Age: (Depending on your race can be pretty old)
Class: (Whatever doesn't break the RP but im sure most will be fine

Race: (Like i said any race you want to but make sure to either explain it and where it is from if it is not well known or link it is fine ^.^)
Appearance: (What you look like or a pic ^.^)
Biography: (Obviously why you ended up wanting to head to this temple be it anything you heard in your culture, treasure or anything you want for power.)
Stats: You get 25 stat points and 5 stats
Strength: (How hard you can hit things for)
Defense: (How much damage you can take)
Speed: (How fast you can move)
Accuracy: (If you use a ranged weapon how Accurate you are)
Magic: (How strong your spells can hit if you have any)
(I will say this i will let you know if you can add stat points at certain points through PMs so keep an eye out whenever it comes time i will valuate and keep track of "Experience" Off site which will be able to get you more stats to allow you to be able to do more things. But obviously we are all in it for the fun we also want to get out of things "Eventually" Every enemy will be a certain strength only known to the GM and if you have something that can see the vitals then you will be allowed to figure out the enemies health ^.^ At the least the stats are just there to make it more around to have the adventuring fun of the RP

What To Avoid:
Extra: (Anything i missed and you want to add to

Name: Wingblade Redstrike
Age: 154
Gender: Female (Futanari)
Class: Thief
Race: Teifling aka part demon
The Red one on the right is what ill use

Things not included is the size of her cock and balls, she is a large foot and a half flaccid and a good 2 inch in girth, but when she gets horny she can move to almost 3 and a half foot in length and a good 4 inch girth. her balls weren't much less endowed having gotten toward a good pair of grapefruits at this point in her life. She had all the normal female bits, large chest, nice but and all but she had to wear baggy pants of all things to keep her large package hidden the balls swaying just above her pussy and ass where they werei n their respective spots.
Biography: Wing has lived for a while now she had been working on stealing what she felt was the most valuable and getting out of the town before most noticed her. She liked to use her long tail to also pick things while she was talking about shop keepers keeping them busy on what she was talking about. As she found it was much easier to steal in plain sight then being sneaky so she go a hold of one of the maps from the merchent that seemed to be selling a location of a massive underground temple. This temple having riches that would set her on a nice wealthy path for a while to come. Getting one of them she decides to head to this faithful location and get started on her journey.
Stats: You get 25 stat points and 5 stats
Strength: 5
Defense: 7
Speed: 7
Accuracy: 3
Magic: 3
Urethral penetration (Includes Ovipositor eggs and worm like)
Nipple penetration (Includes Ovipositor eggs and worm like)
Large insertions
Can even do worms and larvae and the like into her holes.
Multiple penetrations
Increase in size to sexual organs when necessary on what is going on.
Heavy inflation (Through either cum or through something throughally wanting to fill her with eggs wherever it can)
What To Avoid:
Scat or Watersports
Gore in a Sexual sense (Battle gore is fine because its part of it but nothing dealing with sex side is ew)
Blood in a sexual sense don't like it.