Programming contributions

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Programming contributions

Postby trunks2585 » Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:04 am

Ok so a really good post (in my opinion anyways) was made in 'the new plan' suggesting we start a thread for user generated coding with action script 2. I'm all for this, this is suppose to be a community driven project. Now a few things to keep in mind here before any programmers go wild.

1. Our team still get's the final say in what makes the cut, don't get offended if we don't take what you make.

2. Full credit will go to the creators of any bits of code we do include.

3. Action Script 2 only please, it seems more and more like we're told AS3 just isn't worth the effort to learn or use.

4. This needs to be focused for LOK content, not another side project like the endless stream of them in creative corner.

That being said use any models we've released or use the old playshapes models if you prefer, or make your own, they will really just be visual demonstrations of how whatever it is you did works. Now I know it's been talked about before and I'm going to be more specific about this in hopes of directing any programmers out there that are listening to this, it's in regards to the gameplay.

Game play will remain mostly the same with some additions. One is an 'ability' system. The team has talked it over and we've decided the best way to improve on what playshapes did without making the game too challenging is rather than having to have a certain amount of exp points to do a scene, you need a certain ability. exp points help you level up, each level gives you an ability point ('AP' yes it's sounding more and more like FF by the minute). You then spend your AP on whatever abilities you want to activate. There's also the catch that you have to either be forced once into preforming the action or witness someone else doing that action to be able to learn that ability.

For example lets look at the table fuck and chair blow scenes. blowjob will more or less be a default ability krystal has, but during the chair blow scene it's possible the sharpclaw will squish her breasts together so she's blowing and titfucking him at the same time. after the scene you'll get a message like 'titfucking unlocked' or something, and from the ability tree you can now activate titfucking if you have any spare AP. you then go to the table fuck scene with the message 'requires titfuck' instead of the 'requires exp'. if you've activated the ability you'll do the scene, and when it's over you'll know about threesomes. Again this is just an example to give you guys an idea of what we are thinking.

this system will require a proper leveling up system so deciding how much exp you get from the others you fuck, as well as coming up with a range of abilities and upgrades for those abilities (blowjob can become deepthroat) and abilities that don't have to effect scenes directly but act as a bonus for something else. Aside from that developing a currancy system and items to buy would be useful and then just all the standard stuff that was in the previous game (walking collision detection, control of the speed and progress of scenes and text...), and the option of picking right or wrong sex scenes with enemies so you can either get your max exp out of them or get almost nothing for not doing what they wanted you to do.

You all don't have to make any of these things, they are just suggestions and a heads up that we'll need these at some point, either made by the community or by our own team. I also wanted to make sure everyone's up to date on the 'combat' of this game so to speak.

Otherwise have fun making stuff you'd like to see in LOK or things you think we all will enjoy.
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Re: Programming contributions

Postby KaTsuO_O » Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:38 am

Also, we need a save system that can save location, money, Ap, abileties and iteams in the inventory... Everything basecly and also if it is possible it would be nice with three save slots which you can name. This is one of the of the more important things because this game is going to be long (im sure of) so you have to at least save once to be able to complete it.
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Re: Programming contributions

Postby Thraur » Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:40 am

trunks2585 Wrote:3. Action Script 2 only please, it seems more and more like we're told AS3 just isn't worth the effort to learn or use.

I haven't been following too closely on your decision for AS2 vs AS3, but if your programmers have done any languages outside of flash/actionscript, AS3 would be the way to go IMHO. Sure you gotta write a little more code, but you gain flexibility with classes and ease of debugging. Also code reuse can be done - and I don't mean in the copy/paste sense :D. Also, its easier to track source code changes in external files than it is inside a fla file.

If you guys need a base to start from, you might be able to fork some of my Samus Platformer source code. I'm sure a lot of it could be applied to any flash game really (not just platformers). I have helper/misc classes, classes to control the hud and camera (I updated the AS2 vcam for AS3 and added the ability to zoom in, etc.). Theres also classes for walls and scene transitions including a scene transition manager (its not 'scenes' in flash sense, but movieclip instances so you don't need to stick each 'area' as a different frame). I don't guarantee that its all bug free - but what code doesn't have a couple anyways :lol: . If your interested, let me know and I can upload a more recent version of my source code.

KaTsuO_O Wrote:Also, we need a save system that can save location, money, Ap, abileties and iteams in the inventory... Everything basecly and also if it is possible it would be nice with three save slots which you can name. This is one of the of the more important things because this game is going to be long (im sure of) so you have to at least save once to be able to complete it.

I was actually looking into something similar earlier this evening. Check out the class. It allows you to save arbitrary data locally. An inventory and save game manager should be pretty easy to do if you choose AS3.
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Re: Programming contributions

Postby KaTsuO_O » Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:40 pm

@Thraur i have been playing around with flash for 7 years now, since macromedia flash 2004. The only language i have been using is as2 but not as much as now and i am still not good at (i dont have any basics or anything) so if i would try to code this in as3 then i wouldent be able to do everything i can with as2. If someone would offer to code this in as3 and also work on the whole project then i would change my mind.
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Re: Programming contributions

Postby Thundranex » Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:06 pm

I've done a projects with save files and inventories in AS.2, for the long run AS.3 will be needed, but the team are only looking for say a O.3 beta or some sort of half way decent release without making the wait for it much worse for both them and the fans!!! Personally I have all editions of ADOBE's Flash on my main Machine and to this day I'm still using MacroMedia 2008 Mx Pro as my main flash publisher!!! And like KatsuO_O said he's been working with AS.2 for 7 years, so not only would he be hit with a brand new Object system way of working in flash, but he'd probably just be downright uncomfortable, not to mention frustrated that he could be wasting valuable working time learning(a currently unnecessary)new code language!!! So no more debating, AS.3 (with respect to the tasks at hand and the setup that the team have) is better only by Title, AS.2 is the way we need to go. Its genuinely just the best option for the team with the current situation they're in.
So :D
Thraur Wrote:
trunks2585 Wrote:3. Action Script 2 only please, it seems more and more like we're told AS3 just isn't worth the effort to learn or use.

I haven't been following too closely on your decision for AS2 vs AS3, but if your programmers have done any languages outside of flash/actionscript, AS3 would be the way to go IMHO. Sure you gotta write a little more code, but you gain flexibility with classes and ease of debugging. Also code reuse can be done - and I don't mean in the copy/paste sense :D. Also, its easier to track source code changes in external files than it is inside a fla file.

No point in presenting the pro's and con's of each anymore, Action Script 2 is the way to go, everything that Trunks has his focus set on for the game is perfectly doable in AS.2. I myself have done half of them before and the one's I cannot do myself I have watched being done in video tutorials online just a few moments ago, and I have bookmarked said webpages along with continuing to refine my search's by looking for more in-dept/better presented tutorials in the same catagory. One of them in fact, is a series on how to remake all of the features used in an early FinalFantasy edition with AS2.0 in Flash, so we're already bang on target!!! :D :mrgreen: ActionScript2.0 takes the gold this time around I think!!! :D :lol: :mrgreen: lolzors
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Re: Programming contributions

Postby ronpepper » Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:01 am

Thundranex Wrote:not only would he be hit with a brand new Object system way of working in flash, but he'd probably just be downright uncomfortable, not to mention frustrated that he could be wasting valuable working time learning(a currently unnecessary)new code language!!! So no more debating, AS.3 (with respect to the tasks at hand and the setup that the team have) is better only by Title, AS.2 is the way we need to go.

This is what I have been suspecting for a long time. I know I hit a wall when I tried to learn Flash -- even though I'm familiar with another Adobe product, Photoshop, so much was different. Introduce OOP into a programming language and you gotta have something different.
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Re: Programming contributions

Postby corta » Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:32 am

Alright, here's a nudge so you guys can get this done already - I would like to donate a dynamic camera.

it's a rectangle inside an MC with this inside it
Code: Select All Code
function camControl()
    var _loc4 = sX / this._width;
    var _loc3 = sY / this._height;
    _parent._x = cX - this._x * _loc4;
    _parent._y = cY - this._y * _loc3;
    _parent._xscale = 100 * _loc4;
    _parent._yscale = 100 * _loc3;
    r = this._rotation;
    _parent._rotation = -this._rotation;
    _parent._x = _parent._x + sX * (r / 180);
    _parent._y = _parent._y + sY * (r / 180);
} // End of the function
function resetStage()
    var _loc2 = {ra: 100, rb: 0, ga: 100, gb: 0, ba: 100, bb: 0, aa: 100, ab: 0};
    _parent._xscale = 100;
    _parent._yscale = 100;
    _parent._x = 0;
    _parent._y = 0;
} // End of the function
this._visible = false;
var oldMode = Stage.scaleMode;
Stage.scaleMode = "exactFit";
var cX = Stage.width / 2;
var cY = Stage.height / 2;
var sX = Stage.width;
var sY = Stage.height;
Stage.scaleMode = oldMode;
var camColor = new Color(this);
var parentColor = new Color(_parent);
this.onEnterFrame = camControl;
this.onUnload = resetStage;
my_cm = new ContextMenu();
my_cm.hideBuiltInItems(); = my_cm;

I found this a LONG time ago, I didn't write it -(hell, I still don't even understand most of it)- I think it was on some tutorial site...
but anyway, animate it like you would anything else and it'll zoom, pan, whatever you want. just doesn't tilt well..

now, what else do you need before we start seeing anything?

edit- awwh.. we can't drop .fla files anymore?
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Re: Programming contributions

Postby Thraur » Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:49 pm

@Corta I think thats the AS2 vcam. The source (AFAIK) is from here:

As another tidbit - I thought the Math.random wasn't random enough for me, so I found another nice (quick) PRNG which is talked about here: ... generator/ They have an AS2 version available too. It lets you set your own seed so you have better control over your pseudo randomness :P.
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Re: Programming contributions

Postby GolanTrevize » Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:57 pm

I have experience programming in AS2, so I would like to donete something, but I am not sure about what to do. Would you said me what is necessary at the moment?
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Re: Programming contributions

Postby GoRepeat » Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:53 am

Here is the button randomizer /reader I used in original Rush if you would have any need for it... it is pretty "plug and play" as its own symbol, just throw what result code in you want on fail or success; the letters are also individual symbols so you can edit the graphics easily as well. If you want to change the keys (from asd), the ascii codes are located within each icon on the main symbol (or you can just swap out for globals to customize).

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

buttontest.swf [ 18.37 KiB | Viewed 6844 times ]

And I guess since I am on keys, here is the AS2 custom key setter stuff from Sakyubasu, so you can see the commands and such

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

Custom Key.swf [ 63.98 KiB | Viewed 6844 times ]

I only use AS2, so If you see anything in any of my games and want to know what the code is for it, just ask!
Custom Key.fla
(317.37 KiB) Downloaded 66 times
(14.8 KiB) Downloaded 45 times
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