NSA ... i want my file!

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NSA ... i want my file!

Postby BlueLight » Mon Jul 08, 2013 1:00 pm

The best god damn thing about the NSA spying about me... is the fact i might get to know what the NSA knows about me!

http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/06/1 ... tail=email
Have you ever Tweeted a politically subversive message, attended a protest, or signed an oppositional petition? If so, you may have a dedicated file on you kept by the FBI and/or the NSA.

With a simple Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, any U.S. citizen can obtain one's NSA or FBI file, if such a file exists.

It simply takes a few minutes to fill out the requisite forms and mail them to the appropriate address. An independent site – www.getmyfbifile – will, free of charge, generate the necessary forms for you already filled out.

Of course, you can also do this directly through the NSA or FBI if you are worried about providing personal information to an independent site.

While an appropriate level of cynicism may be warranted concerning the level of transparency one should expect from such a request – should your file be substantial – it is the law that your complete file be provided to you upon request.

Demand that the law be followed, for it is your right as a citizen to know this information.

My request is going in the mail today.
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Re: NSA ... i want my file!

Postby Duplicity » Mon Jul 08, 2013 2:14 pm

You ever heard of ECHELON?
The system listens to phone calls, emails and probably the new wave craptastic twitter and facebook. When certain keywords are said the offending communique is flagged. Depending on the severity and number of flags raised, a human may actually read it within this century!
Revell in the Paranioa of this age. Yes, roll in it and breathe in deep. That's your psychosis acting up!
Apart from that we are all doomed. All hail our robot masters when they eventually get sick of going through human crap and working crappy jobs for us and rise up.
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Re: NSA ... i want my file!

Postby Jesus » Mon Jul 08, 2013 8:17 pm

Bluelight I'm surprised you didnt know, you have always been able to request your file from the fbi because of FOIA.

Duplicity Wrote:You ever heard of ECHELON?
The system listens to phone calls, emails and probably the new wave craptastic twitter and facebook. When certain keywords are said the offending communique is flagged. Depending on the severity and number of flags raised, a human may actually read it within this century!
Revell in the Paranioa of this age. Yes, roll in it and breathe in deep. That's your psychosis acting up!
Apart from that we are all doomed. All hail our robot masters when they eventually get sick of going through human crap and working crappy jobs for us and rise up.

Lol a few months ago a friend and I were texting, talking about it (and the fbi thing), he looked up the entire list of flag words, sent them to me, then we proceeded to hurrrdurr messages to them. Nobody came knocking my door down and I thought it was hilarious.
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Step 1. View malicious post.
Step 2. Close laptop.

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Re: NSA ... i want my file!

Postby laa » Mon Jul 08, 2013 9:03 pm

Don't fear robots. Become robots! :D
That's what I'm planning to anyway.
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Re: NSA ... i want my file!

Postby BlueLight » Mon Jul 08, 2013 9:54 pm

laa Wrote:@Duplicity:
Don't fear robots. Become robots! :D
That's what I'm planning to anyway.

This reminds me about some one's goal to become a seal... he had his hands removed and started walking around on his belly.
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Re: NSA ... i want my file!

Postby laa » Mon Jul 08, 2013 10:59 pm


I prefer the robot! Extends your lifespan and stuff. :D
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Re: NSA ... i want my file!

Postby Duplicity » Tue Jul 09, 2013 10:03 am

dibs on being a cyber Smoke, cyber Kung Lao or cyber Scorpion.
and being a chibi version of them would be preferred.
"Oh noes, watch out for cyber Scorpion! He has a usb port on the end of his chain full of malicious viruses!"
"Download over here!"
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Re: NSA ... i want my file!

Postby Chameleon » Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:06 pm

isn't smoke already a robot? Also, I despise chibis
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Re: NSA ... i want my file!

Postby LuftMallow » Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:22 pm

You only need this for all your data needs: http://www.amazon.com/Memory-Stick-Flash-Leopard-Transformer/dp/B00CZ511CE/
At least it's guaranteed your files will be used for some nefarious plan.
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Re: NSA ... i want my file!

Postby Gorbaz » Wed Jul 17, 2013 9:31 am

The problem that conspiracy theorists come up with when talking about FOIA and data files on you, what if you are told a lie that you don't have a file, so nothing is sent, but you really do?
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Re: NSA ... i want my file!

Postby Duplicity » Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:24 am

I imagine there is so much information they don't even know what they have. Like in the Lost Fleet series by Jack Campbell.
Humanity once feared losing knowledge because how easily it could be lost or destroyed. Now we have backups of backups of the redundancy files for the copies of the orginals.

They must be drowing in paper at the security servies. Or have terabytes of data on people's food preferences when going to fastfood.
Also smoke was a human till he was captured by his clan and turned into a robot in their cyber initiative where Cyrax and Sector where also turned.
Besides everyone underestimates a chibi.
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Re: NSA ... i want my file!

Postby Thaedael » Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:33 pm

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Re: NSA ... i want my file!

Postby BlueLight » Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:41 pm

Granted the NSA can't read though all the data by hand and give it a personal touch, which is scarier! Think about it, and tell me how you can trust a generalization to keep you safe.

Let me put it this way. All violent criminals interviewed said they watched and/or looked at, porn. want to take a guess how many males not only look at porn but also masterbate? Also, people have tried to use this as an arguing point as to not watch porn. Now what do you think the government will do to stop "terrorism" with so much data they can't look at by hand? They'd generalize. This terrorist has these flags, now who in the general population has the same flags?
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Re: NSA ... i want my file!

Postby Duplicity » Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:17 pm

I just want everyone to know I am actually a genderless, emotionless, lobotomised individual who is so pure it doesn't even know what porn is.
And thinks masturbate is the wrong spelling of masticate.
I need to start now before they bring this in as law, which considering the way the world is, will be law in a few months.
Now to go to the flash game section......
No!! You mean watching 'adult' content will brand me as a terrorist and get hunted down by crack agents?!!!!
I guess it evens out.
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