el zilcho Wrote:I just noticed, new characters head vanishes on the idle cum spurt animation.
FIXED! (edited).
QuizmasterBos Wrote:Sorry, sorry. I shouldn't have said placeholders. I honestly believed you just made up a line to have SOMETHING in there with the expectation of changing it later.
Nevermind. Well we can do something right sometimes in other areas of knowledge, can't we? Or you think I dont accept code help, for example? OwnerOfSuccuby did some animation code that I use because its better than mine and I like his way of coding.
QuizmasterBos Wrote:Of course I will gladly take any good script from other people I can get, not just that from myself. I will maybe tinker with it a little bit, but if it's good, it's in.
Goooood. Finally you saw my point. Thank you.
QuizmasterBos Wrote:Yes, Peach was lying in a bed, but she wasn't getting fucked by something. I really don't remember this scene and the search system for Legend Of Krystal doesn't work most of the time, so I can't look it up. I don't see any correlation between the outfit and Peach and Daisy though, so maybe we should put it somewhere else entirely. We can brainstorm.
I'm open for it. As I've said, wearing a tigress outfit is a matter of 'touching' the clothing. Remember I will make a wear/inventory/skip code for ICONED outfits (not powerups and not outfit mushrooms). We might have all 14 'iconed' outfits (the same amount of the outfits). When Peach passes over it, we can wear immediatelly/keep it in the inventory/skip it. This doesnt break Mario mechanics, on the contrary. It make us use what we always have in our levels (big mushrooms, flower, frog) making Peach change outfits immediately, and we can have the iconed outfits, like Paper Mario series. Those should appear in more peaceful areas, like inside toad houses, Peach Castle or at Towns. So I see outfits like tigress in other levels, not only in a given area. Do you now understand the outfits can be used more often?
QuizmasterBos Wrote:I admit it, I do force my opinion a lot. It's just that I started to feel a special connection to the game.
Good, I respect that feeling and I appreciate it, at least I am doing something, and I want to please most people, but I wont try to please 100%, its impossible.
And you already know, I wanted to change more things in the game (things you would HATE it) but I just....cant. Because I'm not a God, I have flaws.
Anyway I want to retain my identity here, like 50% of the game at most. Otherwise MIM PUT would be a game with Quiz soul, Darthan soul, etc, soul, not Aedler soul.
QuizmasterBos Wrote:Originally, I was content with just making a small suggestion and then seeing it back in the game, it was a glorious feeling. But, I started thirsting for more and now nothing is enough.
Thats A REALLY bad felling, man, and I really urge you to do something with it. Can't you remember I also do other things, play other games and do sports? Thats just to avoid that trap.
Every human being has that flaw. Its not our fault. If we are so focused on a thing, loving a thing, anxiety for a thing, our minds overwork, overflow, get used to in a way we dont have the same feeling of new, of something to discover, moments of peace and meditation, a moment we join friends in, and refresh our open minds, like when we go to school to see new classes, happy because a given class we like will be taught.
Even with all that above, you do know you can contribute with LEVELS (like you was doing before). Surely I change things here and there, but more than 80% (sometimes 90%) is retained: your idea, the Quiz soul in the levels.
QuizmasterBos Wrote:I feel I've corrupted myself. I played it so safe way back in August of last year and I've been complaining throughout this whole year. It's just that I want things addressed properly and I am glad you are willing to talk about it. But, I just want to be able to show you reasons to think differently of things, like the various Mario games. You dislike everything from the last 15 or so years, and for a rather odd reason.
Hey, please stop stop stop stop! Please tell me, what do I dislike from you? Everything? 100%? Are you sure? Please do not jump to conclusions. What might be happening here is that 10 out of 60 things you said (maybe 8 of these 10 are really important for you, inside your soul, out of all 60) was denied or just said 'Quiz, later'. And that might made you think I am not valuing your ideas (like the new hit algorithm and the pickable outfit part by part in the closet). You know its anything but that, right? Its not 'Ivan HATE Quiz ideas', but rather 'Ivan appreciate Quiz ideas but he prefer not to do it because of 1,2,3,4,5'. Some of them is 'Ivan appreciate Quiz ideas and he might do it eventually'. I hoped you were understanding the way I decide things.
QuizmasterBos Wrote:I want you to be able to fully enjoy these titles just as much as I do, or anyone else for that matter. Stop hugging so tightly to the old, the new is really good too. Please?
Some of the novelty can be good because game creators can think about new features, and they are more mature in game making. But dont you remember every man is different? We have different fingerprints. What we can do, copy and paste fingerprints to everyone? Dont you think its better to convince people, even if it takes time, with appreciative conversations? But I warn you, its nearly, almost, 99,9% impossible to convince childhood feelings. Because when we play games as a kid (Many of them were the first titles, or earlier ones, because obviously these titles were supposed to come before the newer ones), we imagine all that word with the current artist/creator feeling. Its like TMNT (Tv series). I didnt like the newer one. TMNT 1 (the 'funny turtle' series) will be always the best for me. The same with Toejam and Earl. T&E 2 and 3 were a fail for me.
And more, artist feelings change too. Newer titles are prone to be less involving like the first. Example: Back to the Future, Herbie and even XXX titles, like Derbie Does Dallas (in my point of view). Back to the Future 1 will be always a classic. I wont say ALL new adventures are bad and arent prone to be classic too, but people react to them differently. Sorry but thats the way our complex neural system works. So, if you want to really feel what you've felt in original games, you would need to:
1. convince me, putting a 'because 1,2,3,4,5' in any feature you want, even if takes a lot of time to convince (understanding there is a possibility it never convinces).
2. talk to other people, and let them talk to me about the matter, giving me more clues, examples and why ifs...
3. check for other games with features you want more, and replay Mario games you like.
4. see the good sides of MIM PUT, the parts of the game you like (and I do know you do, like when you created levels and dialogues), then give value to these good sides.
I will remake ToeJam & Earl2 someday, using a T&E 1 world (isometric). I've already said that to myself, since 1999. And it could be a XXX game later, in another version. There will be tons of gifts, they wont die if they get inside water, just like T&E1 ending (they breath inside alien waters). And there will be, say, 50 levels, with some possibility of randomness, like T&E1, not just 15 levels. So we can explore more the alien world with its marvelous environments, like the roses area.
QuizmasterBos Wrote:Now, the game might not turn into a horrible mess when we put everything in, but the vibe I get from you is that you REALLY don't like cutting things. I don't want to overcomplicate matters for you by letting you loose right now: "Ivan, put everything in, nothing's too low for this game" and then at the end go: "sorry Ivan, we can't use this after all. And this, and this, and this." And then all that hard work will be lost! If we are a little tougher on new stuff now, we could prevent these kinds of issues later on. That's what I mean.
First, you can know Mario world better, but I wont be only listening to you. We have a team. Second, you should be more present in the forum and check the current matters. Remember I said I use to talk before adding things? Surely there are some I dont talk (maybe because of those expressive creative moments I have), like the appearance of grassland level (1-4) platty (1-5), and 9-1 (now 9-3) which ended up interesting. But yes, I prefer to have excess features than cutting out features. What we can do to avoid the 'Ivan , I hate it, remove it!' feeling, and to avoid 'Ivan punching you with cookies and pizzas' is to put ON/OFF enabling features when the game is more complete.
QuizmasterBos Wrote:Yes, that's right, I've been slacking. The weather isn't helping much either, it's warm.
NEVER, NEVER (never what, Ivan?) NEVER try to live in warm countries then. Here, 95°F IS COMMON. 110°F is possible. In countries like Egypt, we can have MORE than 120°F (I dont live there). In the summer, it gets 95 110 95 102 98 102 during 15 days in a row here, while getting up to 90 in the nights. And I dont get a bad mood due to that. What can I do? We're earthlings, we live on Earth, the third planet in our solar system. We came (originated) from somewhere (the heavens? the darkness of creation? from another planet? Stork land?) and we had to adapt ourselves. Warm temperatures have good sides (remember what I've said above about seeing the good sides?) For example, my people are happy. We greet each other often. And we can be on a lake with our bathing suits while drinking, in a campfire, eating cheese cubes and playing a guitar more often (except in rainy days). If you prefer cold all the time, I understand, but try to get an A/C, tons of fans or take more showers. But PLEASE dont unload all your bad mood on me. Thank you. Really, thank you.
QuizmasterBos Wrote:I'll try to be a bit more positive, or at least less negative.
I have thought I would never see this phrase. Great, Quiz, great. You wont regret this. Being well (or at least less bad) IS good for everyone. Because positive actions multiply into more positive actions. And when a given person gets so many positive actions, with people respecting your work and contributing, you do more, you listen more.
QuizmasterBos Wrote:Sounds you sent to me by Micaturtle: I couldn't have agreed with your opinion on them more. The sounds you thought were good were good. The ones that needed rerecording DO need rerecording. The sounds were fantastic, well done by Micaturtle. Only thing I have to say, where do you intend to use half these sound bytes?
Glad you like it, thank you
It wont be a mystery. The 'I am princess Peach' for example, will happen when she greets someone, of if we select a dialogue item like :'I am...Peach' (in xnaut level, while she's invisible). The 'I am a dirty princess' can happen during sexual scenes. Actually those during sex will be a bit random because, well....we talk a bit random
We talk what our minds might be thinking at that time. Let's give Peach that freedom to express herself.
QuizmasterBos Wrote:I think I want in on this conversation. How did you (or VintageBass in this case) come up with this? I have to say, I'm personally not looking forward to see Peach fart, so if the option would be there, it'd be off for me. I think I need to know more before I give you my consent on making this a poll.
Like I've said,
1) Its not to depreciate Peach, its just a funny thing some can love. Or dont you think it isnt cute to see a cute princess doing that and getting embarassed because of it?
2) It gives her even more embarassing look (its an ENF game after all).
3) It makes more obvious that certain food (like poison) are bad food
4) It will make us see Peach IS a 'inner and outer' perfection. She doesnt poo dirty things. She has Toad race's blood. So her digestive system works differently. She is cute...outside and inside. A female we can appreciate, 'eat' with full love. Just imagine her perfect butt in your face, like a pot of honey (I forgot you dont like this fetish so much) then she cumming white chocolate from her butt. Some people love this. And I cant hide, me too.
5) It will be an ON/OFF option.
So I dont think even a poll ISNT necessary here, but opinions. If option 5 isnt there, then a poll would be necessary.
VintageBass Wrote:SuperDodoman12 Wrote:okay ivan this time i have to say that those ideas cant be added or they have to be optional, why because farting and scating sounds are the most anti sexy thing that you can do while sex, and this is a sex game so......NO PLEASE NO!
Don't worry, it won't happen in a long time.
This one I cant promise. It can happen with a higher priority (next week?) if people like the idea. Because its not hard to make that feature. But again, it will be an ON/OFF option. And yes, its still an idea, its not a todo feature until I do more brainstorming.
VintageBass Wrote:And yes I agree that those sounds aren't sexy, but I was thinking more funny than sexy... well, farts are. Plus I was suggesting something extremely short and high-pitched, something that'll fit a girl like Peach. Finally I was hoping those would happen very rarely and so randomly after like eating a large amount of mushrooms in a given level, plus after a certain amount of time. So really it could be there, but if you avoid getting a ton of mushrooms you should be good.
Thats the idea.
Thatguy45 Wrote:Just read this and thought some might enjoy it (pic about the new prince)
I appreciate it
Yes, there were many bets (tons of auctions) about the male/female thing. I like Peach worried about maybe a problem about conceiving. It gives more time for them to still be like boyfriend/girlfriend