I've Been Hard at Work, But I Need Some Help

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I've Been Hard at Work, But I Need Some Help

Postby SteelSaurus » Sat Jun 29, 2013 7:47 pm

Well, I've lent my hand to try a bit of coding out to see if I can help things along. I'll have to say that I see to be doing a fair job of things. I've got all the ladies stats set up, a roulette that randomly selects two (but prevents mirror matches), a system that may (or may not) add a bonus based off of their body type depending on how skilled they are (for example Curvy girls can get a big Defense boost, Slim girls with a Speed boost, Built girls with an Attack Boost, Athletic girls with a small boost for Atk, Defense, and Speed, and Average girls can get a random boost in any stat), I've got the fight to run through end can end in a victory for either girl or a time-out.

The .swf is a little rough (it is a work in progress), but I was just tickled pink when I tested it and it worked 90% how I imagined it. Considering that I only started working on this on Thursday and that a few months ago I didn't even know how to make a working button, I'd say I'm doing pretty well for myself.

The first scene just picks a random two characters off the roster and shows you their total stats for the match, lets you run through it (with a 60 minute countdown timer), and a victory and tie screen. I managed to compress it all down into six frames in total (one black frame for storing chunks of code, one for the match intro, two for the match, and two for closing). I plan to hide bits of it later, but for now all is revealed so I can track whats happening.
The second scene pits two of the old test character against one another and has them battle it out to victory or a tie. It's obsolete now, I I'm keeping it until I can figure out the Attack Types and Energy. (I may have to do a bit of a tidy up before I can work on that though...)

There are three stages for this. At the end of stage one, I'll have a playable but somewhat boring game with little to no imagery besides buttons and backgrounds. With a little assistance (either doing or teaching), I'll be able to reach stage two, with a very good game that's interesting and engaging and particularly pleasing to the eye. Finally, there's stage three. This would make the game perfect (in my opinion anyway), with more eye catching visual effects, a bit of plot to push things along, added content and easter eggs, and customization! (Who doesn't like customization?)

1) Things (I think) I know how to do and am still working on:
- Add a variety of attack types that rely on energy to use.
- Allow user to browse each characters stats.
- Allow user to choose which two characters will fight.
- Decorations; Backgrounds, Menu, Navigation Buttons, etc.
- Add injuries that lower stats or cause extra damage over time.

2) Things I don't know how to do and would like help in either doing, or learning how to do:
- Add symbols of the characters that match the stats and names.
- Add animations for the battles that correspond with attacks.
- Add a way of keeping score of each characters wins, losses, and ties, and performance.
- Add a crowd in the background that can boost characters depending on mood.

3) Things that are definately beyond me:
- Opening animation! Cutscenes! Introductions! Rivalries!
- Championships with awards and unlockable characters (real life models and porn stars)!
- Make your own character! Skin tone, bust size, hair style, stats!

Five things to have a basic game, four more to have good game, then three more to have a great game. All I'm really looking for is some advice and instruction on how to get through with part two. If you feel you can pitch in and get hands on, please feel free.
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I'll get right on it! Eventually...
Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:49 am

Re: I've Been Hard at Work, But I Need Some Help

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:10 am

Hello there ;) as i understand you deceded to use AS2 for TFT ?

Okey then let us try to think about it step by step - becouse there are to much text now that i can not translate and understand it right :roll:

You can try to loo my fla codes on AS3 - it has idea how to work with characters and some parts of it is easy to remake to as2.

1)You can have some data base of the game - if it do not change during the full game only in battles (like low stats and etc.) you can put all stats in symbolls like i do in as3 version.
If they have to change in full game and you want to save them you can make the massive of data for example (but i little do not understand will the game reallly need so hard game play and system)

2)About symbols try to look my version. Or for example this little sample - just to understand how it all works (then you can copy all my part to as2 with just a few changes).

How to make characters to work on the attack - animation looks that way :
(By the was some samples are here on AS2 too : viewtopic.php?f=29&t=2370)

When you calculate some event or on changeing timer - i hope that you do not use really timer but use Symboll that counts - timers in flash is a bad thing :lol:
So when you need to start animation if you have the name of what animation to play for example - Girl1 have to BoobsStrike - you gust neet to _root.Girl1.gotoAndPlay(BoobsStrike) - and it is all so simple. And do not make any calculation untill the animation sends you the answer that it already played - for example it can be made like in HTWVS example (look how works trace information in it).

If you need save score only while player is in game - it is simple - if for player only simple / for each ingame character you have to use massive of data that you will save - or code it some how for example. I had some worh with it some where can look and post how to make it but i have to know what like you want to make it.

Crowed can work like girls animation and have some animation and coefficient for each girl for example - that is the same on game start of the game and then changes or some thing like that.

What version of flash do you use now ? I can not understand you in 3) a little.
Joined: Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:33 pm

Re: I've Been Hard at Work, But I Need Some Help

Postby SteelSaurus » Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:41 pm

Sorry, this is a little dated. I've been able to figure out all of Heading (1), most of Heading (2), and even a bit of Heading (3).

All that's left that's still beyond me is;
1- Adding animations that match attack types.
2- An opening animation. Like a movie trailer that shows a few things that the game does.
3- Cutscenes that will make it look like the two characters are talking to one another.
4- A make your own character option.
I'll get right on it! Eventually...
Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:49 am

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