Journey into Mareth OOC

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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Kuragari » Tue Jul 02, 2013 1:25 pm

Hey, at least I used OOC before my OOC post :p I could throw it in a spoiler next time :p

What the heck is attacking Ameria anyways?

EDIT: Aren't we missing a post for Hazard and Angel Loves characters? Did Brand skip them by accident?
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby [Brand_Name] » Tue Jul 02, 2013 5:58 pm

I'm about to take over their plot line. 'twas no accident
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Kuragari » Fri Jul 05, 2013 12:44 pm

We needs posts.
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Kuragari » Sun Jul 07, 2013 12:41 pm

Anyone know where Brand wandered off to?
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby [Brand_Name] » Sun Jul 07, 2013 4:02 pm

No, I'm still here. I'll try to be posting each weekend but I have been and will be über busy the next three weeks
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Kuragari » Sun Jul 07, 2013 10:10 pm

[Brand_Name] Wrote:No, I'm still here. I'll try to be posting each weekend but I have been and will be über busy the next three weeks

No problem, just wondered where you were.
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby [Brand_Name] » Mon Jul 08, 2013 5:18 am

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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Phoenixcz » Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:09 am

Is still posible to join the fun?
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby [Brand_Name] » Wed Jul 10, 2013 12:09 pm

Sure. Read through the first couple pages of the ooc? If so, go ahead and post your character here
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Kuragari » Wed Jul 10, 2013 6:50 pm

*coughs* dons a deep sounding announcer voice *cough*

Kuragari needs post badly!

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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Wingblade » Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:03 pm

Edited what i had back in

Name: Wingblade Syndaria

Age 132

Appearance: ... pg?1176752

One thing not included in this pic is what i wanted to add to her, after the first time with getting captured she found some Incubus Draft and ended up becoming a very large futanari even with a set of balls. She has over a 2 and a half foot cock with grapefruit sized nuts. She hides her baggy pants under her robes for the most part not wanting to draw attention when she doesn't have to. She is still Female just with the additions.

Bio: She was born into a lower house of demons that of one she didn't think would go anywhere when she came of the age. Having always had to deal with being ridiculed for being blue skinned because of her mother she was quickly outcasted by the others, They were all red skinned even her father. Having had enough of it when she came to the right age she finally bid her parents goodbye and went on her way out into the world wanting to make a name for herself and maybe find some kind of adventure if she could, But for the most part she just wanted be rid of those that would look down upon her. She found her way into a forest that she had soon found was quite dangerous in itself and was captured by a tentacle beast. She was soon played with, lost her virginity in both her areas and was left off to the side after it had its way with her. She took a little time to recover and got back up to move on, there was no use dwelling on what had happened just the future was all that counted.

the scaling confuses me, I'll just explain... I want her to be raped more then being able to fight back but i want her to have a chance at fighting back sometimes. I want her to have to be against multiples sometimes but not always it can be a single target as well. (fly solo)

My Likes and interests are:
Urethral penetration (Includes Ovipositor eggs and worm like)
Nipple penetration (Includes Ovipositor eggs and worm like)
Large insertions
Can even do worms and larvae and the like into her holes.
Multiple penetrations
Increase in size to sexual organs when necessary on what is going on.
Heavy inflation (Through either cum or through something throughally wanting to fill her with eggs wherever it can)

What not to include:

Scat or Watersports
Gore in a Sexual sense (Battle gore is fine because its part of it but nothing dealing with sex side is ew)
Blood in a sexual sense don't like it.
Last edited by Wingblade on Thu Jul 11, 2013 4:28 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby [Brand_Name] » Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:01 pm

Kuragari- probably this weekend. Probably.
Wingblade- I can't see your picture, can you try something else? Anybody else having that issue? I tried opening it up in a new tab also; didn't work. Also, I haven't mentioned this because the need hasn't arisen, but I would prefer not to write a story with futa, just a personal preference. So you can either find another GM to cover your story while I get the rest (any takers? Anybody? Anybody?) or you can take that part of her out and I'll write it. Sorry, just not my thing, just like most here are not ok with, say,necrophilia.

Edit- when I say "not ok with it," i tolerate it, but I'm just not gonna write about it because it grossed me out. Get what I'm sayin? Also remember I still can't see your pic
Also, frequency of sex? And a "7-4" rape scale would be consensual most of the time a touch on the getting raped side.
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Wingblade » Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:25 pm

Well there i updated it, sadly its the reason i like to play CoC but i will not subject others to having to GM it because they dont want to i thought just because it was CoC i could enjoy having what i like. I'm sorry.

I'll only add it back if someone else wants to do it but if not i will just stick to what you prefer to have me use
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby [Brand_Name] » Thu Jul 11, 2013 3:18 am

Because I hate to limit what others are allowed to do, I'm pleading with one of y'all to step forward. Pleeeeeeeaaasseeeee
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Kuragari » Thu Jul 11, 2013 3:37 am

I could GM the thing I suppose.
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Wingblade » Thu Jul 11, 2013 4:29 am

Ok if you are sure you are willing to do so i will add what i had back in, i will not go against someones wishes if they weren't into that kind of thing was all.
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby [Brand_Name] » Thu Jul 11, 2013 5:15 am

I'm certainly ok with it, if just not like to write it.

So all you little bastards, PROVE YOURSELVES WORTHY
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Wingblade » Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:45 am

well since Kuragari is going to help out i will get to enjoy one of the sides that was going to be dropped, thank you Kura
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby [Brand_Name] » Thu Jul 11, 2013 12:45 pm

Oh I missed that. Cool. Kura- you only need to gm wingblade's portion, not thr entire thing. Pm me the intro Saturday/Sunday and I'll incorporate it into the post.
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Re: Journey into Mareth OOC

Postby Phoenixcz » Thu Jul 11, 2013 2:58 pm

Name: Ashaya "Ash"
Age: 18
Appearance: ... ozaArt.jpg

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Near Ashaya's village is ancient underground labyrinth of artificial and natural tunnels, chambers and caves. Legends says it's been either lair of powerful mage, prison for some great evil, or that it hides gate to hell. In fact, labyrinth contains portal to Mareth and some demons and monsters from there. Today, it serves as a place of final test for young warriors from whole land...they have to get in, do something inside (kill something, find certain place, get some item). If they survive and finish their quest, they are considered fully trained and prepared for world. Most can do it, but some are never heard of Ashaya's older sister, Rebecca.

When she disappeared into dungeon and haven't returned after a week, she was proclaimed dead. Ash argued that she knows her sister's alive, that she can still sense it, but her request to send a rescue party was denied. Ash decidet that she'll find and save her sister, and even though she's a mage and not a warrior, and thus considered too valuable and not allowed to enter labyrinth, she'll sneak in and find her.

Ash is sorceress talented in magic of shadows and time, rare magic in her world. She don't know any attack spells, but her magic allows her to be capable melee fighter, but no combat training means she's in trouble if she encounters something matching her inhuman speed. She's inexperienced and have no idea what to expect inside labyrinth, but she's determined to find her sister. She knows labyrinth is dangerous, but she hope her magic will help to overcome dangers, prefers evading enemies to combat
Known spells:
  • Night vision- see in complete darkness
  • Shadow fade- invisibility, can't be used in sunlight, she can't move, self only, can be still heard, smelled and touched
  • Shadow whip- whip/tentacle of solid living shadow from her hand, can be directed by her thoughts, can't be used in sunlight, may be used as a weapon or a tool, around 10 feet long
  • Solid darkness- temporary solidified shadows to hamper enemy movement or obscure their sight, protection against attack, lasts only few seconds, can't be used in sunlight
  • Shadow step- teleport, can't be used in sunlight, self only, max range around 100', can be used to slip from bonds if she teleports just herself and not any items (incl. clothes)
  • Future sight- requires long meditation, see posible futures (may be distracting in Mareth), she's vulnerable during her vision, very exhausting, can see path to make certain version of future happen, but it takes a long time
  • Combat prediction- few second future sight usable in combat, may be dangerously distracting in Mareth, see possible enemy actions, one of two reasons she have any chance in melee combat, disoriented when spell ends
  • Bend time- self only, may move and react much faster then normal human, higher speed is more exhausting, max is about 10x faster then humans, but can't be used for more then about 10 sec, usual speed is about 3x faster, can be used up to 1 hour, in both cases she's so tired she can't move and needs rest afterward, second reason she's useful in melee combat

Equipment: clothes (like picture, wihout book), sword, small pack with food, water and some small useful items

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Rape: 1-5 (may change in time)
Assailants: 1-lots
Sex frequency: 8
BDSM (bondage, light torture ok, whipping)
Group sex
Enslavement ok
Beast ok
Incest? (She's looking for her sister, sister may be enslaved/corrupted)
Exhibicionism/public sex
Anthro enemies ok("classics": driders, nagas, harpies, centaurs, minotaurs, less extreme changes on other races, kitsune with fox ears and tails are ok, biped fox not really)
Human(oid) and demonic enemies prefered

Necrophilia (not counting vampires (but there aren't any in Mareth anyway, IIRC)
Inflation/extra holes/breasts (on her)
Furry/anthro transformation (ears/tail ok, not more...demon transformation is ok)

Things with "OK" have lesser preference, things not on the lists may or may not be ok (i just haven't thought about them this time)
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