enter, even if you have won them ten times and the scene with the sleeping ogre's as it was in the storage did not trigger (only killing or let them sleep)...

so my last question is, if the counter in the dining area from the cocking lady or the personal slaves are the last step of your game so far,
'cause when they came to zero, nothing special happend and both persons didn't react when i tried to talk to them...
and yes, it is really hard against enemies outside the labyrinth, if you have a weakness against them!!!
last but not least i wondered, that after loosing to king karth you get some information via a dream, but when defeating him, you didn't get this scene...
all he was telling me after i defeated him was nearly the same as the diary/books told me in his experimental dungeon....
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Re: Amaranth RPG MAKER VX (Update 10/08/2013) ANTI LAG SCRIP

Postby BreakKing » Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:49 am

Town Of Games: I would like to add that the Angel Event has stopped working as well when you lose to the devil you don;t become an angel anymore. Is this part of the game? Do you have to win now?

the turning into an Angel event has stopped workin in the town of games =( and i cant recieve my prize from the nun mallisandra/mellisandra ....forgot da name
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Re: Amaranth RPG MAKER VX (Update 10/08/2013) ANTI LAG SCRIP

Postby Car6on » Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:53 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Mickele Wrote:it seems you have created a big problem for all of us: your anti-lag script is preventing us to use our saves from older versions...
Here is the error occurring, when trying to load older save files:
Script'AS: AntiLag' line 241: TypeError occurred.
nil can't be coerced into Fixnum

edit: i started a new game just for fun and Nimrodel is on Level 99
with 8703 hp, 971 mp, 241 atk, 216 def, 195 spi, 309 agi and items (long sword, leather shield, feathered hat, leather breastplate and harem girl bracelet)...

your new invention with the weakness works wonderful (but does it work for magic attacks as well???)
and your new system, where you get some variing experience, when you get raped, is also working properly even if a girl is knocked out!
(only if you get fucked and could stay at the same place after the scene, then you don't get experience; like from the soldiers in the red room leaving you lying on the floor afterwards)

but your new tone when is ridiculously and doesn't match the situation, it must be more dark or maybe a scream or whatever, but this....

here are the bugs i found so far:

labyrinth part:
- in the right prostitute room besides the northern tavern the sign "prostitute room" is triggered a field too early, actually one step before the sign
- the blonde virgin girl in the stalls has a boyish portrait
- If you will be defeated by the 6 or 4 assasins in the red room, Nimrodel is kept with 0 HP after the fight (no further fighting possible)
- the two ogres at the table below the cat girl have the same text and afterwards the same cat girl picture, like when you speak to the ogre in front of the cat girl
- inside the tavern in the red room, the picture with event is triggered on the wrong field, namely two fields to the right of the door instead of one field to the right of the door
- the event in the ogre throne room in the red room also triggers only on one specific field, but should trigger on the whole horizontal line (4 spaces)

greenwitch village and everywhere in the game:
- desperate soldiers and tavern owner are not counted as human (sothat the weakness didn't work)

town of games:
- after the ritual in the bathroom of town of games my screen stayed black, but the game goes on....
and Melissa (office lady) didn't respond to me, when i sat down infront of her....
does this have something in common with the fact, that I have defeated the devil and I entered the secret chamber in the rear area previously?

ogre city karth:
- entrance to Karth front door is one field too far away from the door, it must be set one step upwards...
- your fight and status system has problems with team members number 5, because the fifth can't neither be selected nor seen, sothat you can't change the team formation... (you have to fight with the first three teammates you find back in the castle if you lost them or can't take Ash into the fights, since she would be the fifth if you haven't lost inside Karth)
- the main hall is quiet buggy, cause the fights in both rooms retrigger every time you enter, even if you have won them ten times and the scene with the sleeping ogre's as it was in the storage did not trigger (only killing or let them sleep)...

so my last question is, if the counter in the dining area from the cocking lady or the personal slaves are the last step of your game so far,
'cause when they came to zero, nothing special happend and both persons didn't react when i tried to talk to them...
and yes, it is really hard against enemies outside the labyrinth, if you have a weakness against them!!!
last but not least i wondered, that after loosing to king karth you get some information via a dream, but when defeating him, you didn't get this scene...
all he was telling me after i defeated him was nearly the same as the diary/books told me in his experimental dungeon....

So you can't load games from previous version anymore. Perhaps the Anti Lag Scrip wont be necessary since I have changed the looks of the labyrinth so much that there shouldn't be lag anymore.
If it makes it hard to test the game like not being able to load old saved games I will remove it until the game is 100 % done.

Now for the bugs:
Nimrodel lv 99? I forgot to change it back before I uploaded it. - Fixed.
The weaknesses didn't work for magic attacks but it does. Nimrodel can't do magic anymore while under the weakness.
Good to hear the xp losing system works.
The new tone is crap? I have found a new one, a scream but I will only place it in the first events of the game to test it. Let me know what you guys think.

The bugs inside the labyrinth have been fixed.
The weaknesses should maybe work for the despereate soldiers and rapers in greenwitch village

Town of games bugs have been fixed. It had nothing to do with the defeated devil or the secret was just a event page which did nothing to start with.

Ogre city karth: The front door entrance is the door now. For the problem with team member number. 5...I don't think you can have more then 3 companions in VX...that's why I am making it so that you can only get Ash to join the party
if there is a free spot. This might be fixed to work properly now but I'm not sure. For that stupid main hall....I tried to work my magic but maybe it didn't work if not please describe very carefully what you do when you get to the main hall
and in the storage: The dominating scene in the storage can only be unlocked if you have 100 in dick addiction.

So far in the version you have nothing happens when the clock reaches 0. In the version you get today the ogre city will be done except for bugs.

Good that you say that it's hard outside the labyrinth with the weaknesses. I will reduce its effect a bit.

And the dream will only be shown if you lose to Lord Karth.

BreakKing Wrote:Bugs:
Town Of Games: I would like to add that the Angel Event has stopped working as well when you lose to the devil you don;t become an angel anymore. Is this part of the game? Do you have to win now?

the turning into an Angel event has stopped workin in the town of games =( and i cant recieve my prize from the nun mallisandra/mellisandra ....forgot da name

You have to win now to become an angel, that way its not to easy to achieve it. You cant get the prize from malesandra? You should get it now though.
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Re: Amaranth RPG MAKER VX (Update 10/08/2013) ANTI LAG SCRIP

Postby Mickele » Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:22 pm

Car6on Wrote:For that stupid main hall....I tried to work my magic but maybe it didn't work if not please describe very carefully what you do when you get to the main hall
and in the storage: The dominating scene in the storage can only be unlocked if you have 100 in dick addiction.

okay, i hope you understand this better:
- when entering the main hall and turning into the right room, you are immediately attacked by four ogre's
when you win this fight, then Nimrodel said "this isn't over yet" and you can walk around everywhere (all ogre's are still sitting at the table)....
you can kil the four slepping ogre's at the table or let them sleep (but didn't get the seduction/domination option as it was in the storage, i had 1 million dick addiction^^)
when you step again on the spot where the fight was triggered earlyer, immediately another fight against the four ogre's is triggered (you can't escape the room without another fight).....
- same goes for the room on the left, when entering you are immediately attacked by three ogre's
when you win this fight, another wave with two ogre's and the chief ogre immediately attacks you....
after winning this fight, you can walk into the room etc. and all defeated ogre's are gone,
but when you step again on the spot where the fight was triggered earlyer, immediately another fight against the two ogre's and the ogre chief is triggered.....
- the special event in the storage with high dick addiction worked wonderful, but it didn't triggered on the ogre's in the main hall....

and again about the team member:
- you couldn't get us a tab like "Formation" or "Party" in the status bar (opened by esc where you can choose "items", "equipment", "status", "save", "quit" etc.), like it is in many other rpg players??? i wanted to have more then three companions and change them between some fights... :(
i wonder and never realized that VX couldn't handle this....i often played VX Ace and there was no problem, but.....
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Re: Amaranth RPG MAKER VX (Update 12/08/2013)

Postby Car6on » Mon Aug 12, 2013 10:57 pm

Mickele Wrote:
Car6on Wrote:For that stupid main hall....I tried to work my magic but maybe it didn't work if not please describe very carefully what you do when you get to the main hall
and in the storage: The dominating scene in the storage can only be unlocked if you have 100 in dick addiction.

okay, i hope you understand this better:
- when entering the main hall and turning into the right room, you are immediately attacked by four ogre's
when you win this fight, then Nimrodel said "this isn't over yet" and you can walk around everywhere (all ogre's are still sitting at the table)....
you can kil the four slepping ogre's at the table or let them sleep (but didn't get the seduction/domination option as it was in the storage, i had 1 million dick addiction^^)
when you step again on the spot where the fight was triggered earlyer, immediately another fight against the four ogre's is triggered (you can't escape the room without another fight).....
- same goes for the room on the left, when entering you are immediately attacked by three ogre's
when you win this fight, another wave with two ogre's and the chief ogre immediately attacks you....
after winning this fight, you can walk into the room etc. and all defeated ogre's are gone,
but when you step again on the spot where the fight was triggered earlyer, immediately another fight against the two ogre's and the ogre chief is triggered.....
- the special event in the storage with high dick addiction worked wonderful, but it didn't triggered on the ogre's in the main hall....

and again about the team member:
- you couldn't get us a tab like "Formation" or "Party" in the status bar (opened by esc where you can choose "items", "equipment", "status", "save", "quit" etc.), like it is in many other rpg players??? i wanted to have more then three companions and change them between some fights... :(
i wonder and never realized that VX couldn't handle this....i often played VX Ace and there was no problem, but.....

A new update today :) but the problem is still the same in the main hall but I have just tried to fix it. I actually didn't experience any bugs, well not at first. I tried to play it with Nimrodel and 3 companions and first I walked into the room
on the left and I killed the first round of ogres and the second round. When I stepped on the place where it had triggered nothing happened and the ogres I had killed were gone at the table too. I went into the second room and killed both
rounds of ogres. Nothing happend and they were all gone but then I noticed that the ogres in the left room were back.......something is really wrong and I will fix it at some point...I always do.

Last I want to say that its only the sleeping ogres in the storage who you can dominate because the ogres in the main hall are kinda surrounded by a lot of ogres.

Forgot about the team member thing....I will see what I can do.
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Re: Amaranth RPG MAKER VX (Update 12/08/2013)

Postby Lurkingchar » Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:24 am

So I've tried and tried to play, even re installing rpgmakervx by using your link specifically then downloading from mega instead. If you could just just drop the .dll in a different download I would appreciate it.
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Re: Amaranth RPG MAKER VX (Update 12/08/2013)

Postby moonblack » Tue Aug 13, 2013 8:16 am

To play you need to install the RTP for RPG Maker VX. Not the RTP for Ace and not RPG Maker VX itself (though having ti does not hurt). Make sure you're downloading and installing the correct RTP. Here's the correct link, just in case:
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Re: Amaranth RPG MAKER VX (Update 12/08/2013)

Postby Lurkingchar » Wed Aug 14, 2013 12:39 am

moonblack Wrote:To play you need to install the RTP for RPG Maker VX. Not the RTP for Ace and not RPG Maker VX itself (though having ti does not hurt). Make sure you're downloading and installing the correct RTP. Here's the correct link, just in case:

alright i'll see if anything different happens
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Re: Amaranth RPG MAKER VX (Update 12/08/2013)

Postby Druid » Wed Aug 14, 2013 12:53 am

Where's the poison hidden in the orc castle? The cook said something about it, but I've searched high and low and can't find it. :?:
(Great update by the way :) )
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Re: Amaranth RPG MAKER VX (Update 12/08/2013)

Postby dougie2 » Wed Aug 14, 2013 3:47 am

Druid Wrote:Where's the poison hidden in the orc castle? The cook said something about it, but I've searched high and low and can't find it. :?:
(Great update by the way :) )

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

It's in the same room that you get the quest in.
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Re: Amaranth RPG MAKER VX (Update 12/08/2013)

Postby Lord154 » Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:33 pm

Hello all

I like very much the new update (at least for now, i am still in labyrithm). Especially the weakness and the new Red Room cells its awesome. However i want to ask something:

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How i can enter Sex Club? Every time i try a msg that area is dangerous. This happened both from outside Red Room and From inside it. When i speak to old man in Red Room Tavern and said yes, then a Orge and a catgirl appear in the stairs and you can enter the this stairs (inside Red Room Tavern) and you can't enter from outside Red room because again the area is dangerous msg appear
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Re: Amaranth RPG MAKER VX (Update 12/08/2013)

Postby Car6on » Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:59 pm

Lord154 Wrote:Hello all

I like very much the new update (at least for now, i am still in labyrithm). Especially the weakness and the new Red Room cells its awesome. However i want to ask something:

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

How i can enter Sex Club? Every time i try a msg that area is dangerous. This happened both from outside Red Room and From inside it. When i speak to old man in Red Room Tavern and said yes, then a Orge and a catgirl appear in the stairs and you can enter the this stairs (inside Red Room Tavern) and you can't enter from outside Red room because again the area is dangerous msg appear

There should be several other entries to the sex club but they are from with the red room. Later you might be able to go the way which is "too dangerous"...anyway just so you know, the sex club is nothing but a big room since I haven't made it yet.
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Re: Amaranth RPG MAKER VX (Update 12/08/2013)

Postby Druid » Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:01 am

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

is the poison in the kings food suppose to fail and force you to fight the guardians? I've equipped my team with the best gear possible, raised their levels and stats to the point that they kill everyone else easily, but the guardians breeze through me like i'm a level 5. :shock:

Also a couple of bugs I've noticed:
In the Labyrinth: if you enter the devil kings throne room when you've already beat him you can fight him again, but if you lose random items get taken away.

Possible bug in Town of Games: I'm considered a "trouble maker" and the only things I've done are have a training fight with the two who want one and
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

defeated the demon in the church

Bugs in Karth: The two girls who tell you about Ash have vanished, but you can still talk to her like they told you about her. Also, when you talk to the maid after starting the poison timer your character freezes for about a minute, though it seems to fix itself.
Finally, when you
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poison the king, he runs away and calls his guardians they don't attack right away, they just stand there and you have to walk over and talk to the dragon to start the fight.
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Re: Amaranth RPG MAKER VX (Update 12/08/2013)

Postby Blabberduck » Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:11 pm

Also may have found a bug:

After losing to the demon queen I was teleported back to my cell as usual, however I can no longer access that part of the map. It keeps saying "This door requires a lever to open", however the lever is no longer working.
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Re: Amaranth RPG MAKER VX (Update 12/08/2013)

Postby Car6on » Thu Aug 15, 2013 11:46 pm

Blabberduck Wrote:Also may have found a bug:

After losing to the demon queen I was teleported back to my cell as usual, however I can no longer access that part of the map. It keeps saying "This door requires a lever to open", however the lever is no longer working.

You sure? Tested and found no bug.

Druid Wrote:Hmm,
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

is the poison in the kings food suppose to fail and force you to fight the guardians? I've equipped my team with the best gear possible, raised their levels and stats to the point that they kill everyone else easily, but the guardians breeze through me like i'm a level 5. :shock:

Also a couple of bugs I've noticed:
In the Labyrinth: if you enter the devil kings throne room when you've already beat him you can fight him again, but if you lose random items get taken away.

Possible bug in Town of Games: I'm considered a "trouble maker" and the only things I've done are have a training fight with the two who want one and
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

defeated the demon in the church

Bugs in Karth: The two girls who tell you about Ash have vanished, but you can still talk to her like they told you about her. Also, when you talk to the maid after starting the poison timer your character freezes for about a minute, though it seems to fix itself.
Finally, when you
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

poison the king, he runs away and calls his guardians they don't attack right away, they just stand there and you have to walk over and talk to the dragon to start the fight.

The guardians are too strong, they have been nurfed and yes the poison fails. The bug about the kings throne room are surprising but should not happen now. The two girls are in another room if they are gone, if you enter the royale chambers they appear here.
The freezing when talking to the maid has been fixed.
The bug with the guardians has been fixed too.
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Re: Amaranth RPG MAKER VX (Update 16/08/2013)

Postby tantramaster128 » Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:06 pm

There is a bug with the magic collar, when you are in combat it glitches and tries to transport you to your owners house last i checked which was before todays update
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Re: Amaranth RPG MAKER VX (Update 16/08/2013)

Postby Z0mb13 » Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:58 pm

In ogre keep:
I won against the 5 defenders of the ogre king (the fight took a LOT of time, because my characters are on lv 28 and because of the meditation and life drain lv5 ability of one demon), and it retriggers the fight.
If you already killed the ogres in the storage, could you get the scene back? As far as i know, the same scene isn't working in the main room.
It will be much appreciated if we had an addiction counter, or sth like that.
(In fact, i try to avoid losing, so i was certainly on 3/100 from the red room)
The number of herbs (from elves near the wolf) doesn't decrease when you use one. So, you're immortal...

Btw great updates.
Last edited by Z0mb13 on Sun Aug 18, 2013 9:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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